// • ▌ ▄ ·. ▄▄▄· ▄▄ • ▪ ▄▄· ▄▄▄▄· ▄▄▄· ▐▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ .
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// Magicbane Emulator Project © 2013 - 2022
// www.magicbane.com
package engine.objects ;
import ch.claude_martin.enumbitset.EnumBitSet ;
import engine.Enum ;
import engine.Enum.* ;
import engine.InterestManagement.WorldGrid ;
import engine.exception.SerializationException ;
import engine.gameManager.* ;
import engine.job.JobScheduler ;
import engine.jobs.DeferredPowerJob ;
import engine.jobs.UpgradeNPCJob ;
import engine.math.Bounds ;
import engine.math.Quaternion ;
import engine.math.Vector3f ;
import engine.math.Vector3fImmutable ;
import engine.mobileAI.Threads.MobAIThread ;
import engine.net.ByteBufferWriter ;
import engine.net.Dispatch ;
import engine.net.DispatchMessage ;
import engine.net.client.msg.PetMsg ;
import engine.net.client.msg.PlaceAssetMsg ;
import engine.powers.EffectsBase ;
import engine.powers.MobPowerEntry ;
import engine.server.MBServerStatics ;
import org.joda.time.DateTime ;
import org.pmw.tinylog.Logger ;
import java.sql.ResultSet ;
import java.sql.SQLException ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.HashMap ;
import java.util.HashSet ;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap ;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap ;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock ;
import static engine.math.FastMath.acos ;
import static engine.net.client.msg.ErrorPopupMsg.sendErrorPopup ;
public class Mob extends AbstractIntelligenceAgent {
public static ArrayList < Mob > discDroppers = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
private static final ReentrantReadWriteLock createLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock ( ) ;
private static final ConcurrentHashMap < Integer , Mob > mobMapByDBID = new ConcurrentHashMap < > ( MBServerStatics . CHM_INIT_CAP , MBServerStatics . CHM_LOAD , MBServerStatics . CHM_THREAD_LOW ) ;
// Variables NOT to be stored in db
private static int staticID = 0 ;
//mob specific
public final ConcurrentHashMap < Integer , Boolean > playerAgroMap = new ConcurrentHashMap < > ( ) ;
public final ConcurrentHashMap < Mob , Integer > siegeMinionMap = new ConcurrentHashMap < > ( MBServerStatics . CHM_INIT_CAP , MBServerStatics . CHM_LOAD , MBServerStatics . CHM_THREAD_LOW ) ;
public final ReentrantReadWriteLock lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock ( ) ;
public long nextCastTime = 0 ;
public long nextCallForHelp = 0 ;
public ReentrantReadWriteLock minionLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock ( ) ;
public boolean despawned = false ;
public Vector3fImmutable destination = Vector3fImmutable . ZERO ;
public Vector3fImmutable localLoc = Vector3fImmutable . ZERO ;
public LinkedHashMap < Integer , Integer > mobPowers = new LinkedHashMap < > ( ) ;
public MobBase mobBase ;
public int spawnTime ;
public Zone parentZone ;
public Building building ;
public boolean hasLoot = false ;
public boolean isPlayerGuard = false ;
public AbstractCharacter npcOwner ;
public long deathTime = 0 ;
public int equipmentSetID = 0 ;
public int runeSet = 0 ;
public int bootySet = 0 ;
public EnumBitSet < MonsterType > notEnemy ;
public EnumBitSet < Enum . MonsterType > enemy ;
public MobBehaviourType BehaviourType ;
public ArrayList < Vector3fImmutable > patrolPoints ;
public int lastPatrolPointIndex = 0 ;
public long stopPatrolTime = 0 ;
public City guardedCity ;
protected int dbID ; //the database ID
protected int loadID ;
protected float spawnRadius ;
//used by static mobs
protected int parentZoneID ;
protected float statLat ;
protected float statLon ;
protected float statAlt ;
private int currentID ;
private int ownerUID = 0 ; //only used by pets
private AbstractWorldObject fearedObject = null ;
private int buildingID ;
private boolean isSiege = false ;
private long lastAttackTime = 0 ;
private int lastMobPowerToken = 0 ;
private HashMap < Integer , MobEquipment > equip = null ;
private DeferredPowerJob weaponPower ;
private DateTime upgradeDateTime = null ;
private boolean lootSync = false ;
public boolean StrongholdCommander = false ;
public boolean StrongholdGuardian = false ;
public Mine stronghold = null ;
public boolean StrongholdEpic = false ;
public boolean isDropper = false ;
/ * *
* No Id Constructor
* /
public Mob ( String firstName , String lastName , short statStrCurrent , short statDexCurrent , short statConCurrent , short statIntCurrent , short statSpiCurrent , short level , int exp , boolean sit , boolean walk , boolean combat , Vector3fImmutable bindLoc , Vector3fImmutable currentLoc , Vector3fImmutable faceDir , short healthCurrent , short manaCurrent , short stamCurrent , Guild guild , byte runningTrains , int npcType , boolean isMob , Zone parent , Building building , int contractID ) {
super ( firstName , lastName , statStrCurrent , statDexCurrent , statConCurrent , statIntCurrent , statSpiCurrent , level , exp , sit , walk , combat , bindLoc , currentLoc , faceDir , healthCurrent , manaCurrent , stamCurrent , guild , runningTrains ) ;
this . dbID = MBServerStatics . NO_DB_ROW_ASSIGNED_YET ;
this . loadID = npcType ;
this . mobBase = MobBase . getMobBase ( loadID ) ;
this . currentID = MBServerStatics . NO_DB_ROW_ASSIGNED_YET ;
this . parentZone = parent ;
this . parentZoneID = ( parent ! = null ) ? parent . getObjectUUID ( ) : 0 ;
this . building = building ;
if ( building ! = null )
this . buildingID = building . getObjectUUID ( ) ;
this . buildingID = 0 ;
if ( contractID = = 0 )
this . contract = null ;
this . contract = DbManager . ContractQueries . GET_CONTRACT ( contractID ) ;
if ( building ! = null & & building . getOwner ( ) ! = null ) {
this . lastName = "the " + contract . getName ( ) ;
clearStatic ( ) ;
/ * *
* Normal Constructor
* /
public Mob ( String firstName , String lastName , short statStrCurrent , short statDexCurrent , short statConCurrent , short statIntCurrent , short statSpiCurrent , short level , int exp , boolean sit , boolean walk , boolean combat , Vector3fImmutable bindLoc , Vector3fImmutable currentLoc , Vector3fImmutable faceDir , short healthCurrent , short manaCurrent , short stamCurrent , Guild guild , byte runningTrains , int npcType , boolean isMob , Zone parent , int newUUID , Building building , int contractID ) {
super ( firstName , lastName , statStrCurrent , statDexCurrent , statConCurrent , statIntCurrent , statSpiCurrent , level , exp , sit , walk , combat , bindLoc , currentLoc , faceDir , healthCurrent , manaCurrent , stamCurrent , guild , runningTrains , newUUID ) ;
this . dbID = newUUID ;
this . loadID = npcType ;
if ( contractID = = 0 )
this . contract = null ;
this . contract = DbManager . ContractQueries . GET_CONTRACT ( contractID ) ;
this . mobBase = MobBase . getMobBase ( loadID ) ;
this . parentZone = parent ;
this . parentZoneID = ( parent ! = null ) ? parent . getObjectUUID ( ) : 0 ;
this . building = building ;
initializeMob ( false , false , false ) ;
clearStatic ( ) ;
/ * *
* Pet Constructor
* /
public Mob ( MobBase mobBase , Guild guild , Zone parent , short level , PlayerCharacter owner , int tableID ) {
super ( mobBase . getFirstName ( ) , "" , ( short ) 0 , ( short ) 0 , ( short ) 0 , ( short ) 0 , ( short ) 0 , level , 0 , false , true , false , owner . getLoc ( ) , owner . getLoc ( ) , owner . getFaceDir ( ) , ( short ) mobBase . getHealthMax ( ) , ( short ) 0 , ( short ) 0 , guild , ( byte ) 0 , tableID ) ;
this . dbID = tableID ;
this . loadID = mobBase . getObjectUUID ( ) ;
this . mobBase = mobBase ;
this . parentZone = parent ;
this . parentZoneID = ( parent ! = null ) ? parent . getObjectUUID ( ) : 0 ;
this . ownerUID = owner . getObjectUUID ( ) ;
this . BehaviourType = Enum . MobBehaviourType . Pet1 ;
initializeMob ( true , false , false ) ;
clearStatic ( ) ;
public Mob ( MobBase mobBase , Guild guild , Zone parent , short level , Vector3fImmutable loc , int tableID , boolean isPlayerGuard ) {
super ( mobBase . getFirstName ( ) , "" , ( short ) 0 , ( short ) 0 , ( short ) 0 , ( short ) 0 , ( short ) 0 , level , 0 , false , true , false , loc , loc , Vector3fImmutable . ZERO , ( short ) mobBase . getHealthMax ( ) , ( short ) 0 , ( short ) 0 , guild , ( byte ) 0 , tableID ) ;
this . dbID = tableID ;
this . loadID = mobBase . getObjectUUID ( ) ;
this . mobBase = mobBase ;
this . parentZone = parent ;
this . parentZoneID = ( parent ! = null ) ? parent . getObjectUUID ( ) : 0 ;
this . ownerUID = 0 ;
this . equip = new HashMap < > ( ) ;
initializeMob ( false , true , isPlayerGuard ) ;
clearStatic ( ) ;
/ * *
* ResultSet Constructor
* /
public Mob ( ResultSet rs ) throws SQLException {
super ( rs ) ;
try {
this . dbID = rs . getInt ( 1 ) ;
//this.state = STATE.Idle;
this . loadID = rs . getInt ( "mob_mobbaseID" ) ;
this . gridObjectType = GridObjectType . DYNAMIC ;
this . spawnRadius = rs . getFloat ( "mob_spawnRadius" ) ;
this . spawnTime = rs . getInt ( "mob_spawnTime" ) ;
this . parentZone = null ;
this . statLat = rs . getFloat ( "mob_spawnX" ) ;
this . statAlt = rs . getFloat ( "mob_spawnY" ) ;
this . statLon = rs . getFloat ( "mob_spawnZ" ) ;
this . localLoc = new Vector3fImmutable ( this . statLat , this . statAlt , this . statLon ) ;
this . parentZoneID = rs . getInt ( "parent" ) ;
this . level = ( short ) rs . getInt ( "mob_level" ) ;
int buildingID = rs . getInt ( "mob_buildingID" ) ;
try {
this . building = BuildingManager . getBuilding ( buildingID ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
this . building = null ;
Logger . error ( e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
int contractID = rs . getInt ( "mob_contractID" ) ;
if ( contractID = = 0 )
this . contract = null ;
this . contract = DbManager . ContractQueries . GET_CONTRACT ( contractID ) ;
if ( this . contract ! = null & & NPC . ISGuardCaptain ( contract . getContractID ( ) ) ) {
this . spawnTime = 60 * 15 ;
this . isPlayerGuard = true ;
int guildID = rs . getInt ( "mob_guildUID" ) ;
if ( this . building ! = null )
this . guild = this . building . getGuild ( ) ;
this . guild = Guild . getGuild ( guildID ) ;
if ( this . guild = = null )
this . guild = Guild . getErrantGuild ( ) ;
java . util . Date sqlDateTime ;
sqlDateTime = rs . getTimestamp ( "upgradeDate" ) ;
if ( sqlDateTime ! = null )
upgradeDateTime = new DateTime ( sqlDateTime ) ;
upgradeDateTime = null ;
// Submit upgrade job if NPC is currently set to rank.
if ( this . upgradeDateTime ! = null )
Mob . submitUpgradeJob ( this ) ;
this . mobBase = MobBase . getMobBase ( loadID ) ;
this . setObjectTypeMask ( MBServerStatics . MASK_MOB | this . getTypeMasks ( ) ) ;
if ( this . mobBase ! = null & & this . spawnTime = = 0 )
this . spawnTime = this . mobBase . getSpawnTime ( ) ;
this . bindLoc = new Vector3fImmutable ( this . statLat , this . statAlt , this . statLon ) ;
this . runeSet = rs . getInt ( "runeSet" ) ;
this . bootySet = rs . getInt ( "bootySet" ) ;
this . notEnemy = EnumBitSet . asEnumBitSet ( rs . getLong ( "notEnemy" ) , Enum . MonsterType . class ) ;
this . enemy = EnumBitSet . asEnumBitSet ( rs . getLong ( "enemy" ) , Enum . MonsterType . class ) ;
this . firstName = rs . getString ( "mob_name" ) ;
this . isDropper = rs . getInt ( "is_dropper" ) = = 1 ;
if ( this . firstName . isEmpty ( ) )
this . firstName = this . mobBase . getFirstName ( ) ;
if ( this . contract ! = null ) {
this . equipmentSetID = this . contract . getEquipmentSet ( ) ;
this . lastName = this . getContract ( ) . getName ( ) ;
} else
this . equipmentSetID = rs . getInt ( "equipmentSet" ) ;
if ( rs . getString ( "fsm" ) . length ( ) > 1 )
this . BehaviourType = MobBehaviourType . valueOf ( rs . getString ( "fsm" ) ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
Logger . error ( e + " " + this . dbID ) ;
try {
initializeMob ( false , false , this . isPlayerGuard ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
Logger . error ( "Mobile:" + this . dbID + ": " + e ) ;
if ( this . firstName . toLowerCase ( ) . equals ( "guardian commander" ) | | this . firstName . toLowerCase ( ) . equals ( "elite guardian" ) | | this . firstName . toLowerCase ( ) . equals ( "guardian" ) | | this . firstName . toLowerCase ( ) . equals ( "commander" ) ) {
this . despawn ( ) ;
this . removeFromCache ( ) ;
DbManager . MobQueries . DELETE_MOB ( this ) ;
public static void serializeMobForClientMsgOtherPlayer ( Mob mob , ByteBufferWriter writer ) throws SerializationException {
Mob . serializeForClientMsgOtherPlayer ( mob , writer ) ;
public static void serializeForClientMsgOtherPlayer ( Mob mob , ByteBufferWriter writer ) throws SerializationException {
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
int tid = ( mob . mobBase ! = null ) ? mob . mobBase . getLoadID ( ) : 0 ;
if ( mob . isPet ( ) ) {
writer . putInt ( 2 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 3 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 2522 ) ;
writer . putInt ( GameObjectType . NPCClassRune . ordinal ( ) ) ;
writer . putInt ( mob . currentID ) ;
} else if ( tid = = 100570 ) { //kur'adar
writer . putInt ( 3 ) ;
Mob . serializeRune ( mob , writer , 3 , GameObjectType . NPCClassRuneTwo . ordinal ( ) , 2518 ) ; //warrior class
serializeRune ( mob , writer , 5 , GameObjectType . NPCClassRuneThree . ordinal ( ) , 252621 ) ; //guard rune
} else if ( tid = = 100962 | | tid = = 100965 ) { //Spydraxxx the Mighty, Denigo Tantric
writer . putInt ( 2 ) ;
serializeRune ( mob , writer , 5 , GameObjectType . NPCClassRuneTwo . ordinal ( ) , 252621 ) ; //guard rune
} else if ( mob . contract ! = null | | mob . isPlayerGuard ) {
writer . putInt ( 3 ) ;
serializeRune ( mob , writer , 3 , GameObjectType . NPCClassRuneTwo . ordinal ( ) , MobBase . GetClassType ( mob . getMobBaseID ( ) ) ) ; //warrior class
serializeRune ( mob , writer , 5 , GameObjectType . NPCClassRuneThree . ordinal ( ) , 252621 ) ; //guard rune
} else
writer . putInt ( 1 ) ;
//Generate Race Rune
writer . putInt ( 1 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
if ( mob . mobBase ! = null )
writer . putInt ( mob . mobBase . getLoadID ( ) ) ;
writer . putInt ( mob . loadID ) ;
writer . putInt ( mob . getObjectType ( ) . ordinal ( ) ) ;
writer . putInt ( mob . currentID ) ;
//Send Stats
writer . putInt ( 5 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0x8AC3C0E6 ) ; //Str
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0xACB82E33 ) ; //Dex
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0xB15DC77E ) ; //Con
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0xE07B3336 ) ; //Int
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0xFF665EC3 ) ; //Spi
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putString ( mob . firstName ) ;
writer . putString ( mob . lastName ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . put ( ( byte ) 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( mob . getObjectType ( ) . ordinal ( ) ) ;
writer . putInt ( mob . currentID ) ;
if ( mob . mobBase ! = null ) {
writer . putFloat ( mob . mobBase . getScale ( ) ) ;
writer . putFloat ( mob . mobBase . getScale ( ) ) ;
writer . putFloat ( mob . mobBase . getScale ( ) ) ;
} else {
writer . putFloat ( 1 . 0f ) ;
writer . putFloat ( 1 . 0f ) ;
writer . putFloat ( 1 . 0f ) ;
writer . putVector3f ( mob . getLoc ( ) ) ;
float radians = ( float ) Math . acos ( mob . getRot ( ) . y ) * 2 ;
if ( mob . building ! = null )
if ( mob . building . getBounds ( ) ! = null & & mob . building . getBounds ( ) . getQuaternion ( ) ! = null )
radians + = ( mob . building . getBounds ( ) . getQuaternion ( ) ) . angleY ;
writer . putFloat ( radians ) ;
//Inventory Stuff
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
// get a copy of the equipped items.
if ( mob . equip ! = null ) {
writer . putInt ( mob . equip . size ( ) ) ;
for ( MobEquipment me : mob . equip . values ( ) )
MobEquipment . serializeForClientMsg ( me , writer ) ;
} else
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( mob . getRank ( ) ) ;
writer . putInt ( mob . getLevel ( ) ) ;
writer . putInt ( mob . getIsSittingAsInt ( ) ) ; //Standing
writer . putInt ( mob . getIsWalkingAsInt ( ) ) ; //Walking
writer . putInt ( mob . getIsCombatAsInt ( ) ) ; //Combat
writer . putInt ( 2 ) ; //Unknown
writer . putInt ( 1 ) ; //Unknown - Headlights?
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
if ( mob . building ! = null & & mob . region ! = null ) {
writer . putInt ( mob . building . getObjectType ( ) . ordinal ( ) ) ;
writer . putInt ( mob . building . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
} else {
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ; //<-Building Object Type
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ; //<-Building Object ID
writer . put ( ( byte ) 0 ) ;
writer . put ( ( byte ) 0 ) ;
writer . put ( ( byte ) 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ; // NPC menu options
if ( mob . contract ! = null & & mob . npcOwner = = null ) {
writer . put ( ( byte ) 1 ) ;
writer . putLong ( 0 ) ;
writer . putLong ( 0 ) ;
if ( mob . contract ! = null )
writer . putInt ( mob . contract . getIconID ( ) ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ; //npc icon ID
} else
writer . put ( ( byte ) 0 ) ;
if ( mob . npcOwner ! = null ) {
writer . put ( ( byte ) 1 ) ;
writer . putInt ( GameObjectType . PlayerCharacter . ordinal ( ) ) ;
writer . putInt ( 131117009 ) ;
writer . putInt ( mob . npcOwner . getObjectType ( ) . ordinal ( ) ) ;
writer . putInt ( mob . npcOwner . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
writer . putInt ( 8 ) ;
} else
writer . put ( ( byte ) 0 ) ;
if ( mob . isPet ( ) ) {
writer . put ( ( byte ) 1 ) ;
if ( mob . getOwner ( ) ! = null ) {
writer . putInt ( mob . getOwner ( ) . getObjectType ( ) . ordinal ( ) ) ;
writer . putInt ( mob . getOwner ( ) . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
} else {
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ; //ownerType
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ; //ownerID
} else
writer . put ( ( byte ) 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
if ( ! mob . isAlive ( ) & & ! mob . isPet ( ) & & ! mob . isNecroPet ( ) & & ! mob . isSiege & & ! mob . isPlayerGuard ) {
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . put ( ( byte ) 0 ) ;
Guild . _serializeForClientMsg ( mob . getGuild ( ) , writer ) ;
if ( mob . mobBase ! = null & & mob . mobBase . getObjectUUID ( ) = = 100570 ) {
writer . putInt ( 2 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0x00008A2E ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0x1AB84003 ) ;
} else if ( mob . isSiege ) {
writer . putInt ( 1 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 74620179 ) ;
} else
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ; //0xB8400300
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
//TODO Guard
writer . put ( ( byte ) 0 ) ;
writer . putFloat ( mob . healthMax ) ;
writer . putFloat ( mob . health . get ( ) ) ;
//TODO Peace Zone
writer . put ( ( byte ) 1 ) ; //0=show tags, 1=don't
if ( ! mob . isAlive ( ) )
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
else {
int indexPosition = writer . position ( ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ; //placeholder for item cnt
int total = 0 ;
for ( Effect eff : mob . getEffects ( ) . values ( ) ) {
if ( eff . isStatic ( ) )
continue ;
if ( ! eff . serializeForLoad ( writer ) )
continue ;
+ + total ;
writer . putIntAt ( total , indexPosition ) ;
// Effects
writer . put ( ( byte ) 0 ) ;
private static void serializeRune ( Mob mob , ByteBufferWriter writer , int type , int objectType , int runeID ) {
writer . putInt ( type ) ;
writer . putInt ( 0 ) ;
writer . putInt ( runeID ) ;
writer . putInt ( objectType ) ;
writer . putInt ( mob . currentID ) ;
public static Mob createMob ( int loadID , Vector3fImmutable spawn , Guild guild , boolean isMob , Zone parent , Building building , int contractID , String pirateName , int level ) {
Mob mobWithoutID = new Mob ( pirateName , "" , ( short ) 0 , ( short ) 0 , ( short ) 0 , ( short ) 0 , ( short ) 0 , ( short ) 1 , 0 , false , false , false , spawn , spawn , Vector3fImmutable . ZERO , ( short ) 1 , ( short ) 1 , ( short ) 1 , guild , ( byte ) 0 , loadID , isMob , parent , building , contractID ) ;
if ( mobWithoutID . mobBase = = null )
return null ;
mobWithoutID . level = ( short ) level ;
// Parent zone is required by dbhandler. Can likely
// refactor that out and just use the id.
mobWithoutID . parentZone = parent ;
mobWithoutID . parentZoneID = parent . getObjectUUID ( ) ;
// NPC in a Building derives position from slot
if ( mobWithoutID . building ! = null )
mobWithoutID . bindLoc = Vector3fImmutable . ZERO ;
Mob mob ;
try {
mob = DbManager . MobQueries . ADD_MOB ( mobWithoutID ) ;
mob . setObjectTypeMask ( MBServerStatics . MASK_MOB | mob . getTypeMasks ( ) ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
Logger . error ( "SQLException:" + e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
mob = null ;
return mob ;
public static Mob createPet ( int loadID , Guild guild , Zone parent , PlayerCharacter owner , short level ) {
MobBase mobBase = MobBase . getMobBase ( loadID ) ;
Mob mob = null ;
if ( mobBase = = null | | owner = = null )
return null ;
createLock . writeLock ( ) . lock ( ) ;
level + = 20 ;
try {
mob = new Mob ( mobBase , guild , parent , level , owner , 0 ) ;
if ( mob . mobBase = = null )
return null ;
DbManager . addToCache ( mob ) ;
mob . setPet ( owner , true ) ;
mob . setWalkMode ( false ) ;
mob . runAfterLoad ( ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
} finally {
createLock . writeLock ( ) . unlock ( ) ;
parent . zoneMobSet . add ( mob ) ;
mob . level = level ;
mob . healthMax = mob . getMobBase ( ) . getHealthMax ( ) * ( mob . level * 0 . 5f ) ;
mob . health . set ( mob . healthMax ) ;
return mob ;
public static Mob getMob ( int id ) {
if ( id = = 0 )
return null ;
Mob mob = ( Mob ) DbManager . getFromCache ( GameObjectType . Mob , id ) ;
if ( mob ! = null )
return mob ;
return DbManager . MobQueries . GET_MOB ( id ) ;
public static Mob getFromCache ( int id ) {
return ( Mob ) DbManager . getFromCache ( GameObjectType . Mob , id ) ;
public static Mob getFromCacheDBID ( int id ) {
if ( Mob . mobMapByDBID . containsKey ( id ) )
return Mob . mobMapByDBID . get ( id ) ;
return null ;
private static float getModifiedAmount ( CharacterSkill skill ) {
if ( skill = = null )
return 0f ;
return skill . getModifiedAmount ( ) ;
public static void HandleAssistedAggro ( PlayerCharacter source , PlayerCharacter target ) {
HashSet < AbstractWorldObject > mobsInRange = WorldGrid . getObjectsInRangePartial ( source , MobAIThread . AI_DROP_AGGRO_RANGE , MBServerStatics . MASK_MOB ) ;
for ( AbstractWorldObject awo : mobsInRange ) {
Mob mob = ( Mob ) awo ;
//Mob is not attacking anyone, skip.
if ( mob . getCombatTarget ( ) = = null )
continue ;
//Mob not attacking target's target, let's not be failmu and skip this target.
if ( mob . getCombatTarget ( ) ! = target )
continue ;
//target is mob's combat target, LETS GO.
if ( source . getHateValue ( ) > target . getHateValue ( ) )
mob . setCombatTarget ( source ) ;
public static void submitUpgradeJob ( Mob mob ) {
if ( mob . getUpgradeDateTime ( ) = = null ) {
Logger . error ( "Failed to get Upgrade Date" ) ;
return ;
// Submit upgrade job for future date or current instant
if ( mob . getUpgradeDateTime ( ) . isAfter ( DateTime . now ( ) ) )
JobScheduler . getInstance ( ) . scheduleJob ( new UpgradeNPCJob ( mob ) , mob . getUpgradeDateTime ( ) . getMillis ( ) ) ;
JobScheduler . getInstance ( ) . scheduleJob ( new UpgradeNPCJob ( mob ) , 0 ) ;
public static int getUpgradeTime ( Mob mob ) {
if ( mob . getRank ( ) < 7 )
return ( mob . getRank ( ) * 8 ) ;
return 0 ;
public static int getUpgradeCost ( Mob mob ) {
int upgradeCost ;
upgradeCost = Integer . MAX_VALUE ;
if ( mob . getRank ( ) < 7 )
return ( mob . getRank ( ) * 100650 ) + 21450 ;
return upgradeCost ;
public static void setUpgradeDateTime ( Mob mob , DateTime upgradeDateTime ) {
if ( ! DbManager . MobQueries . updateUpgradeTime ( mob , upgradeDateTime ) ) {
Logger . error ( "Failed to set upgradeTime for building " + mob . currentID ) ;
return ;
mob . upgradeDateTime = upgradeDateTime ;
public static synchronized Mob createGuardMob ( Mob guardCaptain , Guild guild , Zone parent , Vector3fImmutable loc , short level , String pirateName ) {
MobBase minionMobBase ;
Mob mob ;
int maxSlots ;
switch ( guardCaptain . getRank ( ) ) {
case 3 :
maxSlots = 2 ;
break ;
case 4 :
case 5 :
maxSlots = 3 ;
break ;
case 6 :
maxSlots = 4 ;
break ;
case 7 :
maxSlots = 5 ;
break ;
case 1 :
case 2 :
default :
maxSlots = 1 ;
if ( guardCaptain . siegeMinionMap . size ( ) = = maxSlots )
return null ;
minionMobBase = guardCaptain . mobBase ;
if ( minionMobBase = = null )
return null ;
mob = new Mob ( minionMobBase , guild , parent , level , new Vector3fImmutable ( 1 , 1 , 1 ) , 0 , true ) ;
mob . setLevel ( level ) ;
if ( guardCaptain . equipmentSetID ! = 0 )
mob . equipmentSetID = guardCaptain . equipmentSetID ;
mob . runAfterLoad ( ) ;
mob . despawned = true ;
mob . despawn ( ) ;
//grab equipment and name from minionbase.
if ( guardCaptain . contract ! = null ) {
Enum . MinionType minionType = Enum . MinionType . ContractToMinionMap . get ( guardCaptain . contract . getContractID ( ) ) ;
if ( minionType ! = null ) {
String rank ;
if ( guardCaptain . getRank ( ) < 3 )
rank = MBServerStatics . JUNIOR ;
else if ( guardCaptain . getRank ( ) < 6 )
rank = "" ;
else if ( guardCaptain . getRank ( ) = = 6 )
rank = MBServerStatics . VETERAN ;
rank = MBServerStatics . ELITE ;
mob . firstName = NPCManager . getPirateName ( mob . getMobBaseID ( ) ) ;
mob . lastName = rank + " " + minionType . getRace ( ) + " " + minionType . getName ( ) ;
mob . setObjectTypeMask ( MBServerStatics . MASK_MOB | mob . getTypeMasks ( ) ) ;
mob . isPlayerGuard = true ;
DbManager . addToCache ( mob ) ;
RuneBase guardRune = RuneBase . getRuneBase ( 252621 ) ;
for ( MobBaseEffects mbe : guardRune . getEffectsList ( ) ) {
EffectsBase eb = PowersManager . getEffectByToken ( mbe . getToken ( ) ) ;
if ( eb = = null ) {
Logger . info ( "EffectsBase Null for Token " + mbe . getToken ( ) ) ;
continue ;
//check to upgrade effects if needed.
if ( mob . effects . containsKey ( Integer . toString ( eb . getUUID ( ) ) ) ) {
if ( mbe . getReqLvl ( ) > ( int ) mob . level ) {
continue ;
Effect eff = mob . effects . get ( Integer . toString ( eb . getUUID ( ) ) ) ;
if ( eff = = null )
continue ;
//Current effect is a higher rank, dont apply.
if ( eff . getTrains ( ) > mbe . getRank ( ) )
continue ;
//new effect is of a higher rank. remove old effect and apply new one.
eff . cancelJob ( ) ;
mob . addEffectNoTimer ( Integer . toString ( eb . getUUID ( ) ) , eb , mbe . getRank ( ) , true ) ;
} else {
if ( mbe . getReqLvl ( ) > ( int ) mob . level )
continue ;
mob . addEffectNoTimer ( Integer . toString ( eb . getUUID ( ) ) , eb , mbe . getRank ( ) , true ) ;
int slot = 0 ;
slot + = guardCaptain . siegeMinionMap . size ( ) + 1 ;
guardCaptain . siegeMinionMap . put ( mob , slot ) ;
mob . deathTime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
mob . npcOwner = guardCaptain ;
mob . spawnTime = ( int ) ( - 2 . 500 * guardCaptain . building . getRank ( ) + 22 . 5 ) * 60 ;
mob . BehaviourType = Enum . MobBehaviourType . GuardMinion ;
mob . guardedCity = guardCaptain . guardedCity ;
mob . parentZone = parent ;
parent . zoneMobSet . add ( mob ) ;
MovementManager . translocate ( mob , guardCaptain . bindLoc , guardCaptain . region ) ;
mob . bindLoc = guardCaptain . bindLoc ;
return mob ;
public static synchronized Mob createSiegeMob ( NPC owner , int loadID , Guild guild , Zone parent , Vector3fImmutable loc , short level ) {
MobBase minionMobBase ;
Mob mob ;
if ( owner . getSiegeMinionMap ( ) . size ( ) = = 3 )
return null ;
minionMobBase = MobBase . getMobBase ( loadID ) ;
if ( minionMobBase = = null )
return null ;
mob = new Mob ( minionMobBase , guild , parent , level , new Vector3fImmutable ( 1 , 1 , 1 ) , 0 , false ) ;
mob . despawned = true ;
DbManager . addToCache ( mob ) ;
mob . setObjectTypeMask ( MBServerStatics . MASK_MOB | mob . getTypeMasks ( ) ) ;
mob . setSiege ( true ) ;
int slot = 0 ;
if ( ! owner . getSiegeMinionMap ( ) . containsValue ( 1 ) )
slot = 1 ;
else if ( ! owner . getSiegeMinionMap ( ) . containsValue ( 2 ) )
slot = 2 ;
owner . getSiegeMinionMap ( ) . put ( mob , slot ) ;
mob . setNpcOwner ( owner ) ;
mob . BehaviourType = MobBehaviourType . Pet1 ;
mob . BehaviourType . canRoam = false ;
return mob ;
private void clearStatic ( ) {
if ( this . parentZone ! = null )
this . parentZone . zoneMobSet . remove ( this ) ;
this . parentZone = null ;
this . statLat = 0f ;
this . statLon = 0f ;
this . statAlt = 0f ;
private void initializeMob ( boolean isPet , boolean isSiege , boolean isGuard ) {
int slot ;
Vector3fImmutable slotLocation ;
Quaternion slotRotation ;
if ( ConfigManager . serverType . equals ( ServerType . LOGINSERVER ) )
return ;
// Configure parent zone adding this NPC to the
// zone collection
this . parentZone = ZoneManager . getZoneByUUID ( this . parentZoneID ) ;
this . parentZone . zoneMobSet . remove ( this ) ;
this . parentZone . zoneMobSet . add ( this ) ;
// Setup location for this Mobile
this . bindLoc = new Vector3fImmutable ( this . statLat , this . statAlt , this . statLon ) ;
this . bindLoc = this . parentZone . getLoc ( ) . add ( this . bindLoc ) ;
this . loc = new Vector3fImmutable ( bindLoc ) ;
this . endLoc = new Vector3fImmutable ( bindLoc ) ;
// Handle Mobiles within buildings
if ( this . building ! = null ) {
if ( this . contract = = null ) {
// Mobiles inside buildings are offset from it not the zone
this . bindLoc = new Vector3fImmutable ( this . statLat , this . statAlt , this . statLon ) ;
this . bindLoc = this . building . getLoc ( ) . add ( this . bindLoc ) ;
} else {
// Get next available slot for this Mobile and then
// add it to the building's hireling list
slot = BuildingManager . getAvailableSlot ( building ) ;
if ( slot = = - 1 )
Logger . error ( "No available slot for Mobile: " + this . getObjectUUID ( ) ) ;
building . getHirelings ( ) . put ( this , slot ) ;
// Override bind and location for this contracted Mobile
// derived from BuildingManager slot location data.
slotLocation = BuildingManager . getSlotLocation ( building , slot ) . getLocation ( ) ;
this . bindLoc = building . getLoc ( ) . add ( slotLocation ) ;
// Rotate slot position by the building rotation
this . bindLoc = Vector3fImmutable . rotateAroundPoint ( building . getLoc ( ) , this . bindLoc , building . getBounds ( ) . getQuaternion ( ) . angleY ) ;
this . loc = new Vector3fImmutable ( bindLoc ) ;
this . endLoc = new Vector3fImmutable ( bindLoc ) ;
// Rotate mobile rotation by the building's rotation
slotRotation = new Quaternion ( ) . fromAngles ( 0 , acos ( this . getRot ( ) . y ) * 2 , 0 ) ;
slotRotation = slotRotation . mult ( building . getBounds ( ) . getQuaternion ( ) ) ;
this . setRot ( new Vector3f ( 0 , slotRotation . y , 0 ) ) ;
// Configure building region and floor/level for this Mobile
this . region = BuildingManager . GetRegion ( this . building , bindLoc . x , bindLoc . y , bindLoc . z ) ;
if ( this . mobBase ! = null ) {
this . gridObjectType = GridObjectType . DYNAMIC ;
this . healthMax = this . mobBase . getHealthMax ( ) ;
this . manaMax = 0 ;
this . staminaMax = 0 ;
this . setHealth ( this . healthMax ) ;
this . mana . set ( this . manaMax ) ;
this . stamina . set ( this . staminaMax ) ;
if ( isPet )
this . setObjectTypeMask ( MBServerStatics . MASK_PET | this . getTypeMasks ( ) ) ;
if ( this . contract = = null )
this . level = ( short ) this . mobBase . getLevel ( ) ;
//set bonuses
this . bonuses = new PlayerBonuses ( this ) ;
//TODO set these correctly later
this . rangeHandOne = 8 ;
this . rangeHandTwo = - 1 ;
this . minDamageHandOne = 0 ;
this . maxDamageHandOne = 0 ;
this . minDamageHandTwo = 1 ;
this . maxDamageHandTwo = 4 ;
this . atrHandOne = 300 ;
this . defenseRating = ( short ) this . mobBase . getDefenseRating ( ) ;
this . isActive = true ;
this . charItemManager . load ( ) ;
//load AI for general mobs.
if ( this . contract ! = null & & NPC . ISWallArcher ( this . contract ) ) {
this . BehaviourType = MobBehaviourType . GuardWallArcher ;
this . isPlayerGuard = true ;
this . spawnTime = 450 ;
if ( isPet | | isSiege | | ( isGuard & & this . contract = = null ) )
this . currentID = ( - - Mob . staticID ) ;
this . currentID = this . dbID ;
//store mobs by Database ID
if ( ! isPet & & ! isSiege )
Mob . mobMapByDBID . put ( this . dbID , this ) ;
/ *
* Getters
* /
public int getDBID ( ) {
return this . dbID ;
public int getLoadID ( ) {
return loadID ;
/ *
* Serialization
* /
public int getObjectUUID ( ) {
return currentID ;
public float getSpawnX ( ) {
return this . statLat ;
public float getSpawnY ( ) {
return this . statAlt ;
public float getSpawnZ ( ) {
return this . statLon ;
public float getSpawnRadius ( ) {
return this . spawnRadius ;
public void setSpawnTime ( int value ) {
this . spawnTime = value ;
//use getSpawnTime instead. This is just for init tables
public int getTrueSpawnTime ( ) {
return this . spawnTime ;
public String getSpawnTimeAsString ( ) {
if ( this . spawnTime = = 0 )
return MBServerStatics . DEFAULT_SPAWN_TIME_MS / 1000 + " seconds (Default)" ;
return this . spawnTime + " seconds" ;
public MobBase getMobBase ( ) {
return this . mobBase ;
public int getMobBaseID ( ) {
if ( this . mobBase ! = null )
return this . mobBase . getObjectUUID ( ) ;
return 0 ;
public Vector3fImmutable getTrueBindLoc ( ) {
return this . bindLoc ;
public Zone getParentZone ( ) {
return this . parentZone ;
public int getParentZoneID ( ) {
if ( this . parentZone ! = null )
return this . parentZone . getObjectUUID ( ) ;
return 0 ;
public int getGuildUUID ( ) {
if ( this . guild = = null )
return 0 ;
return this . guild . getObjectUUID ( ) ;
public PlayerCharacter getOwner ( ) {
if ( ! this . isPet ( ) )
return null ;
if ( this . ownerUID = = 0 )
return null ;
return PlayerCharacter . getFromCache ( this . ownerUID ) ;
public void setOwner ( PlayerCharacter value ) {
if ( value = = null )
this . ownerUID = 0 ;
this . ownerUID = value . getObjectUUID ( ) ;
public void setFearedObject ( AbstractWorldObject awo ) {
this . fearedObject = awo ;
public Vector3fImmutable getBindLoc ( ) {
if ( this . isPet ( ) & & ! this . isSiege )
return this . getOwner ( ) ! = null ? this . getOwner ( ) . getLoc ( ) : this . getLoc ( ) ;
return this . bindLoc ;
public void calculateModifiedStats ( ) {
float strVal = this . mobBase . getMobBaseStats ( ) . getBaseStr ( ) ;
float dexVal = this . mobBase . getMobBaseStats ( ) . getBaseDex ( ) ;
float conVal = 0 ; // I believe this will desync the Mobs Health if we call it.
float intVal = this . mobBase . getMobBaseStats ( ) . getBaseInt ( ) ;
float spiVal = this . mobBase . getMobBaseStats ( ) . getBaseSpi ( ) ;
// TODO modify for equipment
if ( this . bonuses ! = null ) {
// modify for effects
strVal + = this . bonuses . getFloat ( ModType . Attr , SourceType . Strength ) ;
dexVal + = this . bonuses . getFloat ( ModType . Attr , SourceType . Dexterity ) ;
conVal + = this . bonuses . getFloat ( ModType . Attr , SourceType . Constitution ) ;
intVal + = this . bonuses . getFloat ( ModType . Attr , SourceType . Intelligence ) ;
spiVal + = this . bonuses . getFloat ( ModType . Attr , SourceType . Spirit ) ;
// apply dex penalty for armor
// modify percent amounts. DO THIS LAST!
strVal * = ( 1 + this . bonuses . getFloatPercentAll ( ModType . Attr , SourceType . Strength ) ) ;
dexVal * = ( 1 + this . bonuses . getFloatPercentAll ( ModType . Attr , SourceType . Dexterity ) ) ;
conVal * = ( 1 + this . bonuses . getFloatPercentAll ( ModType . Attr , SourceType . Constitution ) ) ;
intVal * = ( 1 + this . bonuses . getFloatPercentAll ( ModType . Attr , SourceType . Intelligence ) ) ;
spiVal * = ( 1 + this . bonuses . getFloatPercentAll ( ModType . Attr , SourceType . Spirit ) ) ;
} else {
// apply dex penalty for armor
// Set current stats
this . statStrCurrent = ( strVal < 1 ) ? ( short ) 1 : ( short ) strVal ;
this . statDexCurrent = ( dexVal < 1 ) ? ( short ) 1 : ( short ) dexVal ;
this . statConCurrent = ( conVal < 1 ) ? ( short ) 1 : ( short ) conVal ;
this . statIntCurrent = ( intVal < 1 ) ? ( short ) 1 : ( short ) intVal ;
this . statSpiCurrent = ( spiVal < 1 ) ? ( short ) 1 : ( short ) spiVal ;
public float getSpeed ( ) {
float bonus = 1 ;
if ( this . bonuses ! = null )
// get rune and effect bonuses
bonus * = ( 1 + this . bonuses . getFloatPercentAll ( ModType . Speed , SourceType . None ) ) ;
if ( this . isPlayerGuard )
switch ( this . mobBase . getLoadID ( ) ) {
case 2111 :
if ( this . isWalk ( ) )
if ( this . isCombat ( ) )
return Guards . HumanArcher . getWalkCombatSpeed ( ) * bonus ;
return Guards . HumanArcher . getWalkSpeed ( ) * bonus ;
return Guards . HumanArcher . getRunSpeed ( ) * bonus ;
case 14103 :
if ( this . isWalk ( ) )
if ( this . isCombat ( ) )
return Guards . UndeadArcher . getWalkCombatSpeed ( ) * bonus ;
return Guards . UndeadArcher . getWalkSpeed ( ) * bonus ;
return Guards . UndeadArcher . getRunSpeed ( ) * bonus ;
//return combat speeds
//not combat return normal speeds
if ( this . isCombat ( ) )
if ( this . isWalk ( ) ) {
if ( this . mobBase . getWalkCombat ( ) < = 0 )
return MBServerStatics . MOB_SPEED_WALKCOMBAT * bonus ;
return this . mobBase . getWalkCombat ( ) * bonus ;
} else {
if ( this . mobBase . getRunCombat ( ) < = 0 )
return MBServerStatics . MOB_SPEED_RUNCOMBAT * bonus ;
return this . mobBase . getRunCombat ( ) * bonus ;
else if ( this . isWalk ( ) ) {
if ( this . mobBase . getWalk ( ) < = 0 )
return MBServerStatics . MOB_SPEED_WALK * bonus ;
return this . mobBase . getWalk ( ) * bonus ;
} else {
if ( this . mobBase . getRun ( ) < = 0 )
return MBServerStatics . MOB_SPEED_RUN * bonus ;
return this . mobBase . getRun ( ) * bonus ;
public float getPassiveChance ( String type , int AttackerLevel , boolean fromCombat ) {
//TODO add this later for dodge
return 0f ;
/ *
* Database
* /
/ * *
* @ Kill this Character
* /
public void killCharacter ( AbstractCharacter attacker ) {
if ( this . StrongholdGuardian | | this . StrongholdCommander ) {
ChatManager . chatSystemChannel ( this . parentZone . getParent ( ) . getName ( ) + "'s Stronghold Is Under Attack!" ) ;
StrongholdManager . CheckToEndStronghold ( this . stronghold ) ;
this . stopMovement ( this . getMovementLoc ( ) ) ;
if ( attacker ! = null )
if ( attacker . getObjectType ( ) = = GameObjectType . PlayerCharacter ) {
Group g = GroupManager . getGroup ( ( PlayerCharacter ) attacker ) ;
// Give XP, now handled inside the Experience Object
if ( ! this . isPet ( ) & & ! this . isNecroPet ( ) & & ! ( this . agentType . equals ( AIAgentType . PET ) ) & & ! this . isPlayerGuard )
Experience . doExperience ( ( PlayerCharacter ) attacker , this , g ) ;
} else if ( attacker . getObjectType ( ) . equals ( GameObjectType . Mob ) ) {
Mob mobAttacker = ( Mob ) attacker ;
if ( mobAttacker . isPet ( ) ) {
PlayerCharacter owner = mobAttacker . getOwner ( ) ;
if ( owner ! = null )
if ( ! this . isPet ( ) & & ! this . isNecroPet ( ) & & ! ( this . agentType . equals ( AIAgentType . PET ) ) & & ! this . isPlayerGuard ) {
Group g = GroupManager . getGroup ( owner ) ;
// Give XP, now handled inside the Experience Object
Experience . doExperience ( owner , this , g ) ;
killCleanup ( ) ;
public void updateLocation ( ) {
if ( ! this . isMoving ( ) )
return ;
if ( this . isAlive ( ) = = false | | this . getBonuses ( ) . getBool ( ModType . Stunned , SourceType . None ) | | this . getBonuses ( ) . getBool ( ModType . CannotMove , SourceType . None ) ) {
//Target is stunned or rooted. Don't move
this . stopMovement ( this . getMovementLoc ( ) ) ;
return ;
Vector3fImmutable newLoc = this . getMovementLoc ( ) ;
if ( newLoc . equals ( this . getEndLoc ( ) ) ) {
this . stopMovement ( newLoc ) ;
this . region = AbstractWorldObject . GetRegionByWorldObject ( this ) ;
return ;
//Next upda
setLoc ( newLoc ) ;
this . region = Regions . GetRegionForTeleport ( this . loc ) ; //AbstractWorldObject.GetRegionByWorldObject(this);
//Next update will be end Loc, lets stop him here.
public void killCharacter ( String reason ) {
killCleanup ( ) ;
private void killCleanup ( ) {
Dispatch dispatch ;
try {
//resync corpses
if ( this . isSiege ) {
this . deathTime = System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ;
//this.state = STATE.Dead;
try {
this . clearEffects ( ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
Logger . error ( e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
this . setCombatTarget ( null ) ;
this . hasLoot = false ;
this . playerAgroMap . clear ( ) ;
if ( this . BehaviourType . ordinal ( ) = = Enum . MobBehaviourType . GuardMinion . ordinal ( ) )
this . spawnTime = ( int ) ( - 2 . 500 * ( ( Mob ) this . npcOwner ) . building . getRank ( ) + 22 . 5 ) * 60 ;
if ( this . isPet ( ) ) {
PlayerCharacter petOwner = this . getOwner ( ) ;
if ( petOwner ! = null ) {
this . setOwner ( null ) ;
petOwner . setPet ( null ) ;
PetMsg petMsg = new PetMsg ( 5 , null ) ;
dispatch = Dispatch . borrow ( this . getOwner ( ) , petMsg ) ;
DispatchMessage . dispatchMsgDispatch ( dispatch , Enum . DispatchChannel . PRIMARY ) ;
} else if ( this . isPet ( ) | | this . isNecroPet ( ) ) {
//this.state = STATE.Disabled;
this . setCombatTarget ( null ) ;
this . hasLoot = false ;
//if (this.parentZone != null)
ZoneManager . getSeaFloor ( ) . zoneMobSet . remove ( this ) ;
try {
this . clearEffects ( ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
Logger . error ( e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
this . playerAgroMap . clear ( ) ;
WorldGrid . RemoveWorldObject ( this ) ;
DbManager . removeFromCache ( this ) ;
PlayerCharacter petOwner = this . getOwner ( ) ;
if ( petOwner ! = null ) {
this . setOwner ( null ) ;
petOwner . setPet ( null ) ;
PetMsg petMsg = new PetMsg ( 5 , null ) ;
dispatch = Dispatch . borrow ( petOwner , petMsg ) ;
DispatchMessage . dispatchMsgDispatch ( dispatch , Enum . DispatchChannel . PRIMARY ) ;
} else {
//cleanup effects
playerAgroMap . clear ( ) ;
if ( ! this . isPlayerGuard & & this . equip ! = null )
LootManager . GenerateEquipmentDrop ( this ) ;
try {
this . clearEffects ( ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
Logger . error ( e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
this . combat = false ;
this . walkMode = true ;
this . setCombatTarget ( null ) ;
this . hasLoot = this . charItemManager . getInventoryCount ( ) > 0 ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
this . updateLocation ( ) ;
public void respawn ( ) {
this . despawned = false ;
this . setCombatTarget ( null ) ;
this . setHealth ( this . healthMax ) ;
this . stamina . set ( this . staminaMax ) ;
this . mana . set ( this . manaMax ) ;
this . combat = false ;
this . walkMode = true ;
this . setCombatTarget ( null ) ;
this . isAlive . set ( true ) ;
this . deathTime = 0 ;
this . lastBindLoc = this . bindLoc ;
this . setLoc ( this . lastBindLoc ) ;
this . stopMovement ( this . lastBindLoc ) ;
NPCManager . applyRuneSetEffects ( this ) ;
this . recalculateStats ( ) ;
this . setHealth ( this . healthMax ) ;
if ( this . building = = null & & this . npcOwner ! = null & & ( ( Mob ) this . npcOwner ) . BehaviourType . ordinal ( ) = = MobBehaviourType . GuardCaptain . ordinal ( ) )
this . building = ( ( Mob ) this . npcOwner ) . building ;
else if ( this . building ! = null )
this . region = BuildingManager . GetRegion ( this . building , bindLoc . x , bindLoc . y , bindLoc . z ) ;
//MovementManager.translocate(this, this.bindLoc, this.region);
if ( ! this . isSiege & & ! this . isPlayerGuard & & contract = = null )
loadInventory ( ) ;
this . updateLocation ( ) ;
public void despawn ( ) {
this . despawned = true ;
WorldGrid . RemoveWorldObject ( this ) ;
this . charItemManager . clearInventory ( ) ;
if ( this . StrongholdEpic & & this . stronghold ! = null & & this . stronghold . isActive )
this . stronghold . isActive = false ;
public boolean canBeLooted ( ) {
return ! this . isAlive ( ) ;
public int getTypeMasks ( ) {
if ( this . mobBase = = null )
return 0 ;
return this . mobBase . getTypeMasks ( ) ;
/ * *
* Clears and sets the inventory of the Mob . Must be called every time the
* mob is spawned or respawned .
* /
public void loadInventory ( ) {
if ( ! MBServerStatics . ENABLE_MOB_LOOT )
return ;
this . charItemManager . clearInventory ( ) ;
this . charItemManager . clearEquip ( ) ;
if ( isPlayerGuard )
return ;
LootManager . GenerateMobLoot ( this ) ;
public void updateDatabase ( ) {
// DbManager.MobQueries.updateDatabase(this);
public void refresh ( ) {
if ( this . isAlive ( ) )
WorldGrid . updateObject ( this ) ;
public void recalculateStats ( ) {
try {
calculateModifiedStats ( ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
Logger . error ( e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
try {
calculateAtrDefenseDamage ( ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
Logger . error ( this . getMobBaseID ( ) + " /" + e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
try {
calculateMaxHealthManaStamina ( ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
Logger . error ( e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
if ( this . StrongholdCommander | | this . StrongholdGuardian | | this . StrongholdEpic ) {
this . setResists ( new Resists ( "Elite" ) ) ;
} else if ( Mob . discDroppers . contains ( this ) ) {
this . setResists ( new Resists ( "Dropper" ) ) ;
} else if ( this . isDropper ) {
this . setResists ( new Resists ( "Dropper" ) ) ;
} else {
this . setResists ( new Resists ( ) ) ;
this . resists . calculateResists ( this , false ) ;
public void calculateMaxHealthManaStamina ( ) {
if ( this . StrongholdCommander ) {
this . healthMax = 50000 ;
return ;
} else if ( this . StrongholdGuardian ) {
this . healthMax = 12500 ;
return ;
} else if ( this . StrongholdEpic ) {
this . healthMax = 250000 ;
return ;
float h ;
float m ;
float s ;
h = this . mobBase . getHealthMax ( ) ;
if ( this . isPet ( ) ) {
h = this . level * 0 . 5f * 120 ;
m = this . statSpiCurrent ;
s = this . statConCurrent ;
// Apply any bonuses from runes and effects
if ( this . bonuses ! = null ) {
h + = this . bonuses . getFloat ( ModType . HealthFull , SourceType . None ) ;
m + = this . bonuses . getFloat ( ModType . ManaFull , SourceType . None ) ;
s + = this . bonuses . getFloat ( ModType . StaminaFull , SourceType . None ) ;
//apply effects percent modifiers. DO THIS LAST!
h * = ( 1 + this . bonuses . getFloatPercentAll ( ModType . HealthFull , SourceType . None ) ) ;
m * = ( 1 + this . bonuses . getFloatPercentAll ( ModType . ManaFull , SourceType . None ) ) ;
s * = ( 1 + this . bonuses . getFloatPercentAll ( ModType . StaminaFull , SourceType . None ) ) ;
// Set max health, mana and stamina
if ( h > 0 )
this . healthMax = h ;
this . healthMax = 1 ;
if ( m > - 1 )
this . manaMax = m ;
this . manaMax = 0 ;
if ( s > - 1 )
this . staminaMax = s ;
this . staminaMax = 0 ;
// Update health, mana and stamina if needed
if ( this . getHealth ( ) > this . healthMax )
this . setHealth ( this . healthMax ) ;
if ( this . mana . get ( ) > this . manaMax )
this . mana . set ( this . manaMax ) ;
if ( this . stamina . get ( ) > this . staminaMax )
this . stamina . set ( staminaMax ) ;
public void calculateAtrDefenseDamage ( ) {
if ( this . StrongholdCommander ) {
this . maxDamageHandOne = 3500 ;
this . minDamageHandOne = 1500 ;
int atr = 3500 ;
int defense = 3500 ;
if ( this . bonuses ! = null ) {
defense = GetDefense ( defense , this ) ;
atr = GetAttackRating ( atr , this ) ;
this . defenseRating = defense ;
this . atrHandOne = atr ;
return ;
} else if ( this . StrongholdGuardian ) {
this . maxDamageHandOne = 1550 ;
this . minDamageHandOne = 750 ;
int atr = 1800 ;
int defense = 2200 ;
if ( this . bonuses ! = null ) {
defense = GetDefense ( defense , this ) ;
atr = GetAttackRating ( atr , this ) ;
this . defenseRating = defense ;
this . atrHandOne = atr ;
return ;
} else if ( this . StrongholdEpic ) {
this . maxDamageHandOne = 5000 ;
this . minDamageHandOne = 2500 ;
int atr = 5000 ;
int defense = 3500 ;
if ( this . bonuses ! = null ) {
defense = GetDefense ( defense , this ) ;
atr = GetAttackRating ( atr , this ) ;
this . defenseRating = defense ;
this . atrHandOne = atr ;
return ;
if ( this . charItemManager = = null | | this . equip = = null ) {
Logger . error ( "Player " + currentID + " missing skills or equipment" ) ;
defaultAtrAndDamage ( true ) ;
defaultAtrAndDamage ( false ) ;
this . defenseRating = 0 ;
return ;
try {
calculateAtrDamageForWeapon ( this . equip . get ( MBServerStatics . SLOT_MAINHAND ) , true ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
this . atrHandOne = GetAttackRating ( this . mobBase . getAttackRating ( ) , this ) ;
this . minDamageHandOne = ( short ) this . mobBase . getMinDmg ( ) ;
this . maxDamageHandOne = ( short ) this . mobBase . getMaxDmg ( ) ;
this . rangeHandOne = 6 . 5f ;
this . speedHandOne = 20 ;
Logger . info ( "Mobbase ID " + this . getMobBaseID ( ) + " returned an error. setting to default ATR and Damage." + e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
try {
calculateAtrDamageForWeapon ( this . equip . get ( MBServerStatics . SLOT_OFFHAND ) , false ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
this . atrHandTwo = GetAttackRating ( this . mobBase . getAttackRating ( ) , this ) ;
this . minDamageHandTwo = ( short ) this . mobBase . getMinDmg ( ) ;
this . maxDamageHandTwo = ( short ) this . mobBase . getMaxDmg ( ) ;
this . rangeHandTwo = 6 . 5f ;
this . speedHandTwo = 20 ;
Logger . info ( "Mobbase ID " + this . getMobBaseID ( ) + " returned an error. setting to default ATR and Damage." + e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
try {
float defense = this . mobBase . getDefenseRating ( ) ;
defense + = getShieldDefense ( equip . get ( MBServerStatics . SLOT_OFFHAND ) ) ;
defense + = getArmorDefense ( equip . get ( MBServerStatics . SLOT_HELMET ) ) ;
defense + = getArmorDefense ( equip . get ( MBServerStatics . SLOT_CHEST ) ) ;
defense + = getArmorDefense ( equip . get ( MBServerStatics . SLOT_ARMS ) ) ;
defense + = getArmorDefense ( equip . get ( MBServerStatics . SLOT_GLOVES ) ) ;
defense + = getArmorDefense ( equip . get ( MBServerStatics . SLOT_LEGGINGS ) ) ;
defense + = getArmorDefense ( equip . get ( MBServerStatics . SLOT_FEET ) ) ;
defense + = getWeaponDefense ( equip ) ;
// TODO add error log here
if ( this . bonuses ! = null ) {
defense = GetDefense ( ( int ) defense , this ) ;
} else
Logger . error ( "Error: missing bonuses" ) ;
defense = ( defense < 1 ) ? 1 : defense ;
this . defenseRating = ( short ) ( defense + 0 . 5f ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
Logger . info ( "Mobbase ID " + this . getMobBaseID ( ) + " returned an error. Setting to Default Defense." + e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
this . defenseRating = ( short ) this . mobBase . getDefense ( ) ;
// calculate defense for equipment
public static int GetDefense ( int defense , Mob mob ) {
// add any bonuses
defense + = ( short ) mob . bonuses . getFloat ( ModType . DCV , SourceType . None ) ;
// Finally, multiply any percent modifiers. DO THIS LAST!
float pos_Bonus = 1 + mob . bonuses . getFloatPercentPositive ( ModType . DCV , SourceType . None ) ;
defense = ( short ) ( defense * pos_Bonus ) ;
//Lucky rune applies next
float neg_Bonus = mob . bonuses . getFloatPercentNegative ( ModType . DCV , SourceType . None ) ;
return ( int ) ( defense * ( 1 + neg_Bonus ) ) ;
public static int GetAttackRating ( int attackRating , Mob mob ) {
// add any bonuses
attackRating + = ( short ) mob . bonuses . getFloat ( ModType . OCV , SourceType . None ) ;
// Finally, multiply any percent modifiers. DO THIS LAST!
float pos_Bonus = 1 + mob . bonuses . getFloatPercentPositive ( ModType . OCV , SourceType . None ) ;
attackRating = ( short ) ( attackRating * pos_Bonus ) ;
//Lucky rune applies next
float neg_Bonus = mob . bonuses . getFloatPercentNegative ( ModType . OCV , SourceType . None ) ;
return ( int ) ( attackRating * ( 1 + neg_Bonus ) ) ;
private float getWeaponDefense ( HashMap < Integer , MobEquipment > equipped ) {
MobEquipment weapon = equipped . get ( MBServerStatics . SLOT_MAINHAND ) ;
ItemBase wb = null ;
CharacterSkill skill , mastery ;
float val = 0 ;
boolean unarmed = false ;
if ( weapon = = null ) {
weapon = equipped . get ( MBServerStatics . SLOT_OFFHAND ) ;
if ( weapon = = null )
unarmed = true ;
wb = weapon . getItemBase ( ) ;
} else
wb = weapon . getItemBase ( ) ;
if ( wb = = null )
unarmed = true ;
if ( unarmed ) {
skill = null ;
mastery = null ;
} else {
skill = this . skills . get ( wb . getSkillRequired ( ) ) ;
mastery = this . skills . get ( wb . getMastery ( ) ) ;
if ( skill ! = null )
val + = ( int ) skill . getModifiedAmount ( ) / 2f ;
if ( mastery ! = null )
val + = ( int ) mastery . getModifiedAmount ( ) / 2f ;
return val ;
private float getShieldDefense ( MobEquipment shield ) {
if ( shield = = null )
return 0 ;
ItemBase ab = shield . getItemBase ( ) ;
if ( ab = = null | | ! ab . isShield ( ) )
return 0 ;
CharacterSkill blockSkill = this . skills . get ( "Block" ) ;
float skillMod ;
if ( blockSkill = = null ) {
skillMod = CharacterSkill . getQuickMastery ( this , "Block" ) ;
if ( skillMod = = 0f )
return 0 ;
} else
skillMod = blockSkill . getModifiedAmount ( ) ;
float def = ab . getDefense ( ) ;
//apply item defense bonuses
return ( def * ( 1 + ( ( int ) skillMod / 100f ) ) ) ;
private float getArmorDefense ( MobEquipment armor ) {
if ( armor = = null )
return 0 ;
ItemBase ib = armor . getItemBase ( ) ;
if ( ib = = null )
return 0 ;
if ( ! ib . getType ( ) . equals ( ItemType . ARMOR ) )
return 0 ;
if ( ib . getSkillRequired ( ) . isEmpty ( ) )
return ib . getDefense ( ) ;
CharacterSkill armorSkill = this . skills . get ( ib . getSkillRequired ( ) ) ;
if ( armorSkill = = null )
return ib . getDefense ( ) ;
float def = ib . getDefense ( ) ;
//apply item defense bonuses
return ( def * ( 1 + ( ( int ) armorSkill . getModifiedAmount ( ) / 50f ) ) ) ;
private void calculateAtrDamageForWeapon ( MobEquipment weapon , boolean mainHand ) {
int baseStrength = 0 ;
float skillPercentage , masteryPercentage ;
float mastDam ;
// make sure weapon exists
boolean noWeapon = false ;
ItemBase wb = null ;
if ( weapon = = null )
noWeapon = true ;
else {
ItemBase ib = weapon . getItemBase ( ) ;
if ( ib = = null )
noWeapon = true ;
else if ( ib . getType ( ) . equals ( ItemType . WEAPON ) = = false ) {
defaultAtrAndDamage ( mainHand ) ;
return ;
} else
wb = ib ;
float min , max ;
float speed ;
boolean strBased = false ;
// get skill percentages and min and max damage for weapons
if ( noWeapon ) {
if ( mainHand )
this . rangeHandOne = this . mobBase . getAttackRange ( ) ;
this . rangeHandTwo = - 1 ; // set to do not attack
skillPercentage = getModifiedAmount ( this . skills . get ( "Unarmed Combat" ) ) ;
masteryPercentage = getModifiedAmount ( this . skills . get ( "Unarmed Combat Mastery" ) ) ;
if ( masteryPercentage = = 0f )
mastDam = CharacterSkill . getQuickMastery ( this , "Unarmed Combat Mastery" ) ;
mastDam = masteryPercentage ;
// TODO Correct these
min = this . mobBase . getMinDmg ( ) ;
max = this . mobBase . getMaxDmg ( ) ;
} else {
if ( mainHand )
this . rangeHandOne = weapon . getItemBase ( ) . getRange ( ) * ( 1 + ( baseStrength / 600 . 0f ) ) ;
this . rangeHandTwo = weapon . getItemBase ( ) . getRange ( ) * ( 1 + ( baseStrength / 600 . 0f ) ) ;
skillPercentage = getModifiedAmount ( this . skills . get ( wb . getSkillRequired ( ) ) ) ;
masteryPercentage = getModifiedAmount ( this . skills . get ( wb . getMastery ( ) ) ) ;
if ( masteryPercentage = = 0f )
mastDam = 0f ;
mastDam = masteryPercentage ;
min = wb . getMinDamage ( ) ;
max = wb . getMaxDamage ( ) ;
strBased = wb . isStrBased ( ) ;
// calculate atr
float atr = this . mobBase . getAttackRating ( ) ;
if ( this . statStrCurrent > this . statDexCurrent )
atr + = statStrCurrent * . 5 ;
atr + = statDexCurrent * . 5 ;
// add in any bonuses to atr
if ( this . bonuses ! = null ) {
atr + = this . bonuses . getFloat ( ModType . OCV , SourceType . None ) ;
// Finally use any multipliers. DO THIS LAST!
float pos_Bonus = 1 + this . bonuses . getFloatPercentPositive ( ModType . OCV , SourceType . None ) ;
atr * = pos_Bonus ;
//and negative percent modifiers
//TODO DO DEBUFFS AFTER?? wILL TEst when finished
float neg_Bonus = this . bonuses . getFloatPercentNegative ( ModType . OCV , SourceType . None ) ;
atr * = ( 1 + neg_Bonus ) ;
atr = ( atr < 1 ) ? 1 : atr ;
// set atr
if ( mainHand )
this . atrHandOne = ( short ) ( atr + 0 . 5f ) ;
this . atrHandTwo = ( short ) ( atr + 0 . 5f ) ;
//calculate speed
if ( wb ! = null )
speed = wb . getSpeed ( ) ;
speed = 20f ; //unarmed attack speed
if ( this . bonuses ! = null & & this . bonuses . getFloat ( ModType . AttackDelay , SourceType . None ) ! = 0f ) //add effects speed bonus
speed * = ( 1 + this . bonuses . getFloatPercentAll ( ModType . AttackDelay , SourceType . None ) ) ;
if ( speed < 10 )
speed = 10 ;
//add min/max damage bonuses for weapon **REMOVED
//if duel wielding, cut damage by 30%
// calculate damage
float minDamage ;
float maxDamage ;
float pri = ( strBased ) ? ( float ) this . statStrCurrent : ( float ) this . statDexCurrent ;
float sec = ( strBased ) ? ( float ) this . statDexCurrent : ( float ) this . statStrCurrent ;
minDamage = ( float ) ( min * ( ( 0 . 0315f * Math . pow ( pri , 0 . 75f ) ) + ( 0 . 042f * Math . pow ( sec , 0 . 75f ) ) + ( 0 . 01f * ( ( int ) skillPercentage + ( int ) mastDam ) ) ) ) ;
maxDamage = ( float ) ( max * ( ( 0 . 0785f * Math . pow ( pri , 0 . 75f ) ) + ( 0 . 016f * Math . pow ( sec , 0 . 75f ) ) + ( 0 . 0075f * ( ( int ) skillPercentage + ( int ) mastDam ) ) ) ) ;
minDamage = ( float ) ( ( int ) ( minDamage + 0 . 5f ) ) ; //round to nearest decimal
maxDamage = ( float ) ( ( int ) ( maxDamage + 0 . 5f ) ) ; //round to nearest decimal
//add Base damage last.
float minDamageMod = this . mobBase . getDamageMin ( ) ;
float maxDamageMod = this . mobBase . getDamageMax ( ) ;
minDamage + = minDamageMod ;
maxDamage + = maxDamageMod ;
// add in any bonuses to damage
if ( this . bonuses ! = null ) {
// Add any base bonuses
minDamage + = this . bonuses . getFloat ( ModType . MinDamage , SourceType . None ) ;
maxDamage + = this . bonuses . getFloat ( ModType . MaxDamage , SourceType . None ) ;
// Finally use any multipliers. DO THIS LAST!
minDamage * = ( 1 + this . bonuses . getFloatPercentAll ( ModType . MinDamage , SourceType . None ) ) ;
maxDamage * = ( 1 + this . bonuses . getFloatPercentAll ( ModType . MaxDamage , SourceType . None ) ) ;
// set damages
if ( mainHand ) {
this . minDamageHandOne = ( short ) minDamage ;
this . maxDamageHandOne = ( short ) maxDamage ;
this . speedHandOne = 30 ;
} else {
this . minDamageHandTwo = ( short ) minDamage ;
this . maxDamageHandTwo = ( short ) maxDamage ;
this . speedHandTwo = 30 ;
private void defaultAtrAndDamage ( boolean mainHand ) {
if ( mainHand ) {
this . atrHandOne = 0 ;
this . minDamageHandOne = 0 ;
this . maxDamageHandOne = 0 ;
this . rangeHandOne = - 1 ;
this . speedHandOne = 20 ;
} else {
this . atrHandTwo = 0 ;
this . minDamageHandTwo = 0 ;
this . maxDamageHandTwo = 0 ;
this . rangeHandTwo = - 1 ;
this . speedHandTwo = 20 ;
public ItemBase getWeaponItemBase ( boolean mainHand ) {
if ( this . equipmentSetID ! = 0 )
if ( equip ! = null ) {
MobEquipment me ;
if ( mainHand )
me = equip . get ( 1 ) ; //mainHand
me = equip . get ( 2 ) ; //offHand
if ( me ! = null ) {
ItemBase ib = me . getItemBase ( ) ;
if ( ib ! = null )
return ib ;
MobBase mb = this . mobBase ;
if ( mb ! = null )
if ( equip ! = null ) {
MobEquipment me ;
if ( mainHand )
me = equip . get ( 1 ) ; //mainHand
me = equip . get ( 2 ) ; //offHand
if ( me ! = null )
return me . getItemBase ( ) ;
return null ;
public void runAfterLoad ( ) {
// Initialize inventory
this . charItemManager = new CharacterItemManager ( this ) ;
this . loadInventory ( ) ;
if ( this . isDropper ) {
this . setLevel ( ( short ) 65 ) ;
this . setResists ( new Resists ( "Dropper" ) ) ;
try {
if ( this . equipmentSetID ! = 0 )
this . equip = MobBase . loadEquipmentSet ( this . equipmentSetID ) ;
this . equip = new HashMap < > ( ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
Logger . error ( e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
// Powers from mobbase
if ( PowersManager . AllMobPowers . containsKey ( this . getMobBaseID ( ) ) )
for ( MobPowerEntry mobPowerEntry : PowersManager . AllMobPowers . get ( this . getMobBaseID ( ) ) )
mobPowers . put ( mobPowerEntry . token , mobPowerEntry . rank ) ;
// Powers from contract
if ( this . contract ! = null & & PowersManager . AllMobPowers . containsKey ( this . contract . getContractID ( ) ) )
for ( MobPowerEntry mobPowerEntry : PowersManager . AllMobPowers . get ( this . contract . getContractID ( ) ) )
mobPowers . put ( mobPowerEntry . token , mobPowerEntry . rank ) ;
if ( this . equip = = null ) {
Logger . error ( "Null equipset returned for uuid " + currentID ) ;
this . equip = new HashMap < > ( 0 ) ;
// Combine mobbase and mob aggro arrays into one bitvector
//skip for pets
if ( this . isPet ( ) = = false & & ( this . agentType . equals ( AIAgentType . PET ) ) = = false & & this . isNecroPet ( ) = = false ) {
if ( this . getMobBase ( ) . notEnemy . size ( ) > 0 )
this . notEnemy . addAll ( this . getMobBase ( ) . notEnemy ) ;
if ( this . getMobBase ( ) . enemy . size ( ) > 0 )
this . enemy . addAll ( this . getMobBase ( ) . enemy ) ;
try {
NPCManager . applyRuneSetEffects ( this ) ;
recalculateStats ( ) ;
this . setHealth ( this . healthMax ) ;
// Set bounds for this mobile
Bounds mobBounds = Bounds . borrow ( ) ;
mobBounds . setBounds ( this . getLoc ( ) ) ;
this . setBounds ( mobBounds ) ;
if ( this . contract ! = null & & this . contract . getContractID ( ) = = 910 ) {
this . isPlayerGuard = true ;
this . BehaviourType = MobBehaviourType . GuardCaptain ;
this . spawnTime = 900 ;
this . guardedCity = ZoneManager . getCityAtLocation ( this . bindLoc ) ;
//assign 5 random patrol points for regular mobs
if ( ! ( this . agentType . equals ( AIAgentType . GUARD ) ) & & ! this . isPlayerGuard ( ) & & ! this . isPet ( ) & & ! this . isNecroPet ( ) & & ! ( this . agentType . equals ( AIAgentType . PET ) ) & & ! ( this . agentType . equals ( AIAgentType . CHARMED ) ) ) {
this . patrolPoints = new ArrayList < > ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 5 ; + + i ) {
float patrolRadius = this . getSpawnRadius ( ) ;
if ( patrolRadius > 256 )
patrolRadius = 256 ;
if ( patrolRadius < 60 )
patrolRadius = 60 ;
Vector3fImmutable newPatrolPoint = Vector3fImmutable . getRandomPointInCircle ( this . getBindLoc ( ) , patrolRadius ) ;
this . patrolPoints . add ( newPatrolPoint ) ;
if ( i = = 1 )
MovementManager . translocate ( this , newPatrolPoint , null ) ;
if ( this . BehaviourType = = null )
this . BehaviourType = this . getMobBase ( ) . fsm ;
if ( this . isPlayerGuard ( ) & & this . contract ! = null )
if ( NPC . ISWallArcher ( this . getContract ( ) ) ) {
this . BehaviourType = MobBehaviourType . GuardWallArcher ;
this . spawnTime = 450 ;
} else {
this . BehaviourType = MobBehaviourType . GuardCaptain ;
this . spawnTime = 900 ;
this . guardedCity = ZoneManager . getCityAtLocation ( this . bindLoc ) ;
this . deathTime = 0 ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
Logger . error ( e . getMessage ( ) ) ;
protected ConcurrentHashMap < Integer , CharacterPower > initializePowers ( ) {
return new ConcurrentHashMap < > ( MBServerStatics . CHM_INIT_CAP , MBServerStatics . CHM_LOAD , MBServerStatics . CHM_THREAD_LOW ) ;
public boolean canSee ( PlayerCharacter target ) {
return this . mobBase . getSeeInvis ( ) > = target . getHidden ( ) ;
public int getBuildingID ( ) {
return buildingID ;
public void setBuildingID ( int buildingID ) {
this . buildingID = buildingID ;
public boolean isSiege ( ) {
return isSiege ;
public void setSiege ( boolean isSiege ) {
this . isSiege = isSiege ;
public void setNpcOwner ( AbstractCharacter npcOwner ) {
this . npcOwner = npcOwner ;
public boolean isNecroPet ( ) {
return this . mobBase . isNecroPet ( ) ;
public void handleDirectAggro ( AbstractCharacter ac ) {
if ( ! ac . getObjectType ( ) . equals ( GameObjectType . PlayerCharacter ) )
return ;
PlayerCharacter player = ( PlayerCharacter ) ac ;
if ( this . getCombatTarget ( ) = = null ) {
this . setCombatTarget ( ac ) ;
return ;
if ( player . getObjectUUID ( ) = = this . getCombatTarget ( ) . getObjectUUID ( ) )
return ;
if ( this . getCombatTarget ( ) . getObjectType ( ) = = GameObjectType . PlayerCharacter )
if ( ac . getHateValue ( ) > ( ( PlayerCharacter ) this . getCombatTarget ( ) ) . getHateValue ( ) )
this . setCombatTarget ( player ) ;
public void setRank ( int newRank ) {
DbManager . MobQueries . SET_PROPERTY ( this , "mob_level" , newRank ) ;
this . level = ( short ) newRank ;
public boolean isRanking ( ) {
return this . upgradeDateTime ! = null ;
public long getLastAttackTime ( ) {
return lastAttackTime ;
public void setLastAttackTime ( long lastAttackTime ) {
this . lastAttackTime = lastAttackTime ;
public void setDeathTime ( long deathTime ) {
this . deathTime = deathTime ;
public boolean isHasLoot ( ) {
return hasLoot ;
public DeferredPowerJob getWeaponPower ( ) {
return weaponPower ;
public void setWeaponPower ( DeferredPowerJob weaponPower ) {
this . weaponPower = weaponPower ;
public ConcurrentHashMap < Mob , Integer > getSiegeMinionMap ( ) {
return siegeMinionMap ;
public DateTime getUpgradeDateTime ( ) {
lock . readLock ( ) . lock ( ) ;
try {
return upgradeDateTime ;
} finally {
lock . readLock ( ) . unlock ( ) ;
public Contract getContract ( ) {
return contract ;
public void setContract ( Contract contract ) {
this . contract = contract ;
public boolean isPlayerGuard ( ) {
return isPlayerGuard ;
public void setPlayerGuard ( boolean isPlayerGuard ) {
this . isPlayerGuard = isPlayerGuard ;
public void setPatrolPointIndex ( int patrolPointIndex ) {
public int getLastMobPowerToken ( ) {
return lastMobPowerToken ;
public void setLastMobPowerToken ( int lastMobPowerToken ) {
this . lastMobPowerToken = lastMobPowerToken ;
public boolean isLootSync ( ) {
return lootSync ;
public void setLootSync ( boolean lootSync ) {
this . lootSync = lootSync ;
public HashMap < Integer , MobEquipment > getEquip ( ) {
return equip ;
public String getNameOverride ( ) {
return firstName + " " + lastName ;
public void processUpgradeMob ( PlayerCharacter player ) {
lock . writeLock ( ) . lock ( ) ;
try {
// Cannot upgrade an npc not within a building
if ( building = = null )
return ;
// Cannot upgrade an npc at max rank
if ( this . getRank ( ) = = 7 )
return ;
// Cannot upgrade an npc who is currently ranking
if ( this . isRanking ( ) )
return ;
int rankCost = Mob . getUpgradeCost ( this ) ;
if ( rankCost > building . getStrongboxValue ( ) ) {
sendErrorPopup ( player , 127 ) ;
return ;
try {
if ( ! building . transferGold ( - rankCost , false ) )
return ;
DateTime dateToUpgrade = DateTime . now ( ) . plusHours ( Mob . getUpgradeTime ( this ) ) ;
Mob . setUpgradeDateTime ( this , dateToUpgrade ) ;
// Schedule upgrade job
Mob . submitUpgradeJob ( this ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
PlaceAssetMsg . sendPlaceAssetError ( player . getClientConnection ( ) , 1 , "A Serious error has occurred. Please post details for to ensure transaction integrity" ) ;
} catch ( Exception e ) {
Logger . error ( e ) ;
} finally {
lock . writeLock ( ) . unlock ( ) ;
public void dismiss ( ) {
if ( this . isPet ( ) ) {
if ( ( this . agentType . equals ( AIAgentType . PET ) ) ) { //delete summoned pet
this . despawn ( ) ;
WorldGrid . RemoveWorldObject ( this ) ;
DbManager . removeFromCache ( this ) ;
if ( this . getObjectType ( ) = = GameObjectType . Mob )
if ( this . getParentZone ( ) ! = null )
this . getParentZone ( ) . zoneMobSet . remove ( this ) ;
} else { //revert charmed pet
this . agentType = AIAgentType . MOBILE ;
this . setCombatTarget ( null ) ;
//clear owner
PlayerCharacter owner = this . getOwner ( ) ;
//close pet window
if ( owner ! = null ) {
Mob pet = owner . getPet ( ) ;
PetMsg pm = new PetMsg ( 5 , null ) ;
Dispatch dispatch = Dispatch . borrow ( owner , pm ) ;
DispatchMessage . dispatchMsgDispatch ( dispatch , Enum . DispatchChannel . SECONDARY ) ;
if ( pet ! = null & & pet . getObjectUUID ( ) = = this . getObjectUUID ( ) )
owner . setPet ( null ) ;
if ( this . getObjectType ( ) . equals ( GameObjectType . Mob ) )
this . setOwner ( null ) ;
public static void AddDiscDropper ( Mob mob ) {
discDroppers . add ( mob ) ;
mob . setLevel ( ( short ) 65 ) ;
mob . setResists ( new Resists ( "Dropper" ) ) ;