// • ▌ ▄ ·. ▄▄▄· ▄▄ • ▪ ▄▄· ▄▄▄▄· ▄▄▄· ▐▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ . // ·██ ▐███▪▐█ ▀█ ▐█ ▀ ▪██ ▐█ ▌▪▐█ ▀█▪▐█ ▀█ •█▌ ▐█▐▌· // ▐█ ▌▐▌▐█·▄█▀▀█ ▄█ ▀█▄▐█·██ ▄▄▐█▀▀█▄▄█▀▀█ ▐█▐ ▐▌▐▀▀▀ // ██ ██▌▐█▌▐█ ▪▐▌▐█▄▪▐█▐█▌▐███▌██▄▪▐█▐█ ▪▐▌██▐ █▌▐█▄▄▌ // ▀▀ █▪▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ·▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀·▀▀▀ ·▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀ █▪ ▀▀▀ // Magicbane Emulator Project © 2013 - 2022 // www.magicbane.com package engine.powers; import engine.Enum; import engine.Enum.EffectSourceType; import engine.Enum.GameObjectType; import engine.Enum.PowerFailCondition; import engine.gameManager.DbManager; import engine.gameManager.PowersManager; import engine.job.JobContainer; import engine.jobs.AbstractEffectJob; import engine.jobs.DamageOverTimeJob; import engine.jobs.FinishSpireEffectJob; import engine.jobs.NoTimeJob; import engine.net.Dispatch; import engine.net.DispatchMessage; import engine.net.client.ClientConnection; import engine.net.client.msg.ApplyEffectMsg; import engine.objects.*; import engine.powers.effectmodifiers.AbstractEffectModifier; import engine.server.MBServerStatics; import org.pmw.tinylog.Logger; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; public class EffectsBase { public static HashMap> effectSourceTypeMap = new HashMap<>(); public static HashMap> modifiersMap = new HashMap<>(); public static HashMap>> OldEffectsMap = new HashMap<>(); public static HashMap>> NewEffectsMap = new HashMap<>(); public static HashMap>> ChangedEffectsMap = new HashMap<>(); public static HashMap> EffectFailConditions = new HashMap<>(); public static HashMap> EffectDamageTypes = new HashMap<>(); public static HashSet DefaultModifiers = new HashSet<>(); private static ConcurrentHashMap itemEffectsByName = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(MBServerStatics.CHM_INIT_CAP, MBServerStatics.CHM_LOAD, MBServerStatics.CHM_THREAD_LOW); private static int NewID = 3000; private int UUID; private String IDString; // private String name; private int token; private float amount; private float amountRamp; // flags private boolean isItemEffect; private boolean isSpireEffect; private boolean ignoreMod; private boolean dontSave; private boolean cancelOnAttack = false; private boolean cancelOnAttackSwing = false; private boolean cancelOnCast = false; private boolean cancelOnCastSpell = false; private boolean cancelOnEquipChange = false; private boolean cancelOnLogout = false; private boolean cancelOnMove = false; private boolean cancelOnNewCharm = false; private boolean cancelOnSit = false; private boolean cancelOnTakeDamage = false; private boolean cancelOnTerritoryClaim = false; private boolean cancelOnUnEquip = false; private boolean useRampAdd; private boolean isPrefix = false; //used by items private boolean isSuffix = false; //used by items private String name = ""; private float value = 0; private ConcurrentHashMap resourceCosts = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); private ConcurrentHashMap sourceTypes = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(MBServerStatics.CHM_INIT_CAP, MBServerStatics.CHM_LOAD, MBServerStatics.CHM_THREAD_LOW); /** * No Table ID Constructor */ public EffectsBase() { } public EffectsBase(EffectsBase copyEffect, int newToken, String IDString) { UUID = NewID++; this.IDString = IDString; this.token = newToken; //filll if (copyEffect == null) { int flags = 0; this.isItemEffect = ((flags & 1) != 0) ? true : false; this.isSpireEffect = ((flags & 2) != 0) ? true : false; this.ignoreMod = ((flags & 4) != 0) ? true : false; this.dontSave = ((flags & 8) != 0) ? true : false; if (this.IDString.startsWith("PRE-")) this.isPrefix = true; else if (this.IDString.startsWith("SUF-")) this.isSuffix = true; } this.amount = copyEffect.amount; this.amountRamp = copyEffect.amountRamp; this.isItemEffect = copyEffect.isItemEffect; this.isSpireEffect = copyEffect.isSpireEffect; this.ignoreMod = copyEffect.ignoreMod; this.dontSave = copyEffect.dontSave; this.cancelOnAttack = copyEffect.cancelOnAttack; this.cancelOnAttackSwing = copyEffect.cancelOnAttackSwing; this.cancelOnCast = copyEffect.cancelOnCast; this.cancelOnCastSpell = copyEffect.cancelOnCastSpell; this.cancelOnEquipChange = copyEffect.cancelOnEquipChange; this.cancelOnLogout = copyEffect.cancelOnLogout; this.cancelOnMove = copyEffect.cancelOnMove; this.cancelOnNewCharm = copyEffect.cancelOnNewCharm; this.cancelOnSit = copyEffect.cancelOnSit; this.cancelOnTakeDamage = copyEffect.cancelOnTakeDamage; this.cancelOnTerritoryClaim = copyEffect.cancelOnTerritoryClaim; this.cancelOnUnEquip = copyEffect.cancelOnUnEquip; this.useRampAdd = copyEffect.useRampAdd; this.isPrefix = copyEffect.isPrefix; this.isSuffix = copyEffect.isSuffix; this.name = copyEffect.name; this.value = copyEffect.value; this.resourceCosts = copyEffect.resourceCosts; } /** * ResultSet Constructor */ public EffectsBase(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { this.UUID = rs.getInt("ID"); this.IDString = rs.getString("IDString"); this.name = rs.getString("name"); this.token = rs.getInt("Token"); //override tokens for some effects like Safemode that use the Action Token instead of the effect Token, switch (this.IDString) { case "INVIS-D": this.token = -1661751254; break; case "SafeMode": this.token = -1661750486; break; } int flags = rs.getInt("flags"); this.isItemEffect = ((flags & 1) != 0) ? true : false; this.isSpireEffect = ((flags & 2) != 0) ? true : false; this.ignoreMod = ((flags & 4) != 0) ? true : false; this.dontSave = ((flags & 8) != 0) ? true : false; if (this.IDString.startsWith("PRE-")) this.isPrefix = true; else if (this.IDString.startsWith("SUF-")) this.isSuffix = true; // getFailConditions(); } public static void getFailConditions(HashMap effects) { try (Connection connection = DbManager.getConnection(); PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM static_power_failcondition WHERE powerOrEffect = 'Effect';")) { ResultSet rs = preparedStatement.executeQuery(); PowerFailCondition failCondition = null; while (rs.next()) { String fail = rs.getString("type"); String IDString = rs.getString("IDString"); failCondition = PowerFailCondition.valueOf(fail); if (failCondition == null) { Logger.error("Couldn't Find FailCondition " + fail + " for " + IDString); continue; } if (EffectsBase.EffectFailConditions.get(IDString) == null) { EffectsBase.EffectFailConditions.put(IDString, new HashSet<>()); } EffectsBase.EffectFailConditions.get(IDString).add(failCondition); EffectsBase eb = effects.get(IDString); switch (failCondition) { case TakeDamage: // dont go any further. if (eb == null) break; eb.cancelOnTakeDamage = true; eb.amount = rs.getFloat("amount"); eb.amountRamp = rs.getFloat("ramp"); eb.useRampAdd = rs.getBoolean("UseAddFormula"); String damageType1 = rs.getString("damageType1"); String damageType2 = rs.getString("damageType2"); String damageType3 = rs.getString("damageType3"); if (damageType1.isEmpty() && damageType2.isEmpty() && damageType3.isEmpty()) break; if (!EffectsBase.EffectDamageTypes.containsKey(eb.getToken())) EffectsBase.EffectDamageTypes.put(eb.getToken(), new HashSet<>()); Enum.SourceType dt = getDamageType(damageType1); if (dt != null) EffectsBase.EffectDamageTypes.get(eb.token).add(dt); dt = getDamageType(damageType2); if (dt != null) EffectsBase.EffectDamageTypes.get(eb.token).add(dt); dt = getDamageType(damageType3); if (dt != null) EffectsBase.EffectDamageTypes.get(eb.token).add(dt); break; case Attack: eb.cancelOnAttack = true; break; case AttackSwing: eb.cancelOnAttackSwing = true; break; case Cast: eb.cancelOnCast = true; break; case CastSpell: eb.cancelOnCastSpell = true; break; case EquipChange: eb.cancelOnEquipChange = true; break; case Logout: eb.cancelOnLogout = true; break; case Move: eb.cancelOnMove = true; break; case NewCharm: eb.cancelOnNewCharm = true; break; case Sit: eb.cancelOnSit = true; break; case TerritoryClaim: eb.cancelOnTerritoryClaim = true; break; case UnEquip: eb.cancelOnUnEquip = true; break; } } rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(e); } } private static Enum.SourceType getDamageType(String name) { if (name.isEmpty()) return null; else return Enum.SourceType.valueOf(name.toUpperCase()); } public static String getItemEffectsByName(String string) { if (EffectsBase.itemEffectsByName.containsKey(string)) return EffectsBase.itemEffectsByName.get(string); return ""; } public static void addItemEffectsByName(String name, String ID) { EffectsBase.itemEffectsByName.put(name, ID); } public float getDamageAmount(int trains) { if (useRampAdd) return (amount + (amountRamp * trains)); else return (amount * (1 + (amountRamp * trains))); } // public String getName() { // return this.name; // } public boolean damageTypeSpecific() { return EffectsBase.EffectDamageTypes.containsKey(this.token); } public boolean containsDamageType(Enum.SourceType dt) { if (!EffectsBase.EffectDamageTypes.containsKey(this.token)) return false; return EffectsBase.EffectDamageTypes.get(this.token).contains(dt); } public int getUUID() { return this.UUID; } public String getIDString() { return this.IDString; } public int getToken() { return this.token; } //For Debugging purposes. public void setToken(int token) { this.token = token; } public ConcurrentHashMap getSourceTypes() { return this.sourceTypes; } public HashSet getModifiers() { if (EffectsBase.modifiersMap.containsKey(this.IDString) == false) return EffectsBase.DefaultModifiers; return EffectsBase.modifiersMap.get(this.IDString); } public boolean isItemEffect() { return this.isItemEffect; } public boolean isSpireEffect() { return this.isSpireEffect; } public boolean ignoreMod() { return this.ignoreMod; } public boolean dontSave() { return this.dontSave; } public boolean isPrefix() { return this.isPrefix; } public boolean isSuffix() { return this.isSuffix; } public void startEffect(AbstractCharacter source, AbstractWorldObject awo, int trains, AbstractEffectJob effect) { // Add SourceTypes for dispel if (this.token != 0) { if (effect == null) { Logger.error("AbstractEffectModifier.applyEffectModifier: missing FinishEffectTimeJob"); return; } // AbstractWorldObject source = effect.getSource(); if (source == null) { Logger.error("AbstractEffectModifier.applyEffectModifier: missing source"); return; } PowersBase pb = effect.getPower(); if (pb == null) { Logger.error("AbstractEffectModifier.applyEffectModifier: missing power"); return; } ActionsBase ab = effect.getAction(); if (ab == null) { Logger.error("AbstractEffectModifier.applyEffectModifier: missing action"); return; } //don't send effect if dead, except for death shroud if (!awo.isAlive()) { if (pb.getToken() != 1672601862) return; } if (!effect.skipSendEffect()) { // float duration = (pb.isChant()) ? pb.getChantDuration() * 1000 : ab.getDuration(trains); float duration = ab.getDurationInSeconds(trains); if (pb.getToken() == 1672601862) { Effect eff = awo.getEffects().get("DeathShroud"); if (eff != null) { JobContainer jc = eff.getJobContainer(); if (jc != null) { duration = jc.timeOfExection() - System.currentTimeMillis(); duration *= .001f; } } } if (duration > 0f) { int removeToken = this.token; ApplyEffectMsg pum = new ApplyEffectMsg(); if (effect.getAction() != null) if (effect.getAction().getPowerAction() != null && PowersManager.ActionTokenByIDString.containsKey(effect.getAction().getPowerAction().getIDString())) try { removeToken = PowersManager.ActionTokenByIDString.get(effect.getAction().getPowerAction().getIDString()); } catch (Exception e) { removeToken = this.token; } pum.setEffectID(removeToken); pum.setSourceType(source.getObjectType().ordinal()); pum.setSourceID(source.getObjectUUID()); pum.setTargetType(awo.getObjectType().ordinal()); pum.setTargetID(awo.getObjectUUID()); pum.setNumTrains(trains); pum.setDuration((int) duration); // pum.setDuration((pb.isChant()) ? (int)pb.getChantDuration() : ab.getDurationInSeconds(trains)); pum.setPowerUsedID(pb.getToken()); pum.setPowerUsedName(pb.getName()); DispatchMessage.sendToAllInRange(awo, pum); } if (awo.getObjectType().equals(GameObjectType.Item)) { if (source.charItemManager != null) { source.charItemManager.updateInventory(); } } } // call modifiers to do their job if (!effect.skipApplyEffect()) { for (AbstractEffectModifier em : this.getModifiers()) em.applyEffectModifier(source, awo, trains, effect); } } } // Send end effect message to client public void endEffect(AbstractWorldObject source, AbstractWorldObject awo, int trains, PowersBase pb, AbstractEffectJob effect) { if (awo == null) { Logger.error("endEffect(): Null AWO object passed in."); return; } if (pb == null) { Logger.error("endEffect(): Null PowerBase object passed in."); return; } if (!effect.skipCancelEffect() && !effect.isNoOverwrite()) { int sendToken = this.token; if (effect.getAction() != null) if (effect.getAction().getPowerAction() != null && PowersManager.ActionTokenByIDString.containsKey(effect.getAction().getPowerAction().getIDString())) try { sendToken = PowersManager.ActionTokenByIDString.get(effect.getAction().getPowerAction().getIDString()); } catch (Exception e) { sendToken = this.token; } ApplyEffectMsg pum = new ApplyEffectMsg(); pum.setEffectID(sendToken); if (source != null) { pum.setSourceType(source.getObjectType().ordinal()); pum.setSourceID(source.getObjectUUID()); } else { pum.setSourceType(0); pum.setSourceID(0); } pum.setTargetType(awo.getObjectType().ordinal()); pum.setTargetID(awo.getObjectUUID()); pum.setUnknown02(2); pum.setNumTrains(0); pum.setDuration(-1); pum.setPowerUsedID(pb.getToken()); pum.setPowerUsedName(pb.getName()); DispatchMessage.sendToAllInRange(awo, pum); } } public void endEffectNoPower(int trains, AbstractEffectJob effect) { AbstractWorldObject source = effect.getSource(); if (source == null) return; if (!effect.skipCancelEffect() && !effect.isNoOverwrite()) { ApplyEffectMsg pum = new ApplyEffectMsg(); pum.setEffectID(this.token); pum.setSourceType(source.getObjectType().ordinal()); pum.setSourceID(source.getObjectUUID()); pum.setTargetType(source.getObjectType().ordinal()); pum.setTargetID(source.getObjectUUID()); pum.setUnknown02(2); pum.setNumTrains(0); pum.setDuration(-1); pum.setUnknown06((byte) 1); pum.setEffectSourceType(effect.getEffectSourceType()); pum.setEffectSourceID(effect.getEffectSourceID()); pum.setPowerUsedID(0); pum.setPowerUsedName(this.name); if (source.getObjectType() == GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter) { Dispatch dispatch = Dispatch.borrow((PlayerCharacter) source, pum); DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, Enum.DispatchChannel.PRIMARY); } } } public void sendEffect(AbstractEffectJob effect, int duration, ClientConnection conn) { if (effect == null && conn != null) return; if (conn == null) return; AbstractWorldObject source = effect.getSource(); AbstractWorldObject awo = effect.getTarget(); int trains = effect.getTrains(); if (source == null || awo == null) return; if (this.token != 0) { PowersBase pb = effect.getPower(); if (pb == null) { Logger.error("AbstractEffectModifier.applyEffectModifier: missing power"); return; } ActionsBase ab = effect.getAction(); if (ab == null) { Logger.error("AbstractEffectModifier.applyEffectModifier: missing action"); return; } //don't send effect if dead, except for death shroud if (!awo.isAlive()) { if (pb.getToken() != 1672601862) return; } //duration for damage over times is (total time - (number of ticks x 5 seconds per tick)) if (effect instanceof DamageOverTimeJob) duration = ((DamageOverTimeJob) effect).getTickLength(); // float dur = (pb.isChant()) ? pb.getChantDuration() * 1000 : ab.getDuration(trains); float dur = ab.getDuration(trains); if (dur > 0f) { ApplyEffectMsg pum = new ApplyEffectMsg(); pum.setEffectID(this.token); pum.setSourceType(source.getObjectType().ordinal()); pum.setSourceID(source.getObjectUUID()); pum.setTargetType(awo.getObjectType().ordinal()); pum.setTargetID(awo.getObjectUUID()); pum.setNumTrains(trains); pum.setDuration(duration); pum.setPowerUsedID(pb.getToken()); pum.setPowerUsedName(pb.getName()); Dispatch dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(conn.getPlayerCharacter(), pum); DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, Enum.DispatchChannel.PRIMARY); } } } public void sendEffectNoPower(AbstractEffectJob effect, int duration, ClientConnection conn) { if (effect == null && conn != null) return; if (conn == null) return; AbstractWorldObject source = effect.getSource(); AbstractWorldObject awo = effect.getTarget(); int trains = effect.getTrains(); if (source == null || awo == null) return; if (this.token != 0) { //don't send effect if dead, except for death shroud if (!awo.isAlive()) { return; } //duration for damage over times is (total time - (number of ticks x 5 seconds per tick)) if (effect instanceof DamageOverTimeJob) duration = ((DamageOverTimeJob) effect).getTickLength(); else if (effect instanceof FinishSpireEffectJob) duration = 45; else if (effect instanceof NoTimeJob) duration = -1; // float dur = (pb.isChant()) ? pb.getChantDuration() * 1000 : ab.getDuration(trains); ApplyEffectMsg pum = new ApplyEffectMsg(); pum.setEffectID(this.token); pum.setSourceType(source.getObjectType().ordinal()); pum.setSourceID(source.getObjectUUID()); pum.setTargetType(source.getObjectType().ordinal()); pum.setTargetID(source.getObjectUUID()); pum.setUnknown06((byte) 1); pum.setEffectSourceType(effect.getEffectSourceType()); pum.setEffectSourceID(effect.getEffectSourceID()); pum.setNumTrains(trains); pum.setDuration(duration); pum.setPowerUsedID(0); pum.setPowerUsedName(this.name); Dispatch dispatch = Dispatch.borrow(conn.getPlayerCharacter(), pum); DispatchMessage.dispatchMsgDispatch(dispatch, Enum.DispatchChannel.PRIMARY); } } public boolean containsSource(EffectSourceType sourceType) { if (EffectsBase.effectSourceTypeMap.containsKey(this.token) == false) return false; return EffectsBase.effectSourceTypeMap.get(this.token).contains(sourceType); } public boolean cancelOnAttack() { return this.cancelOnAttack; } public boolean cancelOnAttackSwing() { return this.cancelOnAttackSwing; } public boolean cancelOnCast() { return this.cancelOnCast; } public boolean cancelOnCastSpell() { return this.cancelOnCastSpell; } public boolean cancelOnEquipChange() { return this.cancelOnEquipChange; } public boolean cancelOnLogout() { return this.cancelOnLogout; } public boolean cancelOnMove() { return this.cancelOnMove; } public boolean cancelOnNewCharm() { return this.cancelOnNewCharm; } public boolean cancelOnSit() { return this.cancelOnSit; } public boolean cancelOnTakeDamage() { return this.cancelOnTakeDamage; } public boolean cancelOnTerritoryClaim() { return this.cancelOnTerritoryClaim; } public boolean cancelOnUnEquip() { return this.cancelOnUnEquip; } public String getDamageTypes() { String text = ""; if (!EffectsBase.EffectDamageTypes.containsKey(this.token)) return text; for (Enum.SourceType type : EffectsBase.EffectDamageTypes.get(this.token)) { text += type.name() + ' '; } return text; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public float getValue() { return value; } public void setValue(float Value) { this.value = Value; } public ConcurrentHashMap getResourcesForEffect() { if (this.resourceCosts.isEmpty()) { ArrayList effectsCostList = DbManager.EffectsResourceCostsQueries.GET_ALL_EFFECT_RESOURCES(this.IDString); for (EffectsResourceCosts erc : effectsCostList) { this.resourceCosts.put(Enum.ResourceType.resourceLookup.get(erc.getResourceID()), erc.getAmount()); } } return this.resourceCosts; } }