// • ▌ ▄ ·. ▄▄▄· ▄▄ • ▪ ▄▄· ▄▄▄▄· ▄▄▄· ▐▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ . // ·██ ▐███▪▐█ ▀█ ▐█ ▀ ▪██ ▐█ ▌▪▐█ ▀█▪▐█ ▀█ •█▌ ▐█▐▌· // ▐█ ▌▐▌▐█·▄█▀▀█ ▄█ ▀█▄▐█·██ ▄▄▐█▀▀█▄▄█▀▀█ ▐█▐ ▐▌▐▀▀▀ // ██ ██▌▐█▌▐█ ▪▐▌▐█▄▪▐█▐█▌▐███▌██▄▪▐█▐█ ▪▐▌██▐ █▌▐█▄▄▌ // ▀▀ █▪▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ·▀▀▀▀ ▀▀▀·▀▀▀ ·▀▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀ █▪ ▀▀▀ // Magicbane Emulator Project © 2013 - 2022 // www.magicbane.com package engine.objects; import engine.Enum.DamageType; import engine.Enum.GameObjectType; import engine.Enum.ItemType; import engine.gameManager.DbManager; import engine.server.MBServerStatics; import org.pmw.tinylog.Logger; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; public class ItemBase { public static final byte GOLD_BASE_TYPE = 4; public static ItemBase GOLD_ITEM_BASE = null; public static int GOLD_BASE_ID = 7; public static ArrayList AnniverseryGifts = new ArrayList<>(); public static HashMap _itemBaseByUUID = new HashMap<>(); public static HashMap> ItemBaseTypeMap = new HashMap<>(); // Internal cache private static HashMap itemHashIDMap = new HashMap<>(); private static HashMap _IDsByNames = new HashMap<>(); private static ArrayList _resourceList = new ArrayList<>(); private final int uuid; private final String name; private float durability; private int value; private short weight; private short color; private ItemType type; private int vendorType; private int modTable; private int useID; private int hashID; private byte useAmount; // Armor and weapon related values private int equipFlag; private int restrictFlag; private String skillRequired; private short percentRequired; private float slashResist; private float crushResist; private float pierceResist; private float blockMod; private short defense; private float dexPenalty; private float speed; private float range; private short minDamage; private short maxDamage; private String mastery; private engine.Enum.DamageType damageType; private boolean twoHanded; private boolean isConsumable; private boolean isStackable; private int numCharges; // Item stat modifiers private HashMap bakedInStats = new HashMap<>(); private HashMap usedStats = new HashMap<>(); private float parryBonus; private boolean isStrBased; private ArrayList animations = new ArrayList<>(); private ArrayList offHandAnimations = new ArrayList<>(); /** * ResultSet Constructor */ public ItemBase(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { this.uuid = rs.getInt("ID"); this.name = rs.getString("name"); this.durability = rs.getInt("durability"); this.value = rs.getInt("value"); this.weight = rs.getShort("weight"); this.color = rs.getShort("color"); this.type = ItemType.valueOf(rs.getString("Type")); this.useID = rs.getInt("useID"); this.vendorType = rs.getInt("vendorType"); this.useAmount = rs.getByte("useAmount"); this.modTable = rs.getInt("modTable"); this.hashID = rs.getInt("itemHashID"); this.isConsumable = false; this.isStackable = false; this.numCharges = rs.getShort("numCharges"); this.equipFlag = rs.getInt("equipFlag"); this.restrictFlag = rs.getInt("restrictFlag"); this.skillRequired = rs.getString("skillRequired"); this.percentRequired = rs.getShort("percentRequired"); this.slashResist = rs.getFloat("slashResist"); this.crushResist = rs.getFloat("crushResist"); this.pierceResist = rs.getFloat("pierceResist"); this.blockMod = rs.getFloat("blockMod"); this.defense = rs.getShort("defense"); this.dexPenalty = rs.getFloat("dexPenalty"); this.parryBonus = rs.getFloat("parryBonus"); this.isStrBased = (rs.getInt("isStrBased") == 1); this.speed = rs.getFloat("speed"); this.range = rs.getFloat("range"); this.minDamage = rs.getShort("minDamage"); this.maxDamage = rs.getShort("maxDamage"); this.mastery = rs.getString("mastery"); damageType = DamageType.valueOf(rs.getString("damageType")); this.twoHanded = (rs.getInt("twoHanded") == 1); switch (this.type) { case RUNE: case SCROLL: case COMMANDROD: case POTION: case TEARS: case GUILDCHARTER: case DEED: case CONTRACT: case WATERBUCKET: case REALMCHARTER: case GIFT: this.isConsumable = true; break; case OFFERING: this.isConsumable = true; Boon.HandleBoonListsForItemBase(uuid); break; case RESOURCE: this.isStackable = true; break; } try { DbManager.ItemBaseQueries.LOAD_ANIMATIONS(this); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(e.getMessage()); } initBakedInStats(); initializeHashes(); } public static void addToCache(ItemBase itemBase) { _itemBaseByUUID.put(itemBase.uuid, itemBase); if (itemBase.type.equals(ItemType.RESOURCE)) _resourceList.add(itemBase); _IDsByNames.put(itemBase.name.toLowerCase().replace(" ", "_"), itemBase.uuid); } public static HashMap getItemHashIDMap() { return itemHashIDMap; } /* * Database */ public static ItemBase getItemBase(int uuid) { return _itemBaseByUUID.get(uuid); } /** * Get the ItemBase instance for Gold. * * @return ItemBase for Gold */ public static ItemBase getGoldItemBase() { if (ItemBase.GOLD_ITEM_BASE == null) ItemBase.GOLD_ITEM_BASE = getItemBase(7); return ItemBase.GOLD_ITEM_BASE; } public static int getIDByName(String name) { if (ItemBase._IDsByNames.containsKey(name)) return ItemBase._IDsByNames.get(name); return 0; } /** * @return the _itemBaseByUUID */ public static HashMap getUUIDCache() { return _itemBaseByUUID; } /** * @return the _resourceList */ public static ArrayList getResourceList() { return _resourceList; } public static void loadAllItemBases() { DbManager.ItemBaseQueries.LOAD_ALL_ITEMBASES(); AnniverseryGifts.add(971000); AnniverseryGifts.add(971001); AnniverseryGifts.add(971002); AnniverseryGifts.add(971003); AnniverseryGifts.add(971004); AnniverseryGifts.add(971005); AnniverseryGifts.add(971006); AnniverseryGifts.add(971007); AnniverseryGifts.add(971008); AnniverseryGifts.add(971009); AnniverseryGifts.add(971010); AnniverseryGifts.add(5101000); AnniverseryGifts.add(5101020); AnniverseryGifts.add(5101100); AnniverseryGifts.add(5101120); AnniverseryGifts.add(5101040); AnniverseryGifts.add(5101140); AnniverseryGifts.add(5101060); AnniverseryGifts.add(5101080); } public static int getDiscPrice(int uuid) { if(uuid == 3040) return 250000; else return 5000000; } public static int getStatPrice(int uuid) { switch(uuid){ case 250001: //5 stats case 250010: case 250019: case 250028: case 250037: return 1500000; case 250002: //10 stats case 250011: case 250020: case 250029: case 250038: return 2000000; case 250003: //15 stats case 250012: case 250021: case 250030: case 250039: return 2500000; case 250004: //20 stats case 250013: case 250022: case 250031: case 250040: return 3000000; case 250005: //25 stats case 250014: case 250023: case 250032: case 250041: return 3500000; case 250006: //30 stats case 250015: case 250024: case 250033: case 250042: return 4000000; case 250007: //35 stats case 250016: case 250025: case 250034: case 250043: return 4500000; case 250008: //40 stats case 250017: case 250026: case 250035: case 250044: return 5000000; } return 5000000; } /* * Getters */ public String getName() { return this.name; } public float getDurability() { return this.durability; } private void initBakedInStats() { DbManager.ItemBaseQueries.LOAD_BAKEDINSTATS(this); } //TODO fix this later. Shouldn't be gotten from item base public int getMagicValue() { return this.value; } public int getBaseValue() { return this.value; } public short getWeight() { return this.weight; } public int getColor() { return this.color; } public boolean isConsumable() { return this.isConsumable; } public boolean isStackable() { return this.isStackable; } public int getNumCharges() { return this.numCharges; } public int getEquipFlag() { if ((this.type == ItemType.ARMOR) || (this.type == ItemType.WEAPON) || (this.type == ItemType.JEWELRY)) return this.equipFlag; else return 0; } public boolean isRune() { int ID = uuid; if (ID > 2499 && ID < 3050) //class, discipline runes return true; else return ID > 249999 && ID < 252137; } public boolean isStatRune() { int ID = uuid; return ID > 249999 && ID < 250045; } public boolean isDiscRune() { int ID = uuid; if (ID > 2499 && ID < 3050) { //class, discipline runes return true; } else { return false; } } public boolean isGlass() { int ID = uuid; return ID > 7000099 && ID < 7000281; } public boolean isMasteryRune() { int ID = uuid; if (ID > 250114 && ID < 252128) switch (ID) { case 250115: case 250118: case 250119: case 250120: case 250121: case 250122: case 252123: case 252124: case 252125: case 252126: case 252127: return true; default: return false; } return false; } //returns powers tokens baked in to item public HashMap getBakedInStats() { return this.bakedInStats; } //returns power tokens granted when using item, such as scrolls and potions public HashMap getUsedStats() { return this.usedStats; } public final void initializeHashes() { itemHashIDMap.put(this.hashID, uuid); } public ItemType getType() { return this.type; } public int getUseID() { return this.useID; } public byte getUseAmount() { return this.useAmount; } public int getModTable() { return modTable; } public int getHashID() { return hashID; } public boolean validForSkills(ConcurrentHashMap skills) { CharacterSkill characterSkill; if (this.skillRequired.isEmpty()) return true; characterSkill = skills.get(this.skillRequired); if (characterSkill == null) return false; return !(this.percentRequired > characterSkill.getModifiedAmountBeforeMods()); } public boolean canEquip(int slot, CharacterItemManager itemManager, AbstractCharacter abstractCharacter, Item item) { if (itemManager == null || abstractCharacter == null) return false; if (abstractCharacter.getObjectType().equals(GameObjectType.PlayerCharacter)) { if (!validForSlot(slot, itemManager.getEquipped(), item)) return false; if (!validForSkills(abstractCharacter.getSkills())) return false; return item.getItemBase().value != 0 || Kit.IsNoobGear(item.getItemBase().uuid); //players can't wear 0 value items. } return true; //Mobiles and NPC's don't need to check equip } public int getValidSlot() { int slotValue = 0; switch (this.type) { case WEAPON: if ((this.equipFlag & 1) != 0) slotValue = MBServerStatics.SLOT_MAINHAND; else if ((this.equipFlag & 2) != 0) slotValue = MBServerStatics.SLOT_OFFHAND; break; case ARMOR: if ((this.equipFlag & 2) != 0) slotValue = MBServerStatics.SLOT_OFFHAND; else if ((this.equipFlag & 4) != 0) slotValue = MBServerStatics.SLOT_HELMET; else if ((this.equipFlag & 8) != 0) slotValue = MBServerStatics.SLOT_CHEST; else if ((this.equipFlag & 16) != 0) slotValue = MBServerStatics.SLOT_ARMS; else if ((this.equipFlag & 32) != 0) slotValue = MBServerStatics.SLOT_GLOVES; else if ((this.equipFlag & 64) != 0) slotValue = MBServerStatics.SLOT_RING2; else if ((this.equipFlag & 128) != 0) slotValue = MBServerStatics.SLOT_RING1; else if ((this.equipFlag & 256) != 0) slotValue = MBServerStatics.SLOT_NECKLACE; else if ((this.equipFlag & 512) != 0) slotValue = MBServerStatics.SLOT_LEGGINGS; else if ((this.equipFlag & 1024) != 0) slotValue = MBServerStatics.SLOT_FEET; break; case HAIR: if (this.equipFlag == 131072) slotValue = MBServerStatics.SLOT_HAIRSTYLE; else if (this.equipFlag == 65536) slotValue = MBServerStatics.SLOT_BEARDSTYLE; break; } return slotValue; } public boolean validSlotFlag(long flags) { boolean validSlot = false; switch (this.type) { case WEAPON: if (this.isMelee()) validSlot = ((flags & 1) != 0); else if (this.isThrowing()) validSlot = ((flags & 2) != 0); else if (this.isArchery()) validSlot = ((flags & 4) != 0); else if (this.isScepter()) validSlot = ((flags & 8) != 0); else if (this.isStaff()) validSlot = ((flags & 16) != 0); break; case JEWELRY: if (this.isNecklace()) validSlot = ((flags & 2147483648L) != 0L); else validSlot = ((flags & 4294967296L) != 0L); break; case ARMOR: if (this.isShield()) { validSlot = ((flags & 32) != 0); break; } if (this.isClothArmor()) { if (this.getEquipFlag() == 4) //hood validSlot = ((flags & 64) != 0); else if (this.getEquipFlag() == 8) { if ((restrictFlag & 512) != 0) //Robe validSlot = ((flags & 128) != 0); else validSlot = ((flags & 1024) != 0); //Tunic/Shirt break; } else if (this.getEquipFlag() == 16) //Sleeves validSlot = ((flags & 2048) != 0); else if (this.getEquipFlag() == 32) //Gloves validSlot = ((flags & 512) != 0); else if (this.getEquipFlag() == 512) //Pants validSlot = ((flags & 4096) != 0); else if (this.getEquipFlag() == 1024) //Boots validSlot = ((flags & 256) != 0); break; } if (this.isLightArmor()) { if (this.getEquipFlag() == 4) //helm validSlot = ((flags & 8192) != 0); else if (this.getEquipFlag() == 8) //Chest validSlot = ((flags & 16384) != 0); else if (this.getEquipFlag() == 16) //Sleeves validSlot = ((flags & 32768) != 0); else if (this.getEquipFlag() == 32) //Gloves validSlot = ((flags & 65536) != 0); else if (this.getEquipFlag() == 512) //Pants validSlot = ((flags & 131072) != 0); else if (this.getEquipFlag() == 1024) //Boots validSlot = ((flags & 262144) != 0); break; } if (this.isMediumArmor()) { if (this.getEquipFlag() == 4) //helm validSlot = ((flags & 524288) != 0); else if (this.getEquipFlag() == 8) //Chest validSlot = ((flags & 1048576) != 0); else if (this.getEquipFlag() == 16) //Sleeves validSlot = ((flags & 2097152) != 0); else if (this.getEquipFlag() == 32) //Gloves validSlot = ((flags & 4194304) != 0); else if (this.getEquipFlag() == 512) //Pants validSlot = ((flags & 8388608) != 0); else if (this.getEquipFlag() == 1024) //Boots validSlot = ((flags & 16777216) != 0); break; } if (this.isHeavyArmor()) if (this.getEquipFlag() == 4) //helm validSlot = ((flags & 33554432) != 0); else if (this.getEquipFlag() == 8) //Chest validSlot = ((flags & 67108864) != 0); else if (this.getEquipFlag() == 16) //Sleeves validSlot = ((flags & 134217728) != 0); else if (this.getEquipFlag() == 32) //Gloves validSlot = ((flags & 268435456) != 0); else if (this.getEquipFlag() == 512) //Pants validSlot = ((flags & 536870912) != 0); else if (this.getEquipFlag() == 1024) //Boots validSlot = ((flags & 1073741824) != 0); break; } return validSlot; } public boolean validForSlot(int slot, ConcurrentHashMap equipped, Item item) { boolean validSlot = false; if (equipped == null) return validSlot; // Cannot equip an item in a slot already taken if (equipped.get(slot) != null && equipped.get(slot).equals(item) == false) return validSlot; switch (item.getItemBase().type) { case WEAPON: // Only two slots available for weapons if ((slot != MBServerStatics.SLOT_MAINHAND) && (slot != MBServerStatics.SLOT_OFFHAND)) break; //make sure weapon is valid for slot if ((slot & this.equipFlag) == 0) break; // Two handed weapons take up two slots if ((this.twoHanded == true) && ((slot == MBServerStatics.SLOT_OFFHAND && equipped.get(MBServerStatics.SLOT_MAINHAND) != null) || (slot == MBServerStatics.SLOT_MAINHAND && equipped.get(MBServerStatics.SLOT_OFFHAND) != null))) break; // Validation passed, must be a valid weapon validSlot = true; break; case JEWELRY: // Not a valid slot for ring if (this.isRing() && ((slot != MBServerStatics.SLOT_RING1) && (slot != MBServerStatics.SLOT_RING2))) break; // Not a valid slot for necklace if (this.isNecklace() && slot != MBServerStatics.SLOT_NECKLACE) break; // Passed validation, must be valid bling bling validSlot = true; break; case ARMOR: // Invalid slot for armor? if (slot == MBServerStatics.SLOT_OFFHAND && ((2 & this.equipFlag) == 0)) break; if (slot == MBServerStatics.SLOT_HELMET && ((4 & this.equipFlag) == 0)) break; if (slot == MBServerStatics.SLOT_CHEST && ((8 & this.equipFlag) == 0)) break; if (slot == MBServerStatics.SLOT_ARMS && ((16 & this.equipFlag) == 0)) break; if (slot == MBServerStatics.SLOT_GLOVES && ((32 & this.equipFlag) == 0)) break; if (slot == MBServerStatics.SLOT_LEGGINGS && ((512 & this.equipFlag) == 0)) break; if (slot == MBServerStatics.SLOT_FEET && ((1024 & this.equipFlag) == 0)) break; // Is slot for this piece already taken? if (((this.restrictFlag & 2) != 0) && (equipped.get(MBServerStatics.SLOT_OFFHAND) != null) && slot != MBServerStatics.SLOT_OFFHAND) break; if (((this.restrictFlag & 4) != 0) && (equipped.get(MBServerStatics.SLOT_HELMET) != null) && slot != MBServerStatics.SLOT_HELMET) break; if (((this.restrictFlag & 8) != 0) && (equipped.get(MBServerStatics.SLOT_CHEST) != null) && slot != MBServerStatics.SLOT_CHEST) break; if (((this.restrictFlag & 16) != 0) && (equipped.get(MBServerStatics.SLOT_ARMS) != null) && slot != MBServerStatics.SLOT_ARMS) break; if (((this.restrictFlag & 32) != 0) && (equipped.get(MBServerStatics.SLOT_GLOVES) != null) && slot != MBServerStatics.SLOT_GLOVES) break; if (((this.restrictFlag & 512) != 0) && (equipped.get(MBServerStatics.SLOT_LEGGINGS) != null) && slot != MBServerStatics.SLOT_LEGGINGS) break; if (((this.restrictFlag & 1024) != 0) && (equipped.get(MBServerStatics.SLOT_FEET) != null) && slot != MBServerStatics.SLOT_FEET) break; // Passed validation. Is a valid armor piece validSlot = true; break; } return validSlot; } /** * @return the uuid */ public final int getUUID() { return uuid; } public boolean isRing() { return ((this.equipFlag & (64 | 128 | 192)) != 0); } public boolean isNecklace() { return (this.equipFlag == 256); } public boolean isShield() { return this.type.equals(ItemType.ARMOR) && this.equipFlag == 2; } public boolean isLightArmor() { return this.skillRequired.equals("Wear Armor, Light"); } public boolean isMediumArmor() { return this.skillRequired.equals("Wear Armor, Medium"); } public boolean isHeavyArmor() { return this.skillRequired.equals("Wear Armor, Heavy"); } public boolean isClothArmor() { return this.skillRequired.isEmpty(); } public boolean isThrowing() { return this.mastery.equals("Throwing") ? true : false; } public boolean isStaff() { return this.mastery.equals("Staff") ? true : false; } public boolean isScepter() { return this.mastery.equals("Benediction") ? true : false; } public boolean isArchery() { return this.mastery.equals("Archery") ? true : false; } public boolean isMelee() { return (this.isThrowing() == false && this.isStaff() == false && this.isScepter() == false && this.isArchery() == false); } public boolean isTwoHanded() { return this.twoHanded; } /** * @return the restrictFlag */ public int getRestrictFlag() { return restrictFlag; } /** * @return the slashResist */ public float getSlashResist() { return slashResist; } /** * @return the crushResist */ public float getCrushResist() { return crushResist; } /** * @return the pierceResist */ public float getPierceResist() { return pierceResist; } /** * @return the skillRequired */ public String getSkillRequired() { return skillRequired; } /** * @return the mastery */ public String getMastery() { return mastery; } /** * @return the blockMod */ public float getBlockMod() { return blockMod; } /** * @return the defense */ public short getDefense() { return defense; } /** * @return the dexPenalty */ public float getDexPenalty() { return dexPenalty; } /** * @return the speed */ public float getSpeed() { return speed; } /** * @return the range */ public float getRange() { return range; } /** * @return the isStrBased */ public boolean isStrBased() { return isStrBased; } /** * @return the parryBonus */ public float getParryBonus() { return parryBonus; } /** * @return the maxDamage */ public short getMaxDamage() { return maxDamage; } /** * @return the minDamage */ public short getMinDamage() { return minDamage; } /** * @return the damageType */ public engine.Enum.DamageType getDamageType() { return damageType; } public short getPercentRequired() { return percentRequired; } public ArrayList getAnimations() { return animations; } public void setAnimations(ArrayList animations) { this.animations = animations; } public ArrayList getOffHandAnimations() { return offHandAnimations; } public void setOffHandAnimations(ArrayList offHandAnimations) { this.offHandAnimations = offHandAnimations; } }