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// Magicbane Emulator Project © 2013 - 2022
package engine.objects;
import engine.Enum;
import engine.Enum.ModType;
import engine.Enum.SourceType;
import engine.gameManager.ChatManager;
import engine.gameManager.DbManager;
import engine.powers.EffectsBase;
import engine.server.MBServerStatics;
import org.pmw.tinylog.Logger;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
public class Resists {
private static ConcurrentHashMap<Integer, Resists> mobResists = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(MBServerStatics.CHM_INIT_CAP, MBServerStatics.CHM_LOAD, MBServerStatics.CHM_THREAD_LOW);
private ConcurrentHashMap<SourceType, Float> resists = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(MBServerStatics.CHM_INIT_CAP, MBServerStatics.CHM_LOAD, MBServerStatics.CHM_THREAD_LOW);
private ConcurrentHashMap<SourceType, Boolean> immuneTo = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(MBServerStatics.CHM_INIT_CAP, MBServerStatics.CHM_LOAD, MBServerStatics.CHM_THREAD_LOW);
private SourceType protection;
private int protectionTrains = 0;
private boolean immuneToAll;
* Generic Constructor
public Resists(String type) {
switch (type) {
case "Building":
case "Mine":
public Resists(Resists r) {
for (SourceType dt : r.resists.keySet())
this.resists.put(dt, r.resists.get(dt));
for (SourceType dt : r.immuneTo.keySet())
this.immuneTo.put(dt, r.immuneTo.get(dt)); =;
this.protectionTrains = r.protectionTrains;
this.immuneToAll = r.immuneToAll;
* Generic Constructor for player
public Resists(PlayerCharacter pc) {
public Resists(Mob mob) {
* Called for mobBase when getting from the db fails
public Resists(MobBase mobBase) {
* Database Constructor
public Resists(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException {
this.immuneToAll = false;
10 months ago
this.resists.put(SourceType.SLASHING, rs.getFloat("slash"));
this.resists.put(SourceType.CRUSHING, rs.getFloat("crush"));
this.resists.put(SourceType.PIERCING, rs.getFloat("pierce"));
this.resists.put(SourceType.MAGIC, rs.getFloat("magic"));
this.resists.put(SourceType.BLEEDING, rs.getFloat("bleed"));
this.resists.put(SourceType.POISON, rs.getFloat("poison"));
this.resists.put(SourceType.MENTAL, rs.getFloat("mental"));
this.resists.put(SourceType.HOLY, rs.getFloat("holy"));
this.resists.put(SourceType.UNHOLY, rs.getFloat("unholy"));
this.resists.put(SourceType.LIGHTNING, rs.getFloat("lightning"));
this.resists.put(SourceType.FIRE, rs.getFloat("fire"));
this.resists.put(SourceType.COLD, rs.getFloat("cold"));
this.resists.put(SourceType.HEALING, 0f);
//Handle Fortitudes
private static float handleFortitude(AbstractCharacter target, SourceType type, float damage) {
if (target == null || !(target.getObjectType().equals(Enum.GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter)))
return damage;
PlayerBonuses bonus = target.getBonuses();
//see if there is a fortitude
10 months ago
float damageCap = bonus.getFloatPercentAll(ModType.DamageCap, SourceType.NONE);
if (damageCap == 0f || type == SourceType.HEALING)
return damage;
//is fortitude, Are we under the cap?
float maxHealth = target.getHealthMax();
float capFire = maxHealth * (damageCap);
if (damage < capFire)
return damage;
//let's see if valid damagetype to apply it
boolean exclusive;
HashSet<SourceType> forts = bonus.getList(ModType.IgnoreDamageCap);
if (forts == null) {
exclusive = true;
forts = bonus.getList(ModType.ExclusiveDamageCap);
} else
exclusive = false;
if (forts == null || !isValidDamageCapType(forts, type, exclusive))
return damage;
10 months ago
float adjustedDamage = bonus.getFloatPercentAll(ModType.AdjustAboveDmgCap, SourceType.NONE);
//Adjust damage down and return new amount
float aadc = 1 + adjustedDamage;
return capFire * aadc;
//Test if Damagetype is valid for foritude
private static boolean isValidDamageCapType(HashSet<SourceType> forts, SourceType damageType, boolean exclusive) {
for (SourceType fort : forts) {
10 months ago
SourceType dt = SourceType.valueOf(;
10 months ago
if (dt == SourceType.NONE)
if (dt == damageType) {
return exclusive;
return !exclusive;
* Calculate Current Resists for Player
public static void calculateResists(AbstractCharacter ac) {
if (ac.getResists() != null)
ac.getResists().calculateResists(ac, true);
Logger.error("Unable to find resists for character " + ac.getObjectUUID());
private static float[] getArmorResists(Item armor, float[] phys) {
if (armor == null)
return phys;
if (armor.template.item_type.equals(Enum.ItemType.ARMOR)) {
phys[0] += armor.template.combat_attack_resist.get("SLASHING");
phys[1] += armor.template.combat_attack_resist.get("CRUSHING");
phys[2] += armor.template.combat_attack_resist.get("PIERCING");
return phys;
* Get mob resists from db if there, otherwise set defaults
public static Resists getResists(int resistID) {
//check cache first
if (mobResists.containsKey(resistID))
return new Resists(mobResists.get(resistID));
//get from database
Resists resists = DbManager.ResistQueries.GET_RESISTS_FOR_MOB(resistID);
if (resists != null) {
mobResists.put(resistID, resists);
return new Resists(resists);
//failed, may want to debug this
return null;
* Create generic resists for buildings
public final void setBuildingResists() {
this.immuneToAll = false;
10 months ago
this.resists.put(SourceType.SLASHING, 85f);
this.resists.put(SourceType.CRUSHING, 85f);
this.immuneTo.put(SourceType.PIERCING, true);
this.immuneTo.put(SourceType.MAGIC, true);
this.immuneTo.put(SourceType.BLEEDING, true);
this.immuneTo.put(SourceType.POISON, true);
this.immuneTo.put(SourceType.MENTAL, true);
this.immuneTo.put(SourceType.HOLY, true);
this.immuneTo.put(SourceType.UNHOLY, true);
this.immuneTo.put(SourceType.LIGHTNING, true);
this.immuneTo.put(SourceType.FIRE, true);
this.immuneTo.put(SourceType.COLD, true);
this.resists.put(SourceType.SIEGE, 0f);
* Create generic resists for mines
public final void setMineResists() {
this.immuneToAll = false;
10 months ago
this.immuneTo.put(SourceType.SLASHING, true);
this.immuneTo.put(SourceType.CRUSHING, true);
this.immuneTo.put(SourceType.PIERCING, true);
this.immuneTo.put(SourceType.MAGIC, true);
this.immuneTo.put(SourceType.BLEEDING, true);
this.immuneTo.put(SourceType.POISON, true);
this.immuneTo.put(SourceType.MENTAL, true);
this.immuneTo.put(SourceType.HOLY, true);
this.immuneTo.put(SourceType.UNHOLY, true);
this.immuneTo.put(SourceType.LIGHTNING, true);
this.immuneTo.put(SourceType.FIRE, true);
this.immuneTo.put(SourceType.COLD, true);
this.resists.put(SourceType.SIEGE, 0f);
* Create generic resists
public final void setGenericResists() {
this.immuneToAll = false;
10 months ago
this.resists.put(SourceType.SLASHING, 0f);
this.resists.put(SourceType.CRUSHING, 0f);
this.resists.put(SourceType.PIERCING, 0f);
this.resists.put(SourceType.MAGIC, 0f);
this.resists.put(SourceType.BLEEDING, 0f);
this.resists.put(SourceType.POISON, 0f);
this.resists.put(SourceType.MENTAL, 0f);
this.resists.put(SourceType.HOLY, 0f);
this.resists.put(SourceType.UNHOLY, 0f);
this.resists.put(SourceType.LIGHTNING, 0f);
this.resists.put(SourceType.FIRE, 0f);
this.resists.put(SourceType.COLD, 0f);
this.resists.put(SourceType.HEALING, 0f);
this.immuneTo.put(SourceType.SIEGE, true);
* Get a resist
public float getResist(SourceType type, int trains) {
//get resisted amount
Float amount = 0f;
if (this.resists.containsKey(type))
amount = this.resists.get(type);
//add protection
if (trains > 0 && protection != null && type.equals( {
float prot = 50 + this.protectionTrains - trains;
amount += (prot >= 0) ? prot : 0;
if (amount == null)
return 0f;
if (amount > 75f)
return 75f;
return amount;
* get immuneTo
public boolean immuneTo(SourceType type) {
if (this.immuneTo.containsKey(type))
return this.immuneTo.get(type);
return false;
* get immuneToAll
public boolean immuneToAll() {
return this.immuneToAll;
public boolean immuneToAttacks() {
10 months ago
return immuneTo(SourceType.IMMUNETOATTACK);
* Set a resist
public void setResist(SourceType type, float value) {
this.resists.put(type, value);
* set immuneToAll
public void setImmuneToAll(boolean value) {
this.immuneToAll = value;
* set resists from mobbase
public void setMobResists(int resistID) {
//TODO add this in later
//calls `static_npc_mob_resists` table WHERE `ID`='resistID'
* get Damage after resist
* Expects heals as negative damage and damage as positive damage for fortitudes.
public float getResistedDamage(AbstractCharacter source, AbstractCharacter target, SourceType type, float damage, int trains) {
//handle fortitudes
damage = handleFortitude(target, type, damage);
//calculate armor piercing
10 months ago
float ap = source.getBonuses().getFloatPercentAll(ModType.ArmorPiercing, SourceType.NONE);
float damageAfterResists = damage * (1 - (this.getResist(type, trains) * 0.01f) + ap);
//check to see if any damage absorbers should cancel
if (target != null) {
//debug damage shields if any found
if (source.getDebug(2) && source.getObjectType().equals(Enum.GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter)) {
Effect da = target.getDamageAbsorber();
if (da != null && da.getEffectsBase() != null) {
EffectsBase eb = da.getEffectsBase();
String text = "Damage: " + damage + '\n';
text += "Damage after resists: " + damageAfterResists + '\n';
text += "Attack damage type: " + + '\n';
text += "Fortitude damage types; " + eb.getDamageTypes() + '\n';
text += "Fortitude damage before attack: " + da.getDamageAmount() + '\n';
text += "Fortitude total health: " + eb.getDamageAmount(da.getTrains()) + '\n';
text += "Fortitude trains: " + da.getTrains();
ChatManager.chatSystemInfo((PlayerCharacter) source, text);
target.cancelOnTakeDamage(type, (damageAfterResists));
return damageAfterResists;
public void calculateResists(AbstractCharacter ac, boolean val) {
// get resists for runes
PlayerBonuses rb = ac.getBonuses();
float slash = 0f, crush = 0f, pierce = 0f, magic = 0f, bleed = 0f, mental = 0f, holy = 0f, unholy = 0f, poison = 0f, lightning = 0f, fire = 0f, cold = 0f, healing = 0f;
if (rb != null) {
// Handle immunities
10 months ago
if (rb.getBool(ModType.ImmuneTo, SourceType.STUN))
this.immuneTo.put(SourceType.STUN, true);
if (rb.getBool(ModType.ImmuneTo, SourceType.BLIND))
this.immuneTo.put(SourceType.BLIND, true);
if (rb.getBool(ModType.ImmuneToAttack, SourceType.NONE))
this.immuneTo.put(SourceType.IMMUNETOATTACK, true);
if (rb.getBool(ModType.ImmuneToPowers, SourceType.NONE))
this.immuneTo.put(SourceType.IMMUNETOPOWERS, true);
if (rb.getBool(ModType.ImmuneTo, SourceType.POWERBLOCK))
this.immuneTo.put(SourceType.POWERBLOCK, true);
if (rb.getBool(ModType.ImmuneTo, SourceType.DEBUFF))
this.immuneTo.put(SourceType.DEBUFF, true);
if (rb.getBool(ModType.ImmuneTo, SourceType.FEAR))
this.immuneTo.put(SourceType.FEAR, true);
if (rb.getBool(ModType.ImmuneTo, SourceType.CHARM))
this.immuneTo.put(SourceType.CHARM, true);
if (rb.getBool(ModType.ImmuneTo, SourceType.ROOT))
this.immuneTo.put(SourceType.ROOT, true);
if (rb.getBool(ModType.ImmuneTo, SourceType.SNARE))
this.immuneTo.put(SourceType.SNARE, true);
// Handle resists
10 months ago
slash += rb.getFloat(ModType.Resistance, SourceType.SLASHING);
crush += rb.getFloat(ModType.Resistance, SourceType.CRUSHING);
pierce += rb.getFloat(ModType.Resistance, SourceType.PIERCING);
magic += rb.getFloat(ModType.Resistance, SourceType.MAGIC);
bleed += rb.getFloat(ModType.Resistance, SourceType.BLEEDING);
poison += rb.getFloat(ModType.Resistance, SourceType.POISON);
mental += rb.getFloat(ModType.Resistance, SourceType.MENTAL);
holy += rb.getFloat(ModType.Resistance, SourceType.HOLY);
unholy += rb.getFloat(ModType.Resistance, SourceType.UNHOLY);
lightning += rb.getFloat(ModType.Resistance, SourceType.LIGHTNING);
fire += rb.getFloat(ModType.Resistance, SourceType.FIRE);
cold += rb.getFloat(ModType.Resistance, SourceType.COLD);
healing += rb.getFloat(ModType.Resistance, SourceType.HEALING); //;
// get resists from equipment
if (ac.getObjectType().equals(Enum.GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter)) {
if (ac.getCharItemManager() != null && ac.getCharItemManager().getEquipped() != null) {
float[] phys = {0f, 0f, 0f};
ConcurrentHashMap<Enum.EquipSlotType, Item> equip = ac.getCharItemManager().getEquipped();
// get base physical resists
phys = Resists.getArmorResists(equip.get(Enum.EquipSlotType.HELM), phys);
phys = Resists.getArmorResists(equip.get(Enum.EquipSlotType.CHEST), phys);
phys = Resists.getArmorResists(equip.get(Enum.EquipSlotType.UPARM), phys);
phys = Resists.getArmorResists(equip.get(Enum.EquipSlotType.HANDS), phys);
phys = Resists.getArmorResists(equip.get(Enum.EquipSlotType.LEGS), phys);
phys = Resists.getArmorResists(equip.get(Enum.EquipSlotType.FEET), phys);
slash += phys[0];
crush += phys[1];
pierce += phys[2];
10 months ago
this.resists.put(SourceType.SLASHING, slash);
this.resists.put(SourceType.CRUSHING, crush);
this.resists.put(SourceType.PIERCING, pierce);
this.resists.put(SourceType.MAGIC, magic);
this.resists.put(SourceType.BLEEDING, bleed);
this.resists.put(SourceType.POISON, poison);
this.resists.put(SourceType.MENTAL, mental);
this.resists.put(SourceType.HOLY, holy);
this.resists.put(SourceType.UNHOLY, unholy);
this.resists.put(SourceType.LIGHTNING, lightning);
this.resists.put(SourceType.FIRE, fire);
this.resists.put(SourceType.COLD, cold);
this.resists.put(SourceType.HEALING, healing);
this.immuneTo.put(SourceType.SIEGE, true);
// debug printing of resists
// printResists(pc);
public void printResistsToClient(PlayerCharacter pc) {
for (SourceType dt : resists.keySet())
ChatManager.chatSystemInfo(pc, " resist." + + ": " + resists.get(dt));
for (SourceType dt : immuneTo.keySet())
ChatManager.chatSystemInfo(pc, " immuneTo." + + ": " + immuneTo.get(dt));
ChatManager.chatSystemInfo(pc, " immuneToAll: " + this.immuneToAll);
if (protection != null)
ChatManager.chatSystemInfo(pc, " Protection: " + + ", Trains: " + protectionTrains);
ChatManager.chatSystemInfo(pc, " Protection: None");
public String getResists(PlayerCharacter pc) {
String out = pc.getName();
out += "Resists: ";
Iterator<SourceType> it = this.resists.keySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
SourceType damType =;
String dtName =;
out += dtName + '=' + this.resists.get(dtName) + ", ";
out += "ImmuneTo: ";
it = this.immuneTo.keySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
SourceType damType =;
String dtName =;
out += dtName + '=' + this.resists.get(dtName) + ", ";
if (protection != null)
out += "Protection: " + + ", Trains: " + protectionTrains;
out += "Protection: none";
return out;