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// Magicbane Emulator Project © 2013 - 2022
// www.magicbane.com
package engine.math;
* Vector2f
defines a Vector for a two float value vector.
public class Vector2f {
* the x value of the vector.
public float x;
* the y value of the vector.
public float y;
* Creates a Vector2f with the given initial x and y values.
* @param x
* The x value of this Vector2f.
* @param y
* The y value of this Vector2f.
public Vector2f(float x, float y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
* Creates a Vector2f with x and y set to 0. Equivalent to Vector2f(0,0).
public Vector2f() {
x = y = 0;
* Creates a new Vector2f that contains the passed vector's information
* @param vector2f
* The vector to copy
public Vector2f(Vector2f vector2f) {
this.x = vector2f.x;
this.y = vector2f.y;
* set the x and y values of the vector
* @param x
* the x value of the vector.
* @param y
* the y value of the vector.
* @return this vector
public Vector2f set(float x, float y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
return this;
* set the x and y values of the vector from another vector
* @param vec
* the vector to copy from
* @return this vector
public Vector2f set(Vector2f vec) {
this.x = vec.x;
this.y = vec.y;
return this;
* add
adds a provided vector to this vector creating a
* resultant vector which is returned. If the provided vector is null, null
* is returned.
* @param vec
* the vector to add to this.
* @return the resultant vector.
public Vector2f add(Vector2f vec) {
if (null == vec) {
return null;
return new Vector2f(x + vec.x, y + vec.y);
* addLocal
adds a provided vector to this vector internally,
* and returns a handle to this vector for easy chaining of calls. If the
* provided vector is null, null is returned.
* @param vec
* the vector to add to this vector.
* @return this
public Vector2f addLocal(Vector2f vec) {
if (null == vec) {
return null;
x += vec.x;
y += vec.y;
return this;
* addLocal
adds the provided values to this vector internally,
* and returns a handle to this vector for easy chaining of calls.
* @param addX
* value to add to x
* @param addY
* value to add to y
* @return this
public Vector2f addLocal(float addX, float addY) {
x += addX;
y += addY;
return this;
* add
adds this vector by vec
and stores the
* result in result
* @param vec
* The vector to add.
* @param result
* The vector to store the result in.
* @return The result vector, after adding.
public Vector2f add(Vector2f vec, Vector2f result) {
if (null == vec) {
return null;
if (result == null)
result = new Vector2f();
result.x = x + vec.x;
result.y = y + vec.y;
return result;
* dot
calculates the dot product of this vector with a
* provided vector. If the provided vector is null, 0 is returned.
* @param vec
* the vector to dot with this vector.
* @return the resultant dot product of this vector and a given vector.
public float dot(Vector2f vec) {
if (null == vec) {
return 0;
return x * vec.x + y * vec.y;
* cross
calculates the cross product of this vector with a
* parameter vector v.
* @param v
* the vector to take the cross product of with this.
* @return the cross product vector.
public Vector3f cross(Vector2f v) {
return new Vector3f(0, 0, determinant(v));
public float determinant(Vector2f v) {
return (x * v.y) - (y * v.x);
* Sets this vector to the interpolation by changeAmnt from this to the
* finalVec this=(1-changeAmnt)*this + changeAmnt * finalVec
* @param finalVec
* The final vector to interpolate towards
* @param changeAmnt
* An amount between 0.0 - 1.0 representing a percentage change
* from this towards finalVec
public void interpolate(Vector2f finalVec, float changeAmnt) {
this.x = (1 - changeAmnt) * this.x + changeAmnt * finalVec.x;
this.y = (1 - changeAmnt) * this.y + changeAmnt * finalVec.y;
* Sets this vector to the interpolation by changeAmnt from beginVec to
* finalVec this=(1-changeAmnt)*beginVec + changeAmnt * finalVec
* @param beginVec
* The begining vector (delta=0)
* @param finalVec
* The final vector to interpolate towards (delta=1)
* @param changeAmnt
* An amount between 0.0 - 1.0 representing a precentage change
* from beginVec towards finalVec
public void interpolate(Vector2f beginVec, Vector2f finalVec,
float changeAmnt) {
this.x = (1 - changeAmnt) * beginVec.x + changeAmnt * finalVec.x;
this.y = (1 - changeAmnt) * beginVec.y + changeAmnt * finalVec.y;
* Check a vector... if it is null or its floats are NaN or infinite, return
* false. Else return true.
* @param vector
* the vector to check
* @return true or false as stated above.
public static boolean isValidVector(Vector2f vector) {
if (vector == null)
return false;
if (Float.isNaN(vector.x) || Float.isNaN(vector.y))
return false;
return !Float.isInfinite(vector.x) && !Float.isInfinite(vector.y);
public static boolean isZeroVector(Vector2f vector) {
return (vector.x == 0) &&
(vector.y == 0);
* length
calculates the magnitude of this vector.
* @return the length or magnitude of the vector.
public float length() {
return FastMath.sqrt(lengthSquared());
* lengthSquared
calculates the squared value of the magnitude
* of the vector.
* @return the magnitude squared of the vector.
public float lengthSquared() {
return x * x + y * y;
* distanceSquared
calculates the distance squared between this
* vector and vector v.
* @param v
* the second vector to determine the distance squared.
* @return the distance squared between the two vectors.
public float distanceSquared(Vector2f v) {
double dx = x - v.x;
double dy = y - v.y;
return (float) (dx * dx + dy * dy);
* distanceSquared
calculates the distance squared between this
* vector and vector v.
* @return the distance squared between the two vectors.
public float distanceSquared(float otherX, float otherY) {
double dx = x - otherX;
double dy = y - otherY;
return (float) (dx * dx + dy * dy);
* distance
calculates the distance between this vector and
* vector v.
* @param v
* the second vector to determine the distance.
* @return the distance between the two vectors.
public float distance(Vector2f v) {
return FastMath.sqrt(distanceSquared(v));
* mult
multiplies this vector by a scalar. The resultant
* vector is returned.
* @param scalar
* the value to multiply this vector by.
* @return the new vector.
public Vector2f mult(float scalar) {
return new Vector2f(x * scalar, y * scalar);
* multLocal
multiplies this vector by a scalar internally, and
* returns a handle to this vector for easy chaining of calls.
* @param scalar
* the value to multiply this vector by.
* @return this
public Vector2f multLocal(float scalar) {
x *= scalar;
y *= scalar;
return this;
* multLocal
multiplies a provided vector to this vector
* internally, and returns a handle to this vector for easy chaining of
* calls. If the provided vector is null, null is returned.
* @param vec
* the vector to mult to this vector.
* @return this
public Vector2f multLocal(Vector2f vec) {
if (null == vec) {
return null;
x *= vec.x;
y *= vec.y;
return this;
* Multiplies this Vector2f's x and y by the scalar and stores the result in
* product. The result is returned for chaining. Similar to
* product=this*scalar;
* @param scalar
* The scalar to multiply by.
* @param product
* The vector2f to store the result in.
* @return product, after multiplication.
public Vector2f mult(float scalar, Vector2f product) {
if (null == product) {
product = new Vector2f();
product.x = x * scalar;
product.y = y * scalar;
return product;
* divide
divides the values of this vector by a scalar and
* returns the result. The values of this vector remain untouched.
* @param scalar
* the value to divide this vectors attributes by.
* @return the result Vector
public Vector2f divide(float scalar) {
return new Vector2f(x / scalar, y / scalar);
* divideLocal
divides this vector by a scalar internally, and
* returns a handle to this vector for easy chaining of calls. Dividing by
* zero will result in an exception.
* @param scalar
* the value to divides this vector by.
* @return this
public Vector2f divideLocal(float scalar) {
x /= scalar;
y /= scalar;
return this;
* negate
returns the negative of this vector. All values are
* negated and set to a new vector.
* @return the negated vector.
public Vector2f negate() {
return new Vector2f(-x, -y);
* negateLocal
negates the internal values of this vector.
* @return this.
public Vector2f negateLocal() {
x = -x;
y = -y;
return this;
* subtract
subtracts the values of a given vector from those
* of this vector creating a new vector object. If the provided vector is
* null, an exception is thrown.
* @param vec
* the vector to subtract from this vector.
* @return the result vector.
public Vector2f subtract(Vector2f vec) {
return subtract(vec, null);
* subtract
subtracts the values of a given vector from those
* of this vector storing the result in the given vector object. If the
* provided vector is null, an exception is thrown.
* @param vec
* the vector to subtract from this vector.
* @param store
* the vector to store the result in. It is safe for this to be
* the same as vec. If null, a new vector is created.
* @return the result vector.
public Vector2f subtract(Vector2f vec, Vector2f store) {
if (store == null)
store = new Vector2f();
store.x = x - vec.x;
store.y = y - vec.y;
return store;
* subtract
subtracts the given x,y values from those of this
* vector creating a new vector object.
* @param valX
* value to subtract from x
* @param valY
* value to subtract from y
* @return this
public Vector2f subtract(float valX, float valY) {
return new Vector2f(x - valX, y - valY);
* subtractLocal
subtracts a provided vector to this vector
* internally, and returns a handle to this vector for easy chaining of
* calls. If the provided vector is null, null is returned.
* @param vec
* the vector to subtract
* @return this
public Vector2f subtractLocal(Vector2f vec) {
if (null == vec) {
return null;
x -= vec.x;
y -= vec.y;
return this;
* subtractLocal
subtracts the provided values from this vector
* internally, and returns a handle to this vector for easy chaining of
* calls.
* @param valX
* value to subtract from x
* @param valY
* value to subtract from y
* @return this
public Vector2f subtractLocal(float valX, float valY) {
x -= valX;
y -= valY;
return this;
* normalize
returns the unit vector of this vector.
* @return unit vector of this vector.
public Vector2f normalize() {
float length = length();
if (length != 0) {
return divide(length);
return divide(1);
* normalizeLocal
makes this vector into a unit vector of
* itself.
* @return this.
public Vector2f normalizeLocal() {
float length = length();
if (length != 0) {
return divideLocal(length);
return divideLocal(1);
* smallestAngleBetween
returns (in radians) the minimum angle
* between two vectors. It is assumed that both this vector and the given
* vector are unit vectors (iow, normalized).
* @param otherVector
* a unit vector to find the angle against
* @return the angle in radians.
public float smallestAngleBetween(Vector2f otherVector) {
float dotProduct = dot(otherVector);
return FastMath.acos(dotProduct);
* angleBetween
returns (in radians) the angle required to
* rotate a ray represented by this vector to lie colinear to a ray
* described by the given vector. It is assumed that both this vector and
* the given vector are unit vectors (iow, normalized).
* @param otherVector
* the "destination" unit vector
* @return the angle in radians.
public float angleBetween(Vector2f otherVector) {
return FastMath.atan2(otherVector.y, otherVector.x)
- FastMath.atan2(y, x);
public float getX() {
return x;
public void setX(float x) {
this.x = x;
public float getY() {
return y;
public void setY(float y) {
this.y = y;
* getAngle
returns (in radians) the angle represented by this
* Vector2f as expressed by a conversion from rectangular coordinates (
* x
, y
) to polar coordinates
* (r, theta).
* @return the angle in radians. [-pi, pi)
public float getAngle() {
return -FastMath.atan2(y, x);
* zero
resets this vector's data to zero internally.
public void zero() {
x = y = 0;
public Vector2f clone() {
try {
return (Vector2f) super.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new AssertionError(); // can not happen
* Saves this Vector2f into the given float[] object.
* @param floats
* The float[] to take this Vector2f. If null, a new float[2] is
* created.
* @return The array, with X, Y float values in that order
public float[] toArray(float[] floats) {
if (floats == null) {
floats = new float[2];
floats[0] = x;
floats[1] = y;
return floats;
* are these two vectors the same? they are is they both have the same x and
* y values.
* @param o
* the object to compare for equality
* @return true if they are equal
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (!(o instanceof Vector2f)) {
return false;
if (this == o) {
return true;
Vector2f comp = (Vector2f) o;
if (Float.compare(x, comp.x) != 0)
return false;
return Float.compare(y, comp.y) == 0;
public void rotateAroundOrigin(float angle, boolean cw) {
if (cw)
angle = -angle;
float newX = FastMath.cos(angle) * x - FastMath.sin(angle) * y;
float newY = FastMath.sin(angle) * x + FastMath.cos(angle) * y;
x = newX;
y = newY;
public synchronized float getLat() {
return x;
public synchronized float getLong() {
return y;
public synchronized void setLat(float lat) {
this.x = lat;
public synchronized void setLong(float lon) {
this.y = lon;