// • ▌ ▄ ·. ▄▄▄· ▄▄ • ▪ ▄▄· ▄▄▄▄· ▄▄▄· ▐▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ . // ·██ ▐███▪▐█ ▀█ ▐█ ▀ ▪██ ▐█ ▌▪▐█ ▀█▪▐█ ▀█ •█▌ ▐█▐▌· // ▐█ ▌▐▌▐█·▄█▀▀█ ▄█ ▀█▄▐█·██ ▄▄▐█▀▀█▄▄█▀▀█ ▐█▐ ▐▌▐▀▀▀ // ██ ██▌▐█▌▐█ ▪▐▌▐█▄▪▐█▐█▌▐███▌██▄▪▐█▐█ ▪▐▌██▐ █▌▐█▄▄▌ // ▀▀ █▪▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ·▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀·▀▀▀ ·▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀ █▪ ▀▀▀ // Magicbane Emulator Project © 2013 - 2022 // www.magicbane.com package engine.objects; import engine.Enum; import engine.Enum.*; import engine.InterestManagement.HeightMap; import engine.InterestManagement.RealmMap; import engine.InterestManagement.WorldGrid; import engine.db.archive.CityRecord; import engine.db.archive.DataWarehouse; import engine.db.archive.MineRecord; import engine.gameManager.BuildingManager; import engine.gameManager.DbManager; import engine.gameManager.ZoneManager; import engine.job.JobContainer; import engine.job.JobScheduler; import engine.jobs.DoorCloseJob; import engine.jobs.SiegeSpireWithdrawlJob; import engine.math.Bounds; import engine.math.Vector3f; import engine.math.Vector3fImmutable; import engine.net.ByteBufferWriter; import engine.net.DispatchMessage; import engine.net.client.msg.ApplyBuildingEffectMsg; import engine.net.client.msg.UpdateObjectMsg; import engine.server.MBServerStatics; import org.pmw.tinylog.Logger; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.time.ZoneId; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock; public class Building extends AbstractWorldObject { // Used for thread safety private final ReentrantReadWriteLock lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock(); private final ConcurrentHashMap hirelings = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(MBServerStatics.CHM_INIT_CAP, MBServerStatics.CHM_LOAD, MBServerStatics.CHM_THREAD_LOW); private final HashMap doorJobs = new HashMap<>(); public int meshUUID; public Zone parentZone; public boolean reverseKOS; public int reserve = 0; public float statLat; public float statLon; public float statAlt; public LocalDateTime upgradeDateTime = null; public LocalDateTime taxDateTime = null; public ArrayList patrolPoints = new ArrayList<>(); public ArrayList sentryPoints = new ArrayList<>(); public TaxType taxType = TaxType.NONE; public int taxAmount; public boolean enforceKOS = false; // Variables NOT to be stored in db public int parentBuildingID; public boolean isFurniture = false; public int floor; public int level; public AtomicBoolean isDeranking = new AtomicBoolean(false); public LocalDateTime maintDateTime; protected Resists resists; /* The Blueprint class has methods able to derive * all defining characteristics of this building, */ private int blueprintUUID = 0; private float w = 1.0f; private Vector3f meshScale = new Vector3f(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); private int doorState = 0; private int ownerUUID = 0; //NPC or Character--check ownerIsNPC flag private int _strongboxValue = 0; private int maxGold; private int effectFlags = 0; private String name = ""; private int rank; private boolean ownerIsNPC = true; private boolean spireIsActive = false; private ConcurrentHashMap timers = null; private ConcurrentHashMap timestamps = null; private ConcurrentHashMap friends = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private ConcurrentHashMap condemned = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private ProtectionState protectionState = ProtectionState.NONE; private ArrayList children = null; /** * ResultSet Constructor */ public Building(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { super(rs); float scale; Blueprint blueprint = null; try { this.meshUUID = rs.getInt("meshUUID"); this.setObjectTypeMask(MBServerStatics.MASK_BUILDING); this.blueprintUUID = rs.getInt("blueprintUUID"); this.gridObjectType = GridObjectType.STATIC; this.parentZone = DbManager.ZoneQueries.GET_BY_UID(rs.getLong("parent")); this.name = rs.getString("name"); this.ownerUUID = rs.getInt("ownerUUID"); // Orphaned Object Sanity Check //This was causing ABANDONED Tols. // if (objectType == DbObjectType.INVALID) // this.ownerUUID = 0; this.doorState = rs.getInt("doorState"); this.setHealth(rs.getInt("currentHP")); this.w = rs.getFloat("w"); this.setRot(new Vector3f(0f, rs.getFloat("rotY"), 0f)); this.reverseKOS = rs.getByte("reverseKOS") == 1 ? true : false; scale = rs.getFloat("scale"); this.meshScale = new Vector3f(scale, scale, scale); this.rank = rs.getInt("rank"); this.parentBuildingID = rs.getInt("parentBuildingID"); //create a new list if the building is a parent and not a child. if (this.parentBuildingID == 0) this.children = new ArrayList<>(); this.floor = rs.getInt("floor"); this.level = rs.getInt("level"); this.isFurniture = (rs.getBoolean("isFurniture")); // Lookup building blueprint if (this.blueprintUUID == 0) blueprint = Blueprint._meshLookup.get(meshUUID); else blueprint = this.getBlueprint(); // Log error if something went horrible wrong if ((this.blueprintUUID != 0) && (blueprint == null)) Logger.error("Invalid blueprint for object: " + this.getObjectUUID()); // Note: We handle R8 tree edge case for mesh and health // after city is loaded to avoid recursive result set call // in City resulting in a stack ovreflow. if (blueprint != null) { // Only switch mesh for player dropped structures if (this.blueprintUUID != 0) this.meshUUID = blueprint.getMeshForRank(rank); this.healthMax = blueprint.getMaxHealth(this.rank); // If this object has no blueprint but is a blueprint // mesh then set it's current health to max health if (this.blueprintUUID == 0) this.setHealth(healthMax); if (blueprint.getBuildingGroup().equals(BuildingGroup.BARRACK)) this.patrolPoints = DbManager.BuildingQueries.LOAD_PATROL_POINTS(this); } else { this.healthMax = 100000; // Structures with no blueprint mesh this.setHealth(healthMax); } // Null out blueprint if not needed (npc building) if (blueprintUUID == 0) blueprint = null; resists = new Resists("Building"); this.statLat = rs.getFloat("locationX"); this.statAlt = rs.getFloat("locationY"); this.statLon = rs.getFloat("locationZ"); if (this.parentZone != null) { if (this.parentBuildingID != 0) { Building parentBuilding = BuildingManager.getBuilding(this.parentBuildingID); if (parentBuilding != null) { this.setLoc(new Vector3fImmutable(this.statLat + this.parentZone.absX + parentBuilding.statLat, this.statAlt + this.parentZone.absY + parentBuilding.statAlt, this.statLon + this.parentZone.absZ + parentBuilding.statLon)); } else { this.setLoc(new Vector3fImmutable(this.statLat + this.parentZone.absX, this.statAlt + this.parentZone.absY, this.statLon + this.parentZone.absZ)); } } else { // Altitude of this building is derived from the heightmap engine. Vector3fImmutable tempLoc = new Vector3fImmutable(this.statLat + this.parentZone.absX, 0, this.statLon + this.parentZone.absZ); tempLoc = new Vector3fImmutable(tempLoc.x, HeightMap.getWorldHeight(tempLoc), tempLoc.z); this.setLoc(tempLoc); } } this._strongboxValue = rs.getInt("currentGold"); this.maxGold = 15000000; // *** Refactor to blueprint method this.reserve = rs.getInt("reserve"); // Does building have a protection contract? this.taxType = TaxType.valueOf(rs.getString("taxType")); this.taxAmount = rs.getInt("taxAmount"); this.protectionState = ProtectionState.valueOf(rs.getString("protectionState")); java.sql.Timestamp maintTimeStamp = rs.getTimestamp("maintDate"); if (maintTimeStamp != null) this.maintDateTime = LocalDateTime.ofInstant(maintTimeStamp.toInstant(), ZoneId.systemDefault()); java.sql.Timestamp taxTimeStamp = rs.getTimestamp("taxDate"); if (taxTimeStamp != null) this.taxDateTime = LocalDateTime.ofInstant(taxTimeStamp.toInstant(), ZoneId.systemDefault()); java.sql.Timestamp upgradeTimeStamp = rs.getTimestamp("upgradeDate"); if (upgradeTimeStamp != null) this.upgradeDateTime = LocalDateTime.ofInstant(upgradeTimeStamp.toInstant(), ZoneId.systemDefault()); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error("Failed for object " + this.blueprintUUID + ' ' + this.getObjectUUID() + e.toString()); } } /* * Getters */ public static void _serializeForClientMsg(Building building, ByteBufferWriter writer) { writer.putInt(building.getObjectType().ordinal()); writer.putInt(building.getObjectUUID()); writer.putInt(0); // pad writer.putInt(building.meshUUID); writer.putInt(0); // pad if (building.parentBuildingID != 0) { writer.putFloat(building.statLat); writer.putFloat(building.statAlt); writer.putFloat(building.statLon); } else { writer.putFloat(building.getLoc().getX()); writer.putFloat(building.getLoc().getY()); // Y location writer.putFloat(building.getLoc().getZ()); } writer.putFloat(building.w); writer.putFloat(0f); writer.putFloat(building.getRot().y); writer.putFloat(0f); writer.putFloat(building.meshScale.getX()); writer.putFloat(building.meshScale.getY()); writer.putFloat(building.meshScale.getZ()); if (building.parentBuildingID != 0) { writer.putInt(GameObjectType.Building.ordinal()); writer.putInt(building.parentBuildingID); writer.putInt(building.floor); writer.putInt(building.level); } else { writer.putInt(0); // Pad //Parent writer.putInt(0); // Pad writer.putInt(-1); // Static writer.putInt(-1); // Static } writer.put((byte) 0); // 0 writer.putFloat(3); // 3 writer.putInt(GameObjectType.Building.ordinal()); writer.putInt(building.getObjectUUID()); if (building.ownerIsNPC) writer.putInt(GameObjectType.NPC.ordinal()); else writer.putInt(GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter.ordinal()); writer.putInt(building.ownerUUID); writer.put((byte) 1); // End Datablock writer.putFloat(building.health.get()); writer.putFloat(building.healthMax); if (building.blueprintUUID == 0) writer.putInt(0); else writer.putInt(building.getBlueprint().getIcon()); writer.putInt(building.effectFlags); writer.put((byte) 1); // End Datablock Guild g = building.getGuild(); Guild nation = null; if (g == null) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { writer.putInt(16); } for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { writer.putInt(0); } } else { GuildTag._serializeForDisplay(g.getGuildTag(), writer); nation = g.getNation(); } writer.put((byte) 1); // End Datablock? if (nation == null) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { writer.putInt(16); } for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { writer.putInt(0); } } else GuildTag._serializeForDisplay(nation.getGuildTag(), writer); writer.putString(building.name); writer.put((byte) 0); // End datablock } public final boolean isRanking() { return this.upgradeDateTime != null; } public final int getRank() { return rank; } public final void setRank(int newRank) { int newMeshUUID; boolean success; // If this building has no blueprint then set rank and exit immediatly. if (this.blueprintUUID == 0 || this.getBlueprint() != null && this.getBlueprint().getBuildingGroup().equals(BuildingGroup.MINE)) { this.rank = newRank; DbManager.BuildingQueries.CHANGE_RANK(this.getObjectUUID(), newRank); return; } // Delete any upgrade jobs before doing anything else. It won't quite work // if in a few lines we happen to delete this building. JobContainer jc = this.getTimers().get("UPGRADE"); if (jc != null) { if (!JobScheduler.getInstance().cancelScheduledJob(jc)) Logger.error("failed to cancel existing upgrade job."); } // Attempt write to database, or delete the building // if we are destroying it. if (newRank == -1) success = DbManager.BuildingQueries.DELETE_FROM_DATABASE(this); else success = DbManager.BuildingQueries.updateBuildingRank(this, newRank); if (success == false) { Logger.error("Error writing to database UUID: " + this.getObjectUUID()); return; } this.isDeranking.compareAndSet(false, true); // Change the building's rank this.rank = newRank; // New rank means new mesh newMeshUUID = this.getBlueprint().getMeshForRank(this.rank); this.meshUUID = newMeshUUID; // New rank mean new max hitpoints. this.healthMax = this.getBlueprint().getMaxHealth(this.rank); this.setCurrentHitPoints(this.healthMax); if (this.getUpgradeDateTime() != null) BuildingManager.setUpgradeDateTime(this, null, 0); // If we destroyed this building make sure to turn off // protection if (this.rank == -1) this.protectionState = ProtectionState.NONE; if ((this.getBlueprint().getBuildingGroup() == BuildingGroup.TOL) && (this.rank == 8)) this.meshUUID = Realm.getRealmMesh(this.getCity()); ; // update object to clients this.refresh(true); if (this.getBounds() != null) this.getBounds().setBounds(this); // Cleanup hirelings resulting from rank change BuildingManager.cleanupHirelings(this); this.isDeranking.compareAndSet(true, false); } public final int getOwnerUUID() { return ownerUUID; } public final boolean isOwnerIsNPC() { return ownerIsNPC; } public final City getCity() { if (this.parentZone == null) return null; if (this.getBlueprint() != null && this.getBlueprint().isSiegeEquip() && this.protectionState.equals(ProtectionState.PROTECTED)) { if (this.getGuild() != null) { if (this.getGuild().getOwnedCity() != null) { if (this.getLoc().isInsideCircle(this.getGuild().getOwnedCity().getLoc(), CityBoundsType.ZONE.extents)) return this.getGuild().getOwnedCity(); } else { Bane bane = Bane.getBaneByAttackerGuild(this.getGuild()); if (bane != null) { if (bane.getCity() != null) { if (this.getLoc().isInsideCircle(bane.getCity().getLoc(), CityBoundsType.ZONE.extents)) return bane.getCity(); } } } } } if (this.parentZone.isPlayerCity() == false) return null; return City.getCity(this.parentZone.getPlayerCityUUID()); } public final String getCityName() { City city = getCity(); if (city != null) return city.getName(); return ""; } public final Blueprint getBlueprint() { if (this.blueprintUUID == 0) return null; return Blueprint.getBlueprint(this.blueprintUUID); } public final int getBlueprintUUID() { return this.blueprintUUID; } public final void setCurrentHitPoints(Float CurrentHitPoints) { this.addDatabaseJob("health", MBServerStatics.ONE_MINUTE); this.setHealth(CurrentHitPoints); } //This method is to handle when a building is damaged below 0 health. //Either destroy or derank it. public final LocalDateTime getUpgradeDateTime() { lock.readLock().lock(); try { return upgradeDateTime; } finally { lock.readLock().unlock(); } } public final float modifyHealth(final float value, final AbstractCharacter attacker) { if (this.rank == -1) return 0f; boolean worked = false; Float oldHealth = 0f, newHealth = 0f; while (!worked) { if (this.rank == -1) return 0f; oldHealth = this.health.get(); newHealth = oldHealth + value; if (newHealth > this.healthMax) newHealth = healthMax; worked = this.health.compareAndSet(oldHealth, newHealth); } if (newHealth < 0) { if (this.isDeranking.compareAndSet(false, true)) { this.destroyOrDerank(attacker); } return newHealth - oldHealth; } else this.addDatabaseJob("health", MBServerStatics.ONE_MINUTE); if (value < 0) Mine.SendMineAttackMessage(this); return newHealth - oldHealth; } public final void destroyOrDerank(AbstractCharacter attacker) { Blueprint blueprint; City city; // Sanity check: Early exit if a non // blueprinted object is attempting to // derank. if (this.blueprintUUID == 0) return; blueprint = this.getBlueprint(); city = this.getCity(); // Special handling of destroyed Banes if (blueprint.getBuildingGroup() == BuildingGroup.BANESTONE) { city.getBane().endBane(SiegeResult.DEFEND); return; } // Special handling of warehouses if (blueprint.getBuildingGroup() == BuildingGroup.WAREHOUSE) if (city != null) city.setWarehouseBuildingID(0); // Special handling of destroyed Spires if ((blueprint.getBuildingGroup() == BuildingGroup.SPIRE) && this.rank == 1) this.disableSpire(true); // Special handling of destroyed Mines if (blueprint.getBuildingGroup() == BuildingGroup.MINE && this.rank == 1) { Mine mine = Mine.getMineFromTower(this.getObjectUUID()); if (mine != null) { // Warehouse mine destruction event MineRecord mineRecord = MineRecord.borrow(mine, attacker, RecordEventType.DESTROY); DataWarehouse.pushToWarehouse(mineRecord); this.setRank(-1); this.setCurrentHitPoints((float) 1); this.healthMax = (float) 1; this.meshUUID = this.getBlueprint().getMeshForRank(this.rank); mine.handleDestroyMine(); this.getBounds().setBounds(this); this.refresh(true); return; } } // Special handling of deranking Trees if (blueprint.getBuildingGroup() == BuildingGroup.TOL) { derankTreeOfLife(); return; } // If codepath reaches here then it's a regular // structure not requiring special handling. // Time to either derank or destroy the building. if ((this.rank - 1) < 1) this.setRank(-1); else this.setRank(this.rank - 1); } // Return the maint cost in gold associated with this structure private void derankTreeOfLife() { City city; Bane bane; Realm cityRealm; ArrayList spireBuildings = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList shrineBuildings = new ArrayList<>(); ArrayList barracksBuildings = new ArrayList<>(); Building spireBuilding; Building shrineBuilding; SiegeResult siegeResult; AbstractCharacter newOwner; city = this.getCity(); if (city == null) { Logger.error("No city for tree of uuid" + this.getObjectUUID()); return; } bane = city.getBane(); // We need to collect the spires and shrines on the citygrid in case // they will be deleted as excess as the tree deranks. for (Building building : city.getParent().zoneBuildingSet) { //don't add -1 rank buildings. if (building.rank <= 0) continue; if (building.getBlueprint() != null && building.getBlueprint().getBuildingGroup() == BuildingGroup.SPIRE) spireBuildings.add(building); if (building.getBlueprint() != null && building.getBlueprint().getBuildingGroup() == BuildingGroup.SHRINE) shrineBuildings.add(building); if (building.getBlueprint() != null && building.getBlueprint().getBuildingGroup() == BuildingGroup.BARRACK) barracksBuildings.add(building); } // A tree can only hold so many spires. As it deranks we need to delete // the excess if (spireBuildings.size() > Blueprint.getMaxShrines(this.rank - 1)) { spireBuilding = spireBuildings.get(0); // Disable and delete a random spire if (spireBuilding != null) { spireBuilding.disableSpire(true); spireBuilding.setRank(-1); } } if (shrineBuildings.size() > Blueprint.getMaxShrines(this.rank - 1)) { shrineBuilding = shrineBuildings.get(0); // Delete a random shrine if (shrineBuilding != null) shrineBuilding.setRank(-1); } if (barracksBuildings.size() > this.rank - 1) { Building barracksBuilding = barracksBuildings.get(0); // Delete a random barrack if (barracksBuilding != null) barracksBuilding.setRank(-1); } // If the tree is R8 and deranking, we need to update it's // mesh along with buildings losing their health bonus if (this.rank == 8) { cityRealm = city.getRealm(); if (cityRealm != null) cityRealm.abandonRealm(); for (Building cityBuilding : this.parentZone.zoneBuildingSet) { if ((cityBuilding.getBlueprint() != null && cityBuilding.getBlueprint().getBuildingGroup() != BuildingGroup.TOL) && (cityBuilding.getBlueprint().getBuildingGroup() != BuildingGroup.BANESTONE)) { cityBuilding.healthMax = cityBuilding.getBlueprint().getMaxHealth(cityBuilding.rank); } if (cityBuilding.health.get() > cityBuilding.healthMax) cityBuilding.setHealth(cityBuilding.healthMax); } } // Tree is simply deranking. // Let's do so and early exit if (this.rank > 1) { this.setRank(rank - 1); City.lastCityUpdate = System.currentTimeMillis(); return; } // Must remove a bane before considering destruction of a TOL if (bane != null) { // Cache the new owner newOwner = Guild.GetGL(bane.getOwner().getGuild()); this.isDeranking.compareAndSet(false, true); if ((bane.getOwner().getGuild().getGuildState() == GuildState.Sovereign) || (bane.getOwner().getGuild().getGuildState() == GuildState.Protectorate) || (bane.getOwner().getGuild().getGuildState() == GuildState.Province) || (bane.getOwner().getGuild().getGuildState() == GuildState.Nation)) siegeResult = SiegeResult.DESTROY; else siegeResult = SiegeResult.CAPTURE; // Remove realm if city had one Realm realm = RealmMap.getRealmAtLocation(city.getLoc()); if (realm != null) if (realm.isRealmFullAfterBane()) siegeResult = SiegeResult.DESTROY; city.getBane().endBane(siegeResult); // If it's a capture bane transfer the tree and exit if (siegeResult.equals(SiegeResult.CAPTURE)) { city.transfer(newOwner); CityRecord cityRecord = CityRecord.borrow(city, RecordEventType.CAPTURE); DataWarehouse.pushToWarehouse(cityRecord); return; } } // end removal of bane // if codepath reaches here then we can now destroy the tree and the city CityRecord cityRecord = CityRecord.borrow(city, RecordEventType.DESTROY); DataWarehouse.pushToWarehouse(cityRecord); city.destroy(); } public float getCurrentHitpoints() { return this.health.get(); } public int getMaintCost() { if(this.getBlueprint() != null && this.getBlueprint().getBuildingGroup().equals(BuildingGroup.TOL)) return 3000000; else return 0; } public final void submitOpenDoorJob(int doorID) { //cancel any outstanding door close jobs for this door if (this.doorJobs.containsKey(doorID)) { this.doorJobs.get(doorID).cancelJob(); this.doorJobs.remove(doorID); } //add new door close job DoorCloseJob dcj = new DoorCloseJob(this, doorID); this.doorJobs.put(doorID, dcj); JobScheduler.getInstance().scheduleJob(dcj, MBServerStatics.DOOR_CLOSE_TIMER); } public final float getMaxHitPoints() { return this.healthMax; } public final void setMaxHitPoints(float maxHealth) { this.healthMax = maxHealth; } public final void setw(float value) { this.w = value; } public final float getw() { return this.w; } public final Vector3f getMeshScale() { return this.meshScale; } public final int getMeshUUID() { return this.meshUUID; } public final void setMeshUUID(int value) { this.meshUUID = value; } public final Resists getResists() { return this.resists; } public final Zone getParentZone() { return this.parentZone; } //Sets the relative position to a parent zone public final void setParentZone(Zone zone) { //update ZoneManager's zone building list if (zone != null) if (this.parentZone != null) { this.parentZone.zoneBuildingSet.remove(this); if (this.getBlueprint() != null && this.getBlueprint().getBuildingGroup().equals(BuildingGroup.BARRACK)) { this.RemoveFromBarracksList(); } zone.zoneBuildingSet.add(this); } else zone.zoneBuildingSet.add(this); else if (this.parentZone != null) { this.parentZone.zoneBuildingSet.remove(this); if (this.getBlueprint() != null && this.getBlueprint().getBuildingGroup().equals(BuildingGroup.BARRACK)) { this.RemoveFromBarracksList(); } } if (this.parentZone == null) { this.parentZone = zone; this.setLoc(new Vector3fImmutable(this.statLat + zone.absX, this.statAlt + zone.absY, this.statLon + zone.absZ)); } else this.parentZone = zone; if (this.getBlueprint() != null && this.getBlueprint().getBuildingGroup().equals(BuildingGroup.BARRACK)) { AddToBarracksList(); } } public final int getParentZoneID() { if (this.parentZone == null) return 0; return this.parentZone.getObjectUUID(); } public float getStatLat() { return statLat; } public float getStatLon() { return statLon; } public float getStatAlt() { return statAlt; } public Guild getGuild() { AbstractCharacter buildingOwner; buildingOwner = this.getOwner(); if (buildingOwner != null) return buildingOwner.getGuild(); else return Guild.getErrantGuild(); } public int getEffectFlags() { return this.effectFlags; } public void addEffectBit(int bit) { this.effectFlags |= bit; } public void removeAllVisualEffects() { this.effectFlags = 0; ApplyBuildingEffectMsg applyBuildingEffectMsg = new ApplyBuildingEffectMsg(3276859, 1, this.getObjectType().ordinal(), this.getObjectUUID(), 0); DispatchMessage.sendToAllInRange(this, applyBuildingEffectMsg); } /* * Utils */ public void removeEffectBit(int bit) { this.effectFlags &= (~bit); } @Override public String getName() { return this.name; } public final void setName(String value) { if (DbManager.BuildingQueries.CHANGE_NAME(this, value) == false) return; this.name = value; this.updateName(); } /* * Serializing */ public final AbstractCharacter getOwner() { if (this.ownerUUID == 0) return null; if (this.ownerIsNPC) return NPC.getFromCache(this.ownerUUID); return PlayerCharacter.getFromCache(this.ownerUUID); } /* * Database */ public final String getOwnerName() { AbstractCharacter owner = this.getOwner(); if (owner != null) return owner.getName(); return ""; } public final String getGuildName() { Guild g = getGuild(); if (g != null) return g.getName(); return "None"; } @Override public void updateDatabase() { // *** Refactor : Log error here to see if it's ever called } public final LocalDateTime getDateToUpgrade() { return upgradeDateTime; } public final boolean setStrongboxValue(int newValue) { boolean success = true; try { DbManager.BuildingQueries.SET_PROPERTY(this, "currentGold", newValue); this._strongboxValue = newValue; } catch (Exception e) { success = false; Logger.error("Error writing to database"); } return success; } public final int getStrongboxValue() { return _strongboxValue; } public final void refresh(boolean newMesh) { if (newMesh) WorldGrid.updateObject(this); else { UpdateObjectMsg uom = new UpdateObjectMsg(this, 3); DispatchMessage.sendToAllInRange(this, uom); } } public final void updateName() { UpdateObjectMsg uom = new UpdateObjectMsg(this, 2); DispatchMessage.sendToAllInRange(this, uom); } // *** Refactor: Can't we just use setRank() for this? public final void rebuildMine() { this.setRank(1); this.meshUUID = this.getBlueprint().getMeshForRank(this.rank); // New rank mean new max hitpoints. this.healthMax = this.getBlueprint().getMaxHealth(this.rank); this.setCurrentHitPoints(this.healthMax); this.getBounds().setBounds(this); } public final void refreshGuild() { UpdateObjectMsg uom = new UpdateObjectMsg(this, 5); DispatchMessage.sendToAllInRange(this, uom); } public int getMaxGold() { return maxGold; } //This returns if a player is allowed access to control the building @Override public void runAfterLoad() { try { this.parentZone.zoneBuildingSet.add(this); // Submit upgrade job if building is currently set to rank. try { DbObjectType objectType = DbManager.BuildingQueries.GET_UID_ENUM(this.ownerUUID); this.ownerIsNPC = (objectType == DbObjectType.NPC); } catch (Exception e) { this.ownerIsNPC = false; Logger.error("Failed to find Object Type for owner " + this.ownerUUID + " Location " + this.getLoc().toString()); } try { DbManager.BuildingQueries.LOAD_ALL_FRIENDS_FOR_BUILDING(this); DbManager.BuildingQueries.LOAD_ALL_CONDEMNED_FOR_BUILDING(this); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(this.getObjectUUID() + " failed to load friends/condemned." + e.getMessage()); } //LOad Owners in Cache so we do not have to continuely look in the db for owner. if (this.ownerIsNPC) { if (NPC.getNPC(this.ownerUUID) == null) Logger.info("Building UID " + this.getObjectUUID() + " Failed to Load NPC Owner with ID " + this.ownerUUID + " Location " + this.getLoc().toString()); } else if (this.ownerUUID != 0) { if (PlayerCharacter.getPlayerCharacter(this.ownerUUID) == null) { Logger.info("Building UID " + this.getObjectUUID() + " Failed to Load Player Owner with ID " + this.ownerUUID + " Location " + this.getLoc().toString()); } } // Apply health bonus and special mesh for realm if applicable if ((this.getCity() != null) && this.getCity().getTOL() != null && (this.getCity().getTOL().rank == 8)) { // Update mesh accordingly if (this.getBlueprint() != null && this.getBlueprint().getBuildingGroup() == BuildingGroup.TOL) this.meshUUID = Realm.getRealmMesh(this.getCity()); // Apply realm capital health bonus. // Do not apply bonus to banestones or TOL's. *** Refactor: // Possibly only protected buildings? Needs some thought. float missingHealth = 0; if (this.health.get() != 0) missingHealth = this.healthMax - this.health.get(); if ((this.getBlueprint() != null && this.getBlueprint().getBuildingGroup() != BuildingGroup.TOL) && (this.getBlueprint().getBuildingGroup() != BuildingGroup.BANESTONE)) { this.healthMax += (this.healthMax * Realm.getRealmHealthMod(this.getCity())); if (this.health.get() != 0) this.health.set(this.healthMax - missingHealth); if (this.health.get() > this.healthMax) this.health.set(this.healthMax); } } // Set bounds for this building Bounds buildingBounds = Bounds.borrow(); buildingBounds.setBounds(this); this.setBounds(buildingBounds); //create a new list for children if the building is not a child. children list default is null. //TODO Remove Furniture/Child buildings from building class and move them into a seperate class. if (this.parentBuildingID == 0) this.children = new ArrayList<>(); if (this.parentBuildingID != 0) { Building parent = BuildingManager.getBuildingFromCache(this.parentBuildingID); if (parent != null) { parent.children.add(this); //add furniture to region cache. floor and level are reversed in database, //TODO Fix Regions region = BuildingManager.GetRegion(parent, this.level, this.floor, this.getLoc().x, this.getLoc().z); if (region != null) Regions.FurnitureRegionMap.put(this.getObjectUUID(), region); } } if (this.upgradeDateTime != null) BuildingManager.submitUpgradeJob(this); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public synchronized boolean setOwner(AbstractCharacter newOwner) { int newOwnerID; if (newOwner == null) newOwnerID = 0; else newOwnerID = newOwner.getObjectUUID(); try { // Save new owner to database if (!DbManager.BuildingQueries.updateBuildingOwner(this, newOwnerID)) return false; if (newOwner == null) { this.ownerIsNPC = false; this.ownerUUID = 0; } else { this.ownerUUID = newOwner.getObjectUUID(); this.ownerIsNPC = (newOwner.getObjectType() == GameObjectType.NPC); } // Set new guild for hirelings and refresh all clients this.refreshGuild(); BuildingManager.refreshHirelings(this); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error("Error updating owner! UUID: " + this.getObjectUUID()); return false; } return true; } //This turns on and off low damage effect for building public void toggleDamageLow(boolean on) { if (on) addEffectBit(2); else removeEffectBit(2); } //This turns on and off medium damage effect for building public void toggleDamageMedium(boolean on) { if (on) addEffectBit(4); else removeEffectBit(4); } //This turns on and off high damage effect for building public void toggleDamageHigh(boolean on) { if (on) addEffectBit(8); else removeEffectBit(8); } //This clears all damage effects on a building public void clearDamageEffect() { toggleDamageLow(false); toggleDamageMedium(false); toggleDamageHigh(false); } public Vector3fImmutable getStuckLocation() { Vector3fImmutable stuckLocation; ArrayList stuckLocations; stuckLocations = BuildingManager._stuckLocations.get(this.meshUUID); // Sanity check if (stuckLocations == null || stuckLocations.isEmpty()) return this.getLoc(); stuckLocation = stuckLocations.get(ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(stuckLocations.size())).getLocation(); stuckLocation = this.getLoc().add(stuckLocation); // Rotate stuck position by the building rotation stuckLocation = Vector3fImmutable.rotateAroundPoint(this.getLoc(), stuckLocation, this.getBounds().getQuaternion().angleY); return stuckLocation; } public boolean isDoorOpen(int doorNumber) { if (this.doorState == 0) return false; return (this.doorState & (1 << doorNumber + 16)) != 0; } public boolean isDoorLocked(int doorNumber) { if (this.doorState == 0) return false; return (this.doorState & (1 << doorNumber)) != 0; } public boolean setDoorState(int doorNumber, DoorState doorState) { boolean updateRecord; updateRecord = false; // Can't have an invalid door number // Log error? if (doorNumber < 1 || doorNumber > 16) return false; switch (doorState) { case OPEN: this.doorState |= (1 << (doorNumber + 16)); break; case CLOSED: this.doorState &= ~(1 << (doorNumber + 16)); break; case UNLOCKED: this.doorState &= ~(1 << doorNumber); updateRecord = true; break; case LOCKED: this.doorState |= (1 << doorNumber); updateRecord = true; break; } // Save to database ? if (updateRecord == true) return DbManager.BuildingQueries.UPDATE_DOOR_LOCK(this.getObjectUUID(), this.doorState); else return true; } public void updateEffects() { ApplyBuildingEffectMsg applyBuildingEffectMsg = new ApplyBuildingEffectMsg(0x00720063, 1, this.getObjectType().ordinal(), this.getObjectUUID(), this.effectFlags); DispatchMessage.sendToAllInRange(this, applyBuildingEffectMsg); } public final void enableSpire() { SpireType spireType; if (this.getCity() == null) return; // Blueprint sanity check if (this.blueprintUUID == 0) return; spireType = SpireType.getByBlueprintUUID(this.blueprintUUID); SiegeSpireWithdrawlJob spireJob = new SiegeSpireWithdrawlJob(this); JobContainer jc = JobScheduler.getInstance().scheduleJob(spireJob, 300000); this.getTimers().put("SpireWithdrawl", jc); this.getCity().addCityEffect(spireType.getEffectBase(), rank); addEffectBit(spireType.getEffectFlag()); this.spireIsActive = true; this.updateEffects(); } public final void disableSpire(boolean refreshEffect) { SpireType spireType; if (this.getCity() == null) return; // Blueprint sanity check if (this.blueprintUUID == 0) return; spireType = SpireType.getByBlueprintUUID(this.blueprintUUID); this.getCity().removeCityEffect(spireType.getEffectBase(), rank, refreshEffect); JobContainer toRemove = this.getTimers().get("SpireWithdrawl"); if (toRemove != null) { toRemove.cancelJob(); this.getTimers().remove("SpireWithdrawl"); } this.spireIsActive = false; this.removeEffectBit(spireType.getEffectFlag()); this.updateEffects(); } public ConcurrentHashMap getHirelings() { return hirelings; } public final boolean isSpireIsActive() { return spireIsActive; } public final void setSpireIsActive(boolean spireIsActive) { this.spireIsActive = spireIsActive; } public final boolean isVulnerable() { // NPC owned buildings are never vulnerable if (ownerIsNPC) return false; // Buildings on an npc citygrid are never vulnerable if (this.getCity() != null) { if (this.getCity().getParent().isNPCCity() == true) return false; } // Destroyed buildings are never vulnerable if (rank < 0) return false; // Any structure without a blueprint was not placed by a // player and we can assume to be invulnerable regardless // of a protection contract or not. if (this.getBlueprint() == null) return false; // Runegates are never vulerable. if (this.getBlueprint().getBuildingGroup() == BuildingGroup.RUNEGATE) return false; // Shrines are never vulerable. They blow up as a // tree deranks. if (this.getBlueprint().getBuildingGroup() == BuildingGroup.SHRINE) return false; // Mines are vulnerable only if they are active if (this.getBlueprint().getBuildingGroup() == BuildingGroup.MINE) { // Cannot access mine if (Mine.getMineFromTower(this.getObjectUUID()) == null) return false; return Mine.getMineFromTower(this.getObjectUUID()).getIsActive() == true; } // Errant banestones are vulnerable by default if ((this.getBlueprint().getBuildingGroup() == BuildingGroup.BANESTONE) && this.getCity().getBane().isErrant() == true) return true; // There is an active protection contract. Is there also // an active bane? If so, it's meaningless. if (this.assetIsProtected() == true) { // Building protection is meaningless without a city if (this.getCity() == null) return true; // All buildings are vulnerable during an active bane return (this.getCity().protectionEnforced == false); } // No protection contract? Oh well, you're vunerable! return true; } public final ConcurrentHashMap getTimers() { if (this.timers == null) this.timers = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(MBServerStatics.CHM_INIT_CAP, MBServerStatics.CHM_LOAD, MBServerStatics.CHM_THREAD_LOW); return this.timers; } public final ConcurrentHashMap getTimestamps() { if (this.timestamps == null) this.timestamps = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(MBServerStatics.CHM_INIT_CAP, MBServerStatics.CHM_LOAD, MBServerStatics.CHM_THREAD_LOW); return this.timestamps; } public final long getTimeStamp(final String name) { if (this.getTimestamps().containsKey(name)) return this.timestamps.get(name); return 0L; } public final void setTimeStamp(final String name, final long value) { this.getTimestamps().put(name, value); } public ConcurrentHashMap getFriends() { return this.friends; } public final void claim(AbstractCharacter sourcePlayer) { // Clear any existing friend or condemn entries this.friends.clear(); DbManager.BuildingQueries.CLEAR_FRIENDS_LIST(this.getObjectUUID()); condemned.clear(); DbManager.BuildingQueries.CLEAR_CONDEMNED_LIST(this.getObjectUUID()); // Transfer the building asset ownership this.setOwner(sourcePlayer); } /** * @return the protectionState */ public ProtectionState getProtectionState() { return protectionState; } /** * @param protectionState the protectionState to set */ public void setProtectionState(ProtectionState protectionState) { // Early exit if protection state is already set to input value if (this.protectionState.equals(protectionState)) return; // if building is destroyed, just set the protection state. There isn't a DB // record to write anything to. if (rank == -1) { this.protectionState = protectionState; return; } if (DbManager.BuildingQueries.UPDATE_PROTECTIONSTATE(this.getObjectUUID(), protectionState) == true) { this.protectionState = protectionState; return; } Logger.error("Protection update failed for UUID: " + this.getObjectUUID() + "\n" + this.getBlueprint().getName() + " From " + this.protectionState.name() + " To: " + protectionState.name()); } public ConcurrentHashMap getCondemned() { return condemned; } public boolean setReverseKOS(boolean reverseKOS) { if (!DbManager.BuildingQueries.updateReverseKOS(this, reverseKOS)) return false; this.reverseKOS = reverseKOS; return true; } public boolean assetIsProtected() { boolean outValue = false; if (protectionState.equals(ProtectionState.PROTECTED)) outValue = true; if (protectionState.equals(ProtectionState.CONTRACT)) outValue = true; return outValue; } public synchronized boolean transferGold(int amount, boolean tax) { if (amount < 0) if (!this.hasFunds(-amount)) return false; if (_strongboxValue + amount < 0) return false; if (_strongboxValue + amount > maxGold) return false; //Deduct Profit taxes. if (tax) if (taxType == TaxType.PROFIT && protectionState == ProtectionState.CONTRACT && amount > 0) amount = this.payProfitTaxes(amount); if (amount != 0) return this.setStrongboxValue(_strongboxValue + amount); return true; } public synchronized int payProfitTaxes(int amount) { if (this.getCity() == null) return amount; if (this.getCity().getWarehouse() == null) return amount; if (this.getCity().getWarehouse().getResources().get(ItemBase.getGoldItemBase()) >= Warehouse.getMaxResources().get(ItemBase.getGoldItemBase().getUUID())) return amount; int profitAmount = (int) (amount * (taxAmount * .01f)); if (this.getCity().getWarehouse().getResources().get(ItemBase.getGoldItemBase()) + profitAmount <= Warehouse.getMaxResources().get(ItemBase.getGoldItemBase().getUUID())) { this.getCity().getWarehouse().depositProfitTax(ItemBase.getGoldItemBase(), profitAmount, this); return amount - profitAmount; } //overDrafting int warehouseDeposit = Warehouse.getMaxResources().get(ItemBase.getGoldItemBase().getUUID()) - this.getCity().getWarehouse().getResources().get(ItemBase.getGoldItemBase()); this.getCity().getWarehouse().depositProfitTax(ItemBase.getGoldItemBase(), warehouseDeposit, this); return amount - warehouseDeposit; } public synchronized boolean setReserve(int amount, PlayerCharacter player) { if (!BuildingManager.playerCanManageNotFriends(player, this)) return false; if (amount < 0) return false; if (!DbManager.BuildingQueries.SET_RESERVE(this, amount)) return false; this.reserve = amount; return true; } public synchronized boolean hasFunds(int amount) { return amount <= (this._strongboxValue - reserve); } public ArrayList getPatrolPoints() { return patrolPoints; } public void setPatrolPoints(ArrayList patrolPoints) { this.patrolPoints = patrolPoints; } public ArrayList getSentryPoints() { return sentryPoints; } public void setSentryPoints(ArrayList sentryPoints) { this.sentryPoints = sentryPoints; } public synchronized boolean addProtectionTax(Building building, PlayerCharacter pc, final TaxType taxType, int amount, boolean enforceKOS) { if (building == null) return false; if (this.getBlueprint() == null) return false; if (this.getBlueprint().getBuildingGroup() != BuildingGroup.TOL) return false; if (building.assetIsProtected()) return false; if (!DbManager.BuildingQueries.addTaxes(building, taxType, amount, enforceKOS)) return false; building.taxType = taxType; building.taxAmount = amount; building.enforceKOS = enforceKOS; return true; } public synchronized boolean declineTaxOffer() { return true; } public synchronized boolean acceptTaxOffer() { return true; } public synchronized boolean acceptTaxes() { if (!DbManager.BuildingQueries.acceptTaxes(this)) return false; this.setProtectionState(Enum.ProtectionState.CONTRACT); this.taxDateTime = LocalDateTime.now().plusDays(7); return true; } public synchronized boolean removeTaxes() { if (!DbManager.BuildingQueries.removeTaxes(this)) return false; this.taxType = TaxType.NONE; this.taxAmount = 0; this.taxDateTime = null; this.enforceKOS = false; return true; } public boolean isTaxed() { if (this.taxType == TaxType.NONE) return false; if (this.taxAmount == 0) return false; return this.taxDateTime != null; } public void AddToBarracksList() { City playerCity = ZoneManager.getCityAtLocation(this.loc); if (playerCity != null) { playerCity.cityBarracks.add(this); } } public void RemoveFromBarracksList() { } }