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// Magicbane Emulator Project © 2013 - 2022
// www.magicbane.com
package engine.objects ;
import ch.claude_martin.enumbitset.EnumBitSet ;
import engine.Enum ;
import engine.gameManager.* ;
import engine.net.Dispatch ;
import engine.net.DispatchMessage ;
import engine.net.client.msg.CityDataMsg ;
import engine.net.client.msg.ErrorPopupMsg ;
import engine.net.client.msg.VendorDialogMsg ;
import org.joda.time.DateTime ;
import org.pmw.tinylog.Logger ;
import java.sql.ResultSet ;
import java.sql.SQLException ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom ;
public class Contract extends AbstractGameObject {
private final int contractID ;
private final String name ;
private final int mobbaseID ;
private final int classID ;
private final int extraRune ;
private final int iconID ;
public int equipmentSet = 0 ;
public int inventorySet = 0 ;
private int vendorID ;
private boolean isTrainer ;
private VendorDialog vendorDialog ;
private ArrayList < Integer > npcMenuOptions = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
private ArrayList < Integer > npcModTypeTable = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
private ArrayList < Integer > npcModSuffixTable = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
private ArrayList < Byte > itemModTable = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
private ArrayList < MobEquipment > sellInventory = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
private EnumBitSet < Enum . BuildingGroup > allowedBuildings ;
private ArrayList < Integer > buyItemType = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
private ArrayList < Integer > buySkillToken = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
private ArrayList < Integer > buyUnknownToken = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
/ * *
* No Table ID Constructor
* /
public Contract ( int contractID , String name , int mobbaseID , int classID , int dialogID , int iconID , int extraRune ) {
super ( ) ;
this . contractID = contractID ;
this . name = name ;
this . mobbaseID = mobbaseID ;
this . classID = classID ;
this . iconID = iconID ;
this . extraRune = extraRune ;
this . vendorDialog = VendorDialog . getVendorDialog ( dialogID ) ;
setBools ( ) ;
/ * *
* Normal Constructor
* /
public Contract ( int contractID , String name , int mobbaseID , int classID , int dialogID , int iconID , int extraRune , int newUUID ) {
super ( newUUID ) ;
this . contractID = contractID ;
this . name = name ;
this . mobbaseID = mobbaseID ;
this . classID = classID ;
this . iconID = iconID ;
this . extraRune = extraRune ;
this . vendorDialog = VendorDialog . getVendorDialog ( dialogID ) ;
setBools ( ) ;
/ * *
* ResultSet Constructor
* /
public Contract ( ResultSet rs ) throws SQLException {
super ( rs ) ;
this . contractID = rs . getInt ( "contractID" ) ;
this . name = rs . getString ( "name" ) ;
this . mobbaseID = rs . getInt ( "mobbaseID" ) ;
this . classID = rs . getInt ( "classID" ) ;
this . extraRune = rs . getInt ( "extraRune" ) ;
this . vendorDialog = VendorDialog . getVendorDialog ( rs . getInt ( "dialogID" ) ) ;
this . iconID = rs . getInt ( "iconID" ) ;
this . vendorID = rs . getInt ( "vendorID" ) ;
this . allowedBuildings = EnumBitSet . asEnumBitSet ( rs . getLong ( "allowedBuildingTypeID" ) , Enum . BuildingGroup . class ) ;
switch ( this . contractID ) {
case 866 : //banker
case 865 : //siege engineer
case 899 : //alchemist
this . allowedBuildings . add ( Enum . BuildingGroup . TOL ) ;
if ( this . getName ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) . contains ( "sage" ) ) {
this . allowedBuildings . add ( Enum . BuildingGroup . TOL ) ;
this . equipmentSet = rs . getInt ( "equipSetID" ) ;
this . inventorySet = rs . getInt ( "inventorySet" ) ;
try {
String menuoptions = rs . getString ( "menuoptions" ) ;
if ( ! menuoptions . isEmpty ( ) ) {
String [ ] data = menuoptions . split ( " " ) ;
for ( String data1 : data ) {
this . npcMenuOptions . add ( Integer . parseInt ( data1 ) ) ;
String modtypetable = rs . getString ( "pTable" ) ;
if ( ! modtypetable . isEmpty ( ) ) {
String [ ] data = modtypetable . split ( " " ) ;
for ( String data1 : data ) {
this . npcModTypeTable . add ( Integer . parseInt ( data1 ) ) ;
String suffix = rs . getString ( "sTable" ) ;
if ( ! suffix . isEmpty ( ) ) {
String [ ] data1 = suffix . split ( " " ) ;
for ( String data11 : data1 ) {
this . npcModSuffixTable . add ( Integer . parseInt ( data11 ) ) ;
String itemMod = rs . getString ( "itemModTable" ) ;
if ( ! itemMod . isEmpty ( ) ) {
String [ ] data2 = itemMod . split ( " " ) ;
for ( byte i = 0 ; i < data2 . length ; i + + ) {
this . itemModTable . add ( Byte . parseByte ( data2 [ i ] ) ) ;
} catch ( SQLException | NumberFormatException e ) {
Logger . error ( "Error when parsing mod tables" ) ;
setBools ( ) ;
//Specify if trainer, merchant, banker, etc via classID
private void setBools ( ) {
DbManager . ContractQueries . LOAD_CONTRACT_INVENTORY ( this ) ;
DbManager . ContractQueries . LOAD_SELL_LIST_FOR_CONTRACT ( this ) ;
this . isTrainer = this . classID > 2499 & & this . classID < 3050 | | this . classID = = 2028 ;
/ *
* Getters
* /
public int getContractID ( ) {
return this . contractID ;
public String getName ( ) {
return this . name ;
public int getMobbaseID ( ) {
return this . mobbaseID ;
public int getClassID ( ) {
return this . classID ;
public int getExtraRune ( ) {
return this . extraRune ;
public boolean isTrainer ( ) {
return this . isTrainer ;
public int getIconID ( ) {
return this . iconID ;
public int getVendorID ( ) {
return this . vendorID ;
public VendorDialog getVendorDialog ( ) {
return this . vendorDialog ;
public static VendorDialog HandleArenaMaster ( int optionId , NPC npc , PlayerCharacter pc ) {
pc . setLastNPCDialog ( npc ) ;
VendorDialog vd = new VendorDialog ( VendorDialog . getHostileVendorDialog ( ) . getDialogType ( ) , VendorDialog . getHostileVendorDialog ( ) . getIntro ( ) , - 1 ) ; //VendorDialog.getHostileVendorDialog();
vd . getOptions ( ) . clear ( ) ;
switch ( optionId ) {
case 15020431 :
// ChatManager.chatSystemInfo(pc, "You Cannot Join The Que, You Are Boxed");
//}else {
if ( ArenaManager . playerQueue . contains ( pc ) ) {
ChatManager . chatSystemInfo ( pc , "You Are Already In The Arena Que" ) ;
} else {
ArenaManager . joinQueue ( pc ) ;
ChatManager . chatSystemInfo ( pc , "You Have Joined The Arena Que" ) ;
break ;
case 15020432 :
if ( ArenaManager . playerQueue . contains ( pc ) ) {
ArenaManager . leaveQueue ( pc ) ;
ChatManager . chatSystemInfo ( pc , "You Have Left The Arena Que" ) ;
} else {
ChatManager . chatSystemInfo ( pc , "You Are Not In The Arena Que" ) ;
break ;
MenuOption option1 = new MenuOption ( 15020431 , "Join Arena Que" , 15020431 ) ;
vd . getOptions ( ) . add ( option1 ) ;
MenuOption option2 = new MenuOption ( 15020432 , "Leave Arena Que" , 15020432 ) ;
vd . getOptions ( ) . add ( option2 ) ;
return vd ;
public static VendorDialog HandleEnrollmentOfficer ( int optionId , NPC npc , PlayerCharacter pc ) {
pc . setLastNPCDialog ( npc ) ;
//VendorDialog vd = new VendorDialog(npc.contract.getVendorDialog().getDialogType(),npc.contract.getVendorDialog().getIntro(),-1);//VendorDialog.getHostileVendorDialog();
VendorDialog vd = new VendorDialog ( npc . contract . getVendorDialog ( ) . getDialogType ( ) , npc . contract . getVendorDialog ( ) . getIntro ( ) , - 1 ) ; //VendorDialog.getHostileVendorDialog();
vd . getOptions ( ) . clear ( ) ;
switch ( optionId ) {
default :
if ( pc . isBoxed ) {
MenuOption option1 = new MenuOption ( 15020401 , "Unbox Character" , 15020401 ) ;
vd . getOptions ( ) . add ( option1 ) ;
break ;
case 15020401 :
PlayerCharacter . unboxPlayer ( pc ) ;
vd . getOptions ( ) . clear ( ) ;
break ;
return vd ;
public static VendorDialog HandleGamblerOptions ( int optionId , NPC npc , PlayerCharacter pc ) {
pc . setLastNPCDialog ( npc ) ;
VendorDialog vd = new VendorDialog ( VendorDialog . getHostileVendorDialog ( ) . getDialogType ( ) , VendorDialog . getHostileVendorDialog ( ) . getIntro ( ) , - 1 ) ; //VendorDialog.getHostileVendorDialog();
vd . getOptions ( ) . clear ( ) ;
MenuOption option1 = new MenuOption ( 15020441 , "Gamble 1000" , 15020441 ) ;
vd . getOptions ( ) . add ( option1 ) ;
MenuOption option2 = new MenuOption ( 15020442 , "Gamble 10,000" , 15020442 ) ;
vd . getOptions ( ) . add ( option2 ) ;
MenuOption option3 = new MenuOption ( 15020443 , "Gamble 100,000" , 15020443 ) ;
vd . getOptions ( ) . add ( option3 ) ;
switch ( optionId ) {
case 15020441 : // gamble 1000
gamble ( pc , 1000 ) ;
break ;
case 15020442 : // gamble 10,000
gamble ( pc , 10000 ) ;
break ;
case 15020443 : // gamble 100,000
gamble ( pc , 100000 ) ;
break ;
return vd ;
public static void gamble ( PlayerCharacter pc , int amount ) {
if ( ! pc . timestamps . containsKey ( "NextSlot" ) )
pc . timestamps . put ( "NextSlot" , System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ) ;
if ( pc . timestamps . get ( "NextSlot" ) > System . currentTimeMillis ( ) )
return ;
pc . timestamps . put ( "NextSlot" , System . currentTimeMillis ( ) + 2000L ) ;
if ( pc . charItemManager = = null ) {
return ;
int goldAmount = pc . charItemManager . getGoldInventory ( ) . getNumOfItems ( ) ;
if ( goldAmount < amount ) {
ChatManager . chatSystemInfo ( pc , "You Cannot Afford This Wager" ) ;
return ;
goldAmount - = amount ;
pc . charItemManager . getGoldInventory ( ) . setNumOfItems ( goldAmount ) ;
pc . charItemManager . updateInventory ( ) ;
ChatManager . chatSystemInfo ( pc , "You Attempt To Gamble " + amount + " ..." ) ;
int roll1 = ThreadLocalRandom . current ( ) . nextInt ( 1 , 7 ) ;
int roll2 = ThreadLocalRandom . current ( ) . nextInt ( 1 , 7 ) ;
int roll3 = ThreadLocalRandom . current ( ) . nextInt ( 1 , 7 ) ;
ChatManager . chatSystemInfo ( pc , "Gambler Has Rolled: " + roll1 + " " + roll2 + " " + roll3 ) ;
int winnings = 0 ;
if ( roll1 = = roll2 & & roll1 = = roll3 )
winnings = amount * roll1 * 10 ;
if ( winnings > 0 )
ChatManager . chatSystemInfo ( pc , "You Have Won " + winnings + " Gold Coins!" ) ;
ChatManager . chatSystemInfo ( pc , "You Have Lost The Wager" ) ;
goldAmount + = winnings ;
pc . charItemManager . getGoldInventory ( ) . setNumOfItems ( goldAmount ) ;
pc . charItemManager . updateInventory ( ) ;
public static boolean isClassTrainer ( int id ) {
if ( id > = 5 & & id < = 30 )
return true ;
return false ;
public static VendorDialog HandleBaneCommanderOptions ( int optionId , NPC npc , PlayerCharacter pc ) {
pc . setLastNPCDialog ( npc ) ;
VendorDialog vd = new VendorDialog ( VendorDialog . getHostileVendorDialog ( ) . getDialogType ( ) , VendorDialog . getHostileVendorDialog ( ) . getIntro ( ) , - 1 ) ; //VendorDialog.getHostileVendorDialog();
vd . getOptions ( ) . clear ( ) ;
Building building = npc . building ;
Bane bane = null ;
int updateBaneTime = 0 ;
int updateBaneDay = 0 ;
int updateBaneCap = 0 ;
int treesInNation = 0 ;
if ( building ! = null )
City city = ZoneManager . getCityAtLocation ( building . loc ) ;
if ( city ! = null ) {
bane = city . getBane ( ) ;
if ( ! city . getGuild ( ) . equals ( pc . guild ) )
return vd ;
if ( ! GuildStatusController . isInnerCouncil ( pc . getGuildStatus ( ) ) & & ! GuildStatusController . isGuildLeader ( pc . getGuildStatus ( ) ) ) {
return vd ;
for ( Guild sub : city . getGuild ( ) . getNation ( ) . getSubGuildList ( ) ) {
if ( sub . getOwnedCity ( ) ! = null ) {
treesInNation + = 1 ;
if ( bane = = null ) {
return VendorDialog . getHostileVendorDialog ( ) ;
if ( bane . timeSet & & bane . capSet & & bane . daySet ) {
vd . getOptions ( ) . clear ( ) ;
return vd ;
DateTime placement = bane . getPlacementDate ( ) ;
vd . getOptions ( ) . clear ( ) ;
switch ( optionId ) {
default :
if ( ! bane . daySet ) {
MenuOption option1 = new MenuOption ( 796 , "Set Bane Day" , 796 ) ;
vd . getOptions ( ) . add ( option1 ) ;
if ( ! bane . timeSet ) {
MenuOption option2 = new MenuOption ( 797 , "Set Bane Time" , 797 ) ;
vd . getOptions ( ) . add ( option2 ) ;
if ( ! bane . capSet ) {
MenuOption option3 = new MenuOption ( 797 , "Set Bane Cap" , 798 ) ;
vd . getOptions ( ) . add ( option3 ) ;
break ;
case 796 : // set bane day
DateTime dayOption1Date = placement . plusDays ( 3 ) ;
MenuOption dayOption1 = new MenuOption ( 7961 , dayOption1Date . toString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) , 7961 ) ;
vd . getOptions ( ) . add ( dayOption1 ) ;
DateTime dayOption2Date = placement . plusDays ( 4 ) ;
MenuOption dayOption2 = new MenuOption ( 7962 , dayOption2Date . toString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) , 7962 ) ;
vd . getOptions ( ) . add ( dayOption2 ) ;
DateTime dayOption3Date = placement . plusDays ( 5 ) ;
MenuOption dayOption3 = new MenuOption ( 7963 , dayOption3Date . toString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) , 7963 ) ;
vd . getOptions ( ) . add ( dayOption3 ) ;
DateTime dayOption4Date = placement . plusDays ( 6 ) ;
MenuOption dayOption4 = new MenuOption ( 7964 , dayOption4Date . toString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) , 7964 ) ;
vd . getOptions ( ) . add ( dayOption4 ) ;
DateTime dayOption5Date = placement . plusDays ( 7 ) ;
MenuOption dayOption5 = new MenuOption ( 7965 , dayOption5Date . toString ( "yyyy-MM-dd" ) , 7965 ) ;
vd . getOptions ( ) . add ( dayOption5 ) ;
break ;
case 797 : // set bane time
MenuOption timeOption1 = new MenuOption ( 7971 , "6:00 pm CST" , 7971 ) ;
vd . getOptions ( ) . add ( timeOption1 ) ;
MenuOption timeOption2 = new MenuOption ( 7972 , "7:00 pm CST" , 7972 ) ;
vd . getOptions ( ) . add ( timeOption2 ) ;
MenuOption timeOption3 = new MenuOption ( 7973 , "8:00 pm CST" , 7973 ) ;
vd . getOptions ( ) . add ( timeOption3 ) ;
MenuOption timeOption4 = new MenuOption ( 7974 , "9:00 pm CST" , 7974 ) ;
vd . getOptions ( ) . add ( timeOption4 ) ;
MenuOption timeOption5 = new MenuOption ( 7975 , "10:00 pm CST" , 7975 ) ;
vd . getOptions ( ) . add ( timeOption5 ) ;
break ;
case 798 : // set bane cap
if ( treesInNation < 6 ) {
MenuOption capOption1 = new MenuOption ( 7981 , "10 Maximum Players" , 7981 ) ;
vd . getOptions ( ) . add ( capOption1 ) ;
if ( treesInNation < 11 ) {
MenuOption capOption2 = new MenuOption ( 7982 , "20 Maximum Players" , 7982 ) ;
vd . getOptions ( ) . add ( capOption2 ) ;
MenuOption capOption3 = new MenuOption ( 7983 , "30 Maximum Players" , 7983 ) ;
vd . getOptions ( ) . add ( capOption3 ) ;
MenuOption capOption4 = new MenuOption ( 7984 , "40 Maximum Players" , 7984 ) ;
vd . getOptions ( ) . add ( capOption4 ) ;
MenuOption capOption5 = new MenuOption ( 7985 , "Unlimited Players" , 7985 ) ;
vd . getOptions ( ) . add ( capOption5 ) ;
break ;
case 7961 : //3 days after placement
ErrorPopupMsg . sendErrorMsg ( pc , "Bane Set 3 Days From Placement Date" ) ;
updateBaneDay = 3 ;
break ;
case 7962 : //4 days after placement
ErrorPopupMsg . sendErrorMsg ( pc , "Bane Set 4 Days From Placement Date" ) ;
updateBaneDay = 4 ;
break ;
case 7963 : //5 days after placement
ErrorPopupMsg . sendErrorMsg ( pc , "Bane Set 5 Days From Placement Date" ) ;
updateBaneDay = 5 ;
break ;
case 7964 : //6 days after placement
ErrorPopupMsg . sendErrorMsg ( pc , "Bane Set 6 Days From Placement Date" ) ;
updateBaneDay = 6 ;
break ;
case 7965 : //7 days after placement
ErrorPopupMsg . sendErrorMsg ( pc , "Bane Set 7 Days From Placement Date" ) ;
updateBaneDay = 7 ;
break ;
case 7971 : //6:00pm CST
ErrorPopupMsg . sendErrorMsg ( pc , "Bane Set For 6:00 pm CST" ) ;
updateBaneTime = 6 ;
break ;
case 7972 : //7:00pm CST
ErrorPopupMsg . sendErrorMsg ( pc , "Bane Set For 7:00 pm CST" ) ;
updateBaneTime = 7 ;
break ;
case 7973 : //8:00pm CST
ErrorPopupMsg . sendErrorMsg ( pc , "Bane Set For 8:00 pm CST" ) ;
updateBaneTime = 8 ;
break ;
case 7974 : //9:00pm CST
ErrorPopupMsg . sendErrorMsg ( pc , "Bane Set For 9:00 pm CST" ) ;
updateBaneTime = 9 ;
break ;
case 7975 : //10:00pm CST
ErrorPopupMsg . sendErrorMsg ( pc , "Bane Set For 10:00 pm CST" ) ;
updateBaneTime = 10 ;
break ;
case 7981 : //cap = 10
ErrorPopupMsg . sendErrorMsg ( pc , "Bane Cap Set To 10 Players On Each Side" ) ;
updateBaneCap = 10 ;
break ;
case 7982 : //cap = 20
ErrorPopupMsg . sendErrorMsg ( pc , "Bane Cap Set To 20 Players On Each Side" ) ;
updateBaneCap = 20 ;
break ;
case 7983 : //cap = 30
ErrorPopupMsg . sendErrorMsg ( pc , "Bane Cap Set To 30 Players On Each Side" ) ;
updateBaneCap = 30 ;
break ;
case 7984 : //cap = 40
ErrorPopupMsg . sendErrorMsg ( pc , "Bane Cap Set To 40 Players On Each Side" ) ;
updateBaneCap = 40 ;
break ;
case 7985 : //cap = Unlimited
ErrorPopupMsg . sendErrorMsg ( pc , "Bane Cap Set To Unlimited Players On Each Side" ) ;
updateBaneCap = 9999 ;
break ;
if ( updateBaneDay > 0 ) {
if ( DbManager . BaneQueries . SET_BANE_DAY_NEW ( updateBaneDay , bane . getCityUUID ( ) ) ) {
bane . daySet = true ;
if ( bane . getLiveDate ( ) = = null ) {
bane . setLiveDate_NEW ( bane . getPlacementDate ( ) . plusDays ( updateBaneDay ) ) ;
} else {
bane . setLiveDate_NEW ( bane . getLiveDate ( ) . plusDays ( updateBaneDay ) ) ;
if ( updateBaneTime > 0 ) {
if ( DbManager . BaneQueries . SET_BANE_TIME_NEW ( updateBaneTime , bane . getCityUUID ( ) ) ) {
bane . timeSet = true ;
if ( bane . getLiveDate ( ) = = null ) {
bane . setLiveDate_NEW ( bane . getPlacementDate ( ) . withHourOfDay ( 12 + updateBaneTime ) ) ;
} else {
bane . setLiveDate_NEW ( bane . getLiveDate ( ) . withHourOfDay ( 12 + updateBaneTime ) ) ;
bane . setLiveDate ( DbManager . BaneQueries . getLiveDate ( bane . getCityUUID ( ) ) ) ;
if ( updateBaneCap > 0 ) {
if ( DbManager . BaneQueries . SET_BANE_CAP_NEW ( updateBaneCap , bane . getCityUUID ( ) ) ) {
bane . capSet = true ;
bane . capSize = updateBaneCap ;
if ( updateBaneCap > 0 | | updateBaneTime > 0 | | updateBaneDay > 0 ) {
bane . getSiegePhase ( ) ;
for ( PlayerCharacter playerCharacter : SessionManager . getAllActivePlayerCharacters ( ) ) {
CityDataMsg cityDataMsg = new CityDataMsg ( SessionManager . getSession ( playerCharacter ) , false ) ;
cityDataMsg . updateMines ( true ) ;
cityDataMsg . updateCities ( true ) ;
Dispatch dispatch = Dispatch . borrow ( playerCharacter , cityDataMsg ) ;
DispatchMessage . dispatchMsgDispatch ( dispatch , Enum . DispatchChannel . SECONDARY ) ;
vd . getOptions ( ) . clear ( ) ;
if ( ! bane . daySet ) {
MenuOption option1 = new MenuOption ( 796 , "Set Bane Day" , 796 ) ;
vd . getOptions ( ) . add ( option1 ) ;
if ( ! bane . timeSet ) {
MenuOption option2 = new MenuOption ( 797 , "Set Bane Time" , 797 ) ;
vd . getOptions ( ) . add ( option2 ) ;
if ( ! bane . capSet ) {
MenuOption option3 = new MenuOption ( 797 , "Set Bane Cap" , 798 ) ;
vd . getOptions ( ) . add ( option3 ) ;
return vd ;
public ArrayList < Integer > getNPCMenuOptions ( ) {
return this . npcMenuOptions ;
public ArrayList < Integer > getNPCModTypeTable ( ) {
return this . npcModTypeTable ;
public ArrayList < Integer > getNpcModSuffixTable ( ) {
return npcModSuffixTable ;
public ArrayList < Byte > getItemModTable ( ) {
return itemModTable ;
public ArrayList < MobEquipment > getSellInventory ( ) {
if ( this . getObjectUUID ( ) = = 900 ) { //resource merchant
for ( MobEquipment me : this . sellInventory ) {
if ( me . getItemBase ( ) . getType ( ) . equals ( Enum . ItemType . RESOURCE ) ) {
int amountResource = Warehouse . getSellStackSize ( me . getItemBase ( ) . getUUID ( ) ) ;
me . magicValue = amountResource * me . getItemBase ( ) . getBaseValue ( ) ;
} else {
me . magicValue = 1000000 ;
if ( this . getObjectUUID ( ) = = 1502050 ) {
for ( MobEquipment me : this . sellInventory ) {
switch ( me . getItemBase ( ) . getUUID ( ) ) {
case 971070 :
me . magicValue = 3000000 ;
break ;
case 971012 :
me . magicValue = 1000000 ;
break ;
if ( this . getObjectUUID ( ) = = 1202 ) { //rune merchant
for ( MobEquipment me : this . sellInventory ) {
switch ( me . getItemBase ( ) . getUUID ( ) ) {
case 250001 : //5 stats
case 250010 :
case 250019 :
case 250028 :
case 250037 :
me . magicValue = 1000000 ;
break ;
case 250002 : //10 stats
case 250011 :
case 250020 :
case 250029 :
case 250038 :
me . magicValue = 2000000 ;
break ;
case 250003 : //15 stats
case 250012 :
case 250021 :
case 250030 :
case 250039 :
me . magicValue = 3000000 ;
break ;
case 250004 : //20 stats
case 250013 :
case 250022 :
case 250031 :
case 250040 :
me . magicValue = 4000000 ;
break ;
case 250005 : //25 stats
case 250014 :
case 250023 :
case 250032 :
case 250041 :
me . magicValue = 5000000 ;
break ;
case 250006 : //30 stats
case 250015 :
case 250024 :
case 250033 :
case 250042 :
me . magicValue = 6000000 ;
break ;
case 250007 : //35 stats
case 250016 :
case 250025 :
case 250034 :
case 250043 :
me . magicValue = 7000000 ;
break ;
case 250008 : //40 stats
case 250017 :
case 250026 :
case 250035 :
case 250044 :
me . magicValue = 10000000 ;
break ;
case 252127 :
me . magicValue = 5000000 ;
break ;
default :
me . magicValue = 1000000 ;
break ;
if ( this . getObjectUUID ( ) = = 1201 ) { //disc merchant
for ( MobEquipment me : this . sellInventory ) {
if ( me . getItemBase ( ) . getName ( ) . equals ( "Prospector" ) ) {
me . magicValue = 500000 ;
} else {
me . magicValue = 10000000 ;
if ( this . getObjectUUID ( ) = = 1502041 ) { //noob helper{
for ( MobEquipment me : this . sellInventory ) {
me . magicValue = 1 ;
return this . sellInventory ;
public int getPromotionClass ( ) {
if ( this . classID < 2504 | | this . classID > 2526 )
return 0 ;
return this . classID ;
public boolean isRuneMaster ( ) {
return ( this . classID = = 850 ) ;
public boolean isArtilleryCaptain ( ) {
return this . contractID = = 839 | | this . contractID = = 842 ;
public void updateDatabase ( ) {
DbManager . ContractQueries . updateDatabase ( this ) ;
public EnumBitSet < Enum . BuildingGroup > getAllowedBuildings ( ) {
return allowedBuildings ;
public ArrayList < Integer > getBuyItemType ( ) {
return this . buyItemType ;
public ArrayList < Integer > getBuySkillToken ( ) {
return this . buySkillToken ;
public ArrayList < Integer > getBuyUnknownToken ( ) {
return this . buyUnknownToken ;
public boolean canSlotinBuilding ( Building building ) {
// Need a building to slot in a building!
if ( building = = null )
return false ;
// Can't slot in anything but a blueprinted building
if ( building . getBlueprintUUID ( ) = = 0 )
return false ;
// No buildings no slotting
if ( this . allowedBuildings . size ( ) = = 0 )
return false ;
// Binary match
return ( building . getBlueprint ( ) . getBuildingGroup ( ) . elementOf ( this . allowedBuildings ) ) ;
public int getEquipmentSet ( ) {
return equipmentSet ;