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// Magicbane Emulator Project © 2013 - 2022
// www.magicbane.com
package engine.gameManager ;
import engine.Enum ;
import engine.Enum.BuildingGroup ;
import engine.Enum.GameObjectType ;
import engine.InterestManagement.InterestManager ;
import engine.InterestManagement.WorldGrid ;
import engine.job.JobContainer ;
import engine.job.JobScheduler ;
import engine.jobs.UpgradeBuildingJob ;
import engine.math.Bounds ;
import engine.math.Vector3fImmutable ;
import engine.net.client.ClientConnection ;
import engine.net.client.msg.ErrorPopupMsg ;
import engine.net.client.msg.ManageCityAssetsMsg ;
import engine.net.client.msg.PlaceAssetMsg ;
import engine.objects.* ;
import engine.server.MBServerStatics ;
import org.pmw.tinylog.Logger ;
import java.time.LocalDateTime ;
import java.time.ZoneId ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.HashMap ;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom ;
public enum BuildingManager {
public static HashMap < Integer , ArrayList < BuildingLocation > > _stuckLocations = new HashMap < > ( ) ;
public static HashMap < Integer , ArrayList < BuildingLocation > > _slotLocations = new HashMap < > ( ) ;
public static int getAvailableSlot ( Building building ) {
ArrayList < BuildingLocation > slotLocations = _slotLocations . get ( building . meshUUID ) ;
// Some meshes might not have slot locations assigned.
if ( slotLocations = = null | |
slotLocations . isEmpty ( ) )
return - 1 ;
int numOfSlots = _slotLocations . get ( building . meshUUID ) . size ( ) ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i < = numOfSlots ; i + + ) {
if ( ! building . getHirelings ( ) . containsValue ( i ) )
return i ;
return - 1 ;
public static int getLastAvailableSlot ( Building building ) {
ArrayList < BuildingLocation > slotLocations = _slotLocations . get ( building . meshUUID ) ;
// Some meshes might not have slot locations assigned.
if ( slotLocations = = null | |
slotLocations . isEmpty ( ) )
return - 1 ;
int numOfSlots = _slotLocations . get ( building . meshUUID ) . size ( ) ;
for ( int i = numOfSlots ; i > 0 ; i - - ) {
if ( ! building . getHirelings ( ) . containsValue ( i ) )
return i ;
return - 1 ;
public static BuildingLocation getSlotLocation ( Building building , int slot ) {
BuildingLocation buildingLocation = new BuildingLocation ( ) ;
if ( slot = = - 1 )
return buildingLocation ;
buildingLocation = _slotLocations . get ( building . meshUUID ) . get ( slot - 1 ) ; // array index
if ( buildingLocation = = null ) {
Logger . error ( "Invalid slot for building: " + building . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
return buildingLocation ;
public static boolean playerCanManage ( PlayerCharacter player , Building building ) {
if ( player = = null )
return false ;
if ( building = = null )
return false ;
if ( building . getRank ( ) = = - 1 )
return false ;
if ( IsOwner ( building , player ) )
return true ;
//individual friend.
if ( building . getFriends ( ) . get ( player . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ! = null )
return true ;
//Admin's can access stuff
if ( player . isCSR ( ) )
return true ;
//Guild stuff
if ( building . getGuild ( ) ! = null & & building . getGuild ( ) . isGuildLeader ( player . getObjectUUID ( ) ) )
return true ;
if ( building . getFriends ( ) . get ( player . getGuild ( ) . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ! = null
& & building . getFriends ( ) . get ( player . getGuild ( ) . getObjectUUID ( ) ) . getFriendType ( ) = = 8 )
return true ;
if ( building . getFriends ( ) . get ( player . getGuild ( ) . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ! = null
& & building . getFriends ( ) . get ( player . getGuild ( ) . getObjectUUID ( ) ) . getFriendType ( ) = = 9
& & GuildStatusController . isInnerCouncil ( player . getGuildStatus ( ) ) )
return true ;
if ( Guild . sameGuild ( building . getGuild ( ) , player . getGuild ( ) ) & & GuildStatusController . isInnerCouncil ( player . getGuildStatus ( ) ) )
return true ;
if ( Guild . sameGuild ( building . getGuild ( ) , player . getGuild ( ) ) & & GuildStatusController . isGuildLeader ( player . getGuildStatus ( ) ) )
return true ;
return false ;
//TODO test friends list once added
//does not meet above criteria. Cannot access.
public static boolean playerCanManageNotFriends ( PlayerCharacter player , Building building ) {
//Player Can only Control Building if player is in Same Guild as Building and is higher rank than IC.
if ( player = = null )
return false ;
if ( building = = null )
return false ;
if ( building . getRank ( ) = = - 1 )
return false ;
if ( IsOwner ( building , player ) )
return true ;
//Somehow guild leader check fails? lets check if Player is true Guild GL.
if ( building . getGuild ( ) ! = null & & building . getGuild ( ) . isGuildLeader ( player . getObjectUUID ( ) ) )
return true ;
if ( GuildStatusController . isGuildLeader ( player . getGuildStatus ( ) ) = = false & & GuildStatusController . isInnerCouncil ( player . getGuildStatus ( ) ) = = false )
return false ;
return false ;
public static synchronized boolean lootBuilding ( PlayerCharacter player , Building building ) {
if ( building = = null )
return false ;
if ( player = = null )
return false ;
if ( building . getRank ( ) ! = - 1 )
return false ;
if ( building . getBlueprintUUID ( ) = = 0 )
return false ;
switch ( building . getBlueprint ( ) . getBuildingGroup ( ) ) {
case SHRINE :
Shrine shrine = Shrine . shrinesByBuildingUUID . get ( building . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
if ( shrine = = null )
return false ;
int amount = shrine . getFavors ( ) ;
//no more favors too loot!
if ( amount = = 0 ) {
try {
ErrorPopupMsg . sendErrorPopup ( player , 166 ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
return false ;
ItemBase elanIB = ItemBase . getItemBase ( 1705032 ) ;
if ( elanIB = = null )
return false ;
if ( ! player . getCharItemManager ( ) . hasRoomInventory ( elanIB . getWeight ( ) ) )
return false ;
if ( ! Item . MakeItemForPlayer ( elanIB , player , amount ) )
return false ;
shrine . setFavors ( 0 ) ;
break ;
Warehouse warehouse = Warehouse . warehouseByBuildingUUID . get ( building . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
if ( warehouse = = null )
return false ;
for ( ItemBase resourceBase : ItemBase . getResourceList ( ) ) {
if ( ! player . getCharItemManager ( ) . hasRoomInventory ( resourceBase . getWeight ( ) ) ) {
ChatManager . chatSystemInfo ( player , "You can not carry any more of that item." ) ;
return false ;
if ( warehouse . getResources ( ) . get ( resourceBase ) = = null )
continue ;
int resourceAmount = warehouse . getResources ( ) . get ( resourceBase ) ;
if ( resourceAmount < = 0 )
continue ;
if ( warehouse . loot ( player , resourceBase , resourceAmount , true ) )
ChatManager . chatInfoInfo ( player , "You have looted " + resourceAmount + ' ' + resourceBase . getName ( ) ) ;
break ;
//Everything was looted, Maybe we should
return true ;
//This method restarts an upgrade timer when a building is loaded from the database.
// Submit upgrade job for this building based upon it's current upgradeDateTime
public static void submitUpgradeJob ( Building building ) {
if ( building = = null )
return ;
if ( building . getUpgradeDateTime ( ) = = null ) {
Logger . error ( "Attempt to submit upgrade job for non-ranking building" ) ;
return ;
// Submit upgrade job for future date or current instant
if ( building . getUpgradeDateTime ( ) . isAfter ( LocalDateTime . now ( ) ) ) {
JobContainer jc = JobScheduler . getInstance ( ) . scheduleJob ( new UpgradeBuildingJob ( building ) ,
building . getUpgradeDateTime ( ) . atZone ( ZoneId . systemDefault ( ) )
. toInstant ( ) . toEpochMilli ( ) ) ;
} else
JobScheduler . getInstance ( ) . scheduleJob ( new UpgradeBuildingJob ( building ) , 0 ) ;
public static void setUpgradeDateTime ( Building building , LocalDateTime upgradeDateTime , int rankCost ) {
if ( building = = null )
return ;
if ( ! DbManager . BuildingQueries . updateBuildingUpgradeTime ( upgradeDateTime , building , rankCost ) ) {
Logger . error ( "Failed to set upgradeTime for building " + building . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
return ;
building . upgradeDateTime = upgradeDateTime ;
// Method transfers ownership of all hirelings in a building
public static void refreshHirelings ( Building building ) {
if ( building = = null )
return ;
Guild newGuild ;
if ( building . getOwner ( ) = = null )
newGuild = Guild . getErrantGuild ( ) ;
newGuild = building . getOwner ( ) . getGuild ( ) ;
for ( AbstractCharacter hireling : building . getHirelings ( ) . keySet ( ) ) {
hireling . setGuild ( newGuild ) ;
WorldGrid . updateObject ( hireling ) ;
public static void cleanupHirelings ( Building building ) {
// Early exit: Cannot have hirelings in a building
// without a blueprint.
if ( building . getBlueprintUUID ( ) = = 0 )
return ;
// Remove all hirelings for destroyed buildings
if ( building . getRank ( ) < 1 ) {
for ( AbstractCharacter slottedNPC : building . getHirelings ( ) . keySet ( ) ) {
if ( slottedNPC . getObjectType ( ) = = Enum . GameObjectType . NPC )
( ( NPC ) slottedNPC ) . remove ( ) ;
else if ( slottedNPC . getObjectType ( ) = = Enum . GameObjectType . Mob )
NPCManager . removeMobileFromBuilding ( ( ( Mob ) slottedNPC ) , building ) ;
return ;
// Delete hireling if building has deranked.
for ( AbstractCharacter hireling : building . getHirelings ( ) . keySet ( ) ) {
NPC npc = null ;
Mob mob = null ;
if ( hireling . getObjectType ( ) = = Enum . GameObjectType . NPC )
npc = ( NPC ) hireling ;
else if ( hireling . getObjectType ( ) = = Enum . GameObjectType . Mob )
mob = ( Mob ) hireling ;
if ( building . getHirelings ( ) . get ( hireling ) > building . getBlueprint ( ) . getSlotsForRank ( building . getRank ( ) ) )
if ( npc ! = null ) {
if ( ! npc . remove ( ) )
Logger . error ( "Failed to remove npc " + npc . getObjectUUID ( )
+ "from Building " + building . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
building . getHirelings ( ) . remove ( npc ) ;
} else if ( mob ! = null ) {
if ( ! NPCManager . removeMobileFromBuilding ( mob , building ) )
Logger . error ( "Failed to remove npc " + npc . getObjectUUID ( )
+ "from Building " + building . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
building . getHirelings ( ) . remove ( npc ) ;
refreshHirelings ( building ) ;
public static Building getBuilding ( int id ) {
if ( id = = 0 )
return null ;
Building building ;
building = ( Building ) DbManager . getFromCache ( Enum . GameObjectType . Building , id ) ;
if ( building ! = null )
return building ;
return DbManager . BuildingQueries . GET_BUILDINGBYUUID ( id ) ;
public static boolean PlayerCanControlNotOwner ( Building building , PlayerCharacter player ) {
if ( player = = null )
return false ;
if ( building = = null )
return false ;
if ( building . getOwner ( ) = = null )
return false ;
//lets pass true if player is owner anyway.
if ( building . getOwner ( ) . equals ( player ) )
return true ;
if ( player . getGuild ( ) . isEmptyGuild ( ) )
return false ;
if ( building . getGuild ( ) . isGuildLeader ( player . getObjectUUID ( ) ) )
return true ;
if ( ! Guild . sameGuild ( building . getGuild ( ) , player . getGuild ( ) ) )
return false ;
return GuildStatusController . isGuildLeader ( player . getGuildStatus ( ) ) ! = false | | GuildStatusController . isInnerCouncil ( player . getGuildStatus ( ) ) ! = false ;
//This is mainly used for Rolling and gold sharing between building and warehouse.
public static int GetWithdrawAmountForRolling ( Building building , int cost ) {
//all funds are available to roll.
if ( cost < = GetAvailableGold ( building ) )
return cost ;
// cost is more than available gold, return available gold
return GetAvailableGold ( building ) ;
public static int GetAvailableGold ( Building building ) {
if ( building . getStrongboxValue ( ) = = 0 )
return 0 ;
if ( building . getStrongboxValue ( ) < building . reserve )
return 0 ;
return building . getStrongboxValue ( ) - building . reserve ;
public static int GetOverdraft ( Building building , int cost ) {
int availableGold = GetWithdrawAmountForRolling ( building , cost ) ;
return cost - availableGold ;
public static boolean IsPlayerHostile ( Building building , PlayerCharacter player ) {
//Nation Members and Guild members are not hostile.
// if (building.getGuild() != null){
// if (pc.getGuild() != null)
// if (building.getGuild().getObjectUUID() == pc.getGuildUUID()
// || pc.getGuild().getNation().getObjectUUID() == building.getGuild().getNation().getObjectUUID())
// return false;
// }
if ( Guild . sameNationExcludeErrant ( building . getGuild ( ) , player . getGuild ( ) ) )
return false ;
if ( ! building . reverseKOS ) {
Condemned condemn = building . getCondemned ( ) . get ( player . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
if ( condemn ! = null & & condemn . isActive ( ) )
return true ;
if ( player . getGuild ( ) ! = null ) {
Condemned guildCondemn = building . getCondemned ( ) . get ( player . getGuild ( ) . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
if ( guildCondemn ! = null & & guildCondemn . isActive ( ) )
return true ;
Condemned nationCondemn = building . getCondemned ( ) . get ( player . getGuild ( ) . getNation ( ) . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
return nationCondemn ! = null & & nationCondemn . isActive ( ) & & nationCondemn . getFriendType ( ) = = Condemned . NATION ;
} else {
} else {
Condemned condemn = building . getCondemned ( ) . get ( player . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
if ( condemn ! = null & & condemn . isActive ( ) )
return false ;
if ( player . getGuild ( ) ! = null ) {
Condemned guildCondemn = building . getCondemned ( ) . get ( player . getGuild ( ) . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
if ( guildCondemn ! = null & & guildCondemn . isActive ( ) )
return false ;
Condemned nationCondemn = building . getCondemned ( ) . get ( player . getGuild ( ) . getNation ( ) . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
return nationCondemn = = null | | ! nationCondemn . isActive ( ) | | nationCondemn . getFriendType ( ) ! = Condemned . NATION ;
} else {
return true ;
//When we get to here, This means The building was not reverse KOS
//and passed the hostile test.
return false ;
public static final synchronized boolean addHirelingForWorld ( Building building , PlayerCharacter contractOwner , Vector3fImmutable NpcLoc , Zone zone , Contract NpcID , int rank ) {
String pirateName = NPCManager . getPirateName ( NpcID . getMobbaseID ( ) ) ;
NPC npc = null ;
npc = NPC . createNPC ( pirateName , NpcID . getObjectUUID ( ) , NpcLoc , null , zone , ( short ) rank , building ) ;
if ( npc = = null )
return false ;
npc . setObjectTypeMask ( MBServerStatics . MASK_NPC ) ;
npc . setLoc ( npc . bindLoc ) ;
InterestManager . setObjectDirty ( npc ) ;
return true ;
public static synchronized boolean addHireling ( Building building , PlayerCharacter contractOwner , Zone zone , Contract contract , Item item ) {
int rank = 1 ;
if ( building . getBlueprintUUID ( ) = = 0 )
return false ;
int maxSlots = building . getBlueprint ( ) . getMaxSlots ( ) ;
if ( building . getBlueprint ( ) . getBuildingGroup ( ) ! = null ) {
building . getBlueprint ( ) . getSlotsForRank ( building . getRank ( ) ) ;
if ( maxSlots = = building . getHirelings ( ) . size ( ) )
return false ;
String pirateName = NPCManager . getPirateName ( contract . getMobbaseID ( ) ) ;
if ( item . getChargesRemaining ( ) > 0 )
rank = item . getChargesRemaining ( ) * 10 ;
rank = 10 ;
Mob mob ;
NPC npc ;
if ( NPC . ISWallArcher ( contract ) ) {
mob = Mob . createMob ( contract . getMobbaseID ( ) , Vector3fImmutable . ZERO , contractOwner . getGuild ( ) , true , zone , building , contract . getContractID ( ) , pirateName , rank ) ;
if ( mob = = null )
return false ;
mob . setLoc ( mob . getLoc ( ) ) ;
return true ;
if ( NPC . ISGuardCaptain ( contract . getContractID ( ) ) ) {
mob = Mob . createMob ( contract . getMobbaseID ( ) , Vector3fImmutable . ZERO , contractOwner . getGuild ( ) , true , zone , building , contract . getContractID ( ) , pirateName , rank ) ;
if ( mob = = null )
return false ;
mob . setLoc ( mob . getLoc ( ) ) ;
return true ;
if ( contract . getContractID ( ) = = 910 ) {
//guard dog
mob = Mob . createMob ( contract . getMobbaseID ( ) , Vector3fImmutable . ZERO , contractOwner . getGuild ( ) , true , zone , building , contract . getContractID ( ) , pirateName , rank ) ;
if ( mob = = null )
return false ;
mob . setLoc ( mob . getLoc ( ) ) ;
return true ;
npc = NPC . createNPC ( pirateName , contract . getObjectUUID ( ) , Vector3fImmutable . ZERO , contractOwner . getGuild ( ) , zone , ( short ) rank , building ) ;
if ( npc = = null )
return false ;
npc . setObjectTypeMask ( MBServerStatics . MASK_NPC ) ;
npc . setLoc ( npc . bindLoc ) ;
InterestManager . setObjectDirty ( npc ) ;
return true ;
public static boolean IsWallPiece ( Building building ) {
if ( building . getBlueprint ( ) = = null )
return false ;
BuildingGroup buildingGroup = building . getBlueprint ( ) . getBuildingGroup ( ) ;
switch ( buildingGroup ) {
return true ;
default :
return false ;
public static Building getBuildingFromCache ( int id ) {
return ( Building ) DbManager . getFromCache ( GameObjectType . Building , id ) ;
public static boolean IsOwner ( Building building , PlayerCharacter player ) {
if ( building = = null | | player = = null )
return false ;
if ( building . getOwner ( ) = = null )
return false ;
return building . getOwner ( ) . getObjectUUID ( ) = = player . getObjectUUID ( ) ;
public static float GetMissingHealth ( Building building ) {
return building . healthMax - building . getCurrentHitpoints ( ) ;
public static int GetRepairCost ( Building building ) {
return ( int ) ( GetMissingHealth ( building ) * . 10f ) ;
public static Regions GetRegion ( Building building , float x , float y , float z ) {
if ( building . getBounds ( ) = = null )
return null ;
if ( building . getBounds ( ) . getRegions ( ) = = null )
return null ;
Regions currentRegion = null ;
for ( Regions region : building . getBounds ( ) . getRegions ( ) ) {
if ( region . isPointInPolygon ( new Vector3fImmutable ( x , y , z ) ) ) {
if ( y > ( region . highLerp . y - 5 ) )
currentRegion = region ;
return currentRegion ;
public static Regions GetRegion ( Building building , int room , int level , float x , float z ) {
if ( building . getBounds ( ) = = null )
return null ;
if ( building . getBounds ( ) . getRegions ( ) = = null )
return null ;
for ( Regions region : building . getBounds ( ) . getRegions ( ) ) {
if ( region . getLevel ( ) ! = level )
continue ;
if ( region . getRoom ( ) ! = room )
continue ;
if ( region . isPointInPolygon ( new Vector3fImmutable ( x , 0 , z ) ) ) {
return region ;
return null ;
public static Vector3fImmutable GetBindLocationForBuilding ( Building building ) {
Vector3fImmutable bindLoc = null ;
if ( building = = null )
return Enum . Ruins . getRandomRuin ( ) . getLocation ( ) ;
bindLoc = building . getLoc ( ) ;
float radius = Bounds . meshBoundsCache . get ( building . getMeshUUID ( ) ) . radius ;
if ( building . getRank ( ) = = 8 ) {
bindLoc = building . getStuckLocation ( ) ;
if ( bindLoc ! = null )
return bindLoc ;
float x = bindLoc . getX ( ) ;
float z = bindLoc . getZ ( ) ;
float offset = ( ( ThreadLocalRandom . current ( ) . nextFloat ( ) * 2 ) - 1 ) * radius ;
int direction = ThreadLocalRandom . current ( ) . nextInt ( 4 ) ;
switch ( direction ) {
case 0 :
x + = radius ;
z + = offset ;
break ;
case 1 :
x + = offset ;
z - = radius ;
break ;
case 2 :
x - = radius ;
z + = offset ;
break ;
case 3 :
x + = offset ;
z + = radius ;
break ;
bindLoc = new Vector3fImmutable ( x , bindLoc . getY ( ) , z ) ;
return bindLoc ;
public static void processRedeedNPC ( NPC npc , Building building , ClientConnection origin ) {
// Member variable declaration
PlayerCharacter player ;
Contract contract ;
CharacterItemManager itemMan ;
ItemBase itemBase ;
Item item ;
npc . lock . writeLock ( ) . lock ( ) ;
try {
if ( building = = null )
return ;
player = SessionManager . getPlayerCharacter ( origin ) ;
itemMan = player . getCharItemManager ( ) ;
contract = npc . getContract ( ) ;
if ( ! player . getCharItemManager ( ) . hasRoomInventory ( ( short ) 1 ) ) {
ErrorPopupMsg . sendErrorPopup ( player , 21 ) ;
return ;
if ( ! building . getHirelings ( ) . containsKey ( npc ) )
return ;
if ( ! npc . remove ( ) ) {
PlaceAssetMsg . sendPlaceAssetError ( player . getClientConnection ( ) , 1 , "A Serious error has occurred. Please post details for to ensure transaction integrity" ) ;
return ;
building . getHirelings ( ) . remove ( npc ) ;
itemBase = ItemBase . getItemBase ( contract . getContractID ( ) ) ;
if ( itemBase = = null ) {
Logger . error ( "Could not find Contract for npc: " + npc . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
return ;
boolean itemWorked = false ;
item = new Item ( itemBase , player . getObjectUUID ( ) , Enum . OwnerType . PlayerCharacter , ( byte ) ( ( byte ) npc . getRank ( ) - 1 ) , ( byte ) ( ( byte ) npc . getRank ( ) - 1 ) ,
( short ) 1 , ( short ) 1 , true , false , Enum . ItemContainerType . INVENTORY , ( byte ) 0 ,
new ArrayList < > ( ) , "" ) ;
item . setNumOfItems ( 1 ) ;
item . containerType = Enum . ItemContainerType . INVENTORY ;
try {
item = DbManager . ItemQueries . ADD_ITEM ( item ) ;
itemWorked = true ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
if ( itemWorked ) {
itemMan . addItemToInventory ( item ) ;
itemMan . updateInventory ( ) ;
ManageCityAssetsMsg mca = new ManageCityAssetsMsg ( ) ;
mca . actionType = NPC . SVR_CLOSE_WINDOW ;
mca . setTargetType ( building . getObjectType ( ) . ordinal ( ) ) ;
mca . setTargetID ( building . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
origin . sendMsg ( mca ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
} finally {
npc . lock . writeLock ( ) . unlock ( ) ;