// • ▌ ▄ ·. ▄▄▄· ▄▄ • ▪ ▄▄· ▄▄▄▄· ▄▄▄· ▐▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ . // ·██ ▐███▪▐█ ▀█ ▐█ ▀ ▪██ ▐█ ▌▪▐█ ▀█▪▐█ ▀█ •█▌ ▐█▐▌· // ▐█ ▌▐▌▐█·▄█▀▀█ ▄█ ▀█▄▐█·██ ▄▄▐█▀▀█▄▄█▀▀█ ▐█▐ ▐▌▐▀▀▀ // ██ ██▌▐█▌▐█ ▪▐▌▐█▄▪▐█▐█▌▐███▌██▄▪▐█▐█ ▪▐▌██▐ █▌▐█▄▄▌ // ▀▀ █▪▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ·▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀·▀▀▀ ·▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀ █▪ ▀▀▀ // Magicbane Emulator Project © 2013 - 2022 // www.magicbane.com package engine.objects; import engine.Enum; import engine.InterestManagement.InterestManager; import engine.InterestManagement.RealmMap; import engine.InterestManagement.WorldGrid; import engine.db.archive.DataWarehouse; import engine.db.archive.RealmRecord; import engine.gameManager.BuildingManager; import engine.gameManager.DbManager; import engine.gameManager.NPCManager; import engine.gameManager.PowersManager; import engine.net.ByteBufferWriter; import engine.powers.PowersBase; import engine.server.MBServerStatics; import org.pmw.tinylog.Logger; import java.awt.*; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.time.ZoneId; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import static engine.Enum.CharterType; public class Realm { // Internal class cache public static ConcurrentHashMap _realms = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(MBServerStatics.CHM_INIT_CAP, MBServerStatics.CHM_LOAD, MBServerStatics.CHM_THREAD_LOW); public final int realmID; private final float mapR; //Red color private final float mapG; //Green color private final float mapB; //Blue color private final float mapA; //Alpha color private final boolean canBeClaimed; private final boolean canPlaceCities; private final int numCities; private final String realmName; private final float mapY1; private final float mapX1; private final float mapY2; private final float mapX2; private final int stretchX; private final int stretchY; private final int locX; private final int locY; private final HashSet cities = new HashSet<>(); public Color mapColor; public LocalDateTime ruledSince; private int rulingCityUUID; private int rulingCharacterUUID; private int rulingCharacterOrdinal; private String rulingCharacterName; private int rulingNationUUID; private GuildTag rulingNationTags; private String rulingNationName; private int charterType; private String hash; /** * ResultSet Constructor */ public Realm(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { this.mapColor = new Color(Integer.parseInt(rs.getString("realmColor"), 16)); this.mapR = (float) (mapColor.getRed() * 0.00392156863); this.mapG = (float) (mapColor.getGreen() * 0.00392156863); this.mapB = (float) (mapColor.getBlue() * 0.00392156863); this.mapA = 1; this.canBeClaimed = rs.getBoolean("canBeClaimed"); this.canPlaceCities = rs.getBoolean("canPlaceCities"); this.numCities = rs.getInt("numCities"); this.realmName = rs.getString("realmName"); this.rulingCityUUID = rs.getInt("rulingCityUID"); this.charterType = rs.getInt("charterType"); java.sql.Timestamp ruledTimeStamp = rs.getTimestamp("ruledSince"); if (ruledTimeStamp != null) this.ruledSince = LocalDateTime.ofInstant(ruledTimeStamp.toInstant(), ZoneId.systemDefault()); this.mapY1 = rs.getFloat("mapY1"); this.mapX1 = rs.getFloat("mapX1"); this.mapY2 = rs.getFloat("mapY2"); this.mapX2 = rs.getFloat("mapX2"); this.stretchX = rs.getInt("stretchX"); this.stretchY = rs.getInt("stretchY"); this.locX = rs.getInt("locX"); this.locY = rs.getInt("locY"); this.realmID = rs.getInt("realmID"); this.hash = rs.getString("hash"); } public static void configureAllRealms() { for (Realm realm : Realm._realms.values()) { realm.configure(); } } public static Realm getRealm(int realmID) { return _realms.get(realmID); } public static boolean HasAllBlessings(PlayerCharacter claimer) { if (claimer == null) return false; PowersBase powerBlessing = PowersManager.getPowerByIDString("BLS-POWER"); if (!claimer.effects.containsKey(Integer.toString(powerBlessing.getActions().get(0).getUUID()))) return false; PowersBase wisdomBlessing = PowersManager.getPowerByIDString("BLS-POWER"); if (!claimer.effects.containsKey(Integer.toString(wisdomBlessing.getActions().get(0).getUUID()))) return false; PowersBase fortuneBlessing = PowersManager.getPowerByIDString("BLS-FORTUNE"); return claimer.effects.containsKey(Integer.toString(fortuneBlessing.getActions().get(0).getUUID())); } public static float getRealmHealthMod(City city) { Realm serverRealm; int charterType; float returnBonus = 0.0f; serverRealm = RealmMap.getRealmForCity(city); charterType = serverRealm.charterType; switch (charterType) { case 762228431: returnBonus = 0.0f; break; case -15978914: returnBonus = -.15f; break; case -600065291: returnBonus = .15f; break; default: break; } return returnBonus; } public static int getRealmMesh(City city) { Realm serverRealm; CharterType charterType; serverRealm = city.getRealm(); charterType = CharterType.getCharterTypeByID(serverRealm.charterType); return charterType.getMeshID(); } public static void loadAllRealms() { _realms = DbManager.RealmQueries.LOAD_ALL_REALMS(); } /* * Getters */ public boolean isRuled() { return (this.rulingCityUUID != 0); } public float getMapR() { return this.mapR; } public float getMapG() { return this.mapG; } public float getMapB() { return this.mapB; } public float getMapA() { return this.mapA; } public boolean getCanBeClaimed() { return this.canBeClaimed; } public boolean getCanPlaceCities() { return this.canPlaceCities; } public int getNumCities() { return this.numCities; } public String getRealmName() { return this.realmName; } public City getRulingCity() { return City.getCity(this.rulingCityUUID); } public float getMapY1() { return this.mapY1; } public float getMapX1() { return this.mapX1; } public float getMapY2() { return this.mapY2; } public float getMapX2() { return this.mapX2; } public int getStretchX() { return this.stretchX; } public int getStretchY() { return this.stretchY; } public int getlocX() { return this.locX; } public int getlocY() { return this.locY; } // Call this after changing ownership before you serialize a realm public int getRealmID() { return this.realmID; } public void addCity(int cityUUID) { if (!this.cities.add(cityUUID)) this.cities.add(cityUUID); } public void removeCity(int cityUUID) { this.cities.remove(cityUUID); } public boolean isRealmFull() { return this.cities.size() >= this.numCities; } public boolean isRealmFullAfterBane() { return this.cities.size() > this.numCities; } public void configure() { PlayerCharacter rulingCharacter; // Configure what exactly? We won't send any of it. if (this.rulingCityUUID == 0) return; if (this.getRulingCity() == null) return; if (this.getRulingCity().getTOL() == null) return; rulingCharacter = PlayerCharacter.getPlayerCharacter(this.getRulingCity().getTOL().getOwnerUUID()); if (rulingCharacter == null) { Logger.info(this.realmName + " failed to load " + this.getRulingCity().getCityName() + " ID : " + this.rulingCityUUID); return; } this.rulingCharacterUUID = rulingCharacter.getObjectUUID(); this.rulingCharacterOrdinal = rulingCharacter.getObjectType().ordinal(); this.rulingCharacterName = rulingCharacter.getFirstName() + ' ' + rulingCharacter.getLastName(); this.rulingNationUUID = rulingCharacter.getGuild().getNation().getObjectUUID(); this.rulingNationName = rulingCharacter.getGuild().getNation().getName(); this.rulingNationTags = rulingCharacter.getGuild().getNation().getGuildTag(); } public void serializeForClientMsg(ByteBufferWriter writer) { writer.putFloat(this.mapR); writer.putFloat(this.mapG); writer.putFloat(this.mapB); writer.putFloat(this.mapA); writer.put((byte) (this.canBeClaimed ? 0x1 : 0x0)); writer.put((byte) (this.canPlaceCities ? 0x1 : 0x0)); writer.putInt(this.numCities); writer.putFloat(this.mapR); writer.putFloat(this.mapG); writer.putFloat(this.mapB); writer.putFloat(this.mapA); writer.putString(this.realmName); if (isRuled() == true) { writer.putInt(Enum.GameObjectType.Guild.ordinal()); writer.putInt(rulingNationUUID); writer.putInt(rulingCharacterOrdinal); writer.putInt(rulingCharacterUUID); writer.putInt(Enum.GameObjectType.City.ordinal()); writer.putInt(rulingCityUUID); writer.putLocalDateTime(this.ruledSince); writer.putString(rulingNationName); GuildTag._serializeForDisplay(rulingNationTags, writer); writer.putString(rulingCharacterName); writer.putInt(0xB); // Display Title: enum index starts at 10. } else { if (this.rulingCityUUID != 0) Logger.error("Failed to Load realm info for city" + this.rulingCityUUID); writer.putLong(0); writer.putLong(0); writer.putLong(0); writer.put((byte) 1); writer.put((byte) 0); writer.putInt(0x64); writer.put((byte) 0); writer.put((byte) 0); writer.put((byte) 0); writer.putInt(0); writer.putInt(0x10); writer.putInt(0x10); writer.putInt(0x10); writer.putInt(0x0); writer.putInt(0x0); writer.putInt(0); writer.putInt(0); } writer.putInt(0); // Male/Female writer.putInt(this.charterType); // Charter Type writer.putFloat(this.mapY1); writer.putFloat(this.mapX1); writer.putFloat(this.mapY2); writer.putFloat(this.mapX2); writer.putInt(this.stretchX); writer.putInt(this.stretchY); writer.putInt(this.locX); writer.putInt(this.locY); } public void updateDatabase() { DbManager.RealmQueries.REALM_UPDATE(this); } /** * @return the charterType */ public int getCharterType() { return charterType; } /** * @param charterType the charterType to set */ public void setCharterType(int charterType) { this.charterType = charterType; } public void abandonRealm() { for(AbstractWorldObject awo : WorldGrid.getObjectsInRangePartial(this.getRulingCity().loc,1750,MBServerStatics.MASK_BUILDING)){ Building wall = (Building)awo; if(wall.getBlueprint() != null && wall.getBlueprint().getBuildingGroup() != null && wall.getBlueprint().isWallPiece()){ float currentHealthRatio = wall.getCurrentHitpoints()/wall.healthMax; float newMax = wall.getBlueprint().getMaxHealth(1); wall.setMaxHitPoints(newMax); wall.setHealth(wall.healthMax * currentHealthRatio); } } // Push event to warehouse RealmRecord realmRecord = RealmRecord.borrow(this, Enum.RecordEventType.LOST); DataWarehouse.pushToWarehouse(realmRecord); // No longer own a realm this.getRulingCity().getGuild().setRealmsOwned(this.getRulingCity().getGuild().getRealmsOwned() - 1); if (!this.getRulingCity().getGuild().getNation().equals(this.getRulingCity().getGuild())) this.getRulingCity().getGuild().getNation().setRealmsOwned(this.getRulingCity().getGuild().getNation().getRealmsOwned() - 1); // Configure realm this.charterType = 0; this.rulingCityUUID = 0; this.ruledSince = null; this.updateDatabase(); } public void claimRealmForCity(City city, int charterType) { // Configure realm this.charterType = charterType; this.rulingCityUUID = city.getObjectUUID(); this.ruledSince = LocalDateTime.now(); this.configure(); this.updateDatabase(); for(AbstractWorldObject awo : WorldGrid.getObjectsInRangePartial(city.loc,1750,MBServerStatics.MASK_BUILDING)){ Building wall = (Building)awo; if(wall.getBlueprint() != null && wall.getBlueprint().getBuildingGroup() != null && wall.getBlueprint().isWallPiece()){ float currentHealthRatio = wall.getCurrentHitpoints()/wall.healthMax; float newMax = wall.healthMax * 1.1f; wall.setMaxHitPoints(newMax); wall.setHealth(wall.healthMax * currentHealthRatio); } } // Push event to warehouse RealmRecord realmRecord = RealmRecord.borrow(this, Enum.RecordEventType.CAPTURE); DataWarehouse.pushToWarehouse(realmRecord); } public String getHash() { return hash; } public void setHash() { this.hash = DataWarehouse.hasher.encrypt(this.realmID); // Write hash to player character table DataWarehouse.writeHash(Enum.DataRecordType.REALM, this.realmID); } /* *** Keeping around in case needed for server wipe or some other emergency public static void backfillRealms() { // Backfill realm records for (Realm realm : _realms.values()) { realm.setHash(); if ( (realm.isRuled() == true) && (DataWarehouse.recordExists(Enum.DataRecordType.REALM, realm.getRealmID()) == false)) { RealmRecord realmRecord = RealmRecord.borrow(realm, Enum.RecordEventType.CAPTURE); DataWarehouse.pushToWarehouse(realmRecord); } } } */ }