// • ▌ ▄ ·. ▄▄▄· ▄▄ • ▪ ▄▄· ▄▄▄▄· ▄▄▄· ▐▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ . // ·██ ▐███▪▐█ ▀█ ▐█ ▀ ▪██ ▐█ ▌▪▐█ ▀█▪▐█ ▀█ •█▌ ▐█▐▌· // ▐█ ▌▐▌▐█·▄█▀▀█ ▄█ ▀█▄▐█·██ ▄▄▐█▀▀█▄▄█▀▀█ ▐█▐ ▐▌▐▀▀▀ // ██ ██▌▐█▌▐█ ▪▐▌▐█▄▪▐█▐█▌▐███▌██▄▪▐█▐█ ▪▐▌██▐ █▌▐█▄▄▌ // ▀▀ █▪▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ·▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀·▀▀▀ ·▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀ █▪ ▀▀▀ // Magicbane Emulator Project © 2013 - 2022 // www.magicbane.com package engine.objects; import engine.Enum; import engine.Enum.*; import engine.InterestManagement.HeightMap; import engine.InterestManagement.InterestManager; import engine.InterestManagement.RealmMap; import engine.InterestManagement.WorldGrid; import engine.db.archive.CharacterRecord; import engine.db.archive.DataWarehouse; import engine.db.archive.PvpRecord; import engine.exception.MsgSendException; import engine.exception.SerializationException; import engine.gameManager.*; import engine.job.JobContainer; import engine.job.JobScheduler; import engine.jobs.DeferredPowerJob; import engine.jobs.FinishSpireEffectJob; import engine.jobs.NoTimeJob; import engine.math.Bounds; import engine.math.FastMath; import engine.math.Vector3fImmutable; import engine.net.ByteBufferWriter; import engine.net.Dispatch; import engine.net.DispatchMessage; import engine.net.client.ClientConnection; import engine.net.client.msg.*; import engine.net.client.msg.login.CommitNewCharacterMsg; import engine.powers.EffectsBase; import engine.server.MBServerStatics; import engine.server.login.LoginServer; import engine.server.login.LoginServerMsgHandler; import engine.server.world.WorldServer; import engine.util.MiscUtils; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.pmw.tinylog.Logger; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock; public class PlayerCharacter extends AbstractCharacter { //This object is to be used as the lock in a synchronized statement //any time the name of a PlayerCharacter needs to be set or //changed. It ensures the uniqueness check and subsequent //database update can happen exclusively. private static final Object FirstNameLock = new Object(); public final ReadWriteLock respawnLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(true); public final ArrayList necroPets = new ArrayList<>(); private final Account account; private final Race race; private final byte skinColor; private final byte hairColor; private final byte beardColor; private final byte hairStyle; private final byte beardStyle; //All Guild information should be held here private final AtomicInteger guildStatus; private final AtomicInteger strMod = new AtomicInteger(); // Stat Modifiers private final AtomicInteger dexMod = new AtomicInteger(); private final AtomicInteger conMod = new AtomicInteger(); private final AtomicInteger intMod = new AtomicInteger(); private final AtomicInteger spiMod = new AtomicInteger(); private final ReadWriteLock teleportLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(true); private final HashMap summoners = new HashMap<>(); private final HashSet loadedObjects = new HashSet<>(); private final ConcurrentHashMap> chatChanFloodList = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(MBServerStatics.CHM_INIT_CAP, MBServerStatics.CHM_LOAD, MBServerStatics.CHM_THREAD_LOW); private final ConcurrentHashMap killMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(MBServerStatics.CHM_INIT_CAP, MBServerStatics.CHM_LOAD, MBServerStatics.CHM_THREAD_LOW); private final AtomicInteger trainsAvailable = new AtomicInteger(0); // num skill trains not used public boolean notDeleted; // <-Use this for deleting character // =========================================== // Variables NOT to put into the database!!!! (session only) // =========================================== public short statStrMax; // Max Base Stats public short statDexMax; public short statConMax; public short statIntMax; public short statSpiMax; public short statStrMin; // Min Base Stats public short statDexMin; public short statConMin; public short statIntMin; public short statSpiMin; // Current Stats before Equip and Effect // Modifiers public short statStrBase; public short statDexBase; public short statConBase; public short statIntBase; public short statSpiBase; public short trainedStatPoints = 0; public boolean isCSR = false; //TODO Public fields break OO!!! public boolean newChar; public LinkedList pvpKills; public LinkedList pvpDeaths; public int lastBuildingAccessed = 0; public boolean RUN_MAGICTREK = true; public float centerHeight = 0; public float landingAltitude = 0; public int bindBuilding = 0; public FriendStatus friendStatus = FriendStatus.Available; protected ArrayList runes; private BaseClass baseClass; private PromotionClass promotionClass; private long channelMute = 0; // none muted. private ConcurrentHashMap ignoredPlayerIDs = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(MBServerStatics.CHM_INIT_CAP, MBServerStatics.CHM_LOAD, MBServerStatics.CHM_THREAD_LOW); private boolean lfGroup = false; private boolean lfGuild = false; private boolean recruiting = false; private MovementState movementState = MovementState.IDLE; private MovementState lastMovementState = MovementState.IDLE; private int overFlowEXP = 0; private int lastGuildToInvite; private int lastGroupToInvite; private boolean follow = false; private HashSet loadedStaticObjects = new HashSet<>(); private Vector3fImmutable lastStaticLoc = new Vector3fImmutable(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); private GameObjectType lastTargetType; private int lastTargetID; private int hidden = 0; // current rank of hide/sneak/invis private int seeInvis = 0; // current rank of see invis private float speedMod; private boolean teleportMode = false; // Teleport on MoveToPoint private float dexPenalty; private long lastPlayerAttackTime = 0; private long lastUpdateTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); private long lastStamUpdateTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); private boolean safeZone = false; private int bindBuildingID; /* DataWarehouse based kill/death tracking. These sets contain the last 10 UUID's */ private boolean noTeleScreen = false; private int lastRealmID = -2; private int subRaceID = 0; private boolean hasAnniversery = false; private DeferredPowerJob weaponPower; private NPC lastNPCDialog; private Mob pet; //Used for skill/Power calculation optimization private CharacterTitle title = CharacterTitle.NONE; private boolean asciiLastName = true; private int spamCount = 0; private boolean initialized = false; private boolean enteredWorld = false; private boolean canBreathe = true; private String hash; private ArrayList guildHistory = new ArrayList<>(); private boolean wasTripped75 = false; private boolean wasTripped50 = false; private boolean wasTripped25 = false; private float characterHeight = 0; private boolean lastSwimming = false; private boolean isTeleporting = false; private boolean dirtyLoad = true; private final ReadWriteLock dirtyLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(true); public float ZergMultiplier = 1.0f; public boolean isBoxed = false; /** * No Id Constructor */ public PlayerCharacter(String firstName, String lastName, short strMod, short dexMod, short conMod, short intMod, short spiMod, Guild guild, byte runningTrains, Account account, Race race, BaseClass baseClass, byte skinColor, byte hairColor, byte beardColor, byte hairStyle, byte beardStyle) { super(firstName, lastName, (short) 1, (short) 1, (short) 1, (short) 1, (short) 1, (short) 1, 0, Vector3fImmutable.ZERO, Vector3fImmutable.ZERO, guild, runningTrains); this.runes = new ArrayList<>(); this.account = account; this.notDeleted = true; this.race = race; this.baseClass = baseClass; this.skinColor = skinColor; this.hairColor = hairColor; this.beardColor = beardColor; this.hairStyle = hairStyle; this.beardStyle = beardStyle; this.lfGroup = false; this.lfGuild = false; this.strMod.set(strMod); this.dexMod.set(dexMod); this.conMod.set(conMod); this.intMod.set(intMod); this.spiMod.set(spiMod); this.guildStatus = new AtomicInteger(0); this.bindBuildingID = -1; } /** * ResultSet Constructor */ public PlayerCharacter(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { super(rs, true); this.runes = DbManager.CharacterRuneQueries.GET_RUNES_FOR_CHARACTER(this.getObjectUUID()); int accountID = rs.getInt("parent"); this.account = DbManager.AccountQueries.GET_ACCOUNT(accountID); this.gridObjectType = GridObjectType.DYNAMIC; this.notDeleted = rs.getBoolean("char_isActive"); int raceID = rs.getInt("char_raceID"); this.race = Race.getRace(raceID); int baseClassID = rs.getInt("char_baseClassID"); this.baseClass = DbManager.BaseClassQueries.GET_BASE_CLASS(baseClassID); int promotionClassID = rs.getInt("char_promotionClassID"); this.promotionClass = DbManager.PromotionQueries.GET_PROMOTION_CLASS(promotionClassID); this.skinColor = rs.getByte("char_skinColor"); this.hairColor = rs.getByte("char_hairColor"); this.beardColor = rs.getByte("char_beardColor"); this.hairStyle = rs.getByte("char_hairStyle"); this.beardStyle = rs.getByte("char_beardStyle"); this.lfGroup = false; this.lfGuild = false; //TODO Unify game object with database after DB overhaul this.guildStatus = new AtomicInteger(0); Guild guild = Guild.getGuild(this.getGuildUUID()); if (guild != null && guild.isGuildLeader(this.getObjectUUID())) this.setGuildLeader(true); else this.setGuildLeader(false); this.hasAnniversery = rs.getBoolean("anniversery"); this.setInnerCouncil(rs.getBoolean("guild_isInnerCouncil")); this.setFullMember(rs.getBoolean("guild_isFullMember")); this.setTaxCollector(rs.getBoolean("guild_isTaxCollector")); this.setRecruiter(rs.getBoolean("guild_isRecruiter")); this.setGuildTitle(rs.getInt("guild_title")); if (this.account != null) this.ignoredPlayerIDs = DbManager.PlayerCharacterQueries.GET_IGNORE_LIST(this.account.getObjectUUID(), false); this.strMod.set(rs.getShort("char_strMod")); this.dexMod.set(rs.getShort("char_dexMod")); this.conMod.set(rs.getShort("char_conMod")); this.intMod.set(rs.getShort("char_intMod")); this.spiMod.set(rs.getShort("char_spiMod")); this.bindBuildingID = rs.getInt("char_bindBuilding"); this.hash = rs.getString("hash"); // For debugging skills // CharacterSkill.printSkills(this); } public static Building getUpdatedBindBuilding(PlayerCharacter player) { Building returnBuilding = null; //update bindBuilding based on Guild or nation TOL; if (player.getBindBuildingID() == 0) { returnBuilding = PlayerCharacter.getBindBuildingForGuild(player); if (returnBuilding != null) player.setBindBuildingID(returnBuilding.getObjectUUID()); return returnBuilding; } returnBuilding = BuildingManager.getBuildingFromCache(player.getBindBuildingID()); if (returnBuilding == null) { returnBuilding = PlayerCharacter.getBindBuildingForGuild(player); if (returnBuilding != null) player.setBindBuildingID(returnBuilding.getObjectUUID()); } return returnBuilding; } public static Building getBindBuildingForGuild(PlayerCharacter player) { Building returnBuilding; if (player.getGuild() == null || player.getGuild().isEmptyGuild()) return null; if (player.getGuild().getOwnedCity() == null) { if (player.getGuild().getNation().getOwnedCity() == null) return null; if (player.getGuild().getNation().getOwnedCity().getTOL() == null) return null; returnBuilding = player.getGuild().getNation().getOwnedCity().getTOL(); player.setBindBuildingID(returnBuilding.getObjectUUID()); return returnBuilding; } if (player.getGuild().getOwnedCity().getTOL() == null) return null; returnBuilding = player.getGuild().getOwnedCity().getTOL(); return returnBuilding; } public static void __serializeForClientMsg(PlayerCharacter playerCharacter, ByteBufferWriter writer) throws SerializationException { serializeForClientCommon(playerCharacter, writer, true, false, false, false); } public static void serializeForClientMsgLogin(PlayerCharacter playerCharacter, ByteBufferWriter writer) throws SerializationException { serializeForClientCommon(playerCharacter, writer, true, false, false, false); } public static void serializeForClientMsgCommit(PlayerCharacter playerCharacter, ByteBufferWriter writer) throws SerializationException { serializeForClientCommon(playerCharacter, writer, true, true, false, false); } public static void serializeForClientMsgFull(PlayerCharacter playerCharacter, ByteBufferWriter writer) throws SerializationException { serializeForClientCommon(playerCharacter, writer, false, false, false, false); } public static void serializeForClientMsgOtherPlayer(PlayerCharacter playerCharacter, ByteBufferWriter writer) throws SerializationException { serializeForClientCommon(playerCharacter, writer, false, false, true, false); } public static void serializePlayerForClientMsgOtherPlayer(PlayerCharacter playerCharacter, ByteBufferWriter writer, boolean hideAsciiLastName) throws SerializationException { serializeForClientCommon(playerCharacter, writer, false, false, true, hideAsciiLastName); } // TODO what is a Fresh Char? private static void serializeForClientCommon(PlayerCharacter playerCharacter, ByteBufferWriter writer, boolean loginData, boolean freshChar, boolean otherPlayer, boolean hideAsciiLastName) throws SerializationException { /* * RUNES */ // Handle Applied Runes writer.putInt(0); // Pad writer.putInt(0); // Pad // Put number of runes //We need to send all runes to everyone, otherwise playerCharacter will cause major issues if (playerCharacter.promotionClass != null) writer.putInt(playerCharacter.runes.size() + 3); else writer.putInt(playerCharacter.runes.size() + 2); // Cant forget that Race and baseClass are technically Runes :0 if (playerCharacter.subRaceID != 0) { writer.putInt(1); // For Race writer.putInt(0); // Pad writer.putInt(playerCharacter.subRaceID); writer.putInt(Enum.GameObjectType.Race.ordinal()); writer.putInt(playerCharacter.subRaceID); } else playerCharacter.race.serializeForClientMsg(writer); if (playerCharacter.promotionClass != null) { BaseClass.serializeForClientMsg(playerCharacter.baseClass, writer, 2); PromotionClass.serializeForClientMsg(playerCharacter.promotionClass, writer); } else BaseClass.serializeForClientMsg(playerCharacter.baseClass, writer, 3); // Put runes. for (CharacterRune rb : playerCharacter.runes) { CharacterRune.serializeForClientMsg(rb, writer); } /* * STATS */ // Number of Stats to follow writer.putInt(5); writer.putInt(MBServerStatics.STAT_STR_ID); // Strength ID writer.putInt(freshChar ? 0 : playerCharacter.getStrMod()); writer.putInt(MBServerStatics.STAT_SPI_ID); // Spirit ID writer.putInt(freshChar ? 0 : playerCharacter.getSpiMod()); writer.putInt(MBServerStatics.STAT_CON_ID); // Constitution ID writer.putInt(freshChar ? 0 : playerCharacter.getConMod()); writer.putInt(MBServerStatics.STAT_DEX_ID); // Dexterity ID writer.putInt(freshChar ? 0 : playerCharacter.getDexMod()); writer.putInt(MBServerStatics.STAT_INT_ID); // Intelligence ID writer.putInt(freshChar ? 0 : playerCharacter.getIntMod()); // Handle Info playerCharacter.title._serializeFirstName(writer, playerCharacter.firstName); playerCharacter.title._serializeLastName(writer, playerCharacter.lastName, hideAsciiLastName, playerCharacter.asciiLastName); // Unknown writer.putInt(0); writer.putString(ConfigManager.MB_WORLD_NAME.getValue()); writer.putInt(WorldServer.worldMapID); writer.put((byte) 1); // End Datablock byte writer.putInt(0); // Unsure, Pad? writer.putInt(playerCharacter.getObjectType().ordinal()); writer.putInt(playerCharacter.getObjectUUID()); // Perhaps playerCharacter is loc and the next 3 are Facing dir? writer.putFloat(1); // Unknown writer.putFloat(playerCharacter.race.getRaceType().getScaleHeight()); // Unknown writer.putFloat(1); // Unknown writer.putVector3f(playerCharacter.getLoc()); writer.putFloat(playerCharacter.faceDir.getRotation()); // Rotation, direction // facing // Running trains. if (otherPlayer) { CharacterSkill runSkill = playerCharacter.skills.get("Running"); if (runSkill == null) // Logger.log.log( // LogEventType.WARNING, // "Failed to find the 'Running Skill' when serializing PlayerCharacter '" // + playerCharacter.getCombinedName() + "'"); // TODO put int=0 for now. writer.putInt(0); else writer.putInt(runSkill.getNumTrains()); } else writer.putInt(0); ArrayList equipped = playerCharacter.charItemManager.getEquippedList(); writer.putInt(equipped.size()); for (Item item : equipped) { Item._serializeForClientMsg(item, writer); } writer.putInt(playerCharacter.getRank()); writer.putInt(playerCharacter.getLevel()); if (loginData) writer.putInt(5); else writer.putInt(playerCharacter.getIsSittingAsInt()); // 5 writer.putInt(playerCharacter.getIsWalkingAsInt()); // 1 writer.putInt(playerCharacter.getIsCombatAsInt()); // 1 writer.putInt(playerCharacter.getIsFlightAsInt()); // 2 or 3 writer.putInt(playerCharacter.getIsLfGroupAsInt()); // 1 // if (loginData) // writer.putInt(0); // else writer.putInt(playerCharacter.getHeadlightsAsInt()); if (playerCharacter.region != null && !loginData) { Building building = Regions.GetBuildingForRegion(playerCharacter.region); if (building == null) { writer.putInt(0); writer.putInt(0); } else { writer.putInt(GameObjectType.Building.ordinal()); writer.putInt(building.getObjectUUID()); } } else { writer.putInt(0); writer.putInt(0); } writer.put((byte) 0); writer.put((byte) 0); writer.put((byte) 0); writer.putInt(0); writer.put((byte) 0); writer.put((byte) 0); writer.put((byte) 0); // writer.putInt(0); // writer.putInt(0); writer.putInt(0); writer.putInt(0); writer.putInt(0); writer.putInt(0); if (!playerCharacter.isAlive() && otherPlayer) { writer.putInt(0); writer.putInt(0); } //TODO FIGURE OUT THE REAL SEARLIZATION FOR NEXT 2 SHORTS? writer.putInt(playerCharacter.skinColor); // Skin Color writer.putFloat(20); writer.put((byte) 0); //Unknown //unknown object writer.putInt(0); writer.putInt(0); //unknown type writer.putInt(0); //0x4080 should be the next short here, instead it wraps 0's down their in for loops.. seriously.. who wrote playerCharacter shit. // playerCharacter aint right! // ByteBufferUtils.putString(writer, playerCharacter.guild.getName()); // writer.putInt(playerCharacter.getGuild().getUUID()); // ByteBufferUtils.putString(writer, playerCharacter.guild.getNation().getName()); // writer.putInt(playerCharacter.getGuild().getNation().getUUID()); Guild.serializeForClientMsg(playerCharacter.getGuild(), writer, playerCharacter, false); //Send Tokens for race/class/promotion (disciplines?) if (playerCharacter.promotionClass != null) writer.putInt(3); else writer.putInt(2); writer.putInt(playerCharacter.race.getToken()); writer.putInt(playerCharacter.baseClass.getToken()); if (playerCharacter.promotionClass != null) writer.putInt(playerCharacter.promotionClass.getToken()); // writer.putInt(2); // Unknown Counter // writer.putInt(0x04C1BE88); // Unknown // writer.putInt(0x0F651512); // Unknown writer.putFloat(playerCharacter.altitude); // altitude? writer.putFloat(playerCharacter.altitude); // altitude? writer.put((byte) 0); // End Datablock byte writer.putFloat(playerCharacter.healthMax); writer.putFloat(playerCharacter.health.get()); writer.put((byte) 0); // End Datablock byte //size if (loginData) { writer.putInt(0); } else { int indexPosition = writer.position(); writer.putInt(0); //placeholder for item cnt int total = 0; // Logger.info("",""+ playerCharacter.getEffects().size()); for (Effect eff : playerCharacter.getEffects().values()) { if (eff.getPower() == null && otherPlayer) continue; if (eff.getPower() != null && eff.getPower().token == 429506619) // Oblivion's Caress continue; if (!eff.serializeForLoad(writer)) continue; ++total; } writer.putIntAt(total, indexPosition); } if (otherPlayer) { writer.put((byte) 0); // End Datablock Byte return; } //made up for sendalleffects //writer.putInt(0); // Pad //writer.put((byte) 0); // End Datablock byte writer.putInt(playerCharacter.getUnusedStatPoints()); writer.putInt(playerCharacter.getLevel()); writer.putInt(playerCharacter.getExp() + playerCharacter.overFlowEXP); writer.putFloat(playerCharacter.manaMax); writer.putFloat(playerCharacter.mana.get()); writer.putFloat(playerCharacter.staminaMax); writer.putFloat(playerCharacter.stamina.get()); writer.putInt(playerCharacter.getAtrHandOne()); writer.putInt(playerCharacter.getAtrHandTwo()); writer.putInt(playerCharacter.getDefenseRating()); if (MBServerStatics.POWERS_DEBUG) //debug mode, grant lots of trains writer.putInt(1000); else writer.putInt(playerCharacter.trainsAvailable.get()); /* * Skills */ if (loginData) writer.putInt(0); // Skip skills else { writer.putInt(playerCharacter.skills.size()); Iterator it = playerCharacter.skills.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String name = it.next(); CharacterSkill.serializeForClientMsg(playerCharacter.skills.get(name), writer); } } /* * Powers */ if (loginData) writer.putInt(0); // Skip Powers else if (MBServerStatics.POWERS_DEBUG) //debug mode, grant all powers PowersManager.testPowers(writer); else { writer.putInt(playerCharacter.powers.size()); for (CharacterPower sp : playerCharacter.powers.values()) { CharacterPower.serializeForClientMsg(sp, writer); } } /* * Inventory */ if (loginData) { writer.putInt(0); // Skip Inventory writer.putInt(playerCharacter.getInventoryCapacity()); // Inventory Capacity } else { ArrayList inv = playerCharacter.charItemManager.getInventory(true); Item.putList(writer, inv, false, playerCharacter.getObjectUUID()); writer.putInt(playerCharacter.getInventoryCapacityRemaining()); } /* * Bank */ if (loginData) { writer.putInt(0); // Skip Bank writer.putInt(AbstractCharacter.getBankCapacity()); // Bank Capacity } else { ArrayList bank = playerCharacter.charItemManager.getBank(); Item.putList(writer, bank, false, playerCharacter.getObjectUUID()); writer.putInt(playerCharacter.getBankCapacityRemaining()); } //load player friends. if (loginData) writer.putInt(0); else { HashSet friendMap = PlayerFriends.PlayerFriendsMap.get(playerCharacter.getObjectUUID()); if (friendMap == null) writer.putInt(0); else { writer.putInt(friendMap.size()); for (int friendID : friendMap) { PlayerCharacter friend = PlayerCharacter.getFromCache(friendID); //shouldn't get here, but if null serialize blank friend. if (friend == null) { writer.putInt(0); writer.putInt(0); writer.putInt(0); writer.putInt(0); writer.putInt(0); } else { writer.putInt(friend.getObjectType().ordinal()); writer.putInt(friend.getObjectUUID()); writer.putString(friend.getName()); boolean online = SessionManager.getPlayerCharacterByID(friend.getObjectUUID()) != null ? true : false; writer.putInt(online ? 0 : 1); writer.putInt(friend.friendStatus.ordinal()); } } } } writer.putInt(0); writer.putInt(0); writer.putInt(0); writer.putInt(0); writer.putInt(0); writer.putInt(0); writer.putInt(0); writer.putInt(0); writer.putInt(0); writer.putInt(0); writer.putInt(0); writer.putInt(0); writer.putInt(0); writer.putShort((short) 0); writer.put((byte) 0); // playerCharacter is for send self in enter world (full character) if (!loginData && !freshChar) { int size = playerCharacter.getRecycleTimers().size(); writer.putInt(size); if (size > 0) for (int token : playerCharacter.getRecycleTimers().keySet()) { JobContainer frtj = playerCharacter.getRecycleTimers().get(token); long timeLeft = frtj.timeOfExection() - System.currentTimeMillis(); writer.putInt(token); writer.putInt((int) timeLeft / 1000); } DateTime enterWorld = new DateTime(playerCharacter.timestamps.get("EnterWorld")); writer.putDateTime(enterWorld); writer.putInt(0x49EF1E98); //DUnno what playerCharacter is. writer.putFloat(DateTime.now().hourOfDay().get()); //daylight in float. writer.putFloat(6); //interval of light to change per game hour //float //writer.putInt(1637194901); //playerCharacter is actually an opcode taht is in recordings, no clue what it is, dumped it and it changes nothing } else { writer.put((byte) 0); //added to compensate the cooldown check. //add server up or down int serverUp = LoginServer.worldServerRunning ? 1 : 0; if (playerCharacter.account == null) serverUp = 0; if ((playerCharacter.account.status.equals(AccountStatus.ADMIN) == false) && (playerCharacter.account.status.equals(WorldServer.worldAccessLevel) == false)) serverUp = 0; writer.putInt(serverUp); writer.putInt(0); // effects, not sure used by players writer.put((byte) 0); // End Player Datablock } } public static PlayerCharacter generatePCFromCommitNewCharacterMsg(Account a, CommitNewCharacterMsg msg, ClientConnection clientConnection) { String firstName = msg.getFirstName().trim(); String lastName = msg.getLastName().trim(); if (firstName.length() < 3) { LoginServerMsgHandler.sendInvalidNameMsg(firstName, lastName, MBServerStatics.INVALIDNAME_FIRSTNAME_MUST_BE_LONGER, clientConnection); return null; } // Ensure names are below required length if (firstName.length() > 15 || lastName.length() > 15) { LoginServerMsgHandler.sendInvalidNameMsg(firstName, lastName, MBServerStatics.INVALIDNAME_FIRSTANDLAST_MUST_BE_SHORTER, clientConnection); return null; } // Check if firstname is valid if (MiscUtils.checkIfFirstNameInvalid(firstName)) { LoginServerMsgHandler.sendInvalidNameMsg(firstName, lastName, MBServerStatics.INVALIDNAME_PLEASE_CHOOSE_ANOTHER_FIRSTNAME, clientConnection); return null; } // Check if last name is valid if (MiscUtils.checkIfLastNameInvalid(lastName)) { LoginServerMsgHandler.sendInvalidNameMsg(firstName, lastName, MBServerStatics.INVALIDNAME_LASTNAME_UNAVAILABLE, clientConnection); return null; } // Verify Race int raceID = msg.getRace(); Race race = Race.getRace(raceID); if (race == null) { Logger.info("Invalid RaceID: " + raceID); return null; } // Verify BaseClass Object. int baseClassID = msg.getBaseClass(); BaseClass baseClass = DbManager.BaseClassQueries.GET_BASE_CLASS(baseClassID); if (baseClass == null) { Logger.info("Invalid BaseClasID: " + baseClassID); return null; } // Verify Race/baseClass combo. boolean valid = false; for (BaseClass bc : race.getValidBaseClasses()) { if (bc.getObjectUUID() == baseClassID) { valid = true; break; } } if (!valid) { Logger.info("Invalid BaseClass/Race Combo"); return null; } // Verify HairStyle/BeardStyle/SkinColor/HairColor/BeardColor int hairStyleID = msg.getHairStyle(); int beardStyleID = msg.getBeardStyle(); int skinColorID = msg.getSkinColor(); int hairColorID = msg.getHairColor(); int beardColorID = msg.getBeardColor(); if (!race.isValidHairStyle(hairStyleID)) { Logger.info("Invalid HairStyleID: " + hairStyleID + " for race: " + race.getName()); return null; } if (!race.isValidSkinColor(skinColorID)) { Logger.info("Invalid skinColorID: " + skinColorID + " for race: " + race.getName()); return null; } if (!race.isValidHairColor(hairColorID)) { Logger.info("Invalid hairColorID: " + hairColorID + " for race: " + race.getName()); return null; } if (!race.isValidBeardColor(beardColorID)) { Logger.info("Invalid beardColorID: " + beardColorID + " for race: " + race.getName()); return null; } // Get stat modifiers int strMod = msg.getStrengthMod(); int dexMod = msg.getDexterityMod(); int conMod = msg.getConstitutionMod(); int intMod = msg.getIntelligenceMod(); int spiMod = msg.getSpiritMod(); if (intMod < -5 || dexMod < -5 || conMod < -5 || strMod < -5 || spiMod < -5) { Logger.error("NEGATIVE STAT CHEAT ATTEMPTED! ACCOUNT: " + a.getUname() + "(" + a.getObjectUUID() + ") IP ADDRESS: " + clientConnection.getClientIpAddress()); return null; } // calculate current stats: short strCur = (short) (race.getStrStart() + baseClass.getStrMod() + strMod); short dexCur = (short) (race.getDexStart() + baseClass.getDexMod() + dexMod); short conCur = (short) (race.getConStart() + baseClass.getConMod() + conMod); short intCur = (short) (race.getIntStart() + baseClass.getIntMod() + intMod); short spiCur = (short) (race.getSpiStart() + baseClass.getSpiMod() + spiMod); // calculate max stats: short strMax = race.getStrMax(); short dexMax = race.getDexMax(); short conMax = race.getConMax(); short intMax = race.getIntMax(); short spiMax = race.getSpiMax(); // Verify not too many runes applied int numRunes = msg.getNumRunes(); if (numRunes > 16) { Logger.info("Too many Runes applied"); return null; } // Get Runes // ArrayList characterRunesUsed = new ArrayList(); // ArrayList subtypesUsed = new ArrayList(); int remainingPoints = race.getStartingPoints() - strMod - dexMod - conMod - intMod - spiMod; int[] characterRunes = msg.getRunes(); HashSet usedRunesSubType = new HashSet<>(); HashSet usedRunes = new HashSet<>(); // So that all the penalties can be added at the end. ConcurrentHashMap penalties = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(MBServerStatics.CHM_INIT_CAP, MBServerStatics.CHM_LOAD, MBServerStatics.CHM_THREAD_LOW); penalties.put("StrCur", 0); penalties.put("StrMax", 0); penalties.put("DexCur", 0); penalties.put("DexMax", 0); penalties.put("ConCur", 0); penalties.put("ConMax", 0); penalties.put("IntCur", 0); penalties.put("IntMax", 0); penalties.put("SpiCur", 0); penalties.put("SpiMax", 0); PriorityQueue> orderedRunes = new PriorityQueue<>(14, new Comparator>() { @Override public int compare(Entry o1, Entry o2) { return o1.getKey() - o2.getKey(); } }); // Figure out which Runes we are adding. for (int i : characterRunes) { // Zero skip if (i == 0) continue; // Skip the Race and BaseClass runes... already dealt with. if (i == raceID || i == baseClassID) continue; RuneBase runeBase = RuneBase.getRuneBase(i); // Null check if (runeBase == null) { Logger.info("GOM returned NULL RuneBase"); return null; } // Validate Rune against Race if (!race.isAllowedRune(runeBase)) { Logger.info("Trait Not valid for Race"); return null; } // Validate BaseClass against Race if (!baseClass.isAllowedRune(runeBase)) { Logger.info("Trait Not valid for BaseClass"); return null; } int previous_size = usedRunes.size(); int previous_subtype = usedRunesSubType.size(); usedRunes.add(runeBase); usedRunesSubType.add(runeBase.getSubtype()); // Duplicate Rune check if (usedRunes.size() <= previous_size) { Logger.info("Duplicate RuneBase"); return null; } // Duplicate Subtype check if (runeBase.getSubtype() != 0 && usedRunesSubType.size() <= previous_subtype) { Logger.info("Duplicate RuneBase Subtype"); return null; } int maxValue = 0; // Every attempt is made to load MIN_NEEDED_ATTRIBUTES first. if (runeBase.getAttrs() != null) for (RuneBaseAttribute rba : runeBase.getAttrs()) { if (rba.getAttributeID() == MBServerStatics.RUNE_STR_MIN_NEEDED_ATTRIBUTE_ID || rba.getAttributeID() == MBServerStatics.RUNE_DEX_MIN_NEEDED_ATTRIBUTE_ID || rba.getAttributeID() == MBServerStatics.RUNE_CON_MIN_NEEDED_ATTRIBUTE_ID || rba.getAttributeID() == MBServerStatics.RUNE_INT_MIN_NEEDED_ATTRIBUTE_ID || rba.getAttributeID() == MBServerStatics.RUNE_SPI_MIN_NEEDED_ATTRIBUTE_ID) { maxValue = rba.getModValue(); if (runeBase.getName().equals("Giant's Blood")) maxValue = 45; // Take care of the Giant's Blood special // case. break; } } orderedRunes.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(maxValue, runeBase)); } while (orderedRunes.size() > 0) { RuneBase rb = orderedRunes.remove().getValue(); ArrayList attrs = rb.getAttrs(); if (attrs != null) for (RuneBaseAttribute abr : attrs) { int attrID = abr.getAttributeID(); int value = abr.getModValue(); switch (attrID) { case MBServerStatics.RUNE_COST_ATTRIBUTE_ID: Logger.info("Bought " + rb.getName() + " for " + value + " points. " + (remainingPoints - value) + " left."); if ((remainingPoints - value) >= 0) { remainingPoints -= value; continue; } Logger.info("Not enough points left"); return null; case MBServerStatics.RUNE_STR_MIN_NEEDED_ATTRIBUTE_ID: if (strCur >= value) continue; Logger.info("STR fails to meet Rune Minimum --> " + rb.getName()); return null; case MBServerStatics.RUNE_DEX_MIN_NEEDED_ATTRIBUTE_ID: if (dexCur >= value) continue; Logger.info("DEX fails to meet Rune Minimum --> " + rb.getName()); return null; case MBServerStatics.RUNE_CON_MIN_NEEDED_ATTRIBUTE_ID: if (conCur >= value) continue; Logger.info("CON fails to meet Rune Minimum --> " + rb.getName()); return null; case MBServerStatics.RUNE_INT_MIN_NEEDED_ATTRIBUTE_ID: if (intCur >= value) continue; Logger.info("INT fails to meet Rune Minimum --> " + rb.getName()); return null; case MBServerStatics.RUNE_SPI_MIN_NEEDED_ATTRIBUTE_ID: if (spiCur >= value) continue; Logger.info("SPI fails to meet Rune Minimum --> " + rb.getName()); return null; case MBServerStatics.RUNE_STR_ATTRIBUTE_ID: if (value < 0) penalties.put("StrCur", (penalties.get("StrCur") + value)); else strCur += value; continue; case MBServerStatics.RUNE_DEX_ATTRIBUTE_ID: if (value < 0) penalties.put("DexCur", (penalties.get("DexCur") + value)); else dexCur += value; continue; case MBServerStatics.RUNE_CON_ATTRIBUTE_ID: if (value < 0) penalties.put("ConCur", (penalties.get("ConCur") + value)); else conCur += value; continue; case MBServerStatics.RUNE_INT_ATTRIBUTE_ID: if (value < 0) penalties.put("IntCur", (penalties.get("IntCur") + value)); else intCur += value; continue; case MBServerStatics.RUNE_SPI_ATTRIBUTE_ID: if (value < 0) penalties.put("SpiCur", (penalties.get("SpiCur") + value)); else spiCur += value; continue; case MBServerStatics.RUNE_STR_MAX_ATTRIBUTE_ID: if (value < 0) penalties.put("StrMax", (penalties.get("StrMax") + value)); else strMax += value; continue; case MBServerStatics.RUNE_DEX_MAX_ATTRIBUTE_ID: if (value < 0) penalties.put("DexMax", (penalties.get("DexMax") + value)); else dexMax += value; continue; case MBServerStatics.RUNE_CON_MAX_ATTRIBUTE_ID: if (value < 0) penalties.put("ConMax", (penalties.get("ConMax") + value)); else conMax += value; continue; case MBServerStatics.RUNE_INT_MAX_ATTRIBUTE_ID: if (value < 0) penalties.put("IntMax", (penalties.get("IntMax") + value)); else intMax += value; continue; case MBServerStatics.RUNE_SPI_MAX_ATTRIBUTE_ID: if (value < 0) penalties.put("SpiMax", (penalties.get("SpiMax") + value)); else spiMax += value; continue; default: Logger.info("Unknown ATTRIBUTE_ID while checking RuneBaseAttributes: " + attrID); return null; } } } // Add in all of the penalties. strCur += penalties.get("StrCur"); strMax += penalties.get("StrMax"); dexCur += penalties.get("DexCur"); dexMax += penalties.get("DexMax"); conCur += penalties.get("ConCur"); conMax += penalties.get("ConMax"); intCur += penalties.get("IntCur"); intMax += penalties.get("IntMax"); spiCur += penalties.get("SpiCur"); spiMax += penalties.get("SpiMax"); int kitID = msg.getKit(); // get the correctKit int raceClassID = Kit.GetKitIDByRaceClass(raceID, baseClassID); ArrayList allKits = Kit.RaceClassIDMap.get(raceClassID); Kit kit = null; for (Kit k : allKits) { if (k.getKitNumber() == kitID) { kit = k; break; } } if (kit == null) { Logger.info("Unable to find matching kitID: " + kitID); return null; } byte runningTrains = 0; PlayerCharacter playerCharacter; //Synchronized block to allow exclusive access when confirming //uniqueness of FirstName and subsequently saving the new record //to the database with that FirstName synchronized (FirstNameLock) { // Test if FirstName already exists. // This must be the very last check before calling the // DB to create the character record if (DbManager.PlayerCharacterQueries.IS_CHARACTER_NAME_UNIQUE(firstName) == false) { LoginServerMsgHandler.sendInvalidNameMsg(firstName, lastName, MBServerStatics.INVALIDNAME_FIRSTNAME_UNAVAILABLE, clientConnection); return null; } // Make PC PlayerCharacter pcWithoutID = new PlayerCharacter(firstName, lastName, (short) strMod, (short) dexMod, (short) conMod, (short) intMod, (short) spiMod, Guild.getErrantGuild(), runningTrains, a, race, baseClass, (byte) skinColorID, (byte) hairColorID, (byte) beardColorID, (byte) beardStyleID, (byte) hairStyleID); try { playerCharacter = DbManager.PlayerCharacterQueries.ADD_PLAYER_CHARACTER(pcWithoutID); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error("generatePCFromCommitNewCharacterMsg", "An error occurred while saving new PlayerCharacter to DB", e); return null; } if (playerCharacter == null) { Logger.info("GOM Failed to create PlayerCharacter"); return null; } } // END synchronized(FirstNameLock) // Add creation runes for (RuneBase rb : usedRunes) { CharacterRune runeWithoutID = new CharacterRune(rb, playerCharacter.getObjectUUID()); CharacterRune characterRune; try { characterRune = DbManager.CharacterRuneQueries.ADD_CHARACTER_RUNE(runeWithoutID); } catch (Exception e) { characterRune = null; } if (characterRune == null) { playerCharacter.deactivateCharacter(); Logger.info("GOM Failed to create CharacterRune"); return null; } playerCharacter.addRune(characterRune); } if (hairStyleID != 0) { // Create Hair Item tempHair = new Item(ItemBase.getItemBase(hairStyleID), playerCharacter.getObjectUUID(), OwnerType.PlayerCharacter, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (short) 1, (short) 1, false, false, ItemContainerType.EQUIPPED, (byte) MBServerStatics.SLOT_HAIRSTYLE, new ArrayList<>(), ""); Item hair; try { hair = DbManager.ItemQueries.ADD_ITEM(tempHair); } catch (Exception e) { hair = null; } if (hair == null) { playerCharacter.deactivateCharacter(); Logger.info("GameObjectManager failed to create Hair:" + hairStyleID + " in Slot:" + MBServerStatics.SLOT_HAIRSTYLE); return null; } } if (beardStyleID != 0) { // Create Beard Item tempBeard = new Item(ItemBase.getItemBase(beardStyleID), playerCharacter.getObjectUUID(), OwnerType.PlayerCharacter, (byte) 0, (byte) 0, (short) 1, (short) 1, false, false, ItemContainerType.EQUIPPED, (byte) MBServerStatics.SLOT_BEARDSTYLE, new ArrayList<>(), ""); Item beard; try { beard = DbManager.ItemQueries.ADD_ITEM(tempBeard); } catch (Exception e) { beard = null; } if (beard == null) { playerCharacter.deactivateCharacter(); Logger.info("GameObjectManager failed to create Beard:" + beardStyleID + " in Slot:" + MBServerStatics.SLOT_BEARDSTYLE); return null; } } // Create items from Kit and equip on character. try { kit.equipPCwithKit(playerCharacter); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.info("Unable to find KIT ID for Race: " + raceID + "||" + "Class:" + baseClassID); playerCharacter.deactivateCharacter(); return null; } // Get any new skills that belong to the player playerCharacter.calculateSkills(); a.setLastCharacter(playerCharacter.getObjectUUID()); playerCharacter.charItemManager.load(); playerCharacter.activateCharacter(); return playerCharacter; } public static boolean isIgnoreListFull() { return false; //Why were we setting a limit on ignores? - //return (ignoredPlayerIDs.size() >= MBServerStatics.IGNORE_LIST_MAX); } public static boolean isIgnorable() { return true; // // if (account == null) return false; // if (account.getAccessLevel() > 0) { // return false; // } // return true; } /** * @ Initialize player upon creation */ public static void initializePlayer(PlayerCharacter player) { if (player.initialized) return; // Logger.info("", " Initializing " + player.getCombinedName()); player.skills = DbManager.CharacterSkillQueries.GET_SKILLS_FOR_CHARACTER(player); player.powers = player.initializePowers(); if (ConfigManager.serverType.equals(ServerType.WORLDSERVER)) player.setLoc(player.bindLoc); player.endLoc = Vector3fImmutable.ZERO; //get level based on experience player.level = (short) Experience.getLevel(player.exp); player.setHealth(999999f); player.mana.set(999999f); player.stamina.set(999999f); player.bonuses = new PlayerBonuses(player); PlayerBonuses.InitializeBonuses(player); player.resists = new Resists(player); player.charItemManager.load(); if (ConfigManager.serverType.equals(ServerType.WORLDSERVER)) { //CharacterSkill.updateAllBaseAmounts(this); CharacterPower.grantTrains(player); // calculate skills. Make sure none are missing. AbstractCharacter.runBonusesOnLoad(player); PlayerCharacter.InitializeSkillsOnLoad(player); //apply all bonuses player.recalculatePlayerStats(true); player.trainsAvailable.set(CharacterSkill.getTrainsAvailable(player)); if (player.trainsAvailable.get() < 0) player.recalculateTrains(); //this.resists.calculateResists(this); player.newChar = true; //check current guild valid for player player.checkGuildStatus(); player.setHealth(player.getHealthMax()); player.mana.set(player.manaMax); player.stamina.set(player.staminaMax); } else player.setBindLoc(Vector3fImmutable.ZERO); player.initialized = true; String lastAscii = player.lastName.replaceAll("[^\\p{ASCII}]", ""); player.asciiLastName = lastAscii.equals(player.lastName); } public static void recalculatePlayerStatsOnLoad(PlayerCharacter pc) { //calculate base stats pc.calculateBaseStats(); //calculate base skills CharacterSkill.updateAllBaseAmounts(pc); pc.calculateModifiedStats(); //calculate modified skills CharacterSkill.updateAllModifiedAmounts(pc); //calculate modified stats //calculate ATR, damage and defense pc.calculateAtrDefenseDamage(); //calculate movement bonus pc.calculateSpeedMod(); // recalculate Max Health/Mana/Stamina pc.calculateMaxHealthManaStamina(); // recalculate Resists Resists.calculateResists(pc); } public static boolean hideNonAscii() { return false; } public static float getDexPenalty(Item armor) { if (armor == null) return 0f; ItemBase ab = armor.getItemBase(); if (ab == null) return 0f; return ab.getDexPenalty(); } private static float getModifiedAmount(CharacterSkill skill) { if (skill == null) return 0f; return skill.getModifiedAmount(); } public static void InitializeSkillsOnLoad(PlayerCharacter pc) { try { { //see if any new skills or powers granted CharacterSkill.calculateSkills(pc); // calculate granted Trains in powers. CharacterPower.grantTrains(pc); //see if any new powers unlocked from previous check CharacterPower.calculatePowers(pc); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(e.getMessage()); } } public static String getFirstName(int tableId) { PlayerCharacter player; if (tableId == 0) return ""; player = (PlayerCharacter) DbManager.getObject(GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter, tableId); return player.getFirstName(); } public static PlayerCharacter getFromCache(int id) { return (PlayerCharacter) DbManager.getFromCache(GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter, id); } public static PlayerCharacter getByFirstName(String name) { PlayerCharacter returnPlayer = null; for (AbstractGameObject ago : DbManager.getList(GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter)) { PlayerCharacter cachePlayer = (PlayerCharacter) ago; if (!name.equalsIgnoreCase(cachePlayer.getFirstName())) continue; if (cachePlayer.isDeleted()) continue; returnPlayer = cachePlayer; break; } return returnPlayer; } public static PlayerCharacter getPlayerCharacter(int uuid) { PlayerCharacter outPlayer; outPlayer = DbManager.PlayerCharacterQueries.GET_PLAYER_CHARACTER(uuid); if (outPlayer != null) return outPlayer; return (PlayerCharacter) DbManager.getFromCache(GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter, uuid); } public static int GetPlayerRealmTitle(PlayerCharacter player) { if (player.getGuild().isEmptyGuild()) return 0; if (!player.getGuild().isGuildLeader(player.getObjectUUID())) return 0; if (player.getGuild().getOwnedCity() == null) return 10; if (player.getGuild().getOwnedCity().getRealm() == null) return 10; if (player.getGuild().getOwnedCity().getRealm().getRulingCity() == null) return 10; if (player.getGuild().getOwnedCity().getRealm().getRulingCity().getObjectUUID() != player.getGuild().getOwnedCity().getObjectUUID()) return 10; int realmTitle = 1; if (player.getGuild().getSubGuildList() == null || player.getGuild().getSubGuildList().isEmpty()) return 11; for (Guild subGuild : player.getGuild().getSubGuildList()) { if (subGuild.getOwnedCity() == null) continue; if (subGuild.getOwnedCity().getRealm() == null) continue; if (subGuild.getOwnedCity().getRealm().getRulingCity() == null) continue; if (subGuild.getOwnedCity().getRealm().getRulingCity().getObjectUUID() != subGuild.getOwnedCity().getObjectUUID()) continue; realmTitle++; } if (realmTitle < 3) return 11; else if (realmTitle < 5) return 12; else return 13; } public static void UpdateClientPlayerRank(PlayerCharacter pc) { if (pc == null) return; boolean disable = true; if (disable) return; UpdateCharOrMobMessage ucm = new UpdateCharOrMobMessage(pc, 2, pc.getRank()); DispatchMessage.sendToAllInRange(pc, ucm); } public static void GroundPlayer(PlayerCharacter groundee) { if (groundee.getDesiredAltitude() == 0 && groundee.getAltitude() == 0) return; groundee.setAltitude(groundee.getAltitude()); groundee.setDesiredAltitude(0); groundee.setTakeOffTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); ChangeAltitudeMsg msg = ChangeAltitudeMsg.GroundPlayerMsg(groundee); // force a landing DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgToInterestArea(groundee, msg, DispatchChannel.PRIMARY, MBServerStatics.CHARACTER_LOAD_RANGE, true, false); } public static boolean CanBreathe(PlayerCharacter breather) { try { if (breather.isFlying()) return true; Zone zone = ZoneManager.findSmallestZone(breather.getLoc()); if (zone.getSeaLevel() != 0) { float localAltitude = breather.getLoc().y; if (localAltitude + breather.characterHeight < zone.getSeaLevel() - 2) return false; if (breather.isMoving()) { if (localAltitude + breather.characterHeight < zone.getSeaLevel()) return false; } } else { if (breather.getLoc().y + breather.characterHeight < -2) return false; if (breather.isMoving()) { if (breather.getLoc().y + breather.characterHeight < 0) return false; } } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.info(breather.getName() + e); } return true; } public static boolean enterWater(PlayerCharacter enterer) { try { if (enterer.isFlying()) return false; Zone zone = ZoneManager.findSmallestZone(enterer.getLoc()); if (zone.getSeaLevel() != 0) { float localAltitude = enterer.getLoc().y + enterer.characterHeight; if (localAltitude < zone.getSeaLevel()) return true; } else { if (enterer.getLoc().y + enterer.characterHeight < 0) return true; } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.info(enterer.getName() + e); } return false; } public static boolean LeaveWater(PlayerCharacter leaver) { try { Zone zone = ZoneManager.findSmallestZone(leaver.getLoc()); float leaveWater = leaver.centerHeight; if (leaver.isMoving()) leaveWater = 1f; if (zone.getSeaLevel() != 0) { float localAltitude = leaver.getLoc().y; if (localAltitude + leaveWater < zone.getSeaLevel()) return false; } else { if (leaver.getLoc().y + leaveWater < 0) return false; } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.info(leaver.getName() + e); } return true; } public static boolean CanBindToBuilding(PlayerCharacter player, int buildingID) { if (buildingID == 0) return false; Building bindBuilding = BuildingManager.getBuildingFromCache(buildingID); if (bindBuilding == null) return false; if (!BuildingManager.playerCanManage(player, bindBuilding)) return false; return true; } public void setGuildTitle(int value) { if (GuildStatusController.getTitle(this.guildStatus) == value) return; DbManager.PlayerCharacterQueries.SET_GUILD_TITLE(this, value); GuildStatusController.setTitle(guildStatus, value); } public void setFullMember(boolean value) { if (GuildStatusController.isFullMember(this.guildStatus) == value) return; DbManager.PlayerCharacterQueries.SET_FULL_MEMBER(this, value); GuildStatusController.setFullMember(guildStatus, value); } public void setRecruiter(boolean value) { if (GuildStatusController.isRecruiter(this.guildStatus) == value) return; DbManager.PlayerCharacterQueries.SET_RECRUITER(this, value); GuildStatusController.setRecruiter(guildStatus, value); } public void setTaxCollector(boolean value) { if (GuildStatusController.isTaxCollector(this.guildStatus) == value) return; DbManager.PlayerCharacterQueries.SET_TAX_COLLECTOR(this, value); GuildStatusController.setTaxCollector(guildStatus, value); } public void setInnerCouncil(boolean value) { // dont update if its the same. if (GuildStatusController.isInnerCouncil(this.guildStatus) == value) return; DbManager.PlayerCharacterQueries.SET_INNERCOUNCIL(this, value); GuildStatusController.setInnerCouncil(guildStatus, value); } public void setGuildLeader(boolean value) { if (GuildStatusController.isGuildLeader(this.guildStatus) == value) return; GuildStatusController.setGuildLeader(guildStatus, value); if (value == true) { this.setInnerCouncil(true); this.setFullMember(true); } } //END -> Guild Status Interface public void resetGuildStatuses() { this.setInnerCouncil(false); this.setFullMember(false); this.setGuildTitle(0); this.setTaxCollector(false); this.setRecruiter(false); this.setGuildLeader(false); } /* * Getters */ public byte getHairStyle() { return hairStyle; } public byte getBeardStyle() { return beardStyle; } public DeferredPowerJob getWeaponPower() { return this.weaponPower; } public void setWeaponPower(DeferredPowerJob value) { this.weaponPower = value; } public void setSafeZone(boolean value) { this.safeZone = value; } public boolean inSafeZone() { return this.safeZone; } public boolean isInSafeZone() { Zone zone = ZoneManager.findSmallestZone(this.getLoc()); if (zone != null) { return zone.getSafeZone() == (byte) 1; } return false; //return this.safeZone; } /** * @return the account */ public Account getAccount() { return account; } public void deactivateCharacter() { this.notDeleted = false; DbManager.PlayerCharacterQueries.SET_DELETED(this); DbManager.removeFromCache(this); } public void activateCharacter() { this.notDeleted = true; DbManager.PlayerCharacterQueries.SET_DELETED(this); } public boolean isDeleted() { return !this.notDeleted; } public ArrayList getRunes() { return this.runes; } public CharacterRune getRune(int runeID) { if (this.runes == null) return null; for (CharacterRune cr : this.runes) { if (cr.getRuneBase() != null && cr.getRuneBase().getObjectUUID() == runeID) return cr; } return null; } public boolean addRune(CharacterRune value) { if (this.runes.size() > 12) // Max Runes return false; if (this.runes.indexOf(value) != -1) // Already contains rune return false; this.runes.add(value); return true; } public boolean removeRune(CharacterRune value) { int index = this.runes.indexOf(value); if (index == -1) return false; this.runes.remove(index); return true; } public CharacterRune removeRune(int runeID) { Iterator it = this.runes.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { CharacterRune cr = it.next(); if (cr != null) { RuneBase rb = cr.getRuneBase(); if (rb != null) if (runeID == rb.getObjectUUID()) { it.remove(); DbManager.CharacterRuneQueries.DELETE_CHARACTER_RUNE(cr); return cr; } } } return null; } /** * @ Kill this Character */ @Override public void killCharacter(AbstractCharacter attacker) { killCleanup(); // *** Mobs have a separate combat path? Crazy shit! // *** Mobs don't get Experience for killing players. everything else is done in killCleanup(); if (attacker.getObjectType().equals(GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter) == false) { Zone zone = ZoneManager.findSmallestZone(this.getLoc()); //DeathShroud if (zone.getSafeZone() == 0) PowersManager.applyPower(this, this, Vector3fImmutable.ZERO, 1672601862, 40, false); //enable this to give players deathshroud if mobs kill player. // Zone zone = ZoneManager.findSmallestZone(this.getLoc()); // if (zone.getSafeZone() == 0) // PowersManager.applyPower(this, this, Vector3fImmutable.ZERO, 1672601862, 40, false); return; } // Death to other player. // TODO Send PvP and guild/nation message PlayerCharacter att = (PlayerCharacter) attacker; String message = this.getFirstName(); if (this.guild != null && (!(this.guild.getName().equals("Errant")))) message += " of " + this.guild.getName(); message += " was killed by " + att.getFirstName(); if (att.guild != null && (!(att.guild.getName().equals("Errant")))) message += " of " + att.guild.getName(); message += "!"; //see if we shold grant xp to attacker boolean doPVPEXP = false; long lastKill = att.getLastKillOfTarget(this.getObjectUUID()); if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - lastKill) > MBServerStatics.PLAYER_KILL_XP_TIMER) if (attacker.getLevel() > 39 && this.getLevel() > 39) { Guild aN = null; Guild tN = null; if (attacker.getGuild() != null) aN = attacker.getGuild().getNation(); if (this.getGuild() != null) tN = this.getGuild().getNation(); if (aN == null || tN == null || aN.isEmptyGuild() || Guild.sameGuild(aN, tN) || this.isDeathShroud()) { //skip giving xp if same guild or attacker is errant, or target is in death shroud. } else { doPVPEXP = true; } } //apply death shroud to non safeholds. Zone zone = ZoneManager.findSmallestZone(this.getLoc()); //DeathShroud if (zone.getSafeZone() == 0) PowersManager.applyPower(this, this, Vector3fImmutable.ZERO, 1672601862, 40, false); if (doPVPEXP) { Group g = GroupManager.getGroup((PlayerCharacter) attacker); Experience.doExperience((PlayerCharacter) attacker, this, g); } ChatManager.chatPVP(message); /* Update kill / death tracking lists Each character on list is unique. Only once! */ PlayerCharacter aggressorCharacter = (PlayerCharacter) attacker; boolean containsVictim = true; boolean containsAttacker = true; containsVictim = aggressorCharacter.pvpKills.contains(this.getObjectUUID()); containsAttacker = aggressorCharacter.pvpKills.contains(this.getObjectUUID()); // Rorate attacker's kill list if ((aggressorCharacter.pvpKills.size() == 10) && containsVictim == false) aggressorCharacter.pvpKills.removeLast(); if (containsVictim == false) aggressorCharacter.pvpKills.addFirst(this.getObjectUUID()); // Rotate the poor victim's deathlist if ((this.pvpDeaths.size() == 10) && containsAttacker == false) this.pvpDeaths.removeLast(); if (containsAttacker == false) this.pvpDeaths.addFirst(this.getObjectUUID()); // DataWarehouse: store pvp event PvpRecord pvpRecord = PvpRecord.borrow((PlayerCharacter) attacker, this, this.getLoc(), doPVPEXP); DataWarehouse.pushToWarehouse(pvpRecord); // Mark kill time in killmap att.updateKillMap(this.getObjectUUID()); } @Override public void killCharacter(String reason) { killCleanup(); Zone zone = ZoneManager.findSmallestZone(this.getLoc()); if (zone.getSafeZone() == 0) PowersManager.applyPower(this, this, Vector3fImmutable.ZERO, 1672601862, 40, false); // Send death message if needed if (reason.equals("Water")) { TargetedActionMsg targetedActionMsg = new TargetedActionMsg(this, true); Dispatch dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(this, targetedActionMsg); DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, DispatchChannel.PRIMARY); String message = this.getFirstName(); if (this.guild != null && (!(this.guild.getName().equals("Errant")))) message += " of " + this.guild.getName(); else message += this.getLastName(); message += " was killed by water!"; ChatManager.chatPVP(message); } } private void killCleanup() { this.stopMovement(this.getLoc()); this.health.set(-1); //remove pet if (this.pet != null) this.dismissPet(); NPCManager.dismissNecroPets(this); // remove flight job. this.setTakeOffTime(0); this.setDesiredAltitude(0); this.altitude = (float) 0; // Release Mine Claims Mine.releaseMineClaims(this); this.getCharItemManager().closeTradeWindow(); //increment live counter. This is to prevent double kills from casts this.liveCounter++; //remove any effects try { this.clearEffects(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error("PlayerCharacter.KillCleanup", e.getMessage()); } //remove the SIT flag this.setSit(false); // sends a kill message to ensure the Player falls over. this.respawnLock.writeLock().lock(); try { if (SessionManager.getPlayerCharacterByID(this.getObjectUUID()) == null && !this.enteredWorld) { WorldGrid.RemoveWorldObject(this); this.respawn(false, false, true); } else { TargetedActionMsg killmsg = new TargetedActionMsg(this, true); DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgToInterestArea(this, killmsg, DispatchChannel.PRIMARY, MBServerStatics.CHARACTER_LOAD_RANGE, false, false); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(e); } finally { this.respawnLock.writeLock().unlock(); } // TODO damage equipped items if (this.charItemManager != null) this.charItemManager.damageAllGear(); // TODO cleanup any timers //recalculate inventory weights if (this.charItemManager != null) { this.charItemManager.endTrade(true); this.charItemManager.calculateWeights(); this.charItemManager.updateInventory(); } } public void updateKillMap(int target) { this.killMap.put(target, System.currentTimeMillis()); } public long getLastKillOfTarget(int target) { if (this.killMap.containsKey(target)) return this.killMap.get(target); return 0L; } public boolean isDeathShroud() { return this.effects != null && this.effects.containsKey("DeathShroud"); } public void setSafeMode() { PowersManager.applyPower(this, this, Vector3fImmutable.ZERO, -1661758934, 40, false); } public boolean safemodeInvis() { if (!this.effects.containsKey("Invisible")) return false; Effect eff = this.effects.get("Invisible"); if (eff == null) return false; return eff.getEffectToken() == -1661751254; } public void respawn(boolean setAlive, boolean enterWorld, boolean makeCorpse) { // Recalculate everything this.recalculatePlayerStats(true); this.setCombat(false); // Set Health to 1/4 max Corpse corpse = null; if (makeCorpse) { try { corpse = Corpse.makeCorpse(this, enterWorld); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(e); } //if we're not making corpse, just purge inventory. used for characters dead while logged out. } if (!setAlive) { if (corpse == null && makeCorpse) { Logger.error("Corpse not created."); } else { if (makeCorpse && corpse != null) { InterestManager.forceLoad(corpse); } } return; } this.setHealth((float) (healthMax * .25)); this.isAlive.set(true); // Put player in safe mode // Teleport the player to his bind loc // or to a ruin as apporpriate. Building bindBuilding = BuildingManager.getBuildingFromCache(this.getBindBuildingID()); if (enterWorld) { this.stopMovement(this.getBindLoc()); } else if (bindBuilding != null) { if (bindBuilding.getParentZone().equals(ZoneManager.findSmallestZone(this.getLoc()))) this.teleport(Ruins.getRandomRuin().getLocation()); else this.teleport(this.getBindLoc()); } else // no bind building found for player, teleport to ruins. this.teleport(Ruins.getRandomRuin().getLocation()); this.lastUpdateTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.lastStamUpdateTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.update(); PowersManager.applyPower(this, this, Vector3fImmutable.ZERO, -1661758934, 40, false); if (corpse == null && makeCorpse) { Logger.error("Corpse not created."); } else { if (makeCorpse && corpse != null) { InterestManager.forceLoad(corpse); } } } public Effect addCityEffect(String name, EffectsBase eb, int trains, int duration, boolean onEnter, City city) { JobContainer jc = null; if (onEnter) { NoTimeJob ntj = new NoTimeJob(this, name, eb, trains); //infinite timer ntj.setEffectSourceType(city.getObjectType().ordinal()); ntj.setEffectSourceID(city.getObjectUUID()); jc = new JobContainer(ntj); } else { FinishSpireEffectJob fsej = new FinishSpireEffectJob(this, name, eb, trains); fsej.setEffectSourceType(city.getObjectType().ordinal()); fsej.setEffectSourceID(city.getObjectUUID()); jc = JobScheduler.getInstance().scheduleJob(fsej, duration); } if (this.effects.get(name) != null) this.effects.get(name).cancelJob(); Effect eff = new Effect(jc, eb, trains); this.effects.put(name, eff); applyAllBonuses(); eff.sendSpireEffect(this.getClientConnection(), onEnter); return eff; } /** * @return the race */ public Race getRace() { return race; } public int getRaceID() { if (race != null) return race.getRaceRuneID(); return 0; } /** * @return the baseClass */ public BaseClass getBaseClass() { return baseClass; } public int getBaseClassID() { if (baseClass != null) return baseClass.getObjectUUID(); return 0; } public int getBaseClassToken() { if (this.baseClass == null) return 0; else return this.baseClass.getToken(); } public boolean setBaseClass(int value) { BaseClass bs = BaseClass.getBaseClass(value); if (bs != null) { this.baseClass = bs; return true; } return false; } @Override public Vector3fImmutable getBindLoc() { Vector3fImmutable bindLocation; // Return garbage and early exit if this is the login server. // getBindLoc() does a TOL lookup, which also then loads the // city and other garbage not needed on the login server. if (ConfigManager.serverType.equals(ServerType.LOGINSERVER)) return Vector3fImmutable.ZERO; Building bindBuilding = PlayerCharacter.getUpdatedBindBuilding(this); //handle rented room binds. if (bindBuilding == null) { bindLocation = Enum.Ruins.getRandomRuin().getLocation(); return bindLocation; } bindLocation = BuildingManager.GetBindLocationForBuilding(bindBuilding); if (bindLocation == null) bindLocation = Enum.Ruins.getRandomRuin().getLocation(); return bindLocation; } public int getInventoryCapacity() { return statStrBase * 3; } public int getInventoryCapacityRemaining() { return (this.getInventoryCapacity() - this.charItemManager.getInventoryWeight()); } /** * @return the PromotionClass */ public PromotionClass getPromotionClass() { return promotionClass; } public int getPromotionClassID() { if (promotionClass != null) return promotionClass.getObjectUUID(); return 0; } public boolean setPromotionClass(int value) { PromotionClass promotionClass = PromotionClass.GetPromtionClassFromCache(value); if (promotionClass == null) return false; if (!DbManager.PlayerCharacterQueries.SET_PROMOTION_CLASS(this, value)) return false; this.promotionClass = promotionClass; // Warehouse this event CharacterRecord.updatePromotionClass(this); return true; } /** * @return the skinColor */ public byte getSkinColor() { return skinColor; } /** * @return the hairColor */ public byte getHairColor() { return hairColor; } /** * @return the beardColor */ public byte getBeardColor() { return beardColor; } /** * @return the lfGroup */ public boolean isLfGroup() { return lfGroup; } public int getIsLfGroupAsInt() { if (lfGroup) return 2; return 1; } public final void toggleLFGroup() { this.lfGroup = !this.lfGroup; } public final void toggleLFGuild() { this.lfGuild = !this.lfGuild; } public final void toggleRecruiting() { this.recruiting = !this.recruiting; } public final boolean isLFGroup() { return this.lfGroup; } public final void setLFGroup(final boolean value) { this.lfGroup = value; } public final boolean isLFGuild() { return this.lfGuild; } public final void setLFGuild(final boolean value) { this.lfGuild = value; } public final boolean isRecruiting() { return this.recruiting; } public final void setRecruiting(final boolean value) { this.recruiting = value; } /** * @return the lfGuild */ public boolean isLfGuild() { return lfGuild; } public final int getHeadlightsAsInt() { if (this.lfGroup) if (this.lfGuild) if (this.recruiting) return 14; // LFGroup + LFGuild + Recruiting else return 6; // LFGroup + LFGuild else if (this.recruiting) return 10; // LFGroup + Recruiting else return 2; // LFGroup only else if (this.lfGuild) if (this.recruiting) return 12; // LFGuild + Recruiting else return 4; // LFGuild only else if (this.recruiting) return 8; // Recruiting only else return 0; // No Headlights } public int getIsLfGuildAsInt() { if (lfGuild) return 2; return 1; } public int getStrMax() { return this.statStrMax; } public int getDexMax() { return this.statDexMax; } public int getConMax() { return this.statConMax; } public int getIntMax() { return this.statIntMax; } public int getSpiMax() { return this.statSpiMax; } public void addStr(int amount) { boolean worked = false; short newStr = (short) 0; while (!worked) { if ((this.unusedStatPoints - this.trainedStatPoints) <= 0) return; newStr = (short) (this.statStrBase + amount); short mod = (short) this.strMod.get(); short newStrMod = (short) (mod + amount); if (newStr > this.statStrMax) { newStrMod += (this.statStrMax - newStr); newStr = this.statStrMax; } worked = this.strMod.compareAndSet(mod, newStrMod); } this.trainedStatPoints++; this.statStrBase = newStr; this.addDatabaseJob("Stats", MBServerStatics.THIRTY_SECONDS); this.applyBonuses(); this.calculateSkills(); } public void addDex(int amount) { boolean worked = false; short newDex = (short) 0; while (!worked) { if ((this.unusedStatPoints - this.trainedStatPoints) <= 0) return; newDex = (short) (this.statDexBase + amount); short mod = (short) this.dexMod.get(); short newDexMod = (short) (mod + amount); if (newDex > this.statDexMax) { newDexMod += (this.statDexMax - newDex); newDex = this.statDexMax; } worked = this.dexMod.compareAndSet(mod, newDexMod); } this.trainedStatPoints++; this.statDexBase = newDex; this.addDatabaseJob("Stats", MBServerStatics.THIRTY_SECONDS); this.applyBonuses(); this.calculateSkills(); } public void addCon(int amount) { boolean worked = false; short newCon = (short) 0; while (!worked) { if ((this.unusedStatPoints - this.trainedStatPoints) <= 0) return; newCon = (short) (this.statConBase + amount); short mod = (short) this.conMod.get(); short newConMod = (short) (mod + amount); if (newCon > this.statConMax) { newConMod += (this.statConMax - newCon); newCon = this.statConMax; } worked = this.conMod.compareAndSet(mod, newConMod); } this.trainedStatPoints++; this.statConBase = newCon; this.addDatabaseJob("Stats", MBServerStatics.THIRTY_SECONDS); this.applyBonuses(); this.calculateSkills(); } public void addInt(int amount) { boolean worked = false; short newInt = (short) 0; while (!worked) { if ((this.unusedStatPoints - this.trainedStatPoints) <= 0) return; newInt = (short) (this.statIntBase + amount); short mod = (short) this.intMod.get(); short newIntMod = (short) (mod + amount); if (newInt > this.statIntMax) { newIntMod += (this.statIntMax - newInt); newInt = this.statIntMax; } worked = this.intMod.compareAndSet(mod, newIntMod); } this.trainedStatPoints++; this.statIntBase = newInt; this.addDatabaseJob("Stats", MBServerStatics.THIRTY_SECONDS); this.applyBonuses(); this.calculateSkills(); } public void addSpi(int amount) { boolean worked = false; short newSpi = (short) 0; while (!worked) { if ((this.unusedStatPoints - this.trainedStatPoints) <= 0) return; newSpi = (short) (this.statSpiBase + amount); short mod = (short) this.spiMod.get(); short newSpiMod = (short) (mod + amount); if (newSpi > this.statSpiMax) { newSpiMod += (this.statSpiMax - newSpi); newSpi = this.statSpiMax; } worked = this.spiMod.compareAndSet(mod, newSpiMod); } this.trainedStatPoints++; this.statSpiBase = newSpi; this.addDatabaseJob("Stats", MBServerStatics.THIRTY_SECONDS); this.applyBonuses(); this.calculateSkills(); } public boolean refineStr() { boolean worked = false; short newStr = (short) 0; while (!worked) { newStr = (short) (this.statStrBase - 1); short mod = (short) this.strMod.get(); if (mod == 0) return false; short newStrMod = (short) (mod - 1); if (newStr < this.statStrMin) return false; if (!canRefineLower(MBServerStatics.STAT_STR_ID)) return false; worked = this.strMod.compareAndSet(mod, newStrMod); } this.trainedStatPoints--; this.statStrBase = newStr; this.addDatabaseJob("Stats", MBServerStatics.THIRTY_SECONDS); this.applyBonuses(); this.calculateSkills(); return true; } public boolean refineDex() { boolean worked = false; short newDex = (short) 0; while (!worked) { newDex = (short) (this.statDexBase - 1); short mod = (short) this.dexMod.get(); if (mod == 0) return false; short newDexMod = (short) (mod - 1); if (newDex < this.statDexMin) return false; if (!canRefineLower(MBServerStatics.STAT_DEX_ID)) return false; worked = this.dexMod.compareAndSet(mod, newDexMod); } this.trainedStatPoints--; this.statDexBase = newDex; this.addDatabaseJob("Stats", MBServerStatics.THIRTY_SECONDS); this.applyBonuses(); this.calculateSkills(); return true; } public boolean refineCon() { boolean worked = false; short newCon = (short) 0; while (!worked) { newCon = (short) (this.statConBase - 1); short mod = (short) this.conMod.get(); if (mod == 0) return false; short newConMod = (short) (mod - 1); if (newCon < this.statConMin) return false; if (!canRefineLower(MBServerStatics.STAT_CON_ID)) return false; worked = this.conMod.compareAndSet(mod, newConMod); } this.trainedStatPoints--; this.statConBase = newCon; this.addDatabaseJob("Stats", MBServerStatics.THIRTY_SECONDS); this.applyBonuses(); this.calculateSkills(); return true; } public boolean refineInt(RefineMsg msg) { boolean worked = false; short newInt = (short) 0; while (!worked) { newInt = (short) (this.statIntBase - 1); short mod = (short) this.intMod.get(); if (mod == 0) return false; short newIntMod = (short) (mod - 1); if (newInt < this.statIntMin) return false; if (!canRefineLower(MBServerStatics.STAT_INT_ID)) return false; worked = this.intMod.compareAndSet(mod, newIntMod); } this.trainedStatPoints--; this.statIntBase = newInt; this.addDatabaseJob("Stats", MBServerStatics.THIRTY_SECONDS); verifySkillMax(msg); this.applyBonuses(); this.calculateSkills(); return true; } public boolean refineSpi() { boolean worked = false; short newSpi = (short) 0; while (!worked) { newSpi = (short) (this.statSpiBase - 1); short mod = (short) this.spiMod.get(); if (mod == 0) return false; short newSpiMod = (short) (mod - 1); if (newSpi < this.statSpiMin) return false; if (!canRefineLower(MBServerStatics.STAT_SPI_ID)) return false; worked = this.spiMod.compareAndSet(mod, newSpiMod); } this.trainedStatPoints--; this.statSpiBase = newSpi; this.addDatabaseJob("Stats", MBServerStatics.THIRTY_SECONDS); this.applyBonuses(); this.calculateSkills(); return true; } //this verifies stat doesn't fall too low to keep runes applied while refining private boolean canRefineLower(int stat) { for (CharacterRune cr : this.runes) { if (cr != null) { RuneBase rb = cr.getRuneBase(); if (rb != null) { ArrayList attrs = rb.getAttrs(); if (attrs != null) for (RuneBaseAttribute rba : attrs) { int attrID = rba.getAttributeID(); int mod = rba.getModValue(); if (stat == MBServerStatics.STAT_STR_ID) { if (attrID == MBServerStatics.RUNE_STR_MIN_NEEDED_ATTRIBUTE_ID && ((int) this.statStrBase <= mod)) return false; } else if (stat == MBServerStatics.STAT_DEX_ID) { if (attrID == MBServerStatics.RUNE_DEX_MIN_NEEDED_ATTRIBUTE_ID && ((int) this.statDexBase <= mod)) return false; } else if (stat == MBServerStatics.STAT_CON_ID) { if (attrID == MBServerStatics.RUNE_CON_MIN_NEEDED_ATTRIBUTE_ID && ((int) this.statConBase <= mod)) return false; } else if (stat == MBServerStatics.STAT_INT_ID) { if (attrID == MBServerStatics.RUNE_INT_MIN_NEEDED_ATTRIBUTE_ID && ((int) this.statIntBase <= mod)) return false; } else if (stat == MBServerStatics.STAT_SPI_ID) if (attrID == MBServerStatics.RUNE_SPI_MIN_NEEDED_ATTRIBUTE_ID && ((int) this.statSpiBase <= mod)) return false; } } } } return true; } //checked on refining int to see if skills need refined also. private void verifySkillMax(RefineMsg msg) { ConcurrentHashMap skills = getSkills(); //make sure no skills are over the max number of trains int maxTrains = CharacterSkill.getMaxTrains((int) this.statIntBase); RefineMsg rm = new RefineMsg(msg.getNpcType(), msg.getNpcID(), 0, 0); for (CharacterSkill skill : skills.values()) { while (skill.getNumTrains() > maxTrains) { boolean worked = skill.refine(this, false); //refine skill, do not recalculate everything if (worked) { rm.setToken(skill.getToken()); Dispatch dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(this, rm); DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, DispatchChannel.SECONDARY); } else { Logger.error("Failed to force refine of skill " + skill.getObjectUUID() + " by character " + this.getObjectUUID()); break; } } } } public int getClassToken() { if (this.promotionClass != null) return this.promotionClass.getToken(); else if (this.baseClass != null) return this.baseClass.getToken(); return 0; } public int getRaceToken() { if (this.race == null) return 0; return this.race.getToken(); } public void setLastTarget(GameObjectType type, int id) { this.lastTargetType = type; this.lastTargetID = id; } public GameObjectType getLastTargetType() { return this.lastTargetType; } public int getLastTargetID() { return this.lastTargetID; } /* * Serializing */ public synchronized int getBindBuildingID() { return this.bindBuildingID; } public synchronized void setBindBuildingID(int value) { DbManager.PlayerCharacterQueries.SET_BIND_BUILDING(this, value); this.bindBuildingID = value; } public AbstractGameObject getLastTarget() { if (this.lastTargetType == GameObjectType.unknown) return null; switch (this.lastTargetType) { // Make sure these only return an object that is // already in the GOM, and doesn't reload from the DB case PlayerCharacter: return DbManager.getFromCache(GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter, this.lastTargetID); case Building: return DbManager.getFromCache(GameObjectType.Building, this.lastTargetID); case NPC: return NPC.getFromCache(this.lastTargetID); case Mob: return Mob.getFromCache(this.lastTargetID); case Item: return DbManager.getFromCache(GameObjectType.Item, this.lastTargetID); case Corpse: return DbManager.getFromCache(GameObjectType.Corpse, this.lastTargetID); default: // Ignore exception for MobLoot? ***Check if (this.lastTargetType != GameObjectType.MobLoot) Logger.error("getLastTarget() unhandled object type: " + this.lastTargetType.toString()); } return null; } public Vector3fImmutable getLastStaticLoc() { return this.lastStaticLoc; } public void setLastStaticLoc(Vector3fImmutable value) { this.lastStaticLoc = value; } public int getHidden() { return this.hidden; } public void setHidden(int value) { this.hidden = value; } public int getSeeInvis() { if (this.getDebug(8)) //<-added for see invis debug devcmd return 10000; return this.seeInvis; } public void setSeeInvis(int value) { this.seeInvis = value; } public long getLastPlayerAttackTime() { return this.lastPlayerAttackTime; } public void setLastPlayerAttackTime() { this.lastPlayerAttackTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public NPC getLastNPCDialog() { return this.lastNPCDialog; } public void setLastNPCDialog(NPC value) { this.lastNPCDialog = value; } public Mob getPet() { return this.pet; } public void setPet(Mob mob) { if (mob == null) return; this.pet = mob; } public void dismissPet() { if (this.pet != null) { this.pet.dismiss(); this.pet = null; } } //called to verify player has correct item equipped for casting. public boolean validEquip(int slot, String type) { if (this.charItemManager == null) return false; Item item = this.charItemManager.getEquipped(slot); if (item == null) return false; ItemBase ib = item.getItemBase(); if (ib != null) { if ((ib.getType().equals(ItemType.WEAPON)) && (ib.getSkillRequired().equals(type) || ib.getMastery().equals(type))) return true; return (ib.getType().equals(ItemType.ARMOR)) && (ib.getSkillRequired().equals(type)); } return false; } public short getPCLevel() { short level = (short) Experience.getLevel(this.exp); if (this.promotionClass == null && level >= 10) return (short) 10; if (this.overFlowEXP > 0) return this.level; return level; } @Override public float getSpeed() { float speed; if (this.getAltitude() > 0) if (this.walkMode) { speed = race.getRaceType().getRunSpeed().getFlyWalk(); } else { speed = race.getRaceType().getRunSpeed().getFlyRun(); } else if (this.lastSwimming == true) speed = MBServerStatics.SWIMSPEED; else if (this.walkMode) { if (this.isCombat()) speed = race.getRaceType().getRunSpeed().getWalkCombat(); else speed = race.getRaceType().getRunSpeed().getWalkStandard(); } else { if (this.isCombat()) speed = race.getRaceType().getRunSpeed().getRunCombat(); else speed = race.getRaceType().getRunSpeed().getRunStandard(); } float endSpeed = speed * this.speedMod; if (endSpeed > 41 && !this.isCSR) endSpeed = 41; return endSpeed; } public synchronized void grantXP(int xp) { // Stop players from getting experience past the cap if (this.exp + xp >= Experience.getBaseExperience(MBServerStatics.LEVELCAP)) xp = Experience.getBaseExperience(MBServerStatics.LEVELCAP) - this.exp + 1; if (xp == 0) xp = 1; boolean isNewLevel = false; boolean charReloadRequired = false; int remainingXP = xp; int neededXP = 0; // handle players that have not yet promoted. ClientConnection origin = this.getClientConnection(); //not promoted at level 10, start checking for negative EXP if (this.promotionClass == null && this.getLevel() == 10) { if (this.getExp() == Experience.getBaseExperience(11)) { if (this.overFlowEXP == 110000) return; if (this.overFlowEXP + xp > 110000) { remainingXP = 110000 - this.overFlowEXP; this.overFlowEXP = 110000; } else { this.overFlowEXP += remainingXP; } GrantExperienceMsg gem = new GrantExperienceMsg(this, remainingXP); Dispatch dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(this, gem); DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, DispatchChannel.SECONDARY); this.addDatabaseJob("EXP", MBServerStatics.FIVE_MINUTES); return; //didnt reach level 11 EXP to start overflow, add exp normally till we get here; } else { //Player exp begins negative exp, add remaing exp after level 11 to overflow if (this.getExp() + remainingXP >= Experience.getBaseExperience(11)) { this.overFlowEXP = remainingXP - (Experience.getBaseExperience(11) - this.getExp()); this.exp = Experience.getBaseExperience(11); GrantExperienceMsg grantExperienceMsg = new GrantExperienceMsg(this, remainingXP); Dispatch dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(this, grantExperienceMsg); DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, DispatchChannel.SECONDARY); this.addDatabaseJob("EXP", MBServerStatics.FIVE_MINUTES); return; //didnt reach negative exp yet, just do normal exp gain. } else { this.exp += remainingXP; GrantExperienceMsg grantExperienceMsg = new GrantExperienceMsg(this, remainingXP); remainingXP = 0; Dispatch dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(this, grantExperienceMsg); DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, DispatchChannel.SECONDARY); this.addDatabaseJob("EXP", MBServerStatics.FIVE_MINUTES); return; } } } if (this.overFlowEXP > 0) { int nextLevel; if (level == 10) nextLevel = 12; else nextLevel = level + 2; int nextLevelEXP = Experience.getBaseExperience(nextLevel); // if overflow > 0, u have level 11 experience + overflow, but level is still 10 due to just promoting. //Use level + 2 experience for next level. this.overFlowEXP += 1; if (this.getExp() + this.overFlowEXP >= nextLevelEXP) { int expToNextLevel = nextLevelEXP - this.getExp(); this.overFlowEXP -= expToNextLevel; this.exp += expToNextLevel; this.level++; charReloadRequired = true; GrantExperienceMsg grantExperienceMsg = new GrantExperienceMsg(this, 1); Dispatch dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(this, grantExperienceMsg); DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, DispatchChannel.SECONDARY); SetObjectValueMsg upm = new SetObjectValueMsg(this, 9); DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgToInterestArea(this, upm, DispatchChannel.PRIMARY, MBServerStatics.CHARACTER_LOAD_RANGE, false, false); checkGuildStatus(); this.addDatabaseJob("EXP", MBServerStatics.FIVE_MINUTES); // double overflow exp used up, remaining overflow will just add to level + 1. } else if (this.getExp() + this.overFlowEXP >= Experience.getBaseExperience(level + 1)) { int nextExperience = Experience.getBaseExperience(level + 1) + this.overFlowEXP; this.exp = nextExperience; this.level++; charReloadRequired = true; this.overFlowEXP = 0; GrantExperienceMsg grantExperienceMsg = new GrantExperienceMsg(this, 1); Dispatch dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(this, grantExperienceMsg); DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, DispatchChannel.SECONDARY); SetObjectValueMsg upm = new SetObjectValueMsg(this, 9); DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgToInterestArea(this, upm, DispatchChannel.PRIMARY, MBServerStatics.CHARACTER_LOAD_RANGE, false, false); checkGuildStatus(); this.addDatabaseJob("EXP", MBServerStatics.FIVE_MINUTES); } } else { // Hand out each Level one at a time. isNewLevel = Experience.getLevel(exp + remainingXP) > this.getLevel(); if (isNewLevel) { neededXP = Experience.getBaseExperience(this.getLevel() + 1) - this.exp; charReloadRequired = true; this.exp += neededXP; this.level++; GrantExperienceMsg grantExperienceMsg = new GrantExperienceMsg(this, neededXP); Dispatch dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(this, grantExperienceMsg); DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, DispatchChannel.SECONDARY); remainingXP -= neededXP; //Send newLevel. SetObjectValueMsg upm = new SetObjectValueMsg(this, 9); DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgToInterestArea(this, upm, DispatchChannel.PRIMARY, MBServerStatics.CHARACTER_LOAD_RANGE, false, false); checkGuildStatus(); } else { this.exp += remainingXP; GrantExperienceMsg grantExperienceMsg = new GrantExperienceMsg(this, remainingXP); remainingXP = 0; Dispatch dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(this, grantExperienceMsg); DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, DispatchChannel.SECONDARY); this.addDatabaseJob("EXP", MBServerStatics.FIVE_MINUTES); } } if (charReloadRequired) { this.update(); this.incVer(); this.recalculate(); this.calculateMaxHealthManaStamina(); this.setHealth(this.healthMax); this.mana.set(this.manaMax); this.stamina.set(this.staminaMax); //LoadJob.reloadCharacter(this); DbManager.PlayerCharacterQueries.SET_PROPERTY(this, "char_experience", this.exp); // updateDatabase(); DbManager.AccountQueries.INVALIDATE_LOGIN_CACHE(this.getObjectUUID(), "character"); } } //This checks if a player meets the requirements to be in current guild. public void checkGuildStatus() { Guild g = this.guild; if (g == null || g.isEmptyGuild() || GuildStatusController.isGuildLeader(guildStatus)) return; //check level int curLevel = (int) getPCLevel(); if (curLevel < g.getRepledgeMin() || curLevel >= g.getRepledgeKick()) { //TODO kick from guild g.removePlayer(this, GuildHistoryType.LEAVE); ChatManager.chatGuildInfo(this, "You no longer meet the level requirements for the guild."); } } public void calculateSpeedMod() { // get base race speed modifer //this is retarded. *** Refactor // if (this.race != null) { // int ID = this.race.getObjectUUID(); // if (ID == 2004 || ID == 2005) // this.raceRunMod = 1.21f; // centaur run bonus 22% //// else if (ID == 2017) //// this.raceRunMod = 1.14f; // mino run bonus 15% // else // this.raceRunMod = 1; // } else // this.raceRunMod = 1; float bonus = 1f; // // TODO: hardcoded, as didnt have time to introduce DB column to base object // if (baseClass.getName().equals("Fighter") || baseClass.getName().equals("Rogue")) // bonus += .05f; // get running skill if (this.skills != null) { CharacterSkill running = this.skills.get("Running"); if (running != null) { float runningBonus = (float) (Math.log(Math.round(running.getModifiedAmount()) * .01f) / Math.log(2) * .50f); runningBonus = (float) (Math.pow(2, runningBonus) - 1); runningBonus += 1; runningBonus *= .25f; bonus += runningBonus; } } if (this.bonuses != null) // get rune and effect bonuses bonus += this.bonuses.getFloatPercentNullZero(ModType.Speed, SourceType.None); // TODO get equip bonus this.update(); this.speedMod = bonus; } public ClientConnection getClientConnection() { return SessionManager.getClientConnection(this); } public String getCombinedName() { return this.getName(); } public long getLastGuildToInvite() { return this.lastGuildToInvite; } public void setLastGuildToInvite(int value) { this.lastGuildToInvite = value; } public boolean getFollow() { return this.follow; } public void setFollow(boolean value) { this.follow = value; } public boolean toggleFollow() { this.follow = !this.follow; return this.follow; } public int getLastGroupToInvite() { return this.lastGroupToInvite; } public void setLastGroupToInvite(int value) { this.lastGroupToInvite = value; } @Override public float getAltitude() { if (this.altitude < 0) this.altitude = 0; //player has reached desired altitude, return normal altitude. if (this.getTakeOffTime() == 0) return this.altitude; //sanity check if desired altitude is the same as current altitude. return desired altitude. if (this.altitude == this.getDesiredAltitude()) { return this.getDesiredAltitude(); } //calculate how much the player has moved up float amountMoved = (System.currentTimeMillis() - this.getTakeOffTime()) * MBServerStatics.FLY_RATE; //FUCK DIVIDING //Player is moving up if (this.getDesiredAltitude() > this.altitude) { //if amount moved passed desiredAltitude, return the desired altitude. if (this.altitude + amountMoved >= this.getDesiredAltitude()) return this.getDesiredAltitude(); return this.altitude + amountMoved; //Player is moving down } else { //if amount moved passed desiredAltitude, return the desired altitude. if (this.altitude - amountMoved <= this.getDesiredAltitude()) return this.getDesiredAltitude(); return this.altitude - amountMoved; } } public void setAltitude(float value) { this.altitude = value; } public HashSet getLoadedObjects() { return this.loadedObjects; } public HashSet getLoadedStaticObjects() { return this.loadedStaticObjects; } public void setLoadedStaticObjects(HashSet value) { this.loadedStaticObjects = value; } public boolean isTeleportMode() { return teleportMode; } public void setTeleportMode(boolean teleportMode) { this.teleportMode = teleportMode; } // public ConcurrentHashMap // getRecycleTimers() { // return this.recycleTimers; // } // public UsePowerJob getLastPower() { // return this.lastPower; // } // public void setLastPower(UsePowerJob value) { // this.lastPower = value; // } // public void clearLastPower() { // this.lastPower = null; // } public long chatFloodTime(int chatOpcode, long chatTimeMilli, int qtyToSave) { if (qtyToSave < 1) return 0L; // disabled LinkedList times = null; long oldestTime; synchronized (chatChanFloodList) { if (!chatChanFloodList.containsKey(chatOpcode)) { times = new LinkedList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < qtyToSave; i++) { times.add(0L); } chatChanFloodList.put(chatOpcode, times); } else times = chatChanFloodList.get(chatOpcode); oldestTime = times.getLast(); times.removeLast(); times.addFirst(chatTimeMilli); } return oldestTime; } public void addIgnoredPlayer(Account ac, String name) { if (ac == null) return; int acID = ac.getObjectUUID(); if (acID < 1) return; if (ignoredPlayerIDs == null) return; if (acID == getObjectUUID()) return; // yourself ignoredPlayerIDs.put(acID, name); } public void removeIgnoredPlayer(Account ac) { if (ac == null) return; int acID = ac.getObjectUUID(); if (acID < 1) return; if (ignoredPlayerIDs == null) return; if (acID == getObjectUUID()) return; // yourself ignoredPlayerIDs.remove(acID); } public boolean isIgnoringPlayer(PlayerCharacter pc) { if (pc == null) return false; if (pc.account == null) return false; return isIgnoringPlayer(pc.account); } public boolean isIgnoringPlayer(Account ac) { if (ac == null) return false; int acID = ac.getObjectUUID(); if (acID < 1) return false; return ignoredPlayerIDs.containsKey(acID); } public String[] getIgnoredPlayerNames() { int size = ignoredPlayerIDs.size(); String[] ary = new String[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { // ary[i] = PlayerCharacter.getFirstName(ignoredPlayerIDs.get(i)); ary[i] = ignoredPlayerIDs.get(i); } return ary; } public int getStrMod() { return this.strMod.get(); } public int getDexMod() { return this.dexMod.get(); } public int getConMod() { return this.conMod.get(); } public int getIntMod() { return this.intMod.get(); } public int getSpiMod() { return this.spiMod.get(); } public boolean isMale() { if (this.race == null) return true; return (this.race.getRaceType().getCharacterSex().equals(CharacterSex.MALE)); } public boolean canSee(PlayerCharacter tar) { if (tar == null) return false; if (this.equals(tar)) return true; return this.getSeeInvis() >= tar.hidden && !tar.safemodeInvis(); } public void recalculatePlayerStats(boolean initialized) { //calculate base stats calculateBaseStats(); //calculate base skills CharacterSkill.updateAllBaseAmounts(this); calculateModifiedStats(); //calculate modified skills CharacterSkill.updateAllModifiedAmounts(this); this.updateScaleHeight(); //calculate modified stats //calculate ATR, damage and defense calculateAtrDefenseDamage(); //calculate movement bonus calculateSpeedMod(); // recalculate Max Health/Mana/Stamina calculateMaxHealthManaStamina(); // recalculate Resists Resists.calculateResists(this); } /** * @ Recalculate player after promoting or gaining a level */ public void recalculate() { this.applyBonuses(); this.trainsAvailable.set(CharacterSkill.getTrainsAvailable(this)); if (this.trainsAvailable.get() < 0) recalculateTrains(); //this.resists.calculateResists(this); // calculate skills and powers. Make sure none are missing. this.calculateSkills(); // calculate powers again. See if any new powers unlocked this.calculateSkills(); } //This is run to auto-fix any overage on skill training. private void recalculateTrains() { int trainsAvailable = CharacterSkill.getTrainsAvailable(this); if (trainsAvailable < 0) { //refine powers first, run twice to catch any prereqs ConcurrentHashMap powers = this.getPowers(); for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { for (CharacterPower p : powers.values()) { if (trainsAvailable >= 0) return; while (p.getTrains() > 0 && p.refine(this)) { trainsAvailable++; if (trainsAvailable >= 0) return; } } } //refine skills ConcurrentHashMap skills = this.getSkills(); for (CharacterSkill s : skills.values()) { if (trainsAvailable >= 0) return; while (s.getNumTrains() > 0 && s.refine(this)) { if (CharacterSkill.getTrainsAvailable(this) >= 0) return; } } } } /** * @ Calculates Base Stats Call this when modifying stats or adding/removing * runes */ public void calculateBaseStats() { if (this.race == null || this.baseClass == null) // Logger.getInstance().log( LogEventType.ERROR, // "PlayerCharacter.updateBaseStats: Missing race or baseclass for Player " // + this.getUUID()); return; // get base stats and total available int strMin = this.race.getStrStart() + this.baseClass.getStrMod() - 5; int dexMin = this.race.getDexStart() + this.baseClass.getDexMod() - 5; int conMin = this.race.getConStart() + this.baseClass.getConMod() - 5; int intMin = this.race.getIntStart() + this.baseClass.getIntMod() - 5; int spiMin = this.race.getSpiStart() + this.baseClass.getSpiMod() - 5; int str = this.race.getStrStart() + this.baseClass.getStrMod() + this.strMod.get(); int dex = this.race.getDexStart() + this.baseClass.getDexMod() + this.dexMod.get(); int con = this.race.getConStart() + this.baseClass.getConMod() + this.conMod.get(); int intt = this.race.getIntStart() + this.baseClass.getIntMod() + this.intMod.get(); int spi = this.race.getSpiStart() + this.baseClass.getSpiMod() + this.spiMod.get(); int strMax = this.race.getStrMax(); int dexMax = this.race.getDexMax(); int conMax = this.race.getConMax(); int intMax = this.race.getIntMax(); int spiMax = this.race.getSpiMax(); int available = this.race.getStartingPoints() - this.strMod.get() - this.dexMod.get() - this.conMod.get() - this.intMod.get() - this.spiMod.get(); if (level < 20) available += (level - 1) * 5; else if (level < 30) available += 90 + (level - 19) * 4; else if (level < 40) available += 130 + (level - 29) * 3; else if (level < 50) available += 160 + (level - 39) * 2; else available += 180 + (level - 49); // modify for any runes applied. for (CharacterRune rune : this.runes) { if (rune.getRuneBase() == null) // Logger.getInstance().log( LogEventType.ERROR, // "PlayerCharacter.updateBaseStats: Missing runebase for rune " // + rune.getUUID()); continue; ArrayList attrs = rune.getRuneBase().getAttrs(); if (attrs == null) // Logger.getInstance().log( LogEventType.ERROR, // "PlayerCharacter.updateBaseStats: Missing attributes for runebase " // + rune.getRuneBase().getUUID()); continue; for (RuneBaseAttribute abr : attrs) { int attrID = abr.getAttributeID(); int value = abr.getModValue(); switch (attrID) { case MBServerStatics.RUNE_COST_ATTRIBUTE_ID: available -= value; break; case MBServerStatics.RUNE_STR_ATTRIBUTE_ID: str += value; strMin += value; break; case MBServerStatics.RUNE_DEX_ATTRIBUTE_ID: dex += value; dexMin += value; break; case MBServerStatics.RUNE_CON_ATTRIBUTE_ID: con += value; conMin += value; break; case MBServerStatics.RUNE_INT_ATTRIBUTE_ID: intt += value; intMin += value; break; case MBServerStatics.RUNE_SPI_ATTRIBUTE_ID: spi += value; spiMin += value; break; case MBServerStatics.RUNE_STR_MAX_ATTRIBUTE_ID: strMax += value; break; case MBServerStatics.RUNE_DEX_MAX_ATTRIBUTE_ID: dexMax += value; break; case MBServerStatics.RUNE_CON_MAX_ATTRIBUTE_ID: conMax += value; break; case MBServerStatics.RUNE_INT_MAX_ATTRIBUTE_ID: intMax += value; break; case MBServerStatics.RUNE_SPI_MAX_ATTRIBUTE_ID: spiMax += value; break; default: } } //Set titles based on rune.. switch (rune.getRuneBaseID()) { default: break; case 2901: //CSR 1 this.title = CharacterTitle.CSR_1; break; case 2902: //CSR 1 this.title = CharacterTitle.CSR_2; break; case 2903: //CSR 1 this.title = CharacterTitle.CSR_3; break; case 2904: //CSR 1 this.title = CharacterTitle.CSR_4; break; case 2910: //Wolfpack Developer this.title = CharacterTitle.DEVELOPER; break; case 2911: //QA Test Rune this.title = CharacterTitle.QA; break; } } //hack check. Make sure available does not go below 0. //subtract from each stat until available is 0 or greater. if (available < 0) { while (this.spiMod.get() > 0 && available < 0) { this.spiMod.decrementAndGet(); spi--; available++; } while (this.conMod.get() > 0 && available < 0) { this.conMod.decrementAndGet(); con--; available++; } while (this.strMod.get() > 0 && available < 0) { this.strMod.decrementAndGet(); str--; available++; } while (this.dexMod.get() > 0 && available < 0) { this.dexMod.decrementAndGet(); dex--; available++; } while (this.intMod.get() > 0 && available < 0) { this.intMod.decrementAndGet(); intt--; available++; } //update database this.addDatabaseJob("Stats", MBServerStatics.THIRTY_SECONDS); } this.statStrBase = (short) str; this.statDexBase = (short) dex; this.statConBase = (short) con; this.statIntBase = (short) intt; this.statSpiBase = (short) spi; this.statStrMax = (short) (strMax); this.statDexMax = (short) (dexMax); this.statConMax = (short) (conMax); this.statIntMax = (short) (intMax); this.statSpiMax = (short) (spiMax); this.statStrMin = (short) strMin; this.statDexMin = (short) dexMin; this.statConMin = (short) conMin; this.statIntMin = (short) intMin; this.statSpiMin = (short) spiMin; this.unusedStatPoints = (short) available; this.trainedStatPoints = 0; // Testing, allow characters to have more stats then normal for formula checking if (this.statStrBase > this.statStrMax) this.statStrMax = this.statStrBase; if (this.statDexBase > this.statDexMax) this.statDexMax = this.statDexBase; if (this.statConBase > this.statConMax) this.statConMax = this.statConBase; if (this.statIntBase > this.statIntMax) this.statIntMax = this.statIntBase; if (this.statSpiBase > this.statSpiMax) this.statSpiMax = this.statSpiBase; // Modified stats must be recalculated when base stats are //calculateModifiedStats(); //update hide and seeInvis levels if (this.bonuses != null) { this.hidden = (int) bonuses.getFloat(ModType.Invisible, SourceType.None); this.seeInvis = (int) bonuses.getFloat(ModType.SeeInvisible, SourceType.None); } else { this.hidden = (byte) 0; this.seeInvis = (byte) 0; } //check is player is a CSR this.isCSR = this.containsCSRRune(); } private boolean containsCSRRune() { if (this.race != null && this.race.getRaceType().equals(RaceType.CSRMALE)) return true; if (this.baseClass != null && this.baseClass.getObjectUUID() > 2900 && this.baseClass.getObjectUUID() < 2905) return true; if (this.promotionClass != null && this.promotionClass.getObjectUUID() > 2900 && this.promotionClass.getObjectUUID() < 2905) return true; if (this.runes == null) return false; for (CharacterRune rune : this.runes) { if (rune == null || rune.getRuneBase() == null) continue; RuneBase rb = rune.getRuneBase(); if (rb.getObjectUUID() > 2900 && rb.getObjectUUID() < 2905) return true; if (rb.getObjectUUID() == 2910) return true; } return false; } public boolean isCSR() { return this.isCSR; } public void setAsciiLastName(boolean value) { this.asciiLastName = value; } public boolean _asciiLastName() { return this.asciiLastName; } /** * @ Calculates Modified Stats Call this when changing equipment or * add/removing effect. skips base stat modification. */ public void calculateModifiedStats() { float strVal = this.statStrBase; float dexVal = this.statDexBase; float conVal = this.statConBase; float intVal = this.statIntBase; float spiVal = this.statSpiBase; this.dexPenalty = getDexPenalty(); // TODO modify for equipment if (this.bonuses != null) { // modify for effects strVal += Math.round(this.bonuses.getFloat(ModType.Attr, SourceType.Strength)); dexVal += Math.round(this.bonuses.getFloat(ModType.Attr, SourceType.Dexterity)); conVal += Math.round(this.bonuses.getFloat(ModType.Attr, SourceType.Constitution)); intVal += Math.round(this.bonuses.getFloat(ModType.Attr, SourceType.Intelligence)); spiVal += Math.round(this.bonuses.getFloat(ModType.Attr, SourceType.Spirit)); // apply dex penalty for armor dexVal *= this.dexPenalty; // modify percent amounts. DO THIS LAST! strVal *= (1 + this.bonuses.getFloatPercentAll(ModType.Attr, SourceType.Strength)); dexVal *= (1 + this.bonuses.getFloatPercentAll(ModType.Attr, SourceType.Dexterity)); conVal *= (1 + this.bonuses.getFloatPercentAll(ModType.Attr, SourceType.Constitution)); intVal *= (1 + this.bonuses.getFloatPercentAll(ModType.Attr, SourceType.Intelligence)); spiVal *= (1 + this.bonuses.getFloatPercentAll(ModType.Attr, SourceType.Spirit)); } else // apply dex penalty for armor dexVal *= this.dexPenalty; // Set current stats this.statStrCurrent = (strVal < 1) ? (short) 1 : (short) strVal; this.statDexCurrent = (dexVal < 1) ? (short) 1 : (short) dexVal; this.statConCurrent = (conVal < 1) ? (short) 1 : (short) conVal; this.statIntCurrent = (intVal < 1) ? (short) 1 : (short) intVal; this.statSpiCurrent = (spiVal < 1) ? (short) 1 : (short) spiVal; // recalculate skills //CharacterSkill.updateAllBaseAmounts(this); // recalculate Max Health/Mana/Stamina //calculateMaxHealthManaStamina(); // recalculate Resists //this.resists.calculateResists(this); } public float getDexPenalty() { if (this.charItemManager == null || this.charItemManager.getEquipped() == null) { Logger.error("Player " + this.getObjectUUID() + " missing equipment"); return 1f; } ConcurrentHashMap equipped = this.charItemManager.getEquipped(); float dexPenalty = 0f; dexPenalty += getDexPenalty(equipped.get(MBServerStatics.SLOT_HELMET)); dexPenalty += getDexPenalty(equipped.get(MBServerStatics.SLOT_CHEST)); dexPenalty += getDexPenalty(equipped.get(MBServerStatics.SLOT_ARMS)); dexPenalty += getDexPenalty(equipped.get(MBServerStatics.SLOT_GLOVES)); dexPenalty += getDexPenalty(equipped.get(MBServerStatics.SLOT_LEGGINGS)); dexPenalty += getDexPenalty(equipped.get(MBServerStatics.SLOT_FEET)); return (1 - (dexPenalty / 100)); } public int getStrForClient() { return this.statStrCurrent - this.race.getStrStart() - this.baseClass.getStrMod(); } public int getDexForClient() { return this.statDexCurrent - this.race.getDexStart() - this.baseClass.getDexMod(); } public int getConForClient() { return this.statConCurrent - this.race.getConStart() - this.baseClass.getConMod(); } public int getIntForClient() { return this.statIntCurrent - this.race.getIntStart() - this.baseClass.getIntMod(); } public int getSpiForClient() { return this.statSpiCurrent - this.race.getSpiStart() - this.baseClass.getSpiMod(); } public int getTrainsAvailable() { return this.trainsAvailable.get(); } public void modifyTrainsAvailable(int amount) { boolean worked = false; while (!worked) { int old = this.trainsAvailable.get(); int newVal = old + amount; // if (newVal < 0) // newVal = 0; worked = this.trainsAvailable.compareAndSet(old, newVal); } } // Reset any data that should not persist from a previous session public void resetDataAtLogin() { loadedObjects.clear(); loadedStaticObjects.clear(); lastStaticLoc = Vector3fImmutable.ZERO; setLastTarget(GameObjectType.unknown, 0); this.follow = false; } /** * @ Calculates Atr (both hands) Defense, and Damage for pc */ public void calculateAtrDefenseDamage() { if (this.charItemManager == null || this.charItemManager.getEquipped() == null || this.skills == null) { Logger.error("Player " + this.getObjectUUID() + " missing skills or equipment"); defaultAtrAndDamage(true); defaultAtrAndDamage(false); this.defenseRating = 0; return; } ConcurrentHashMap equipped = this.charItemManager.getEquipped(); // // Reset passives // if (this.bonuses != null) { // this.bonuses.setBool("Block", false); // this.bonuses.setBool("Parry", false); // if (this.baseClass != null && this.baseClass.getUUID() == 2502) // this.bonuses.setBool("Dodge", true); // else // this.bonuses.setBool("Dodge", false); // } // calculate atr and damage for each hand calculateAtrDamageForWeapon(equipped.get(MBServerStatics.SLOT_MAINHAND), true, equipped.get(MBServerStatics.SLOT_OFFHAND)); calculateAtrDamageForWeapon(equipped.get(MBServerStatics.SLOT_OFFHAND), false, equipped.get(MBServerStatics.SLOT_MAINHAND)); // No Defense while in DeathShroud if (this.effects != null && this.effects.containsKey("DeathShroud")) this.defenseRating = (short) 0; else { // calculate defense for equipment float defense = this.statDexCurrent * 2; defense += getShieldDefense(equipped.get(MBServerStatics.SLOT_OFFHAND)); defense += getArmorDefense(equipped.get(MBServerStatics.SLOT_HELMET)); defense += getArmorDefense(equipped.get(MBServerStatics.SLOT_CHEST)); defense += getArmorDefense(equipped.get(MBServerStatics.SLOT_ARMS)); defense += getArmorDefense(equipped.get(MBServerStatics.SLOT_GLOVES)); defense += getArmorDefense(equipped.get(MBServerStatics.SLOT_LEGGINGS)); defense += getArmorDefense(equipped.get(MBServerStatics.SLOT_FEET)); defense += getWeaponDefense(equipped); if (this.bonuses != null) { // add any bonuses defense += (short) this.bonuses.getFloat(ModType.DCV, SourceType.None); // Finally multiply any percent modifiers. DO THIS LAST! float pos_Bonus = this.bonuses.getFloatPercentPositive(ModType.DCV, SourceType.None); defense = (short) (defense * (1 + pos_Bonus)); //Lucky rune applies next //applied runes will be calculated and added to the normal bonuses. no need for this garbage anymore //defense = (short) (defense * (1 + ((float) this.bonuses.getShort("rune.Defense") / 100))); //and negative percent modifiers //already done... float neg_Bonus = this.bonuses.getFloatPercentNegative(ModType.DCV, SourceType.None); defense = (short) (defense * (1 + neg_Bonus)); } else // TODO add error log here Logger.error("Error: missing bonuses"); defense = (defense < 1) ? 1 : defense; this.defenseRating = (short) (defense + 0.5f); } } /** * @ Calculates Atr, and Damage for each weapon */ private void calculateAtrDamageForWeapon(Item weapon, boolean mainHand, Item otherHand) { // make sure weapon exists boolean noWeapon = false; ItemBase wb = null; if (weapon == null) noWeapon = true; else { ItemBase ib = weapon.getItemBase(); if (ib == null) noWeapon = true; else if (!ib.getType().equals(ItemType.WEAPON)) { defaultAtrAndDamage(mainHand); return; } else wb = ib; } float skillPercentage, masteryPercentage; float mastDam; float min, max; float speed = 20f; boolean strBased = false; ItemBase wbMain = (weapon != null) ? weapon.getItemBase() : null; ItemBase wbOff = (otherHand != null) ? otherHand.getItemBase() : null; // get skill percentages and min and max damage for weapons if (noWeapon) { if (mainHand) { Item off = this.charItemManager.getEquipped().get(MBServerStatics.SLOT_OFFHAND); if (off != null && off.getItemBase() != null && off.getItemBase().getType().equals(ItemType.WEAPON)) this.rangeHandOne = 10 * (1 + (this.statStrBase / 600)); // Set // to // no // weapon // range else this.rangeHandOne = -1; // set to do not attack } else this.rangeHandTwo = -1; // set to do not attack skillPercentage = getModifiedAmount(this.skills.get("Unarmed Combat")); masteryPercentage = getModifiedAmount(this.skills.get("Unarmed Combat Mastery")); if (masteryPercentage == 0f) mastDam = CharacterSkill.getQuickMastery(this, "Unarmed Combat Mastery"); else mastDam = masteryPercentage; // TODO Correct these min = 1; max = 3; } else { if (mainHand) this.rangeHandOne = weapon.getItemBase().getRange() * (1 + (this.statStrBase / 600)); else this.rangeHandTwo = weapon.getItemBase().getRange() * (1 + (this.statStrBase / 600)); if (this.bonuses != null) { float range_bonus = 1 + this.bonuses.getFloatPercentAll(ModType.WeaponRange, SourceType.None); if (mainHand) this.rangeHandOne *= range_bonus; else this.rangeHandTwo *= range_bonus; } skillPercentage = getModifiedAmount(this.skills.get(wb.getSkillRequired())); masteryPercentage = getModifiedAmount(this.skills.get(wb.getMastery())); if (masteryPercentage == 0f) mastDam = 0f; // mastDam = CharacterSkill.getQuickMastery(this, wb.getMastery()); else mastDam = masteryPercentage; min = (float) wb.getMinDamage(); max = (float) wb.getMaxDamage(); strBased = wb.isStrBased(); // // Add parry bonus for weapon and allow parry if needed // // Only Fighters and Thieves can Parry // if ((this.baseClass != null && this.baseClass.getUUID() == 2500) // || (this.promotionClass != null && this.promotionClass.getUUID() == 2520)) { // if (wbMain == null || wbMain.getRange() < MBServerStatics.RANGED_WEAPON_RANGE) // if (wbOff == null || wbOff.getRange() < MBServerStatics.RANGED_WEAPON_RANGE) // this.bonuses.setBool("Parry", true); // } // } } if (this.effects != null && this.effects.containsKey("DeathShroud")) // No Atr in deathshroud. if (mainHand) this.atrHandOne = (short) 0; else this.atrHandTwo = (short) 0; else { // calculate atr float atr = 0; atr += (int) skillPercentage * 4f; //<-round down skill% - atr += (int) masteryPercentage * 3f; if (this.statStrCurrent > this.statDexCurrent) atr += statStrCurrent / 2; else atr += statDexCurrent / 2; // add in any bonuses to atr if (this.bonuses != null) { // Add any base bonuses atr += this.bonuses.getFloat(ModType.OCV, SourceType.None); // Finally use any multipliers. DO THIS LAST! float pos_Bonus = (1 + this.bonuses.getFloatPercentPositive(ModType.OCV, SourceType.None)); atr *= pos_Bonus; // next precise //runes will have their own bonuses. // atr *= (1 + ((float) this.bonuses.getShort("rune.Attack") / 100)); //and negative percent modifiers float neg_Bonus = this.bonuses.getFloatPercentNegative(ModType.OCV, SourceType.None); atr *= (1 + neg_Bonus); } atr = (atr < 1) ? 1 : atr; // set atr if (mainHand) this.atrHandOne = (short) (atr + 0.5f); else this.atrHandTwo = (short) (atr + 0.5f); } //calculate speed if (wb != null) speed = wb.getSpeed(); else speed = 20f; //unarmed attack speed if (weapon != null) speed *= (1 + this.bonuses.getFloatPercentAll(ModType.WeaponSpeed, SourceType.None)); speed *= (1 + this.bonuses.getFloatPercentAll(ModType.AttackDelay, SourceType.None)); if (speed < 10) speed = 10; //add min/max damage bonuses for weapon if (weapon != null) { // Add any base bonuses min += weapon.getBonus(ModType.MinDamage, SourceType.None); max += weapon.getBonus(ModType.MaxDamage, SourceType.None); min += weapon.getBonus(ModType.MeleeDamageModifier, SourceType.None); max += weapon.getBonus(ModType.MeleeDamageModifier, SourceType.None); // Finally use any multipliers. DO THIS LAST! float percentMinDamage = 1; float percentMaxDamage = 1; percentMinDamage += weapon.getBonusPercent(ModType.MinDamage, SourceType.None); percentMinDamage += weapon.getBonusPercent(ModType.MeleeDamageModifier, SourceType.None); percentMaxDamage += weapon.getBonusPercent(ModType.MaxDamage, SourceType.None); percentMaxDamage += weapon.getBonusPercent(ModType.MeleeDamageModifier, SourceType.None); min *= percentMinDamage; max *= percentMaxDamage; } //if duel wielding, cut damage by 30% if (otherHand != null) { ItemBase ibo = otherHand.getItemBase(); if (ibo != null && ibo.getType().equals(ItemType.WEAPON)) { min *= 0.7f; max *= 0.7f; } } // calculate damage float minDamage; float maxDamage; float pri = (strBased) ? (float) this.statStrCurrent : (float) this.statDexCurrent; float sec = (strBased) ? (float) this.statDexCurrent : (float) this.statStrCurrent; minDamage = (float) (min * ((0.0315f * Math.pow(pri, 0.75f)) + (0.042f * Math.pow(sec, 0.75f)) + (0.01f * ((int) skillPercentage + (int) mastDam)))); maxDamage = (float) (max * ((0.0785f * Math.pow(pri, 0.75f)) + (0.016f * Math.pow(sec, 0.75f)) + (0.0075f * ((int) skillPercentage + (int) mastDam)))); minDamage = (float) ((int) (minDamage + 0.5f)); //round to nearest decimal maxDamage = (float) ((int) (maxDamage + 0.5f)); //round to nearest decimal // Half damage if in death shroud if (this.effects != null && this.effects.containsKey("DeathShroud")) { minDamage *= 0.5f; maxDamage *= 0.5f; } // add in any bonuses to damage if (this.bonuses != null) { // Add any base bonuses minDamage += this.bonuses.getFloat(ModType.MinDamage, SourceType.None); maxDamage += this.bonuses.getFloat(ModType.MaxDamage, SourceType.None); minDamage += this.bonuses.getFloat(ModType.MeleeDamageModifier, SourceType.None); maxDamage += this.bonuses.getFloat(ModType.MeleeDamageModifier, SourceType.None); // Finally use any multipliers. DO THIS LAST! float percentMinDamage = 1; float percentMaxDamage = 1; percentMinDamage += this.bonuses.getFloatPercentAll(ModType.MinDamage, SourceType.None); percentMinDamage += this.bonuses.getFloatPercentAll(ModType.MeleeDamageModifier, SourceType.None); percentMaxDamage += this.bonuses.getFloatPercentAll(ModType.MaxDamage, SourceType.None); percentMaxDamage += this.bonuses.getFloatPercentAll(ModType.MeleeDamageModifier, SourceType.None); minDamage *= percentMinDamage; maxDamage *= percentMaxDamage; } // set damages if (mainHand) { this.minDamageHandOne = (int) minDamage; this.maxDamageHandOne = (int) maxDamage; this.speedHandOne = speed; } else { this.minDamageHandTwo = (int) minDamage; this.maxDamageHandTwo = (int) maxDamage; this.speedHandTwo = speed; } } /** * @ Calculates Defense for shield */ private float getShieldDefense(Item shield) { if (shield == null) return 0; ItemBase ab = shield.getItemBase(); if (ab == null || !ab.isShield()) return 0; CharacterSkill blockSkill = this.skills.get("Block"); float skillMod; if (blockSkill == null) { skillMod = 0; } else skillMod = blockSkill.getModifiedAmount(); float def = ab.getDefense(); //apply item defense bonuses if (shield != null) { def += shield.getBonus(ModType.DR, SourceType.None); def *= (1 + shield.getBonusPercent(ModType.DR, SourceType.None)); } // float val = ((float)ab.getDefense()) * (1 + (skillMod / 100)); return (def * (1 + ((int) skillMod / 100f))); } public void setPassives() { if (this.bonuses != null) { ConcurrentHashMap equipped = this.charItemManager.getEquipped(); Item off = equipped.get(MBServerStatics.SLOT_OFFHAND); Item main = equipped.get(MBServerStatics.SLOT_MAINHAND); ItemBase wbMain = null; ItemBase wbOff = null; if (main != null) wbMain = main.getItemBase(); if (off != null) wbOff = off.getItemBase(); //set block if block found this.bonuses.setBool(ModType.Block, SourceType.None, false); if (this.baseClass != null && (this.baseClass.getObjectUUID() == 2500 || this.baseClass.getObjectUUID() == 2501)) if (off != null && off.getItemBase() != null && off.getItemBase().isShield()) this.bonuses.setBool(ModType.Block, SourceType.None, true); //set dodge if rogue if (this.baseClass != null && this.baseClass.getObjectUUID() == 2502) this.bonuses.setBool(ModType.Dodge, SourceType.None, true); else this.bonuses.setBool(ModType.Dodge, SourceType.None, false); //set parry if fighter or thief and no invalid weapon found this.bonuses.setBool(ModType.Parry, SourceType.None, false); if ((this.baseClass != null && this.baseClass.getObjectUUID() == 2500) || (this.promotionClass != null && this.promotionClass.getObjectUUID() == 2520)) if (wbMain == null || wbMain.getRange() < MBServerStatics.RANGED_WEAPON_RANGE) if (wbOff == null || wbOff.getRange() < MBServerStatics.RANGED_WEAPON_RANGE) this.bonuses.setBool(ModType.Parry, SourceType.None, true); } } /** * @ Calculates Defense for armor */ private float getArmorDefense(Item armor) { if (armor == null) return 0; ItemBase ib = armor.getItemBase(); if (ib == null) return 0; if (!ib.getType().equals(ItemType.ARMOR)) return 0; if (ib.getSkillRequired().isEmpty()) return ib.getDefense(); CharacterSkill armorSkill = this.skills.get(ib.getSkillRequired()); if (armorSkill == null) { Logger.error("Player " + this.getObjectUUID() + " has armor equipped without the nescessary skill to equip it"); return ib.getDefense(); } float def = ib.getDefense(); //apply item defense bonuses if (armor != null) { def += armor.getBonus(ModType.DR, SourceType.None); def *= (1 + armor.getBonusPercent(ModType.DR, SourceType.None)); } return (def * (1 + ((int) armorSkill.getModifiedAmount() / 50f))); } /** * @ Calculates Defense for weapon */ private float getWeaponDefense(ConcurrentHashMap equipped) { Item weapon = equipped.get(MBServerStatics.SLOT_MAINHAND); ItemBase wb = null; CharacterSkill skill, mastery; float val = 0; boolean unarmed = false; if (weapon == null) { weapon = equipped.get(MBServerStatics.SLOT_OFFHAND); if (weapon == null || weapon.getItemBase().isShield()) unarmed = true; else wb = weapon.getItemBase(); } else wb = weapon.getItemBase(); if (wb == null) unarmed = true; if (unarmed) { skill = this.skills.get("Unarmed Combat"); mastery = this.skills.get("Unarmed Combat Mastery"); } else { skill = this.skills.get(wb.getSkillRequired()); mastery = this.skills.get(wb.getMastery()); } if (skill != null) val += (int) skill.getModifiedAmount() / 2f; if (mastery != null) val += (int) mastery.getModifiedAmount() / 2f; return val; } //Call this function to recalculate granted skills and powers for player public synchronized void calculateSkills() { //tell the player to applyBonuses because something has changed runSkillCalc(); //start running the skill/power calculations } //Don't call this function directly. linked from pc.calculateSkills() //through SkillCalcJob. Designed to only run from one worker thread public void runSkillCalc() { try { //see if any new skills or powers granted CharacterSkill.calculateSkills(this); // calculate granted Trains in powers. CharacterPower.grantTrains(this); //see if any new powers unlocked from previous check CharacterPower.calculatePowers(this); } catch (Exception e) { } } //calculate item bonuses here public void calculateItemBonuses() { if (this.charItemManager == null || this.bonuses == null) return; ConcurrentHashMap equipped = this.charItemManager.getEquipped(); for (Item item : equipped.values()) { ItemBase ib = item.getItemBase(); if (ib == null) continue; //TODO add effect bonuses in here for equipped items } } /** * @ Defaults ATR, Defense and Damage for player */ private void defaultAtrAndDamage(boolean mainHand) { if (mainHand) { this.atrHandOne = 0; this.minDamageHandOne = 0; this.maxDamageHandOne = 0; this.rangeHandOne = -1; this.speedHandOne = 20; } else { this.atrHandTwo = 0; this.minDamageHandTwo = 0; this.maxDamageHandTwo = 0; this.rangeHandTwo = -1; this.speedHandTwo = 20; } } public void calculateMaxHealthManaStamina() { float h = 1f; float m = 0f; float s = 0f; float baseHealth = 15f; float baseMana = 5f; float baseStamina = 1f; float promoHealth = 0f; float promoMana = 0f; float promoStamina = 0f; float raceHealth = 0f; float raceMana = 0f; float raceStamina = 0f; float toughness = 0f; float athletics = 0f; //get baseclass modifiers if (this.baseClass != null) { baseHealth = this.baseClass.getHealthMod(); baseMana = this.baseClass.getManaMod(); baseStamina = this.baseClass.getStaminaMod(); } else { //TODO log error here } //get promotion modifiers if (this.promotionClass != null) { promoHealth = this.promotionClass.getHealthMod(); promoMana = this.promotionClass.getManaMod(); promoStamina = this.promotionClass.getStaminaMod(); } // next get racial modifer if (this.race != null) { raceHealth += this.race.getHealthBonus(); raceMana += this.race.getManaBonus(); raceStamina += this.race.getStaminaBonus(); } else { //TODO log error here } //Get level modifers float f = 0; float g = 0; if (this.level < 10 || this.promotionClass == null) f = this.level; else if (this.level < 20) { f = this.level; g = this.level - 9; } else if (level < 30) { f = (float) (19 + (this.level - 19) * 0.8); g = (float) (10 + (this.level - 19) * 0.8); } else if (level < 40) { f = (float) (27 + (this.level - 29) * 0.6); g = (float) (18 + (this.level - 29) * 0.6); } else if (level < 50) { f = (float) (33 + (this.level - 39) * 0.4); g = (float) (24 + (this.level - 39) * 0.4); } else if (level < 60) { f = (float) (37 + (this.level - 49) * 0.2); g = (float) (28 + (this.level - 49) * 0.2); } else { f = (float) (39 + (this.level - 59) * 0.1); g = (float) (30 + (this.level - 59) * 0.1); } //get toughness and athletics amount if (this.skills != null) { if (this.skills.containsKey("Toughness")) toughness = this.skills.get("Toughness").getModifiedAmount(); if (this.skills.containsKey("Athletics")) athletics = this.skills.get("Athletics").getModifiedAmount(); } h = (((f * baseHealth) + (g * promoHealth)) * (0.3f + (0.005f * this.statConCurrent)) + (this.statConCurrent + raceHealth)) * (1 + (int) toughness / 400f); m = ((f * baseMana) + (g * promoMana)) * (0.3f + (0.005f * this.statSpiCurrent)) + (this.statSpiCurrent + raceMana); s = (((f * baseStamina) + (g * promoStamina)) * (0.3f + (0.005f * this.statConCurrent)) + (this.statConCurrent + raceStamina)) * (1 + (int) athletics / 300f); // s = f * (baseStamina + 1.75f) * .5f + this.statConCurrent + raceStamina; // Apply any bonuses from runes and effects if (this.bonuses != null) { //apply effects h += this.bonuses.getFloat(ModType.HealthFull, SourceType.None); m += this.bonuses.getFloat(ModType.ManaFull, SourceType.None); s += this.bonuses.getFloat(ModType.StaminaFull, SourceType.None); h *= (1 + this.bonuses.getFloatPercentAll(ModType.HealthFull, SourceType.None)); m *= (1 + this.bonuses.getFloatPercentAll(ModType.ManaFull, SourceType.None)); s *= (1 + this.bonuses.getFloatPercentAll(ModType.StaminaFull, SourceType.None)); } // Set max health, mana and stamina if (h > 0) this.healthMax = h; else this.healthMax = 1; if (m > -1) this.manaMax = m; else this.manaMax = 0; if (s > -1) this.staminaMax = s; else this.staminaMax = 0; // Update health, mana and stamina if needed if (this.getCurrentHitpoints() > this.healthMax) this.setHealth(this.healthMax); if (this.mana.get() > this.manaMax) this.mana.set(this.manaMax); if (this.stamina.get() > this.staminaMax) this.stamina.set(staminaMax); } @Override public float getPassiveChance(String type, int attackerLevel, boolean fromCombat) { if (this.skills == null || this.bonuses == null) return 0f; ModType modType = ModType.GetModType(type); // must be allowed to use this passive if (!this.bonuses.getBool(modType, SourceType.None)) return 0f; // must not be stunned if (this.bonuses.getBool(ModType.Stunned, SourceType.None)) return 0f; // Get base skill amount CharacterSkill sk = this.skills.get(type); float amount; if (sk == null) amount = CharacterSkill.getQuickMastery(this, type); else amount = sk.getModifiedAmount(); // Add bonuses amount += this.bonuses.getFloat(modType, SourceType.None); // Add item bonuses and return if (type.equals(ModType.Dodge) && !fromCombat) return ((amount / 4) - attackerLevel + this.getLevel()) / 4; else return (amount - attackerLevel + this.getLevel()) / 4; } public float getPassiveChance1(ModType modType, SourceType sourceType, int attackerLevel, boolean fromCombat) { if (this.skills == null || this.bonuses == null) return 0f; // must be allowed to use this passive if (!this.bonuses.getBool(modType, sourceType)) return 0f; // must not be stunned if (this.bonuses.getBool(ModType.Stunned, SourceType.None)) return 0f; // Get base skill amount CharacterSkill sk = this.skills.get(sourceType.name()); float amount; if (sk == null) amount = CharacterSkill.getQuickMastery(this, modType.name()); else amount = sk.getModifiedAmount(); // Add bonuses amount += this.bonuses.getFloat(modType, sourceType); // Add item bonuses and return if (sourceType.equals(SourceType.Dodge) && !fromCombat) return ((amount / 4) - attackerLevel + this.getLevel()) / 4; else return (amount - attackerLevel + this.getLevel()) / 4; } public float getRegenModifier(ModType type) { float regen = 1f; if (this.bonuses != null) // get regen bonus from effects regen = this.bonuses.getRegen(type); return regen; } @Override public boolean canBeLooted() { return !this.isAlive(); } public void ResetLevel(short targetLevel) { if (targetLevel > 13) { ChatManager.chatSystemError(this, "Please choose a level between 1 and 13."); return; } this.promotionClass = null; if (targetLevel > 10) { this.level = 10; this.exp = Experience.getBaseExperience(11); int maxEXP = Experience.getBaseExperience(targetLevel); //target level exp; this.overFlowEXP = maxEXP - this.exp; } else { this.level = targetLevel; this.exp = Experience.getBaseExperience(level); this.overFlowEXP = 0; } for (CharacterSkill skill : this.getSkills().values()) { skill.reset(this, true); } for (CharacterPower power : this.getPowers().values()) { power.reset(this); } this.recalculatePlayerStats(initialized); this.recalculate(); ChatManager.chatSystemInfo(this, "Character reset to " + targetLevel + ". All training points have been refunded. Relog to update changes on client."); } @Override public void removeFromCache() { Logger.info("Removing " + this.getName() + " from Object Cache."); for (Item e : this.charItemManager.getEquipped().values()) { e.removeFromCache(); } for (Item i : this.charItemManager.getInventory(true)) { i.removeFromCache(); } for (Item b : this.charItemManager.getBank()) { b.removeFromCache(); } if (this.account.getLastCharIDUsed() == this.getObjectUUID()) for (Item v : this.charItemManager.getVault()) { v.removeFromCache(); } for (CharacterSkill cs : this.getSkills().values()) { cs.removeFromCache(); } for (CharacterPower ps : this.getPowers().values()) { ps.removeFromCache(); } for (CharacterRune cr : this.runes) { cr.removeFromCache(); } super.removeFromCache(); } public void storeIgnoreListDB() { } public void updateSkillsAndPowersToDatabase() { if (this.skills != null) for (CharacterSkill skill : this.skills.values()) { DbManager.CharacterSkillQueries.UPDATE_TRAINS(skill); if (this.powers != null) for (CharacterPower power : this.powers.values()) { DbManager.CharacterPowerQueries.UPDATE_TRAINS(power); } } } @Override public void updateDatabase() { } @Override public void runAfterLoad() { // Init inventory this.charItemManager = new CharacterItemManager(this); Bounds playerBounds = Bounds.borrow(); playerBounds.setBounds(this.getLoc()); this.setBounds(playerBounds); } @Override protected ConcurrentHashMap initializePowers() { return DbManager.CharacterPowerQueries.GET_POWERS_FOR_CHARACTER(this); } @Override public final void setFirstName(final String name) { super.setFirstName(name); } @Override public void setLastName(final String name) { super.setLastName(name); } @Override public short getLevel() { return this.getPCLevel(); } @Override public void setLevel(short targetLevel) { short tmpLevel; tmpLevel = targetLevel; tmpLevel = (short) Math.min(tmpLevel, 75); while (this.level < tmpLevel) { grantXP(Experience.getBaseExperience(tmpLevel) - this.exp); } } @Override public boolean asciiLastName() { return this._asciiLastName(); } @Override public void setGuild(Guild value) { if (value == null) value = Guild.getErrantGuild(); int guildID = 0; if (!value.isEmptyGuild()) guildID = value.getObjectUUID(); DbManager.PlayerCharacterQueries.UPDATE_GUILD(this, guildID); super.setGuild(value); // Player changed guild so let's invalidate the login server // cache to reflect this event. //Update player bind location; Building cityTol = null; if (value.getOwnedCity() != null) cityTol = value.getOwnedCity().getTOL(); this.setBindBuildingID(cityTol != null ? cityTol.getObjectUUID() : 0); //update binds, checks for nation tol if guild tol == null; PlayerCharacter.getUpdatedBindBuilding(this); DbManager.AccountQueries.INVALIDATE_LOGIN_CACHE(this.getObjectUUID(), "character"); } public long getSummoner(int summoner) { synchronized (this.summoners) { if (!this.summoners.containsKey(summoner)) return 0; return this.summoners.get(summoner); } } public void addSummoner(int summoner, long time) { synchronized (this.summoners) { this.summoners.put(summoner, time); } } public void removeSummoner(int summoner) { synchronized (this.summoners) { if (this.summoners.containsKey(summoner)) this.summoners.remove(summoner); } } public boolean commandSiegeMinion(Mob toCommand) { if (!toCommand.isSiege()) return false; if (toCommand.isPet() || !toCommand.isAlive()) return false; if (toCommand.getGuild().getNation() != this.getGuild().getNation()) return false; if (this.pet != null) { Mob currentPet = this.pet; if (!currentPet.isSiege()) { currentPet.setCombatTarget(null); if (currentPet.getParentZone() != null) currentPet.getParentZone().zoneMobSet.remove(currentPet); try { currentPet.clearEffects(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(e.getMessage()); } currentPet.playerAgroMap.clear(); WorldGrid.RemoveWorldObject(currentPet); DbManager.removeFromCache(currentPet); } else if (currentPet.isSiege()) { currentPet.agentType = AIAgentType.MOBILE; currentPet.setOwner(null); currentPet.setCombatTarget(null); if (currentPet.isAlive()) WorldGrid.updateObject(currentPet); } } toCommand.setPet(this, false); this.setPet(toCommand); toCommand.setCombatTarget(null); PetMsg petMsg = new PetMsg(6, toCommand); Dispatch dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(this, petMsg); DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, DispatchChannel.PRIMARY); if (toCommand.isAlive()) WorldGrid.updateObject(toCommand); return true; } // Method is called by Server Heartbeat simulation tick. // Stat regen and transform updates should go in here. public boolean isNoTeleScreen() { return noTeleScreen; } public void setNoTeleScreen(boolean noTeleScreen) { this.noTeleScreen = noTeleScreen; } private double getDeltaTime() { return (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastUpdateTime) * .001f; } private double getStamDeltaTime() { return (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastStamUpdateTime) * .001f; } public boolean isFlying() { return this.getAltitude() > 0; } public boolean isSwimming() { // If char is flying they aren't quite swimming try { if (this.isFlying()) return false; Zone zone = ZoneManager.findSmallestZone(this.getLoc()); if (zone.getSeaLevel() != 0) { float localAltitude = this.getLoc().y + this.centerHeight; if (localAltitude < zone.getSeaLevel()) return true; } else { if (this.getLoc().y + this.centerHeight < 0) return true; } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.info(this.getName() + e); } return false; } public boolean isSwimming(Vector3fImmutable currentLoc) { // If char is flying they aren't quite swimming try { float localAltitude = HeightMap.getWorldHeight(currentLoc); Zone zone = ZoneManager.findSmallestZone(currentLoc); if (zone.getSeaLevel() != 0) { if (localAltitude < zone.getSeaLevel()) return true; } else { if (localAltitude < 0) return true; } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.info(this.getName() + e); } return false; } @Override public void update() { if (this.updateLock.writeLock().tryLock()) { try { if (!this.isAlive()) return; updateLocation(); updateMovementState(); updateRegen(); if (this.getStamina() < 10) { if (this.getAltitude() > 0 || this.getDesiredAltitude() > 0) { PlayerCharacter.GroundPlayer(this); updateRegen(); } } RealmMap.updateRealm(this); updateBlessingMessage(); this.safeZone = this.isInSafeZone(); if(!this.timestamps.containsKey("nextBoxCheck")) this.timestamps.put("nextBoxCheck", System.currentTimeMillis() + 10000); if(!this.isBoxed && this.timestamps.get("nextBoxCheck") < System.currentTimeMillis()) { this.isBoxed = checkIfBoxed(this); this.timestamps.put("nextBoxCheck", System.currentTimeMillis() + 10000); } if(this.isBoxed && !this.containsEffect(1672601862)) { PowersManager.applyPower(this, this, Vector3fImmutable.ZERO, 1672601862, 40, false); } if(this.isFlying()){ if(this.getBonuses() != null && this.getBonuses().getFloat(ModType.Speed,SourceType.BUFF) > 0){ GroundPlayer(this); } } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(e); } finally { this.updateLock.writeLock().unlock(); } } } public static void unboxPlayer(PlayerCharacter player){ String machineID = player.getClientConnection().machineID; ArrayList sameMachine = new ArrayList<>(); for(PlayerCharacter pc : SessionManager.getAllActivePlayerCharacters()){ if(!pc.equals(player) && pc. isActive && pc.isEnteredWorld() && pc.getClientConnection().machineID.equals(machineID)){ sameMachine.add(pc); } } for(PlayerCharacter pc : sameMachine) pc.isBoxed = true; player.isBoxed = false; if(player.containsEffect(1672601862)) { player.removeEffectBySource(EffectSourceType.DeathShroud,41,false); } } public static boolean checkIfBoxed(PlayerCharacter player){ try { String machineID = player.getClientConnection().machineID; ArrayList sameMachine = new ArrayList<>(); for (PlayerCharacter pc : SessionManager.getAllActivePlayerCharacters()) { if (!pc.equals(player) && pc.isActive && pc.isEnteredWorld() && pc.getClientConnection().machineID.equals(machineID)) { sameMachine.add(pc); } } boolean boxed = false; for (PlayerCharacter pc : sameMachine) if (!pc.isBoxed) boxed = true; return boxed; }catch(Exception e){ return false; } } @Override public void updateFlight() { if (this.getAltitude() == 0 && this.getTakeOffTime() == 0) return; if (this.getTakeOffTime() == 0) return; if (this.getAltitude() == this.getDesiredAltitude()) { if (this.getDesiredAltitude() == 0) this.syncClient(); //landing in a building, mark altitude to 0 as player is no longer flying. if (this.landingRegion != null) { this.altitude = 0; this.region = this.landingRegion; this.loc = this.loc.setY(this.landingRegion.lerpY(this)); } else this.altitude = this.getDesiredAltitude(); this.loc = this.loc.setY(HeightMap.getWorldHeight(this) + this.getAltitude()); this.setTakeOffTime(0); MovementManager.finishChangeAltitude(this, this.getDesiredAltitude()); return; } this.loc = this.loc.setY(HeightMap.getWorldHeight(this) + this.getAltitude()); } public boolean hasBoon() { for (Effect eff : this.getEffects().values()) { if (eff.getPowerToken() == -587743986 || eff.getPowerToken() == -1660519801 || eff.getPowerToken() == -1854683250) return true; } return false; } public void updateBlessingMessage() { if (this.getTimeStamp("RealmClaim") > System.currentTimeMillis()) return; int count = 0; for (Effect eff : this.getEffects().values()) { if (eff.getPowerToken() == -587743986 || eff.getPowerToken() == -1660519801 || eff.getPowerToken() == -1854683250) count++; } if (count > 0) { this.timestamps.put("RealmClaim", DateTime.now().plusMinutes(3).getMillis()); for (PlayerCharacter toSend : SessionManager.getAllActivePlayerCharacters()) { ChatManager.chatSystemInfo(toSend, this.getCombinedName() + " is seeking to claim a realm and already has " + count + " blessngs!"); } } } @Override public void updateLocation() { if (!this.isMoving()) return; if (!this.isActive) return; Vector3fImmutable newLoc = this.getMovementLoc(); if (this.isAlive() == false || this.getBonuses().getBool(ModType.Stunned, SourceType.None) || this.getBonuses().getBool(ModType.CannotMove, SourceType.None)) { //Target is stunned or rooted. Don't move this.stopMovement(newLoc); this.region = AbstractWorldObject.GetRegionByWorldObject(this); return; } if (newLoc.equals(this.getEndLoc())) { this.stopMovement(newLoc); this.region = AbstractWorldObject.GetRegionByWorldObject(this); if (this.getDebug(1)) ChatManager.chatSystemInfo(this, "Arrived at End location. " + this.getEndLoc()); return; //Next upda } setLoc(newLoc); this.region = AbstractWorldObject.GetRegionByWorldObject(this); if (this.getDebug(1)) ChatManager.chatSystemInfo(this, "Distance to target " + this.getEndLoc().distance2D(this.getLoc()) + " speed " + this.getSpeed()); if (this.getStamina() < 10) MovementManager.sendOOS(this); // if (MBServerStatics.MOVEMENT_SYNC_DEBUG || this.getDebug(1)) // Logger.info("MovementManager", "Updating movement current loc:" + this.getLoc().getX() + " " + this.getLoc().getZ() // + " end loc: " + this.getEndLoc().getX() + " " + this.getEndLoc().getZ() + " distance " + this.getEndLoc().distance2D(this.getLoc())); } @Override public void updateMovementState() { if (this.enteredWorld) { if (!this.lastSwimming) { boolean enterWater = PlayerCharacter.enterWater(this); if (enterWater) { this.lastSwimming = enterWater; MovementManager.sendRWSSMsg(this); } } else { if (PlayerCharacter.LeaveWater(this)) { this.lastSwimming = false; if (!this.isMoving()) MovementManager.sendRWSSMsg(this); } } boolean breathe = PlayerCharacter.CanBreathe(this); if (breathe != this.canBreathe) { this.canBreathe = breathe; // ChatManager.chatSystemInfo(this, "Breathe : " + this.canBreathe); this.syncClient(); } } //char is flying if (this.isFlying() == true) { this.movementState = MovementState.FLYING; return; } // Char is not moving. Set sitting or idle if (!this.isMoving()) { if (this.sit == true) this.movementState = MovementState.SITTING; else this.movementState = MovementState.IDLE; return; } else { this.movementState = MovementState.RUNNING; } // Char is swimming // we now are saving lastSwimstate boolean, use this instead of calling getSwimming again. if (this.lastSwimming == true) { this.movementState = MovementState.SWIMMING; return; } // Char is moving, yet not swimming or flying he must be running this.movementState = MovementState.RUNNING; } @Override public void updateRegen() { float healthRegen = 0f; float manaRegen = 0f; float stamRegen = 0f; boolean updateClient = false; // Early exit if char is dead or disconnected if ((this.isAlive() == false) || (this.isActive() == false) || this.getLoc().x == 0 && this.getLoc().z == 0) return; // Calculate Regen amount from last simulation tick switch (this.movementState) { case IDLE: healthRegen = ((this.healthMax * MBServerStatics.HEALTH_REGEN_IDLE) + MBServerStatics.HEALTH_REGEN_IDLE_STATIC) * (getRegenModifier(ModType.HealthRecoverRate)); if (this.isCasting() || this.isItemCasting()) healthRegen *= .75f; // Characters regen mana when in only walk mode and idle if (this.walkMode) manaRegen = ((this.manaMax * MBServerStatics.MANA_REGEN_IDLE) * getRegenModifier(ModType.ManaRecoverRate)); else if (!this.isCasting() && !this.isItemCasting()) manaRegen = ((this.manaMax * MBServerStatics.MANA_REGEN_IDLE) * getRegenModifier(ModType.ManaRecoverRate)); else manaRegen = 0; if (!PlayerCharacter.CanBreathe(this)) stamRegen = MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_SWIM; else if ((!this.isCasting() && !this.isItemCasting()) || this.lastMovementState.equals(MovementState.FLYING)) stamRegen = MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_IDLE * getRegenModifier(ModType.StaminaRecoverRate); else stamRegen = 0; break; case SITTING: healthRegen = ((this.healthMax * MBServerStatics.HEALTH_REGEN_SIT) + MBServerStatics.HEALTH_REGEN_SIT_STATIC) * getRegenModifier(ModType.HealthRecoverRate); manaRegen = (this.manaMax * MBServerStatics.MANA_REGEN_SIT) * (getRegenModifier(ModType.ManaRecoverRate)); stamRegen = MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_SIT * getRegenModifier(ModType.StaminaRecoverRate); break; case RUNNING: if (this.walkMode == true) { healthRegen = ((this.healthMax * MBServerStatics.HEALTH_REGEN_WALK) + MBServerStatics.HEALTH_REGEN_IDLE_STATIC) * getRegenModifier(ModType.HealthRecoverRate); manaRegen = this.manaMax * MBServerStatics.MANA_REGEN_WALK * getRegenModifier(ModType.ManaRecoverRate); stamRegen = MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_WALK; } else { healthRegen = 0; manaRegen = 0; if (this.combat == true) stamRegen = MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_RUN_COMBAT; else stamRegen = MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_RUN_NONCOMBAT; } break; case FLYING: float seventyFive = this.staminaMax * .75f; float fifty = this.staminaMax * .5f; float twentyFive = this.staminaMax * .25f; if (this.getDesiredAltitude() == 0 && this.getAltitude() <= 10) { if (this.isCombat()) stamRegen = 0; else stamRegen = MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_IDLE * getRegenModifier(ModType.StaminaRecoverRate); } else if (!this.useFlyMoveRegen()) { healthRegen = ((this.healthMax * MBServerStatics.HEALTH_REGEN_IDLE) + MBServerStatics.HEALTH_REGEN_IDLE_STATIC) * (getRegenModifier(ModType.HealthRecoverRate)); if (this.isCasting() || this.isItemCasting()) healthRegen *= .75f; // Characters regen mana when in only walk mode and idle if (this.walkMode) manaRegen = (this.manaMax * MBServerStatics.MANA_REGEN_IDLE + (this.getSpiMod() * .015f)) * (getRegenModifier(ModType.ManaRecoverRate)); else if (!this.isCasting() && !this.isItemCasting()) manaRegen = (this.manaMax * MBServerStatics.MANA_REGEN_IDLE + (this.getSpiMod() * .015f)) * (getRegenModifier(ModType.ManaRecoverRate)); else manaRegen = 0; if (!this.isItemCasting() && !this.isCasting() || this.getTakeOffTime() != 0) stamRegen = MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_FLY_IDLE; else stamRegen = -1f; } else if (this.walkMode == true) { healthRegen = ((this.healthMax * MBServerStatics.HEALTH_REGEN_WALK) + MBServerStatics.HEALTH_REGEN_IDLE_STATIC) * getRegenModifier(ModType.HealthRecoverRate); manaRegen = ((this.manaMax * MBServerStatics.MANA_REGEN_WALK) + (this.getSpiMod() * .015f)) * (getRegenModifier(ModType.ManaRecoverRate)); stamRegen = MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_FLY_WALK; } else { healthRegen = 0; manaRegen = 0; if (this.isCombat()) stamRegen = MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_FLY_RUN_COMBAT; else stamRegen = MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_FLY_RUN; } float oldStamina = this.stamina.get(); if (FastMath.between(oldStamina, 0, twentyFive) && !this.wasTripped25) { updateClient = true; this.wasTripped25 = true; this.wasTripped50 = false; this.wasTripped75 = false; } else if (FastMath.between(oldStamina, twentyFive, fifty) && !this.wasTripped50) { updateClient = true; this.wasTripped25 = false; this.wasTripped50 = true; this.wasTripped75 = false; } else if (FastMath.between(oldStamina, fifty, seventyFive) && !this.wasTripped75) { updateClient = true; this.wasTripped25 = false; this.wasTripped50 = false; this.wasTripped75 = true; } break; case SWIMMING: if (this.walkMode == true) { healthRegen = ((this.healthMax * MBServerStatics.HEALTH_REGEN_WALK) + MBServerStatics.HEALTH_REGEN_IDLE_STATIC) * getRegenModifier(ModType.HealthRecoverRate); manaRegen = ((this.manaMax * MBServerStatics.MANA_REGEN_WALK) + (this.getSpiMod() * .015f)) * (getRegenModifier(ModType.ManaRecoverRate)); stamRegen = MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_SWIM; } else { healthRegen = 0; manaRegen = 0; stamRegen = MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_SWIM; if (this.combat == true) stamRegen += MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_RUN_COMBAT; else stamRegen += MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_RUN_NONCOMBAT; } break; } // Are we drowning? if ((this.getStamina() <= 0) && (PlayerCharacter.CanBreathe(this) == false)) healthRegen = (this.healthMax * -.03f); // Multiple regen values by current deltaTime // Logger.info("", healthRegen + ""); healthRegen *= getDeltaTime(); manaRegen *= getDeltaTime(); stamRegen *= getStamDeltaTime(); boolean workedHealth = false; boolean workedMana = false; boolean workedStamina = false; float old, mod; while (!workedHealth || !workedMana || !workedStamina) { if (!this.isAlive() || !this.isActive()) return; if (!workedHealth) { old = this.health.get(); mod = old + healthRegen; if (mod > this.healthMax) mod = healthMax; else if (mod <= 0) { if (this.isAlive.compareAndSet(true, false)) killCharacter("Water"); return; } workedHealth = this.health.compareAndSet(old, mod); } if (!workedStamina) { old = this.stamina.get(); mod = old + stamRegen; if (mod > this.staminaMax) mod = staminaMax; else if (mod < 0) mod = 0; workedStamina = this.stamina.compareAndSet(old, mod); } if (!workedMana) { old = this.mana.get(); mod = old + manaRegen; if (mod > this.manaMax) mod = manaMax; else if (mod < 0) mod = 0; workedMana = this.mana.compareAndSet(old, mod); } } if (updateClient) this.syncClient(); // Reset this char's frame time. this.lastUpdateTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.lastStamUpdateTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public synchronized void updateStamRegen(long time) { boolean disable = true; if (disable) return; float stamRegen = 0f; // Early exit if char is dead or disconnected if ((this.isAlive() == false) || (this.isActive() == false) || this.getLoc().x == 0 && this.getLoc().z == 0) return; // Calculate Regen amount from last simulation tick switch (this.movementState) { case IDLE: if (!PlayerCharacter.CanBreathe(this)) stamRegen = MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_SWIM; else if ((!this.isCasting() && !this.isItemCasting()) || this.lastMovementState.equals(MovementState.FLYING)) stamRegen = MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_IDLE * getRegenModifier(ModType.StaminaRecoverRate); else stamRegen = 0; break; case SITTING: stamRegen = MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_SIT * getRegenModifier(ModType.StaminaRecoverRate); break; case RUNNING: if (this.walkMode == true) { stamRegen = MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_WALK; } else { if (this.combat == true) stamRegen = MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_RUN_COMBAT; else stamRegen = MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_RUN_NONCOMBAT; } break; case FLYING: if (this.getDesiredAltitude() == 0 && this.getAltitude() <= 10) { if (this.isCombat()) stamRegen = 0; else stamRegen = MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_IDLE * getRegenModifier(ModType.StaminaRecoverRate); } else if (!this.isMoving()) { if (!this.isItemCasting() && !this.isCasting() || this.getTakeOffTime() != 0) stamRegen = MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_FLY_IDLE; else stamRegen = -1f; } else if (this.walkMode == true) { stamRegen = MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_FLY_WALK; } else { if (this.isCombat()) stamRegen = MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_FLY_RUN_COMBAT; else stamRegen = MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_FLY_RUN; } break; case SWIMMING: if (this.walkMode == true) { stamRegen = MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_SWIM; } else { stamRegen = MBServerStatics.STAMINA_REGEN_SWIM; } break; } // Multiple regen values by current deltaTime // Logger.info("", healthRegen + ""); stamRegen *= (time * .001f); boolean workedStamina = false; float old, mod; while (!workedStamina) { if (!this.isAlive() || !this.isActive()) return; if (!workedStamina) { old = this.stamina.get(); mod = old + stamRegen; if (mod > this.staminaMax) mod = staminaMax; else if (mod < 0) mod = 0; workedStamina = this.stamina.compareAndSet(old, mod); } } } public void syncClient() { ModifyHealthMsg modifyHealthMsg = new ModifyHealthMsg(null, this, 0, 1, 1, -1984683793, "", 0, 652920987); //mhm.setOmitFromChat(0); Dispatch dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(this, modifyHealthMsg); DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, DispatchChannel.PRIMARY); } public MovementState getMovementState() { return movementState; } public boolean isHasAnniversery() { return hasAnniversery; } public void setHasAnniversery(boolean hasAnniversery) { DbManager.PlayerCharacterQueries.SET_ANNIVERSERY(this, hasAnniversery); this.hasAnniversery = hasAnniversery; } public int getSpamCount() { return spamCount; } public void setSpamCount(int spamCount) { this.spamCount = spamCount; } public String getHash() { return hash; } public void setHash() { this.hash = DataWarehouse.hasher.encrypt(this.getObjectUUID()); // Write hash to player character table DataWarehouse.writeHash(DataRecordType.CHARACTER, this.getObjectUUID()); } public AtomicInteger getGuildStatus() { return guildStatus; } public int getLastRealmID() { return lastRealmID; } public void setLastRealmID(int lastRealmID) { this.lastRealmID = lastRealmID; } public int getSubRaceID() { return subRaceID; } public void setSubRaceID(int subRaceID) { this.subRaceID = subRaceID; } public ArrayList getGuildHistory() { return guildHistory; } public void setGuildHistory(ArrayList guildHistory) { this.guildHistory = guildHistory; } public void moveTo(Vector3fImmutable endLoc) { this.setInBuilding(-1); this.setInFloorID(-1); MoveToPointMsg moveToMsg = new MoveToPointMsg(); moveToMsg.setStartCoord(this.getLoc()); moveToMsg.setEndCoord(endLoc); moveToMsg.setInBuilding(-1); moveToMsg.setUnknown01(-1); moveToMsg.setSourceType(GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter.ordinal()); moveToMsg.setSourceID(this.getObjectUUID()); Dispatch dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(this, moveToMsg); DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, DispatchChannel.PRIMARY); try { MovementManager.movement(moveToMsg, this); } catch (MsgSendException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block Logger.error("Player.MoveTo", this.getName() + " tripped error " + e.getMessage()); } } public void updateScaleHeight() { float strengthScale = 0; float unknownScale1 = 0; float unknownScale2 = 0; float unknownScale3 = 0; float scaleHeight = 0; if ((int) this.statStrBase > 40) strengthScale = ((int) this.statStrBase - 40) * 0.0024999999f; //Y scale ? unknownScale1 = (float) (((int) this.statStrBase * 0.0024999999f + strengthScale + 0.89999998) * race.getRaceType().getScaleHeight()); strengthScale = (int) this.statStrBase * 0.0037499999f + strengthScale + 0.85000002f; //strengthScale is different for x and z unknownScale2 = strengthScale * race.getRaceType().getScaleHeight(); //x scale? unknownScale3 = strengthScale * race.getRaceType().getScaleHeight(); //z Scale? scaleHeight = (1.5f + unknownScale1); this.characterHeight = scaleHeight; this.centerHeight = scaleHeight; } public int getOverFlowEXP() { return overFlowEXP; } public void setOverFlowEXP(int overFlowEXP) { this.overFlowEXP = overFlowEXP; } public MovementState getLastMovementState() { return lastMovementState; } public void setLastMovementState(MovementState lastMovementState) { this.lastMovementState = lastMovementState; } @Override public final void setIsCasting(final boolean isCasting) { if (this.isCasting != isCasting) this.update(); this.isCasting = isCasting; } @Override public void setItemCasting(boolean itemCasting) { if (this.itemCasting != itemCasting) this.dynamicUpdate(UpdateType.REGEN); this.itemCasting = itemCasting; } public void resetRegenUpdateTime() { this.lastUpdateTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.lastStamUpdateTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); } public float getCharacterHeight() { return characterHeight; } public void setCharacterHeight(float characterHeight) { this.characterHeight = characterHeight; } public void setCenterHeight(float centerHeight) { this.centerHeight = centerHeight; } public boolean isEnteredWorld() { return enteredWorld; } public void setEnteredWorld(boolean enteredWorld) { this.enteredWorld = enteredWorld; } public long getChannelMute() { return channelMute; } public void setChannelMute(long channelMute) { this.channelMute = channelMute; } public boolean isLastSwimming() { return lastSwimming; } public boolean isTeleporting() { return isTeleporting; } public void setTeleporting(boolean isTeleporting) { this.isTeleporting = isTeleporting; } @Override public final void teleport(final Vector3fImmutable targetLoc) { Regions targetRegion = Regions.GetRegionForTeleport(targetLoc); locationLock.writeLock().lock(); try { MovementManager.translocate(this, targetLoc, targetRegion); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(e); } finally { locationLock.writeLock().unlock(); } } public ReadWriteLock getTeleportLock() { return teleportLock; } public float getBargain() { float bargain = 0; CharacterSkill bargainSkill = this.getSkills().get(engine.Enum.CharacterSkills.Bargaining.name()); if (bargainSkill != null) bargain = bargainSkill.getModifiedAmountBeforeMods(); if (bargain > 100) bargain = 100; bargain *= .01f; return bargain; } public boolean isDirtyLoad() { boolean dirtyValue; dirtyLock.readLock().lock(); dirtyValue = dirtyLoad; dirtyLock.readLock().unlock(); return dirtyValue; } public void setDirtyLoad(boolean dirtyLoad) { dirtyLock.writeLock().lock(); this.dirtyLoad = dirtyLoad; dirtyLock.writeLock().unlock(); } }