Public Repository for the Magicbane Shadowbane Emulator
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// Magicbane Emulator Project © 2013 - 2022
package engine.objects;
import engine.Enum;
import engine.Enum.ItemContainerType;
import engine.Enum.ItemType;
import engine.Enum.OwnerType;
import engine.gameManager.*;
import engine.powers.EffectsBase;
import engine.server.MBServerStatics;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.pmw.tinylog.Logger;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
public class ItemFactory {
public static void fillInventory(PlayerCharacter pc, int objectID, int count) {
if(pc == null)
int max = 20;
CharacterItemManager itemManager = pc.getCharItemManager();
ItemBase ib = ItemBase.getItemBase(objectID);
if (count > max)
count = max;
ClientConnection cc = pc.getClientConnection();
if(itemManager == null || ib == null || cc == null)
boolean worked;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
worked = false;
if(!itemManager.hasRoomInventory(ib.getWeight())) {
if (pc != null)
ChatManager.chatSystemInfo(pc, "You can not carry any more of that item.");
Item item = new Item(ib, pc.getObjectUUID(), OwnerType.PlayerCharacter, (byte) 0, (byte) 0,
(short) 1, (short) 1, true, false, ItemContainerType.INVENTORY, (byte) 0,
new ArrayList<>(),"");
try {
item = DbManager.ItemQueries.ADD_ITEM(item);
worked = true;
} catch (Exception e) {
if (worked) {
public static Item fillForge(NPC npc, PlayerCharacter pc,int itemsToRoll, int itemID, int pToken, int sToken, String customName) {
String prefixString = "";
String suffixString = "";
if(npc == null)
return null;
boolean useWarehouse = false;
ItemBase ib = ItemBase.getItemBase(itemID);
if (ib == null)
return null;
Building forge = npc.getBuilding();
if (forge == null)
return null;
if (!npc.getCharItemManager().hasRoomInventory(ib.getWeight())){
if (pc!= null)
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorPopup(pc, 21);
return null;
Zone zone = npc.getBuilding().getParentZone();
if (zone == null)
return null;
City city = City.getCity(zone.getPlayerCityUUID());
if (city == null)
return null;
MobLoot ml = null;
Warehouse cityWarehouse = city.getWarehouse();
if (cityWarehouse != null && forge.assetIsProtected())
useWarehouse = true;
if (ib.getUUID() > 910010 && ib.getUUID() < 910019){
ConcurrentHashMap<ItemBase, Integer> resources = cityWarehouse.getResources();
int buildingWithdraw = BuildingManager.GetWithdrawAmountForRolling(forge, ib.getBaseValue());
int overdraft = BuildingManager.GetOverdraft(forge, ib.getBaseValue());
if (overdraft > 0 && !useWarehouse){
if (pc != null)
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Not enough gold in building strongbox." + " " + ib.getName());
return null;
if (overdraft > 0 && cityWarehouse.isResourceLocked(ItemBase.GOLD_ITEM_BASE)){
if (pc != null)
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Warehouse gold is barred! Overdraft cannot be withdrawn from warehouse." + " " + ib.getName());
return null;
if (overdraft > resources.get(ItemBase.GOLD_ITEM_BASE)){
if (pc != null)
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Not enough Gold in Warehouse for overdraft." + " " + ib.getName());
return null;
//All checks passed, lets withdraw from building first.
// if (pc != null){
// ChatManager.chatGuildInfo(pc.getGuild(), "Building withdraw = " + buildingWithdraw);
// ChatManager.chatGuildInfo(pc.getGuild(), "Warehouse overdraft withdraw = " + overdraft);
// ChatManager.chatGuildInfo(pc.getGuild(), "total withdraw = " + (overdraft + buildingWithdraw));
// }
if (!forge.transferGold(-buildingWithdraw,false)){
overdraft += buildingWithdraw;
if (!useWarehouse){
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Building does not have enough gold to produce this item."+ ib.getName());
return null;
if (overdraft > resources.get(ItemBase.GOLD_ITEM_BASE)){
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Not enough Gold in Warehouse to produce this item."+ ib.getName());
return null;
if (overdraft > 0)
if(!cityWarehouse.withdraw(npc, ItemBase.GOLD_ITEM_BASE, overdraft, false,true)){
//ChatManager.chatGuildError(pc, "Failed to create Item");
Logger.error( "Warehouse With UID of " + cityWarehouse.getUID() + " Failed to Create Item."+ ib.getName());
return null;
ml = new MobLoot(npc, ib, false);
ml.containerType = Enum.ItemContainerType.FORGE;
float time;
float rank = npc.getBuilding().getRank() - 1;
float rate = (float) (2.5 * rank);
time = (20 - rate);
time *= MBServerStatics.ONE_MINUTE;
if (ml.getItemBase().getUUID() > 910010 && ml.getItemBase().getUUID() < 910019){
rank = ml.getItemBaseID() - 910010;
time = rank * 60 * 60 * 3 * 1000;
// No job is submitted, as object's upgradetime field
// is used to determin whether or not an object has
// compelted rolling. The game object exists previously
// to this, not when 'compelte' is pressed.
long upgradeTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + (long)(time * Float.parseFloat(ConfigManager.MB_PRODUCTION_RATE.getValue()));
DateTime dateTime = new DateTime();
dateTime = dateTime.withMillis(upgradeTime);
int playerID = 0;
if (pc != null)
playerID = pc.getObjectUUID();
DbManager.NPCQueries.ADD_TO_PRODUCTION_LIST(ml.getObjectUUID(),npc.getObjectUUID(), ml.getItemBaseID(), dateTime, "", "", "", false,playerID);
ProducedItem pi = new ProducedItem(ml.getObjectUUID(),npc.getObjectUUID(),ml.getItemBaseID(),dateTime,false,"", "", "",playerID);
ItemQueue produced = ItemQueue.borrow(pi, (long) (time * Float.parseFloat(ConfigManager.MB_PRODUCTION_RATE.getValue())));
return ml;
int galvorAmount = 0;
int wormwoodAmount = 0;
int prefixCost = 0;
int suffixCost = 0;
if (ib.getType() == ItemType.WEAPON && ib.getPercentRequired() == 110){
switch (ib.getSkillRequired()){
case "Bow":
case "Crossbow":
case "Spear":
case "Pole Arm":
case "Staff":
wormwoodAmount = 20;
case "Axe":
case "Dagger":
case "Sword":
case "Hammer":
case "Unarmed Combat":
if (ib.isTwoHanded())
galvorAmount = 20;
galvorAmount = 10;
ItemBase galvor = ItemBase.getItemBase(1580017);
ItemBase wormwood = ItemBase.getItemBase(1580018);
if (galvorAmount > 0 || wormwoodAmount > 0)
if (!useWarehouse){
if (pc != null)
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "This item requires resources to roll! Please make sure the forge is protected to access the warehouse."+ ib.getName());
return null;
if (galvorAmount > 0){
if (cityWarehouse.isResourceLocked(galvor)){
if (pc != null)
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Galvor is locked."+ ib.getName());
return null;
if (cityWarehouse.getResources().get(galvor) < galvorAmount){
if (pc != null)
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Not enough Galvor in warehouse to roll this item."+ ib.getName());
return null;
if (wormwoodAmount > 0){
if (cityWarehouse.isResourceLocked(wormwood)){
if (pc != null)
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Wormwood is locked."+ ib.getName());
return null;
if (cityWarehouse.getResources().get(wormwood) < wormwoodAmount){
if (pc != null)
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Not enough Wormwood in warehouse to roll this item."+ ib.getName());
return null;
ConcurrentHashMap<ItemBase, Integer> suffixResourceCosts = null;
ConcurrentHashMap<ItemBase, Integer> prefixResourceCosts = null;
EffectsBase prefix = null;
if (pToken != 0){
if (!useWarehouse){
if (pc != null)
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Forge cannot access warehouse! Check to make sure forge is protected."+ ib.getName());
return null;
prefix = PowersManager.getEffectByToken(pToken);
if (prefix == null)
return null;
EffectsBase prefixValue = PowersManager.getEffectByIDString(prefix.getIDString() + 'A');
if (prefixValue == null)
return null;
int baseCost = ib.getBaseValue();
int effectCost = (int) prefixValue.getValue();
int total = baseCost * 10 + effectCost;
prefixCost = effectCost;
int buildingWithdraw = BuildingManager.GetWithdrawAmountForRolling(forge, total);
int overdraft = BuildingManager.GetOverdraft(forge, total);
if (overdraft > 0 && !useWarehouse){
if (pc != null)
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Not enough gold in building strongbox."+ ib.getName());
return null;
if (overdraft > 0 && cityWarehouse.isResourceLocked(ItemBase.GOLD_ITEM_BASE)){
if (pc != null)
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Warehouse gold is barred! Overdraft cannot be withdrawn from warehouse."+ ib.getName());
return null;
if (overdraft > cityWarehouse.getResources().get(ItemBase.GOLD_ITEM_BASE)){
if (pc != null)
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Not enough Gold in Warehouse for overdraft."+ ib.getName());
return null;
prefixResourceCosts = prefix.getResourcesForEffect();
for (ItemBase ibResources: prefixResourceCosts.keySet()){
int warehouseAmount = cityWarehouse.getResources().get(ibResources);
int creationAmount = prefixResourceCosts.get(ibResources);
//ChatManager.chatInfoError(pc, "Prefix : " + ibResources.getName() + " / " + creationAmount);
if (warehouseAmount < creationAmount){
//ChatManager.chatInfoError(pc, "You need at least " + creationAmount + " " + ibResources.getName() + " to Create this item.");
return null;
EffectsBase suffix = null;
if (sToken != 0){
if (!useWarehouse){
if (pc != null)
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Forge cannot access warehouse! Check to make sure forge is protected."+ ib.getName());
return null;
suffix = PowersManager.getEffectByToken(sToken);
if (suffix == null)
return null;
EffectsBase suffixValue = PowersManager.getEffectByIDString(suffix.getIDString() + 'A');
if (suffixValue == null)
return null;
suffixResourceCosts = suffix.getResourcesForEffect();
int baseCost = ib.getBaseValue();
int effectCost = (int) suffixValue.getValue();
suffixCost = effectCost;
int total = baseCost * 10 + effectCost;
// int buildingWithdraw = Building.GetWithdrawAmountForRolling(forge, total);
int overdraft = BuildingManager.GetOverdraft(forge, total);
if (overdraft > 0 && !useWarehouse){
if (pc != null)
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Not enough gold in building strongbox."+ ib.getName());
return null;
if (overdraft > 0 && cityWarehouse.isResourceLocked(ItemBase.GOLD_ITEM_BASE)){
if (pc != null)
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Warehouse gold is barred! Overdraft cannot be withdrawn from warehouse."+ ib.getName());
return null;
if (overdraft > cityWarehouse.getResources().get(ItemBase.GOLD_ITEM_BASE)){
if (pc != null)
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Not enough Gold in Warehouse for overdraft."+ ib.getName());
return null;
for (ItemBase ibResources: suffixResourceCosts.keySet()){
int warehouseAmount = cityWarehouse.getResources().get(ibResources);
int creationAmount = suffixResourceCosts.get(ibResources);
if (warehouseAmount < creationAmount){
// if (pc != null)
// ChatManager.chatInfoError(pc, "You need at least " + creationAmount + " " + ibResources.getName() + " to Create this item.");
return null;
//Check if Total suffix and prefix costs + itemCost can be withdrawn.
int costToCreate = suffixCost + prefixCost + (ib.getBaseValue());
int buildingWithdraw = BuildingManager.GetWithdrawAmountForRolling(forge, costToCreate);
int overdraft = BuildingManager.GetOverdraft(forge, costToCreate);
if (overdraft > 0 && !useWarehouse){
if (pc != null)
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Not enough gold in building strongbox."+ ib.getName());
return null;
if (overdraft > 0 && useWarehouse && cityWarehouse.isResourceLocked(ItemBase.GOLD_ITEM_BASE)){
if (pc != null)
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Warehouse gold is barred! Overdraft cannot be withdrawn from warehouse."+ ib.getName());
return null;
if (useWarehouse && overdraft > cityWarehouse.getResources().get(ItemBase.GOLD_ITEM_BASE)){
if (pc != null)
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Not enough Gold in Warehouse for overdraft."+ ib.getName());
return null;
// if (pc != null){
// ChatManager.chatGuildInfo(pc.getGuild(), "Building withdraw = " + buildingWithdraw);
// ChatManager.chatGuildInfo(pc.getGuild(), "Warehouse overdraft withdraw = " + overdraft);
// ChatManager.chatGuildInfo(pc.getGuild(), "total withdraw = " + (overdraft + buildingWithdraw));
// }
if (!forge.transferGold(-buildingWithdraw,false)){
overdraft += buildingWithdraw;
if (!useWarehouse){
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Building does not have enough gold to produce this item."+ ib.getName());
return null;
if (overdraft > cityWarehouse.getResources().get(ItemBase.GOLD_ITEM_BASE)){
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Not enough Gold in Warehouse to produce this item."+ ib.getName());
return null;
if (overdraft > 0 && useWarehouse)
if(!cityWarehouse.withdraw(npc, ItemBase.GOLD_ITEM_BASE, overdraft, false,true)){
//ChatManager.chatGuildError(pc, "Failed to create Item");
Logger.error("Warehouse With UID of " + cityWarehouse.getUID() + " Failed to Create Item."+ ib.getName());
return null;
if (prefix != null){
if (!useWarehouse){
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Cannot Resource Roll without access to the warehouse! Make sure the forge is currently protected."+ ib.getName());
return null;
for (ItemBase ibResources: prefixResourceCosts.keySet()){
int creationAmount = prefixResourceCosts.get(ibResources);
if (cityWarehouse.isResourceLocked(ibResources) == true)
return null;
int oldAmount = cityWarehouse.getResources().get(ibResources);
int amount = creationAmount;
if (oldAmount < amount)
amount = oldAmount;
if(!cityWarehouse.withdraw(npc, ibResources, amount, false,true)){
//ChatManager.chatGuildError(pc, "Failed to create Item");
Logger.error("Warehouse With UID of " + cityWarehouse.getUID() + " Failed to Create Item."+ ib.getName());
return null;
if (suffix != null) {
for (ItemBase ibResources: suffixResourceCosts.keySet()){
int creationAmount = suffixResourceCosts.get(ibResources);
if (cityWarehouse.isResourceLocked(ibResources) == true) {
ChatManager.chatSystemError(pc, ibResources.getName() + " is locked!"+ ib.getName());
return null;
int oldAmount = cityWarehouse.getResources().get(ibResources);
int amount = creationAmount;
if (oldAmount < amount)
amount = oldAmount;
if(!cityWarehouse.withdraw(npc, ibResources, amount, false,true)){
//ChatManager.chatGuildError(pc, "Failed to create Item");
Logger.error( "Warehouse With UID of " + cityWarehouse.getUID() + " Failed to Create Item."+ ib.getName());
return null;
if (prefix == null && suffix == null){
int baseCost = ib.getBaseValue();
int total = (int) (baseCost + baseCost *(float).10);
buildingWithdraw = BuildingManager.GetWithdrawAmountForRolling(forge, total);
overdraft = BuildingManager.GetOverdraft(forge, total);
if (overdraft > 0 && !useWarehouse){
if (pc != null)
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Not enough gold in building strongbox."+ ib.getName());
return null;
if (overdraft > 0 && cityWarehouse.isResourceLocked(ItemBase.GOLD_ITEM_BASE)){
if (pc != null)
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Warehouse gold is barred! Overdraft cannot be withdrawn from warehouse."+ ib.getName());
return null;
if (useWarehouse && overdraft > cityWarehouse.getResources().get(ItemBase.GOLD_ITEM_BASE)){
if (pc != null)
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Not enough Gold in Warehouse for overdraft."+ ib.getName());
return null;
} }
if (!forge.transferGold(-buildingWithdraw,false)){
overdraft += buildingWithdraw;
if (!useWarehouse){
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Building does not have enough gold to produce this item."+ ib.getName());
return null;
if (overdraft > cityWarehouse.getResources().get(ItemBase.GOLD_ITEM_BASE)){
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Not enough Gold in Warehouse to produce this item."+ ib.getName());
return null;
if (overdraft > 0)
if(!cityWarehouse.withdraw(npc, ItemBase.GOLD_ITEM_BASE, overdraft, false,true)){
//ChatManager.chatGuildError(pc, "Failed to create Item");
Logger.error( "Warehouse With UID of " + cityWarehouse.getUID() + " Failed to Create Item."+ ib.getName());
return null;
// ChatManager.chatGuildInfo(pc, "Gold Cost = " + total);
if (galvorAmount > 0){
if (!cityWarehouse.withdraw(npc, galvor, galvorAmount, false,true)){
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Failed to withdraw Galvor from warehouse!"+ ib.getName());
Logger.error( "Warehouse with UID of" + cityWarehouse.getObjectUUID()+ "Failed to Withdrawl ");
return null;
if (wormwoodAmount > 0){
if (!cityWarehouse.withdraw(npc, wormwood, wormwoodAmount, false,true)){
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Failed to withdraw Wormwood from warehouse!"+ ib.getName());
Logger.error("Warehouse with UID of" + cityWarehouse.getObjectUUID()+ "Failed to Withdrawl ");
return null;
ml = new MobLoot(npc, ib, false);
ml.containerType = Enum.ItemContainerType.FORGE;
if (prefix != null){
ml.addPermanentEnchantment(prefix.getIDString(), 0, 0, true);
prefixString = prefix.getIDString();
if (suffix != null){
ml.addPermanentEnchantment(suffix.getIDString(), 0, 0, false);
suffixString = suffix.getIDString();
//set value to 0 so magicvalue can be recalculated in getValue.
float time;
float rank = npc.getBuilding().getRank() - 1;
float rate = (float) (2.5 * rank);
time = (20 - rate);
time *= MBServerStatics.ONE_MINUTE;
if (ml.getItemBase().getUUID() > 910010 && ml.getItemBase().getUUID() < 910019){
rank = ml.getItemBaseID() - 910010;
time = rank * 60 * 60 * 3 * 1000;
// No job is submitted, as object's upgradetime field
// is used to determin whether or not an object has
// compelted rolling. The game object exists previously
// to this, not when 'compelte' is pressed.
long upgradeTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + (long)(time * Float.parseFloat(ConfigManager.MB_PRODUCTION_RATE.getValue())) ;
DateTime dateTime = new DateTime();
dateTime = dateTime.withMillis(upgradeTime);
int playerID = 0;
if (pc != null)
playerID = pc.getObjectUUID();
DbManager.NPCQueries.ADD_TO_PRODUCTION_LIST(ml.getObjectUUID(),npc.getObjectUUID(), ml.getItemBaseID(), dateTime, prefixString, suffixString, ml.getCustomName(), false,playerID);
ProducedItem pi = new ProducedItem(npc.getRolling().size(),npc.getObjectUUID(),ml.getItemBaseID(),dateTime,false,prefixString, suffixString, ml.getCustomName(),playerID);
ItemQueue produced = ItemQueue.borrow(pi, (long) (time * Float.parseFloat(ConfigManager.MB_PRODUCTION_RATE.getValue())));
}catch(Exception e){
// npc.addItemToForge(item);
return ml;
public static Item randomRoll( NPC vendor, PlayerCharacter pc, int itemsToRoll, int itemID){
byte itemModTable;
int prefixMod = 0;
int suffixMod = 0;
LootTable prefixLootTable;
LootTable suffixLootTable;
String suffix = "";
String prefix = "";
MobLoot toRoll;
ItemBase ib = ItemBase.getItemBase(itemID);
if (ib == null)
return null;
if (!vendor.getCharItemManager().hasRoomInventory(ib.getWeight())){
if (pc != null)
ChatManager.chatSystemInfo(pc, vendor.getName() + " " +vendor.getContract().getName() + " Inventory is full." );
return null;
float calculatedMobLevel;
calculatedMobLevel = vendor.getLevel();
if (calculatedMobLevel < 16)
calculatedMobLevel = 16;
if (calculatedMobLevel > 49)
calculatedMobLevel = 49;
itemModTable = (byte) ib.getModTable();
if (!vendor.getItemModTable().contains(itemModTable)){
if (pc != null)
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorPopup(pc, 59);
return null;
for (byte temp: vendor.getItemModTable()){
if (itemModTable != temp)
prefixMod = vendor.getModTypeTable().get(vendor.getItemModTable().indexOf(temp));
suffixMod = vendor.getModSuffixTable().get(vendor.getItemModTable().indexOf(temp));
if (prefixMod == 0 && suffixMod == 0){ "Failed to find modTables for item " + ib.getName());
return null;
prefixLootTable = LootTable.getModGroup(prefixMod);
suffixLootTable = LootTable.getModGroup(suffixMod);
if (prefixLootTable == null || suffixLootTable == null)
return null;
int rollPrefix = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(100);
if (rollPrefix < 80){
int randomPrefix = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(100) + 1;
LootRow prefixLootRow = prefixLootTable.getLootRow(randomPrefix);
if (prefixLootRow != null){
LootTable prefixTypeTable = LootTable.getModTable(prefixLootRow.getValueOne());
int minRoll = (int) ((calculatedMobLevel - 5) * 5);
int maxRoll = (int) ((calculatedMobLevel + 15) * 5);
if (minRoll < (int)prefixTypeTable.minRoll)
minRoll = (int)prefixTypeTable.minRoll;
if (maxRoll < minRoll)
maxRoll = minRoll;
if (maxRoll > prefixTypeTable.maxRoll)
maxRoll = (int) prefixTypeTable.maxRoll;
if (maxRoll > 320)
maxRoll = 320;
int randomPrefix1 = (int) ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextDouble(minRoll, maxRoll + 1); //Does not return Max, but does return min?
if (randomPrefix1 < prefixTypeTable.minRoll)
randomPrefix1 = (int) prefixTypeTable.minRoll;
if (randomPrefix1 > prefixTypeTable.maxRoll)
randomPrefix1 = (int) prefixTypeTable.maxRoll;
LootRow prefixTypelootRow = prefixTypeTable.getLootRow(randomPrefix1);
if (prefixTypelootRow == null)
prefixTypelootRow = prefixTypeTable.getLootRow((int) ((prefixTypeTable.maxRoll + prefixTypeTable.minRoll) * .05f));
if (prefixTypelootRow != null){
prefix = prefixTypelootRow.getAction();
int rollSuffix = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(100);
if (rollSuffix < 80){
int randomSuffix = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(100) + 1;
LootRow suffixLootRow = suffixLootTable.getLootRow(randomSuffix);
if (suffixLootRow != null){
LootTable suffixTypeTable = LootTable.getModTable(suffixLootRow.getValueOne());
if (suffixTypeTable != null){
int minRoll = (int) ((calculatedMobLevel - 5) * 5);
int maxRoll = (int) ((calculatedMobLevel + 15) * 5);
if (minRoll < (int)suffixTypeTable.minRoll)
minRoll = (int)suffixTypeTable.minRoll;
if (maxRoll < minRoll)
maxRoll = minRoll;
if (maxRoll > suffixTypeTable.maxRoll)
maxRoll = (int) suffixTypeTable.maxRoll;
if (maxRoll > 320)
maxRoll = 320;
int randomSuffix1 = (int) ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextDouble(minRoll, maxRoll + 1); //Does not return Max, but does return min?
if (randomSuffix1 < suffixTypeTable.minRoll)
randomSuffix1 = (int) suffixTypeTable.minRoll;
if (randomSuffix1 > suffixTypeTable.maxRoll)
randomSuffix1 = (int) suffixTypeTable.maxRoll;
LootRow suffixTypelootRow = suffixTypeTable.getLootRow(randomSuffix1);
if (suffixTypelootRow != null){
suffix = suffixTypelootRow.getAction();
if (prefix.isEmpty() && suffix.isEmpty()){
rollPrefix = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(100);
if (rollPrefix < 50){
int randomPrefix = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(100) + 1;
LootRow prefixLootRow = prefixLootTable.getLootRow(randomPrefix);
if (prefixLootRow != null){
LootTable prefixTypeTable = LootTable.getModTable(prefixLootRow.getValueOne());
int minRoll = (int) ((calculatedMobLevel) * 5);
int maxRoll = (int) ((calculatedMobLevel + 15) * 5);
if (minRoll < (int)prefixTypeTable.minRoll)
minRoll = (int)prefixTypeTable.minRoll;
if (maxRoll < minRoll)
maxRoll = minRoll;
if (maxRoll > prefixTypeTable.maxRoll)
maxRoll = (int) prefixTypeTable.maxRoll;
if (maxRoll > 320)
maxRoll = 320;
int randomPrefix1 = (int) ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextDouble(minRoll, maxRoll + 1); //Does not return Max, but does return min?
if (randomPrefix1 < prefixTypeTable.minRoll)
randomPrefix1 = (int) prefixTypeTable.minRoll;
if (randomPrefix1 > prefixTypeTable.maxRoll)
randomPrefix1 = (int) prefixTypeTable.maxRoll;
LootRow prefixTypelootRow = prefixTypeTable.getLootRow(randomPrefix1);
if (prefixTypelootRow == null)
prefixTypelootRow = prefixTypeTable.getLootRow((int) ((prefixTypeTable.maxRoll + prefixTypeTable.minRoll) * .05f));
if (prefixTypelootRow != null){
prefix = prefixTypelootRow.getAction();
int randomSuffix = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(100) + 1;
LootRow suffixLootRow = suffixLootTable.getLootRow(randomSuffix);
if (suffixLootRow != null){
LootTable suffixTypeTable = LootTable.getModTable(suffixLootRow.getValueOne());
if (suffixTypeTable != null){
int minRoll = (int) ((calculatedMobLevel) * 5);
int maxRoll = (int) ((calculatedMobLevel + 15) * 5);
if (minRoll < (int)suffixTypeTable.minRoll)
minRoll = (int)suffixTypeTable.minRoll;
if (maxRoll < minRoll)
maxRoll = minRoll;
if (maxRoll > suffixTypeTable.maxRoll)
maxRoll = (int) suffixTypeTable.maxRoll;
if (maxRoll > 320)
maxRoll = 320;
int randomSuffix1 = (int) ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextDouble(minRoll, maxRoll + 1); //Does not return Max, but does return min?
if (randomSuffix1 < suffixTypeTable.minRoll)
randomSuffix1 = (int) suffixTypeTable.minRoll;
if (randomSuffix1 > suffixTypeTable.maxRoll)
randomSuffix1 = (int) suffixTypeTable.maxRoll;
LootRow suffixTypelootRow = suffixTypeTable.getLootRow(randomSuffix1);
if (suffixTypelootRow != null)
suffix = suffixTypelootRow.getAction();
toRoll =ItemFactory.produceRandomRoll(vendor, pc,prefix,suffix, itemID);
if (toRoll == null)
return null;
float time;
float rank = vendor.getBuilding().getRank() - 1;
float rate = (float) (2.5 * rank);
time = (20 - rate);
time *= MBServerStatics.ONE_MINUTE;
if (toRoll.getItemBase().getUUID() > 910010 && toRoll.getItemBase().getUUID() < 910019){
rank = toRoll.getItemBaseID() - 910010;
time = rank * 60 * 60 * 3 * 1000;
// No job is submitted, as object's upgradetime field
// is used to determin whether or not an object has
// compelted rolling. The game object exists previously
// to this, not when 'compelte' is pressed.
long upgradeTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + (long)(time * Float.parseFloat(ConfigManager.MB_PRODUCTION_RATE.getValue())) ;
DateTime dateTime = new DateTime();
dateTime = dateTime.withMillis(upgradeTime);
int playerID = 0;
if (pc != null)
playerID = pc.getObjectUUID();
DbManager.NPCQueries.ADD_TO_PRODUCTION_LIST(toRoll.getObjectUUID(),vendor.getObjectUUID(), toRoll.getItemBaseID(), dateTime, prefix, suffix, toRoll.getCustomName(), true,playerID);
ProducedItem pi = new ProducedItem(toRoll.getObjectUUID(),vendor.getObjectUUID(),toRoll.getItemBaseID(),dateTime,true,prefix, suffix, toRoll.getCustomName(),playerID);
ItemQueue produced = ItemQueue.borrow(pi, (long) (time * Float.parseFloat(ConfigManager.MB_PRODUCTION_RATE.getValue())));
return toRoll;
public static MobLoot produceRandomRoll(NPC npc,PlayerCharacter pc,String prefixString, String suffixString, int itemID) {
boolean useWarehouse = false;
if(npc == null)
return null;
ItemBase ib = ItemBase.getItemBase(itemID);
if (ib == null)
return null;
Building forge = npc.getBuilding();
if (forge == null)
return null;
Zone zone = npc.getBuilding().getParentZone();
if (zone == null)
return null;
City city = City.getCity(zone.getPlayerCityUUID());
if (city == null)
return null;
MobLoot ml = null;
Warehouse cityWarehouse = city.getWarehouse();
if (cityWarehouse != null && forge.assetIsProtected())
useWarehouse = true;
ConcurrentHashMap<ItemBase, Integer> resources = null;
if (useWarehouse)
resources = cityWarehouse.getResources();
int galvorAmount = 0;
int wormwoodAmount = 0;
if (ib.getType() == ItemType.WEAPON && ib.getPercentRequired() == 110){
switch (ib.getSkillRequired()){
case "Bow":
case "Crossbow":
case "Spear":
case "Pole Arm":
case "Staff":
wormwoodAmount = 22;
case "Axe":
case "Dagger":
case "Sword":
case "Hammer":
case "Unarmed Combat":
if (ib.isTwoHanded())
galvorAmount = 22;
galvorAmount = 11;
ItemBase galvor = ItemBase.getItemBase(1580017);
ItemBase wormwood = ItemBase.getItemBase(1580018);
//Cant roll 110% weapons that require resources if not allowed to use warehouse.
if (galvorAmount > 0 || wormwoodAmount > 0)
if (!useWarehouse)
return null;
if (galvorAmount > 0){
if (cityWarehouse.isResourceLocked(galvor)){
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Galvor is locked."+ ib.getName());
return null;
if (cityWarehouse.getResources().get(galvor) < galvorAmount){
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Not enough Galvor in warehouse to roll this item."+ ib.getName());
return null;
if (wormwoodAmount > 0){
if (cityWarehouse.isResourceLocked(wormwood)){
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Galvor is locked."+ ib.getName());
return null;
if (cityWarehouse.getResources().get(wormwood) < wormwoodAmount){
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Not enough Galvor in warehouse to roll this item."+ ib.getName());
return null;
EffectsBase prefix = null;
if (!prefixString.isEmpty()){
prefix = PowersManager.getEffectByIDString(prefixString);
if (prefix == null)
return null;
ItemBase goldIB = ItemBase.getGoldItemBase();
int baseCost = ib.getBaseValue();
int total = (int) (baseCost + baseCost * .10);
EffectsBase suffix = null;
if (!suffixString.isEmpty()){
suffix = PowersManager.getEffectByIDString(suffixString);
if (suffix == null)
return null;
//calculate gold costs and remove from the warehouse
if (prefix != null || suffix != null){
int costToCreate = (int) (ib.getBaseValue() + ib.getBaseValue() *.10f);
int buildingWithdraw = BuildingManager.GetWithdrawAmountForRolling(forge, costToCreate);
int overdraft = BuildingManager.GetOverdraft(forge, costToCreate);
if (overdraft > 0 && !useWarehouse){
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Not enough gold in building strongbox."+ ib.getName());
return null;
if (useWarehouse && overdraft > 0 && cityWarehouse.isResourceLocked(ItemBase.GOLD_ITEM_BASE)){
if (pc != null)
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Warehouse gold is barred! Overdraft cannot be withdrawn from warehouse."+ ib.getName());
return null;
if (useWarehouse && overdraft > resources.get(goldIB)){
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Not enough Gold in Warehouse for overdraft."+ ib.getName());
return null;
if (!forge.transferGold(-buildingWithdraw,false)){
overdraft += buildingWithdraw;
if (!useWarehouse){
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Building does not have enough gold to produce this item."+ ib.getName());
return null;
if (overdraft > resources.get(goldIB)){
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Not enough Gold in Warehouse to produce this item."+ ib.getName());
return null;
// there was an overdraft, withdraw the rest from warehouse.
if (overdraft > 0){
if (pc != null){
if (!cityWarehouse.withdraw(pc, ItemBase.GOLD_ITEM_BASE, overdraft, false,true)){
Logger.error("Warehouse with UID of" + cityWarehouse.getObjectUUID()+ "Failed to Withdrawl ");
return null;
if (!cityWarehouse.withdraw(npc,ItemBase.GOLD_ITEM_BASE, overdraft, false,true)){
Logger.error("Warehouse with UID of" + cityWarehouse.getObjectUUID()+ "Failed to Withdrawl ");
return null;
if (prefix == null && suffix == null){
int buildingWithdraw = BuildingManager.GetWithdrawAmountForRolling(forge, total);
int overdraft = BuildingManager.GetOverdraft(forge, total);
if (overdraft > 0 && !useWarehouse){
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Not enough gold in building strongbox."+ ib.getName());
return null;
if (useWarehouse && overdraft > 0 && cityWarehouse.isResourceLocked(ItemBase.GOLD_ITEM_BASE)){
if (pc != null)
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Warehouse gold is barred! Overdraft cannot be withdrawn from warehouse."+ ib.getName());
return null;
if (useWarehouse && overdraft > resources.get(goldIB)){
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Not enough Gold in Warehouse for overdraft."+ ib.getName());
return null;
if (!forge.transferGold(-buildingWithdraw,false)){
overdraft += buildingWithdraw;
if (!useWarehouse){
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Building does not have enough gold to produce this item."+ ib.getName());
return null;
if (overdraft > resources.get(goldIB)){
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Not enough Gold in Warehouse to produce this item."+ ib.getName());
return null;
if (overdraft > 0 && useWarehouse){
if (pc != null){
if (!cityWarehouse.withdraw(pc, ItemBase.GOLD_ITEM_BASE, overdraft, false,true)){
Logger.error("Warehouse with UID of" + cityWarehouse.getObjectUUID()+ "Failed to Withdrawl ");
return null;
if (!cityWarehouse.withdraw(npc, ItemBase.GOLD_ITEM_BASE, overdraft, false,true)){
Logger.error( "Warehouse with UID of" + cityWarehouse.getObjectUUID()+ "Failed to Withdrawl ");
return null;
if (galvorAmount > 0 && useWarehouse){
//ChatManager.chatGuildInfo(pc, "Withdrawing " + galvorAmount + " galvor from warehouse");
if (!cityWarehouse.withdraw(npc, galvor, galvorAmount, false,true)){
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Failed to withdraw Galvor from warehouse!"+ ib.getName());
Logger.error( "Warehouse with UID of" + cityWarehouse.getObjectUUID()+ "Failed to Withdrawl ");
return null;
if (wormwoodAmount > 0 && useWarehouse){
//ChatManager.chatGuildInfo(pc, "Withdrawing " + wormwoodAmount + " wormwood from warehouse");
if (!cityWarehouse.withdraw(npc, wormwood, wormwoodAmount, false,true)){
ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorMsg(pc, "Failed to withdraw Wormwood from warehouse for " + ib.getName());
Logger.error("Warehouse with UID of" + cityWarehouse.getObjectUUID()+ "Failed to Withdrawl ");
return null;
ml = new MobLoot(npc, ib, false);
ml.containerType = Enum.ItemContainerType.FORGE;
if (prefix != null){
ml.addPermanentEnchantment(prefix.getIDString(), 0, 0, true);
if (suffix != null){
ml.addPermanentEnchantment(suffix.getIDString(), 0, 0, false);
}catch(Exception e){
return ml;