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Stopping worker#" + jw.getWorkerId() + " JobData:" + curJob.toString()); jw.EmergencyStop(); problemJobs.add(jw.getCurrentJob()); it.remove(); } // end if (diff >= } else if (curJob.getStopTime() <= 0L) { // is executing it long diff = System.currentTimeMillis() - curJob.getStartTime(); if (diff >= MBServerStatics.JOB_STALL_THRESHOLD_MS) { Logger.warn("Job execution time exceeded threshold(" + diff + "). Stopping worker#" + jw.getWorkerId() + " JobData:" + curJob.toString()); jw.EmergencyStop(); problemJobs.add(jw.getCurrentJob()); it.remove(); } // end if (diff >= } // end if(curJob.getStopTime() } // end if(curJob != null) } // end While // Check Worker Count and add workers as necessary; int workerCount = jobWorkerList.size(); int maxThreads = this.maxWorkers; // no pool can go below a single thread if (maxThreads < 1) maxThreads = 1; while (workerCount != maxThreads) { Logger.info("Resizing JobPool " + this.jobPoolID + " from " + workerCount + " to " + maxThreads); if (workerCount < maxThreads) { this.startWorker(this.getNextWorkerID()); if (jobWorkerList.size() <= workerCount) { // Something didnt work correctly Logger.warn("auditWorkers() failed to add a new JobWorker to JobPool " + this.jobPoolID + ". Worker count " + workerCount + " Worker pool size " + jobWorkerList.size() + " Aborting Audit."); return; } } else if (workerCount > maxThreads) { synchronized(this.jobWorkerList) { Logger.warn("Reducing workers in JobPool " + this.jobPoolID + " Worker Count: " + workerCount + " to Max threads: " + maxThreads); // pick a worker off the list and shut it down JobWorker toRemove = null; int loopTries = 5; do { //Infinite loop could be bad.. toRemove = jobWorkerQueue.poll(); } while (toRemove == null && --loopTries >= 0); //remove it from the list toRemove.shutdown(); jobWorkerList.remove(toRemove); } } // update value for next loop pass workerCount = jobWorkerList.size(); } } private static boolean isExemptJobFromAudit(AbstractJob aj) { // If the job is any of the following classes, exempt it from auditWorkers if (aj instanceof ConnectionMonitorJob) { return true; } else return aj instanceof CheckNetMsgFactoryJob || aj instanceof AttackJob || aj instanceof UsePowerJob; } public void shutdown() { synchronized(this.jobWorkerList) { for (JobWorker jw : this.jobWorkerList) jw.shutdown(); } } public void emergencyStop() { synchronized(this.jobWorkerList) { for (JobWorker jw : this.jobWorkerList) jw.EmergencyStop(); } } public String getRunningQueueByClassAsString() { return this.getQueueByClassAsString(this.jobRunList); } public String getWaitQueueByClassAsString () { return this.getQueueByClassAsString(this.jobWaitQueue); } // used by devcmds public String setMaxWorkers (int maxWorkers) { if (maxWorkers > 0 && maxWorkers < 101) { this.maxWorkers = maxWorkers; // audit workers reduces the cap this.auditWorkers(); return "Max workers set to " + maxWorkers + " for JobPool_" + this.jobPoolID; } else { return "Max workers not set, value must be from 1-100"; } } }